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Cosmic Blueberry vs Whirlpool


Screw the rules, I have green hair!
O: Chief Zackrai is having so much battles I want other battles too!

1v.s.1 singles (duh)
Style: Set (re-duh)
DQ: 4 days (96 hours)
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned moves: OHKOs, Evasion, direct healing, chills limited to 4/ pokemon
Arena: Baby Park

That's right, a baby park with pink and blue plastic cubes all around. A field of plastic with a small pool in the middle (30 cm deep, 2m of diameter) surrounded with various stairways and nets and everything we find in a McDonald.

Effects: only pokemon at their lowest stage of evolution.

At the end of each action, there is a 10% that a lego block falls on the head of a random battler, dealing 1% damage. (ok thats kind of random but eh).

Wonderful Profile

Cosmic Blueberry's active squad:


~Cotton the Swablu~
Natural Cure


~Snow the Mawile~
Sig Attribute: Magma Heart


~Coat the Swinub~
Sig Attribute: Static Fur


~Sun the Shuppet~

Whirlpool's active squad:

[Thin Air] Gastly (Male)
Ability: Levitate

[Crush] Zangoose (Male)
Ability: Immunity

[Shelly] Shellos (Female)
Ability: Sticky Hold

Whirlpool sends out
Cosmic Blueberry sends out and attacks
Whirlpool attacks.
go go Snow!


Lead with a good ol' Swords Dance to buffer your already massive attack (I guess). If you are taunted or facing a substitute, just use Crunch. After that, Taunt it unless it has a substitute or uses protect. If it has a substitute, use Crunch. If it protects, use Stockpile. If you are taunted, use Crunch. Repeat in action three except if its already taunted, if you are taunted or if it has a substitute, in which case you will use Crunch.

Swords Dance/Crunch~Taunt/Crunch/Stockpile~Taunt/Crunch/Stockpile
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well. do something, i dunno. like... hypnosis... confuse ray...?


EDIT: yo just posting the custom sprites with transparent background for eye pleasure:

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*pops in*

IIRC, the first person to post commands may edit them at any time until the next attacker posts commands.

*pops out*
Yeah, that's right. Whirlpool has edited the Double Team out, so Cosmic Blueberry can post commands at any time now.
uh... I already gave my commands... Does that mean that i can post other commands since Whirly edited them or you just didnt see them?

If you didn't see them, then Lucas feel free to ref with my first commands and Whirly's edited post, I give him the permission.

If I can post new commands (which I highly doubt),

First, Crunch . Then, Taunt on the Thunderpunch. Then bolster your defenses with Stockpile unless the taunt misses, in which case you will use Crunch again.

You can use Double Team in ASB. It works exactly like it does in the anime and generates a number of clones proportional to your speed stat.

Evasion isn't a stat in ASB like attack or defense, but move that would raise it make it harder for opponents' attacks to hit.

iirc, of course.
Whoops, no, you don't post new commands. This whole thing is messing with my head, I'll ref for the earlier ones.
On the edge of a lonely highway sits a single McDonald's restaurnat. Other than the faint blinking of a "24 hour" sign in the window and the passing of the occasional car, the scene is relatively still. One car, however, pulls over and takes the closest spot to the door. The car's lights snap off and a figure emerges from the driver's side, walking toward the door. His entrance is met with the faint chiming of a bell and a not-so-cheerful "Welcome to McDonald's!" from a disgruntled graveyard shift busboy. The man looks up and, without saying a word, heads straight for the... Kiddie play area. The busboy, with a confused look on his face, says "Hey, sorry, but that playroom is for customers only... And typically children." The man stops, stares the busboy down, and replies, "Get me a milkshake. Chocolate." The busboy walks behind the counter, grabs a cup, and walks over to the milkshake machine. Meanwhile, the man walks into the playroom and sits down on the climbing net. Around him, there is a tiny spiral staircase, a small pool of water, and scattered groups of colored cubes. Above him is a network of tubes that connect to the staircase and climbing net. An adult would have trouble navigating through them, but a child or small pokémon could navigate with ease. As the man was admiring the playhouse, two other cars had pulled up next to his, with two people coming out and heading for the entrance. The bell chimes once more as the two enter. They too head for the playroom, only to be stopped by the busboy, now carrying a milkshake. "You guys too? Well, you have to buy something to use the playroom." The two look over and simultaneously say, "Water." The busboy leaves once more, grabbing two cups this time, while the others make their way into the playroom. They take opposite sides and, without wasting any time, each throw down a pokéball in front of them. On one side, a small, red, humanoid creature appears. It looks kind of cute, until what can only be described as a craniophilic, parasitic Venus Flytrap comes into view. The creature walks around and gawks at the toys, seeming unaffected by the... Thing on its head. On the other side, a cloud of gas emerges with a black, demonic-looking nucleus. It floats around a bit, looking apprehensive at his opponent. "I have to fight that thing? Look at all the teeth!" The ref, at this point, rises from his seat and yells, "Let the battle begin!"

