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sreservoir vs. Walker (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

Squornshellous Beta

Active member
3 v. 3 Set
DQ Time: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 70%
Banned/Limited Moves: OHKOs, weather moves, direct healing moves banned, chills limited to 5 per trainer (for the whole match).
Arena: Breezy Beach
Breezy Beach is, by all accounts, a perfectly normal sandy stretch of coastline, apart from the winds that are near constant there that drive off almost all tourism. Really, it's a wonder no one thought to schedule a battle there before: the water there is remarkably warm this time of year, the terrain is such that Pokemon would be reasonably evenly matched no matter where they were released (well, unless you were to release a fire type in the middle of the water or something, but we'll ignore the belligerently stupid options like those), and there's ample water for aquatic Pokemon and moves like Surf. The winds are fairly strong, but not enough to inhibit movement or blow over anything heavier than an empty bucket. In fact, for Pokemon in the air, they could even provide a boost. As for the water, it's perfectly calm aside from the occasional bit of driftwood that washes ashore. After about fifteen feet from shore, it gets deep enough for most water-bound Pokemon to swim around freely.
NOTES: Tailwind is in effect for all airborne Pokemon. If the move Tailwind is used, it will only be in effect for the user's team.
Walker's Active Squad
Splitscreen (Male)
Ability: Early Bird

Bastet (Female)
Ability: Technician

Refraction (Genderless)
Ability: Natural Cure
Held Item: Water Stone

The Mountain Called Monkey (Male)
Ability: Anger Point

Ruin (Genderless)
Ability: Levitate

Duke (Male)
Ability: Sticky Hold
Move Mod: Tar Spray
Held Item: Lucky Egg

Nelson (Male)
Ability: Water Absorb

Georgia (Female)
Ability: Natural Cure
Body Mod: Peach Scented

Delve (Female)
Ability: Levitate
Held Item: Petaya Berry

Eve (Female)
Ability: Magic Guard
Held Item: Soothe Bell

sreservoir's Active Squad
Vilya (Female)
Ability: Synchronize
Body Mod: Envy of Birds

Nenya (Female)
Ability: Shed Skin
Body Mod: some natural gift body mod (Hidden Power type: Fighting)

Narya (Female)
Ability: Flash Fire
Held Item: Fire Stone


Aua (Female)
Ability: Water Absorb

God (Genderless)
Ability: Download
Held Item: Up-Grade

Star (Female)
Ability: Magic Guard

Psuedodino (Female)
Ability: Guts

OH DEAR (Female)
Ability: Suction Cups

First Round
- sreservoir sends out
- Walker sends out and attacks
- sreservoir attacks
- I ref
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Once upon a time, at the foot of a great mountain, there was a town where the people known as Happy Folk lived...

Spam Brick Break, and Bulk Up if she uses Protect. Taunt if they try to tickle you.

Brick Break/Bulk Up/Taunt x3

(in case it isn't clear, I'm using The Mountain Called Monkey for this. also, thanks a ton for reffing :D i really like the idea behind this arena and didn't want to see it go to waste)
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3 v. 3 Set
DQ Time: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 70%
Banned/Limited Moves: OHKOs, weather moves, direct healing moves banned, chills limited to 5 per trainer (for the whole match).
Arena: Breezy Beach
Breezy Beach is, by all accounts, a perfectly normal sandy stretch of coastline, apart from the winds that are near constant there that drive off almost all tourism. Really, it's a wonder no one thought to schedule a battle there before: the water there is remarkably warm this time of year, the terrain is such that Pokemon would be reasonably evenly matched no matter where they were released (well, unless you were to release a fire type in the middle of the water or something, but we'll ignore the belligerently stupid options like those), and there's ample water for aquatic Pokemon and moves like Surf. The winds are fairly strong, but not enough to inhibit movement or blow over anything heavier than an empty bucket. In fact, for Pokemon in the air, they could even provide a boost. As for the water, it's perfectly calm aside from the occasional bit of driftwood that washes ashore. After about fifteen feet from shore, it gets deep enough for most water-bound Pokemon to swim around freely.
NOTES: Tailwind is in effect for all airborne Pokemon. If the move Tailwind is used, it will only be in effect for the user's team.
Pre-Round Notes
Ah, breezy beach... what a wonderful vacation spot. If you ignore the near-constant winds, then it's lovely weather... yeah, not really that good. But it is a good place to battle, and a battle there shall be, since the opponents are even now squaring off against one another from opposite ends of the battlefield. At the ref's shout, barely heard over the winds, they both hurl their Pokéballs forward, one releasing a strange, wiggling anemone-thing, the other releasing a monkey. Still trying to be heard over the wind, the ref shouts, "Battle begin!"

