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Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [LOVER WIN]


Uh, I didn't do it.
All role PMs have been sent; waiting for everyone to confirm.

If you did not receieve your role PM please contact me.

Of Voodoo and Vampires

Vworp.....Vworp..... Vwooooorp... Vworp.... Creak!

The Doctor pokes his head out the TARDIS' door to take in the surroundings. Well, they'd landed at least. The Doctor stepped out into the fresh air followed by Amy and the Rory at her side. The night was still young, if a little humid.

"Where are we Doctor?" Amy asks.

"New Orleans!" The Doctor says with too much enthusiasm, "The Big Easy! There's Cajun food, shrimp, jazz, all the Southern comforts!" He spins around like a big kid in a candy shop, "They call New York the city that never sleeps, but whoever said that never went here!"

Rory stands by Amy and puts his hands in his pockets, "So - er - when are we?" He looks at Amy and smiles, "I'll never get used to that."

"Ah," the Doctor bends down to pick up a pinch of dirt, which he promptly licks, "Blach- hmm, 18....18...18....18...18" he murmurs as he investigates the dirt, "I'd say early 1840's, the city's prime!" The Doctor looks around, the old houses, built in the French style with intricate carvings, "But something is wrong, I just can't put my finger on it."

"There's nobody here," pipes in Amy looking down the block.

The Doctor smiles, "Exactly. I see an inn on the next block, come along, Ponds," he says as he begins walking down the block.

The Doctor is pounding on the inn door with his fist, "OI!"

A voice from inside, "WE'RE CLOSED!"

The Doctor seems to be screaming to the heavens, "Are you going to turn down paying customers!!"

"YES! If you got shut out during curfew it's your own damn fault!"

The Doctor waits a moment, "Are you going to let a pregnant woman sit outside all night?!"

"PREGNANT?!" gasp Amy and Rory at the same time. Rory stares at Amy in awe while she elbows the Doctor hard in the ribs and stomps on his foot.

"You're not?" Rory whispers.

"Of course not you idiot!" Amy shouts as she stomps on the Doctor's foot again.

"OW!" the Doctor shouts, hopping on one foot, "Look let us in! I have money, and what's this about curfew?"

A sigh from inside, the clunk of locks being unlatched, and a portly man appears in the doorway, wearing his pajamas, "Fine get in, it's not like I'm short on room, with everyone staying at home."

The Doctor steps forward, "Thank you, good sir!" He shakes the man's hand, "These are my friends, now what was this about a curfew?" They all shuffled in.

"'Names Herric," the innkeep says as he pulls out a bottle of wine from behind the bar, and pours them each a glass.

"Hello Herric, so this curfew," the Doctor inquires. Herric offers him a glass but the Doctor declines politely.

"Started about a month ago, every night there've been murders. Night falls, the next morning some poor sod shows up dead in the middle of the street. Their blood drained and two holes in their neck."

"Vampires?" Rory asks as he takes the seat next to Amy.

The Doctor looks at him and gives him a smirk, while Herrick continues, "That's what some think, others think it's bad Voodoo, you know someone dealing with things they shouldn't. The police issued a curfew to keep people off the streets after dark, but still someone shows up stone cold in the street anyways."

"This happens every night?" asks the Doctor. Herric nods. "Voodoo and Vampires, huh? That's new, never seen that before. Still I think we can afford to stay a while, let's see what happens in the morning.

"Yeah, you might as well pick your rooms for the night, it's getting late," Herric mutters as he finishes his wine and leads the three guests to their rooms.

48 hours to send in night actions.

16 hours left to send in night actions and confirm PM's.
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Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires

Time is up.


The Doctor was so startled by the scream that he fell out of the bed. Quickly he untangled himself from his sheets and ran out the door, pulling his suspenders over his shoulders. He stopped at his companions' door.

"POOOONDS!" He screamed, banging on the door, "PONDS! GET UP! WAKEY WAKEY! LET'S MOVE!" He heard the distinct sound of a pillow being thrown at the door and then a very tired looking Rory opened the door.


The Doctor leaned against the door frame and looked at Rory questioningly, "Are you deaf? Wake your wife up and let's move, something's going on outside."

The Doctor then thundered down the hallway and down the stairs and through the front door, leaving Rory in the doorway, "Um, I guess I should get Amy up then?" He called after the Doctor.

When the Doctor reached the street there was already a small crowd in the middle of the street, with police trying to shoo them away. The Doctor pulled out his psychic paper and pushed his way to the front, "Excuse me, pardon me, MOVE MAN!" he said as he nudged his way though the crowd.

"Excuse me sir, " said a young officer who was the one trying to control the crowd, " This is a crime scene I must ask-" he was interuppted, or sort of, by a man who'd walked by holding his throat and gesturing wildly.

Ignoring the mute the Doctor practically shoved the paper in the officer's face, "I think I have the rights to pass right?"

The officer blinked, "Er, of course, er... Your Holiness?"

"What? Oh wrong one," he passed the paper behind his back then displayed it again, "I think this is a little more appropriate."

The officer read it, "Of course Inspector," he said as he made room for the Doctor to squeeze through.

What the Doctor saw made his heart sink. Not one body, as he'd heard. But there were two.

