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Final Fantasy Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

Not Meowth

Cat, are you drilling?
All roles sent. Let's get this crap started.

Bear in mind unless I'm in an especially creative mood most flavour text for deaths will be "he dead lol talk about stuff now". Whatever flavour text there is may or may not be indicative of the method of death, so if I ever do any feel free to ask if you're curious/think it will help.

Anyway, 48 hours for night actions I guess. If that's way too long I can always shorten it on the seconf night \o/
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Re: Final Fantasy Mafia

As dawn breaks, the Heroes of Light awaken, and filled with a sense of dread, step out to see what damage their enemies have wrought during the previous night.

It doesn't take long to find a charred, battered and disfigured corpse, lying at the bottom of the largest of a cluster of craters blasted in the ground. On closer inspection, two stab wounds can be identified through the back, seemingly having been inflicted after whatever killed the person to begin with. The remains are still in good enough condition to identify them as sreservoir's.

A small party of the survivors gathers to search for any other fatalities. After a few minutes they return, carrying the body of Espeon. They check the body over for clues as to how he was killed, but far unlike sreservoir's, the body is untouched, with a look of surprise frozen on its face.

Still, one of their number is missing; after a lot of fruitless searching, no additional corpses are discovered. Suddenly, one notices a toad standing nonchalantly in the general area; the amphibian appears to be trying to get their attention...

sreservoir is dead. It was a Hero of Light.
Espeon is dead. He was a Hero of Light.
Superbird is a Toad. He may not communicate with any other player or use any night actions he may have until the end of the second night.
48 hours for discussion.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia

Two dead right off the bat...and a toad. I'm sorry, the toad part made me laugh a little. Sorry Superbird.

So...is there a chance of healer clash in this game?
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia

Well, that's two experienced players lost right off the bat...

And there's only one healing role, so healer clashes would be impossible.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia

Inexperienced ninja and experienced Mafia...this is just great. And a bad toad-caster. No leads, and experienced players killed. What will we do...
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia

Posting to avoid lynching. : )
...what. How does merely posting mean you're devoid of suspicion? If anything, it makes you look suspicious. Therefore I'm voting Saith until they can convince me otherwise.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia

Since Saith has an extremely small chance of being an activated alien (killing roles are Ninja, mafia, and Blue Mage with roulette), Saith it is then.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia

We know that our ninja/mafia goes for experienced players, so it doesn't seem like Saith would be an activated alien. Blue Mage might not use Roulette because the chance of him dying gets higher and higher each night.

Re: Final Fantasy Mafia

I vote for Saith because what he posted makes no sense right now since we're not even discussing lynching inactive people
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia

Bloody hell, I was being passive-agressive about being lynched for not posting in the Glee one.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia

When you post, you're actually supposed to contribute to the discussion, not just say "hi I'm here" and expect to be safe from lynching? If you're not mafia you need to convince us you're not, else it's curtains for you.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia

@Mike - Were the deaths merely flavor text?

@Everyone else - If not, what does this part mean?

On closer inspection, two stab wounds can be identified through the back, seemingly having been inflicted after whatever killed the person to begin with.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia

@Mike - Were the deaths merely flavor text?

@Everyone else - If not, what does this part mean?

On closer inspection, two stab wounds can be identified through the back, seemingly having been inflicted after whatever killed the person to begin with.
Presumably they were mafia and Ninja kills because healer clash is impossible and if the Blue Mage has a mote of intelligence, they chose a spell other than Roulette. (Doom has a delayed death and cannot possibly have killed last night.)
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia

Eh, I got nothing.
Although, when I turn out to be innocent, you're gonna seem a little over eager. That's not gonna change your mind, though, obviously, but hey.

Also, when I am lynched, it won't matter too much. My roll isn't too important 'cause I'm just the Necromancer, so I don't think I can even do anything beneficial, so yeah. : )
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia

Eh, I got nothing.
Although, when I turn out to be innocent, you're gonna seem a little over eager. That's not gonna change your mind, though, obviously, but hey.

Also, when I am lynched, it won't matter too much. My roll isn't too important 'cause I'm just the Necromancer, so I don't think I can even do anything beneficial, so yeah. : )

*eye-twitch* Maybe you're just new to this, but you do not reveal your role on the first day of mafia. Try reading other games, for one. Then again, and more likely to me, you might be a bad mafia trying to take cover.

Anyways, clues...good. First, though: does anyone here play Final Fantasy? I'm guessing that first death was mafia and second was Ninja, but...Any thoughts?
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