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RespectTheBlade vs. Bes (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

Squornshellous Beta

Active member
A challenge for just about anyone~

1v1 single
Style: set
DQ: 7 days
Damage cap: 45%
Banned moves: Evasion increase, OHKO
Arena: SPACE!

Literally. You are on the moon. Oxygen masks and tanks of air will be provided for all participating. There are craters here and there, and gravity is reduced, so all Pokemon jump higher than usual. Also, all moves that involve space (i.e. Cosmic Power, Moonlight, and Morning Sun) gain 20% efficiency, as you are in space.
Bes's Active Squad
Bes (Genderless)
Ability: Levitate

Ptah (Unspecified)
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Held Item: Razor Fang

Ramses (Unspecified)
Ability: Poison Heal

RespectTheBlade's Active Squad
Drake (Male)
Ability: Shed Skin

Pix (Female)
Ability: Arena Trap

Fluff (Female)
Ability: Natural Cure

Paralyzer (Male)
Ability: Effect Spore

-273ºC (Female)
Ability: Ice Body
Held Item: Dawn Stone

First Round
- Bes sends out
- RespectTheBlade sends out and attacks
- Bes attacks
- I ref

(Also Bes, your Ptah and Rameses are missing their genders in your profile)
Alright, let's try this again, Drake.

Well, Let's start of with an Ice Beam, followed by an Aqua Tail and then another Ice Beam. If at any point he Protects, Detects, or does something to prevent your attack from doing damage, use Dragon Dance.

Ice Beam/Dragon Dance~Aqua Tail/Dragon Dance~Ice Beam/Dragon Dance
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