Team sreservoir

OH DEAR (Female)
Ability: Suction Cups
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: I recognize this place... I came here once before I became a fossil!
Commands: Confuse Ray ~ Barrier ~ Sandstorm
Chills: 0/5

Team Walker

The Mountain Called Monkey (Male)
Ability: Anger Point
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: So... this a beach? Cool.
Commands: Brick Break / Bulk Up / Taunt ~ Brick Break / Bulk Up / Taunt ~ Brick Break / Bulk Up / Taunt
Chills: 0/5

Round 1 Begin!

The Pokémon both preparing to move, The Mountain is by far the fastest of the two. Darting towards OH DEAR, he punches her three times, causing her to recoil and withdraw into itself in pain. Once it is determined that the monkey is safely away, she warily comes back out of what she considers the safest place to be right now - pulled back into her shell-thing. She bends all of her feelers towards a central point, and in that point a small orb of color forms. With a flick of her feelers, she sends it flying towards The Mountain, where it slows down and begins drifting idly in front of his eyes.

Determined to ignore the floating glowy blob that he just knows is some devilish illusion caused by that thing, he darts back towards OH DEAR... at which point the light darts round in front of him, he misses his footing, trips, hits the ground and skids forward on his face. Picking himself back up, he curses the glowy blob. Meanwhile, OH DEAR has been focusing hard. Suddenly, a hemisphere of what looks like glass appears around the anemone.

The Mountain darts toward the shield, figuring that if it's glass he might be able to smash it. To his surprise, he passes straight through, but it's like moving through treacle - he can't get nearly as much velocity behind his punches, and OH DEAR, who is not experiencing the same effect, notes that the punches' power is reduced. Darting back and away from the horrible treacley feeling, The Mountain observes that the anemone seems to have gone mad. She's waving her tendrils around... dancing, it seems, wriggling back and forth... but it does serve a purpose, since as she does so, the sand on the beach begins lifting itself up and throwing itself around, and suddenly the sky seems full of it. What little he can see of the Lileep seems to have stopped dancing, though, so he figures it shouldn't get any thicker. Maybe.

Just before the round ends, The Mountain notes a sandpapery feel on his skin, which is not pleasant. He hopes it will end soon, but he also rather doubts it. His mood is not improved by the reappearance of the glowy floaty thing, which darts back in fromt of his nose.

Round 1 End!

Team sreservoir

OH DEAR (Female)
Ability: Suction Cups
Health: 78%
Energy: 83%
Status: That hurt. D< Defense +2
Attacks Used: Confuse Ray ~ Barrier ~ Sandstorm
Chills: 0/5

Team Walker

The Mountain Called Monkey (Male)
Ability: Anger Point
Health: 96%
Energy: 90%
Status: The glowy lights... pretty... Confused (Severe; 75% chance of confusionfail)
Attacks Used: Brick Break ~ [confused] ~ Brick Break
Chills: 0/5

Damage / Energy Calculations
Brick Break - 12% damage, 5% energy (Accuracy roll 55, needed 100 to miss)
Confuse Ray - 6% energy (Accuracy roll 52, needed 100 to miss)
Confusionfail - 4% damage (The Mountain)
Barrier - 5% energy (Accuracy roll 82, needed 100 to miss)
Brick Break - 10% damage, 5% energy (Accuracy roll 37, needed 100 to miss)
Sandstorm - 6% energy (Accuracy roll 79, needed 100 to miss)

- Yeah, it was pretty obvious that you meant The Mountain, since you seem to like giving him dramatic speeches.
- Woah, Brick Break is powerful.
- My first proper reffing! Yay!

