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One-Shot Just had this idea

Chief Zackrai

pingpong wixard
Running. Running, through a thickly forested area, to be precise. Suddenly, I trip over the protruding root of a nearby tree. I look down at my hands, and I realize they aren't my hands. They belong to... a Scyther? Strange. Before I can return to my feet, flames lick at my heels. My heartbeat increasing, I jump up and begin running again. What was I running from? Again I trip. This time however, I fear that I won't be getting up. My left ankle is in too much pain for me to run again. I flip onto my back ready to try to fight off whatever was chasing me. I look back, and I see nothing but flames. Something is coming out of the flames now, though...

I bolted up from underneath my covers. Just a dream, I thought as my heart tried to beat regularly again. Why do I never see what is in the flames? I'm thinking again. How come every time the dream is the same, but different? Why was I a Scyther this time? The questions didn't stop.

Why is it so real?


I actually wrote this /as/ it came to me. When I started, it was going in a completely different direction...weird.
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