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Favourite Authors

re: salinger: did he ever write anything except Catcher in the Rye (I jest! he um wrote some short stories that is all I know god this is embarrassing)

just a bunch of short stories, no other novels. i have franny and zooey sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read; what i've skimmed through seemed pretty good.
Huh, I'm not sure I agree with Garth Nix. Sure, he's better than average, but not on the level of the others (not that either Pratchett or Gaiman are on the level of Le Guin but hey).
I'm not saying he is, but he's a considerably better writer than quite a lot of popular SFF writers. His stuff tends to get a bit weak around the middle - Sir Thursday and Lady Friday in the Keys to the Kingdom series were kind of bland, but Superior Saturday was good and the series up until then was good, too; Lireal in the Abhorsen trilogy was boring for the most part, too - but I'm quite fond of it otherwise.

Also agreed @ Le Guin.
I feel compelled to add Robin Hobb and, again, George R. R. Martin for proving that epic/high/whatever fantasy CAN be done right (I am looking at you, Robert Jordan and Terry Goodkind!).
I've strangely never read any of George R R Martin's stuff and I don't remember @ Hobb. I have difficulty reading bricks, you see. (Also yes they suck ass :[)
And while I'm at it, let's throw in some old school SFF; Asimov, Clarke, it's all good (unless it isn't).
Needs more Heinlein.
re: ayn rand: all I know about her is that she wrote Atlas Shrugged, which has always struck me as a pretty cool title.
I heard it has an eighty-page monologue on how the amoral hero is apparently the best guy ever and also on the virtues of capitalism. Eighty pages. "WE INTERRUPT THIS BOOK FOR THE AUTHOR TO GO ON AND ON ABOUT HER VIEWS"
re: paolini: stop reading pale imitations and go read what he ripped off (alternatively, stop being eleven)
And remember to recycle.
I'm not saying he is, but he's a considerably better writer than quite a lot of popular SFF writers. His stuff tends to get a bit weak around the middle - Sir Thursday and Lady Friday in the Keys to the Kingdom series were kind of bland, but Superior Saturday was good and the series up until then was good, too; Lireal in the Abhorsen trilogy was boring for the most part, too - but I'm quite fond of it otherwise.

Fair enough.

Also agreed @ Le Guin. I've strangely never read any of George R R Martin's stuff and I don't remember @ Hobb. I have difficulty reading bricks, you see. (Also yes they suck ass :[)

It's okay, the font is so tiny in GRRM's books that they're actually decent sized. (I am only half kidding).

also, in Robert Jordan's defence, WoT is about as entertaining as an over-the-top action movie; that is, a great deal of crap that still somehow manages to amuse.

Needs more Heinlein.

I must admit to never having read anything by Heinlein. I know, shun the unbeliever.

I heard it has an eighty-page monologue on how the amoral hero is apparently the best guy ever and also on the virtues of capitalism. Eighty pages. "WE INTERRUPT THIS BOOK FOR THE AUTHOR TO GO ON AND ON ABOUT HER VIEWS"

well wasn't the whole POINT of the book to explain her views
Fair enough.
This may however be tied to my love of things where EVERYBODY DIES BEFORE THE LAST BOOK STARTS. Okay well not everybody. Enough of everybody. And then they all fought giant bugs using magical umbrellas. While everybody dies. (I am mostly not making this up)
It's okay, the font is so tiny in GRRM's books that they're actually decent sized. (I am only half kidding).
:'[ brick
also, in Robert Jordan's defence, WoT is about as entertaining as an over-the-top action movie; that is, a great deal of crap that still somehow manages to amuse.
That's good at least, then.
I must admit to never having read anything by Heinlein. I know, shun the unbeliever.
well wasn't the whole POINT of the book to explain her views
But it like had a plot and such.
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