Arena Notes
- There is a raging Sandstorm (5% per round, 3 more rounds).

Next Round
- sreservoir Attacks
- Walker Attacks
- I ref
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...barrier requires upkeep? it's a flat stat boost, and unlike light screen and reflect, doesn't have the concentration line in the AAG. doesn't affect anything significant, though, so.

Stockpile 25%, Toxic, and then Attract. swap out for Giga Drain, Giga Drain, or Mud-Slap if you get Taunted or are otherwise unable to use the first set.

Stockpile (25%) / Giga Drain (energy) ~ Toxic / Giga Drain (energy) ~ Attract / Mud-Slap
...their very existence a mystery to the rest of the world, obscured as it was by great clouds.

Allow OD to use Stockpile, then Encore it. Next, Taunt, then Brick Break. If you're confused on the second action, try again on the third. I'd much rather you be poisoned than poisoned and ridiculously unlikely to do anything.

Encore ~ Taunt ~ Brick Break / Taunt
3 v. 3 Set
DQ Time: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 70%
Banned/Limited Moves: OHKOs, weather moves, direct healing moves banned, chills limited to 5 per trainer (for the whole match).
Arena: Breezy Beach
Breezy Beach is, by all accounts, a perfectly normal sandy stretch of coastline, apart from the winds that are near constant there that drive off almost all tourism. Really, it's a wonder no one thought to schedule a battle there before: the water there is remarkably warm this time of year, the terrain is such that Pokemon would be reasonably evenly matched no matter where they were released (well, unless you were to release a fire type in the middle of the water or something, but we'll ignore the belligerently stupid options like those), and there's ample water for aquatic Pokemon and moves like Surf. The winds are fairly strong, but not enough to inhibit movement or blow over anything heavier than an empty bucket. In fact, for Pokemon in the air, they could even provide a boost. As for the water, it's perfectly calm aside from the occasional bit of driftwood that washes ashore. After about fifteen feet from shore, it gets deep enough for most water-bound Pokemon to swim around freely.
NOTES: Tailwind is in effect for all airborne Pokemon. If the move Tailwind is used, it will only be in effect for the user's team.
Team sreservoir

OH DEAR (Female)
Ability: Suction Cups
Health: 78%
Energy: 84%
Status: That hurt. D< Defense +2
Commands: Stockpile (25%) / Giga Drain (energy) ~ Toxic / Giga Drain (energy) ~ Attract / Mud-Slap
Chills: 0/5

Team Walker

The Mountain Called Monkey (Male)
Ability: Anger Point
Health: 96%
Energy: 90%
Status: The glowy lights... pretty... Confused (Severe; 75% chance of confusionfail)
Commands: Encore ~ Taunt ~ Brick Break / Taunt
Chills: 0/5

Round 2 Begin!

With the second round beginning, The Mountain... does nothing. He just sits there as OH DEAR reaches down, scoops up what is in all probability a lump of sand and beach-bugs, and... eats it. Or at least, pulls it into her main body, which expands slightly. Next, he remembers, he's to make her repeat that. He begins running over to OH DEAR, when the same floaty glowy light pulls itself back round in front of him, obscuring his vision. When it clears, he is running right at a tree.

OH DEAR hears a dull 'thonk' sound.

Rubbing his head where the coconut that he dislodged fell on it, he walks, careful not to run, a little closer to OH DEAR, where he begins a stream of insults: "Hey, you wiggly little sea-sponge, what was that? Stopping in the middle of a battle to eat? You wouldn't know strategy if it hit you in the nose! And all that sand and bugs don't do wonders for your waistline, either! Just get out of here, you useless lump!" OH DEAR, understandably, becomes annoyed at these insults. Noisy little screech-monkey... he has the nerve to call ME fat? And how am I to blame for my trainer's commands? However, she's rather more annoyed than she would normally be; annoyed to the point where all she can think about is TEARING THE SCREECH-MONKEY TO SHREDS. She concentrates hard, and The Mountain begins glowing bright green; the green aura rips itself off him and comes flying towards OH DEAR, who absorbs it as easily as a sponge in water; she feels considerably refreshed afterwards, newly focussed on RIPPING HIM LIMB FROM LIMB.

