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The Tribes of Sinnoh - The War

Name: Nasange Genghisid
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Tribe: Steel Chieftain
Personality: Played out.
Description: A bulky man standing around 5' 11", with close cut dark brown hair, and dull black eyes to match. Typically seen in his leading capacity wearing a fur-lined steel helm, wearing a simple light brown or tan outfit and leather boots. To battle, he typically wears a less restrictive beige shirt and pants with a brestplate. Carried at his side is a curved single-edged sword.
Partner Pokémon Details:
aggron, Temur, male
Biography: Nasange grew up, like many in the tribe, the son of a blacksmith. And so he studied patiently at his trade. However, he has also studied the wars of war, preparing him for a shot at the leadership position. A succession crisis ended with his family in control, and so Nasange emerged strengthened for the trials of leadership.
Relationships: Apprenticeship, anyone?
Other: Nothing yet.
Name: Agalo ((Ah-gah-loe))
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Tribe: Fire
Personality: PO
Description: (What do they look like?(Pictures Allowed))
Partner Pokémon Details: Roki ((row-KEYE)) Entei
Biography: can we release this piece by peice later in the story? I suck at these and I want to do some things that need me to do this. It will also help explain my personality.
Relationships: (PG 13, Family, Boyfriend/girlfriend, family, friends, etc.)
Other: (Anything else?)

Finishing rest later
Making a Pokemon form.

Name: Akain
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Species: Umbreon
Item: Chaos Ring (Raises the Power of Dark Type moves by 10%, but weakens the power of other moves by 3%.)
Home: Akain doesn't exactly have a home, as he follows the Dark Tribe around, although he isn't afflicted with the Dark Tribe in any way.
Personality: Akain is friendly despite his type, but if he gets agitated, he's not hesitent to fight.
Description: Akain looks no different from any other Umbreon, with the exception that he has the Chaos Ring over his right ear.
Biography: He's found natural trust in Xero after meeting him, and has been following him ever since, kind of like a second partner.

Still wild, though.
It'll start once:
A) Exo-Raikou finishes his form.
B) Someone new joins or
3) All of the above.
Can you change my Jolteon form to this?

Name: Sulrah
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Tribe: Warrior Tribe
Personality: He likes to smash stuff. Wait, no, he loves to smash stuff. He can seem a little bullyish but really that's because he doesn't want people to get close to him and find out his secrets
Description: He is physically tough and tall. He wears only light sparring clothes. His skin is tanned from spending so much time in the sun. He has deep blue eyes and black hair. He also enjoys surfing.
Partner Pokémon Details:
Hitmontop Male
Relationships: He has a secret crush on the Psychic Tribe's leader, but of course noone noes because it's a secret crush.
Other: His Hitmontop is often followed by Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, and occasionally he is followed by the rest of the Fighting types. When that happens he's jokingly refered to as the HitmonBoss, and his group the HitmonCrew or HitmonArmy
Name: Rikilo (RICK-eh-loh)
Age: 18 ((Machamp Years))
Gender: Male
Species: Machamp ((If Machamp is too strong I'll do Machoke))
Item: Expert Belt ((Worn as a sash))
Home: Warrior Tribe ((If anyone wants to be thier leader I could be your partner))
Personality: PO
Description: Machamp except he has five bony ridges instead of 3. He is also buffer.
Biography: Rikilo was born a Machop to a family of Haryiama and Machop ((Hey, his father liked younger women)) and he had two siblings. One was a Makuhita and one was a Machop. The Machop, his brother, died in a Pidgeot attack and Makuhita almost comitted suicide from grief. Rikilo as always supporting his sister even when they were living alone. His sister, now a Haryiama, ran off with a Hitmonchan and had four Tyrouges and a Makuhita together, leaving Rikilo alone. He was saddened by losing his family, but trainded harder to make up for it. During particular winter when he was a Machoke, he almost starved until saved by a Glalie family and was taken in for the winter. Their children however, did not approve of him and forced him to leave when the thaw came. Now all alone, Rikilo found a place where he would be appreciated, the Warrior Tribe. in the Tribe, he trained, and later evolved.
Other: I know I finished this and not my other one but hey. I think this turned out well.

Also, add to that list, 'when Brock gets off his lazy ass and finishes his form'
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