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Aid Required.

I have a world all ready to play in. Unlike many of the things in this area, it will not be about pokemon. However, here's the rub; I need a premise, a reason, a plot to play in this world. I have the bare bones, but no flesh to swath it.

The basic plot is this:

About a century ago a massive army took over most of the world. Its leader then set about putting an oppressive government into place. Secret police, spies and sycophants infest every level of society. On top of this, five different war leaders set up base in different cities; all of them claim to be the original leader, and work together to stamp out resistance. Strangely, all of them are human but have apparently discovered the secret of immortality, making them ageless.

Now, here's the part I need help with; fine detail. Should this take place in the past, the present or the future? Should there be magic or genetic experimentation? Should it be planned in so much detail that players can use a member of this oppressive regime as a character?

I have not, of course, revealed everything about the basic plot; to do so would spoil everything that the plot leads up to. Suggestions, however, are very welcome.
Should this take place in the past, the present or the future?
I personally am in the mood for present day.

Akesh the Devourer said:
Should there be magic or genetic experimentation?

Akesh the Devourer said:
Should it be planned in so much detail that players can use a member of this oppressive regime as a character?

I don't see why not.
Well, without either magic OR genetic experimentation, where's all the fun, eh?

Personally I could care less about the time it's set in. I'd prefer the past, though.
Why no magic or genetic experimentation? Surely one of them would be in use if the leaders had discovered some way of remaining ageless. The plot simply doesn't flow if there's neither one around.
I would say: stick with future, genetic experiments, and as for playable characters, I would say all sides are playable.

This gives a lot of freedom, and if you did this, I know I would join in a heartbeat. Sounds great!
Future... Genetic experiments... and a bit more planning.

I'd like to have a few more opinions, frankly, but I can do that. I shall work on it over the next few evenings and see what I come up with.
I'm always willing to help if there's something you're unsure about. If you just want more opinions, though, I guess there's not much I can do.

Just a heads-up for you - most of TCoD's roleplayers are hardly literate and very prone to one-line posts. This does not necessarily exclude MD himself.
I am least 3/4 literate!!!
Well, then again, you weren't talking about me.

The idea sounds neat. I'd join. I'd suggest the future and genetic experimentation, just to keep it realistic enough to be able to bend the 'rules' in other places. By 'rules', I mean the general amount of impossible-ness people have in RPs. Also, expand on that. Can the leaders be killed, or will they just not die naturally? What kinds of things are happening on the streets, where it's harder to have an iron grip? What positions can we play? I can come up with more questions if that helped. If not, I'll try to come up with a few answers and maybe I'll write an intro if I have time. Just ask me! I'm on summer vacation--it might take me two days, but I have PLENTY of time on my hands to help you.
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