The Mountain, calling this a success, darts toward OH DEAR, when the glowy light reappears once again, he loses his focus, trips once more, and actually manages to tumble end-over-end in the air before crashing into another coconut tree, though this time no coconuts fall. OH DEAR, meanwhile, splashes some seawater onto the sand to make sure it's nice and wet, then scrapes it up with her feelers and throws it, hard, at The Mountain, with a shout of "Eat some sand and we'll see how you like it, screech-monkey!". It hits him right in the eyes, and suddenly his vision is blurred.

He's really getting sick of sand right now as the sandstorm grates against his skin with renewed vigour, burning and opening up several small cuts.

Round 2 End!

Team sreservoir

OH DEAR (Female)
Ability: Suction Cups
Health: 78%
Energy: 82%
Status: KILL THE MONKEY Defense +3; special defense +1; taunted (one more action)
Attacks Used: Stockpile (25%) ~ Giga Drain ~ Mud-Slap
Chills: 0/5

Team Walker

The Mountain Called Monkey (Male)
Ability: Anger Point
Health: 93%
Energy: 78%
Status: I really hate sand. Confused (Severe; 75% chance of confusionfail); accuracy -1
Attacks Used: [confused] ~ Taunt ~ [confused]
Chills: 0/5

Damage / Energy Calculations
Stockpile - 3% energy
Confusionfail - 4% damage (The Mountain)
Taunt - 3% energy (Accuracy roll 55, needed 100 to miss)
Giga Drain - 9% energy-damage, restored 5% energy (Accuracy roll 82, needed 100 to miss)
Confusionfail - 4% damage (The Mountain)
Mud-Slap - 3% damage, 4% energy (Accuracy roll 68, needed 100 to miss)

- Whoo, that didn't go well for The Mountain.
- I'm running out of ways to describe a confusionfail.

Arena Notes
- There is a raging Sandstorm (5% per round, 2 more rounds).

Next Round
- Walker Attacks
- sreservoir Attacks
- I ref
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Here they played out their peaceful lives, innocent of the litany of excess and violence that was growing in the world below. To live in harmony with the spirit of the mountain called Monkey was enough.

Spam Rock Smash. If he decides to use a non-attacking move, use Focus Punch.
I imagine he would be content to sit around and Giga Drain for the whole match, so if he uses that, Spite it. That should mean he's losing 1% energy each time he uses it, not that it might stop him.

Rock Smash / Focus Punch / Spite x3
pfft I have more draining moves than giga drain! like mega drain! but.

a single focus punch against, say, +1 defense is what? 32%? at 8% energy? let's jack up the failure rate, then! mud slap him twice, then toxic for EXTRA RESIDUAL DAMAGE.

...I could probably sit here and or mega drain for all eternity, yes. but it's hardly efficient, at 7%/5% and recovering only 3%. I do better with residuals and stalling.

mud slap ~ mud slap ~ toxic
3 v. 3 Set
DQ Time: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 70%
Banned/Limited Moves: OHKOs, weather moves, direct healing moves banned, chills limited to 5 per trainer (for the whole match).
Arena: Breezy Beach
Breezy Beach is, by all accounts, a perfectly normal sandy stretch of coastline, apart from the winds that are near constant there that drive off almost all tourism. Really, it's a wonder no one thought to schedule a battle there before: the water there is remarkably warm this time of year, the terrain is such that Pokemon would be reasonably evenly matched no matter where they were released (well, unless you were to release a fire type in the middle of the water or something, but we'll ignore the belligerently stupid options like those), and there's ample water for aquatic Pokemon and moves like Surf. The winds are fairly strong, but not enough to inhibit movement or blow over anything heavier than an empty bucket. In fact, for Pokemon in the air, they could even provide a boost. As for the water, it's perfectly calm aside from the occasional bit of driftwood that washes ashore. After about fifteen feet from shore, it gets deep enough for most water-bound Pokemon to swim around freely.
NOTES: Tailwind is in effect for all airborne Pokemon. If the move Tailwind is used, it will only be in effect for the user's team.
Team sreservoir

