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Book Trailers? Indeed.

Black Yoshi

Yeah, so I had to make a book trailer for my english class of my favorite book. Ender's Game, it was. If you haven't read this book, you should. It's a psychological thriller about a young genius being prepared to become the greatest military mind in the history of mankind. In a school in outer space. Marvel made a comic-book adaption of the novel, but I would say the original is much better, if only because you get to look into the kid's head more. Still, the comic is cool. Also, there's supposed to be a movie in 2013, starring Asa Butterfield (The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, Hugo, etc) as Ender, and even Harrison Ford is supposed to be in it. Exciting, right?

Anyway, the link is right HERE, and I think I didn't do a shabby job, all things considered. But good lord, I need a new version of Adobe.

So, yeah, here's my project! Hope you guys enjoy it, enjoy the book, enjoy ignoring this after reading this post, whatever. Lemme know what you think, eh?
I certainly enjoyed Ender's Game, but I only really picked it up for school. Your trailer was rather good as well, although it did kind of drag on a bit with the longer parts with no text.

Asa Butterfield seems perfectly castable as Ender.
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