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Futurama Roleplay (Sign Ups Open)


loves terra "brain cells? idk her" kingdomhearts
"Good news everybody!"

The professor's voice rang out through the building. As the employees of Planet Express groan, the professor carries one.

"We have some new recruits today!" He chimed.

"Who are they?" Fry questions with mild curiousity.

"They are the new recruits!" he explains simply.

As the professor walks out of the room, getting the recruits, the employees groan once more.


The Futurama RP! See, the plot of this will be different every time. It's like every plot and solution will be an episode.

If you're wanting a character from the show, choose one from below to control. Remember, try to make them act as they should be.


Fry (Taken- Applejack)
The Professor
Zoidberg (Taken- CrookedStar)

If you want to make your own character, fill the form below.

[b]Age:[/b] (Must be old enough to be able to work)
[b]Personality:[/b] (PO is allowed)
[b]History:[/b] (How did you character join Planet Express?)


Applejack: Fry
Dar: Norman*
CrookedStar: Zoidberg

("*" means a character the person made themselves)
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Name: Norman
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Appearance: Kind of tall, at 6 foot 1. Deep blue eyes, with a nearly perfect smile and teeth. Has black hair which is normally disheveled. Has an average wardrobe and normally wears a blue hoodie. He is often found with a random object or animal, such as a remote or a goat with a head on both ends.
Personality: Norman can be outlandish, but is serious when nessesary. Knows how to have fun, and lacks common sense. Other than that, PO.
History: Before joining Planet Express, Norman went to college for four years to get his bachelor's degree. He joined a large company who designs and manufactures spaceship parts. However, there was a large incident on the job, which took several lives. After being sent to court and being fired, Norman lost a small part of his sanity. He then got a job at Planet Express after meeting the Professor at a gas station.
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