OH DEAR (Female)
Ability: Suction Cups
Health: 78%
Energy: 82%
Status: KILL THE MONKEY Defense +3; special defense +1; taunted (one more action)
Commands: Mud-Slap ~ Mud-Slap ~ Toxic
Chills: 0/5

Team Walker

The Mountain Called Monkey (Male)
Ability: Anger Point
Health: 93%
Energy: 78%
Status: I really hate sand. Confused (Severe; 75% chance of confusionfail); accuracy -1
Commands: Rock Smash / Focus Punch / Spite ~ Rock Smash / Focus Punch / Spite ~ Rock Smash / Focus Punch / Spite
Chills: 0/5

Round 2 Begin!

Ignoring the glowy floaty light, The Mountain darts toward OH DEAR and, leaping through the treacley shield, delivers a punch to the solid exoskeleton and jumps back. OH DEAR scrapes up a scoop of wet sand and throws it at The Mountain. Some sand manages to get in his eyes, making it even more difficult for him to see.

Despite the waviness of his vision, The Mountain manages to find OH DEAR and land another light punch. OH DEAR, feeling her irrational rage fading, scoops up yet another lump of sand and lobs it at The Mountain's face, obscuring his vision further.

This time, noting the Lileep makes no move to attack, The Mountain begins charging fighting-type energy in his fist. He fails to do anything useful, however, as the energy backfires with a small explosion, scorching his hand slightly and making him very irritated. The reason that OH DEAR has been so still is shortly revealed as she spits out a glob of toxic chemicals gathered from various sources in her body, which hurtles towards The Mountain and soaks into his skin, almost immediately beginning circulating in his bloodstream.

He notes the dula irritations of the sandstorm and the toxic as the round draws to a close.

Round 2 End!

Team sreservoir

OH DEAR (Female)
Ability: Suction Cups
Health: 74%
Energy: 72%
Status: KILL THE MONKEY Defense +3; special defense +1
Attacks Used: Mud-Slap ~ Mud-Slap ~ Toxic
Chills: 0/5

Team Walker

The Mountain Called Monkey (Male)
Ability: Anger Point
Health: 83%
Energy: 70%
Status: I really hate sand. Confused (Moderate; 50% chance of confusionfail); accuracy -3, badly poisoned (2% this round, 3% next)
Attacks Used: Rock Smash ~ Rock Smash ~ [confused]
Chills: 0/5

Damage / Energy Calculations
Rock Smash - 2% health, 4% energy (accuracy roll 84, needed 90 or above to miss)
Mud-Slap - 2% health, 2% energy (accuracy roll 3, needed 100 to miss)
Rock Smash - 2% health, 4% energy (accuracy roll 43, needed 80 or above to miss)
Mud-Slap - 2% health, 2% energy (accuracy roll 13, needed 100 to miss)
Confusionfail - 4% damage (The Mountain)
Toxic - 6% energy (accuracy roll 20, needed 85 or above to miss)

- Sorry for the wait guys, wasn't in a reffing-y mood yesterday. Yes, I consider one day a wait.

Arena Notes
- There is a raging Sandstorm (5% per round, 1 more round).

Next Round
- sreservoir Attacks
- Fruity Walkerloops Attacks
- I ref
did you roll rock smash's defense-lowering chance?

anyway! aggravate that confusion with another confuse ray, then stealth rock as close to yourself as possible without being cumbersome enough that you'll be hitting yourself with it, and then end with spit up. mud-slap as an alternative to any of them if taunted, or barrier if he protects.

confuse ray / mud-slap / barrier ~ stealth rock / mud-slap / barrier ~ spit up / mud-slap / barrier
Then one day, Strangefolk arrived in the town. They came in camouflage, hidden behind dark glasses, but no one noticed them. They only saw shadows; you see, without the truth of the eyes, the Happyfolk were blind.

Protect ~ Vacuum Wave ~ Vacuum Wave
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