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Splitting the Fangaming section up?

Should the Fangaming section be split?

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Heh, I make games, and I use RPG Maker XP. It's good, and its versatility can be increased if you know how to code Ruby, and its child language, RGSS. Game Maker is a bit too complicated, if you ask me. You have to upload single tiles, and make objects and other stuff. If you do want a tileset, you have to code it in using GML, which I can't really be bothered to learn just for this purpose.
I suppose it IS somewhat complex at first, but it's nothing compared to learning how to actually code. Still - it's not entirely uncomplex.

Nevertheless, it's called RPG Maker. Most popular versions are RPG Maker 2000 and RPG Maker XP, though there's also a 2003 and a fairly recent VX.

I've ONLY used the most complex programs, and I often give up after a couple of days of frusteration. XD

Thanks for the answer, sorry for the dumb question.
Heh, I make games, and I use RPG Maker XP. It's good, and its versatility can be increased if you know how to code Ruby, and its child language, RGSS
... You realize that Game Maker's versatility can be increased with ANY language ever, right? I can open up Turbo Pascel, and I can increase versatility.

If you do want a tileset, you have to code it in using GML, which I can't really be bothered to learn just for this purpose.

That is what the 'Use as tileset' checkbox is for in the Background Editor, as well as the 'Tiles' tab in the Room Editor...



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