Team Whirlpool (O)

Thin Air
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "That thing looks scary." -1 Attack.

Team Cosmic Blueberry (O)


Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "Ooh! Look at the cubes!"

Upon hearing her commands, Snow's heart skips a few beats. That sounds pretty confusing, she thinks to herself. She takes a few extra seconds to go over them in her head. I use Swords Dance, unless I'm Taunted,in which case I use... Gah! Well, it doesn't sound like any of these conditions will matter, anyway... Meanwhile, Thin Air begins to glow with a black aura, in addition to the purple cloud. Other than that, he just floats around; normally, a stall in battle like this would give him the perfect opening to attack, but his move is entirely dependent on Snow acting first. Snow, appearing to finish her thinking, finally starts do do something. She begins to spin around, her senses heightening and her muscles tensing and strengthening. This continues for a few more moments to the smug grin of Thin Air. As Snow finally begins to slow down, a dark tendril of energy extends outward from Thin Air, connecting briefly with Snow before retracting back into Thin Air's body. This leaves him with a wonderfully powerful feeling. Snow, having not noticed the snatching attack, feels more dizzy than boosted. Did I... Did I not do it right?
This time, Thin Air acts first, and quickly. Immediately, he begins to concentrate. Within moments, the gaseous cloud around his body begins to crackle with electricity, like the lightning produced by a powerful volcano eruption. When the sparks reach their zenith, Thin Air takes off, rushing toward Snow at full speed. Snow only has time to utter a small cry of anticipation before Thin Air rams into her. As Snow falls to the ground, Thin Air's sparks transfer over to her, coursing through her for a few seconds before dissipating. Thin Air floats in the air above her, triumphant. However, Snow immediately gets up, pretending to be unaffected. "Is that all you've got? My grandmother hits harder than that!" Thin Air's grin of triumph turns to a grimace of fury. Your grandmother? Your GRANDMOTHER? I just beat you to the ground, and you're insulting me? Well, I'll show her. She'll pay.
Thin Air goes first again; or, that is, does nothing first. In a fit of rage, he ignores his commands and thrashes around in the air for a little while. Had he been told to attack, then he might've taken out his frustration using that move, but as it is, he can not bring himself to do anything else. Snow capitalizes on this by using an attack of her own. She jumps into the air and spins 180 degrees, allowing her toothed appendage to face her opponent. Its "mouth" opens and clenches its jaws onto Thin Air, dragging it down to her level as Snow falls. Eventually, it lets go, allowing Thin Air to fall in a heap on the ground. A few moments later, Thin Air opens its eyes and floats back into the air, looking a little dazed. However, this only fuels its anger, and within a few minutes, he is thrashing in the air once again, albeit a little less violently. A few seconds later, a rustling is heard from the top of the tubes. Snow looks up, only to be caught in the eye by a rogue lego block. It doesn't appear to do much damage, but leaves Snow rubbing her eye. At this moment, the busboy walks in and delivers two bottles of water to the battlers. "If you want to battle here, that's okay, but be prepared to pay for the damages." he leaves the room, but keeps his eyes glued on the battle. It beats working all night.

Team Whirlpool (O)

Thin Air
Health: 88%
Energy: 88%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "You'll still pay." +1 Attack, Taunted (2 more actions).

Team Cosmic Blueberry (O)


Health: 92%
Energy: 88%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "Yeah. Take that."

- Yeah, I just made up a word.
- Sorry for the wait, I'll be quicker next time.
- Whirlpool attacks first.
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I could have *sworn* that he said to Crunch first.

Hm. I hate how it resists everything that's even remotely effective to it, so ThunderPunch will have to do, then Thunderbolt. Then, Skill Swap. If he Protects on the Skill Swap, then Substitute (15%).

ThunderPunch~Thunderbolt~Skill Swap/Substitute (15%)

Edit: Erm, I think you shouldn't edit your post after your opponent ordered, even if it was to put in a sprite. At least, Kratos said something like that in a battle before.
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