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Axe-Murderer style

Why don't we just wait for whatever one Butterfree feels like doing next? ?_?
I'm doing them in order by where they are in the style drop-down on the main site.
Since, unless Butterfree has that set for opal's specific computer (I doubt it), opal's screenshot is FAKE, we've got about 3 more before Butterfree makes Voice of the Forest. :[

EDIT: Mike, VotF is "Celebi", I believe.
No image manipulation programs were used in the creation of that screenshot; I swear it on anything and everything.

ETA: Save the cropping.
I finally got off my lazy butt and remade Axe-Murderer style. It's also been plugged into the Style Synchronizer so that if you have Axe-Murderer selected on the main site, it will be selected on the forums as well.

(Incidentally, there is also a new spoiler tag which allows you to specify what the tag spoils: [I][spoiler=The Bible]Jesus dies[/spoiler][/I] comes out as
Jesus dies

Thanks, the white burns my eyes :D

No fair Butterfree! I haven't finished it yet!
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