One was a old man, a beggar by the looks of him and his tattered clothing. His skin was pale as newly whitened sheets, with two distinct holes in his neck. The Doctor took a closer look, the man was stone cold. All the blood was gone from his body, "Hmm." The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver from his pocket and scanned the body. He was human, that was easy enough. Curious.

The Doctor looked at the other body, and it was a little more gruesome. This one was already covered, it had been removed from the house across the street. The Doctor pulled back the sheets and heard a gasp from behind him. The Doctor turned, Amy and Rory had finally joined him.

Amy peeked over the Doctor's shoulder, "That doesn't look like a vampire to me."

The body was bloody, much of it's skin had been removed revealing the innards and bones. Hardly recognizable.

"No, I think whoever did that, " he nodded at the dead beggar, "didn't do this."

"So what now?" Rory asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"I'm not sure."

Seritinajii is dead. He was mafia.
Glace is dead. They were innocent.
Wargle is silenced and cannot participate in the daily discussion or vote.

A couple people didn't send in night actions.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

[In order as they were discovered. Glace was gruesome corpse, Seri was the beggar.]
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Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

Hm... Is there two factions?
Seri might have been Voodoo, as he was obviously killed by the Vampires.
Even if the Vampires had two kills, it seems obvious that it wasn't them who killed Glace.
So what killed Glace?
A Serial Killer?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

[I will remind that flavor text is very important in this game. (I took enough damn time writing it all out; it's basically a mini fan fiction!) It's like a game within a game, there are clues and hints thrown throughout each night and day posts, and I might pop in with in game character points. They are vague and are helpful to both mafia AND innocents in finding out kills and what are these secret roles... or vanilla roles.. or maybe not, who knows. A clue for everyone I was able to put in regular townies, this makes the roles so much more important! Oh and my GM interjections will be in this format!===>]
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

Two different styles of killing. Maybe we have a serial killer or vig at work, like Legendaryseeker99 said. 14 people seems kind of low for two factions, but I can see it happening. "Voodo and Vampires" is in the title, after all.
Sorry, can't quite think of anything to add. Just checking in.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

From my way of thinking (and from the text I got in my role), there are both voodooists and vampires, but the former are on the side of the town, with some of the powered roles. (Yeah, I'm softclaiming a powered town-sided role.) Knowing this, I'm sort of suspicious of both Squirrel and Legendaryseeker99, as they imply there should be two factions. Unless they're terribly clever, I'd say they don't have any voodoo powers, and are either vanilla or townies. (I'd ask any other voodooists to confirm my theory, but I know you might not want to, as it will put you at risk.) Either way, welcome to the lynch list. I suppose they could be powered-without-voodoo, as well, but being fair makes it harder to form a lynch mob. (I'm also slightly disturbed that we're lynching people in the South, but that's neither here nor there.)

Moving on, it seems odd that the vamps would take out one of their own, but there's a couple possible explanations: 1) There someone who can change how someone appears upon death, 2) there was a randomization last night, or 3) one of the lower tier vamp's goals is to become the boss, and, since the boss didn't send in a night action, sent in their own in order to become top dog. I'm leaning towards #1, as the Doctor says the begger was "clearly human," but Seritinaji appeared Mafia.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

I dunno about Legendaryseeker, but I was just thinking of possiblities (and actually thought vigilante or serial killer seemed more likely, as should be implied) and adding onto his. There were two deaths and the title is 'Voodoo and Vampires.' Neither seem like they'd have innocent affiliation, do they?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

Ahh, but the Doctor seems to think that they aren't vampires, does he not?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

I think that Glace was murdered by the Voodoo due to the fact the skin was remove and vampires killed their victims by sucking their blood out. For Seritinajii's death, it could be possible that he was framed or the text didn't really anything in this case.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

But we really have to keep in mind that it's not necessarily vampires or voodoo...ists! We can't just to conclusions like that.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

I'm leaning towards SK for Glace's death, although there might be a chance that it was some Bad Voodoo.

EDIT: Or Abomination. I was one in an old game and the flavour text included extremely gruesome kills.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

Does anyone have anything else to say? We are running out of time and I want to randomlynch Silver Panic unless someone oppose it.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

Extending day phase by 24 hours.

I don't want people dying because of inactive players.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

Eeh... You know the vampires could've been just really hungry. Ahahaha, well unless it's required, I'm abstaining.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

Is no one else a voodooist in this game? Seriously? My fellow powered folks are all staying quiet, or inactive? Oy vey... I'm going to go out on a limb and say that someone used either a reflect or randomize power last night, causing the weirdness. We'll know by tomorrow if deaths like this are standard, but for now, I'm going to nominate Squirrel, because they seem intent on framing voodooists. Poor reason, I know, but I'm getting a bad feeling about them.

(Just had a thought: it's possible that, for some reason, alignments get flipped upon death, meaning innocent appear Mafia and vice versa. That could also explain the vampire getting drained. Either that, or since they were drained, they "become" Mafia, and those who die in other ways are revealed truly.)
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 2: Of Voodoo and Vampires [DAY 1]

I'm going to nominate Squirrel, because they seem intent on framing voodooists.
The evidence you gave at the time of my post was vague and there was little to no evidence as to whether or not you were telling the truth. Even now, with no one else coming forward, there's little reason to trust you. At the moment, we're all just presenting possibilities.
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