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BlackTitress vs. Legos

Eta Carinae

I really loved that farm.
2v2 single
DQ: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned and Restricted Moves: OHKOs, Draco Meteor, Weather Moves
Arena Description:Rainy Field. Rain is always active in this field and it is always drenched with water.
Additional Rules: N/A

BlackTitress's Active Squad:

(Nagendra) Snivy [M] <Overgrow>
(Blanka) Zorua [F] <Illusion
(Arkaits) Rufflet [M] <Sheer Force>
(Avalon) Ralts [M] <Trace>

Legos's Active Squad:

(Nitra) Torchic [F] <Blaze>
(Tomogon) Bronzor [X] <Levitate>
(Nimbus) Cottonee [M] <Prankster>
(Charles) Barboach [M] <Oblivious>
(Calypso) Shinx [F] <Intimidate>

RNG decrees:

Legos to send out
BlackTitress to send out and order attacks
Legos to order attacks
I to ref

Ready, go
Okay, Avalon is my pick! First battle, here we go!

Avalon, I want you to start with Double Team for four clones and follow up with Confusion. If Calypso is already confused, use Magical Leaf, otherwise use Confuse Ray. If Calypso uses Thunder on any action, use Protect.

Double Team/Protect~Confusion/Protect~Magical Leaf/Confuse Ray/Protect

Start up with a Thunder Wave, then Signal Beam it for some good damage. Finish with a Toxic.

Thunder Wave ~ Signal Beam ~ Toxic
2v2 single
DQ: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned and Restricted Moves: OHKOs, Draco Meteor, Weather Moves
Arena Description:Rainy Field. Rain is always active in this field and it is always drenched with water.
Additional Rules: N/A

Round 1

BlackTitress OO


Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
(Avalon) Ralts [M] <Trace (Intimidate)>
Commands: Double Team/Protect ~ Confusion/Protect ~ Magical Leaf/Confuse Ray/Protect
Status: A rainy field, how original. –1 Attack

Legos OO


Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
(Calypso) Shinx [F] <Intimidate>
Commands: Thunder Wave ~ Signal Beam ~ Toxic
Status: Soaked to the skin. –1 Attack

Mere seconds after the battlers entered the battlefield, they were drenched. The horribly wet and rainy field was a nuisance for all, and yet these poor Pokemon were forced to battle through it. Calypso barely had the jump on her opponent, but she had been ordered to make a much larger Speed gap. Channelling her electric energy, she created a small pulse of electricity. This pulse was not meant to damage, but more to disable her opponent. She let the mote of electricity go careening across the battlefield. It seemed to jump and change shape as it was attracted to the rain, but it still hit its target dead on. Avalon shook as the electricity coursed through her veins, feeling as if she had been just been hit with a particularly nasty static shock.

Avalon waited for a few moments. He knew how Paralysis worked, and it might kick in and leave him completely motionless. After a few seconds he realized he could move relatively freely, so he began to jog in a circle, preparing for his attack. The paralysis had not reared its ugly head just quite yet, so he began to increase his pace gradually. Soon he was running quite hard in a much wider circle, and finally he was full on sprinting in a still wider ring. At least he felt like he was sprinting, but the paralysis was hindering him more than he knew. As he slowed down he was glad that he had not been fully paralysed, and he felt he had performed quite well. He looked over and was shocked. One measly clone. That was all he got. He silently cursed the paralysis, then bent over to rest a bit more.

Calypso was relatively happy with how that had gone. She had expected at least two clones, possibly three, and she was delighted to see that only one had appeared. Of course, she still had to choose between one of these clones, but no matter what, the clone would be gone at the end of the action. She randomly picked one of the Ralts, deciding on the one on her left, and took aim at it. She quickly released a beam of red-and-blue crisscrossing energy at this Ralts. The intertwined beams made the appearance of fireflies flying through the air. Calypso realized that she had picked the wrong clone when the Ralts made no attempt to dodge or even cover its head as the beam neared. The Signal Beam went straight into the clone’s torso, shattering it into millions of shining light shards.

Avalon waited for a few moments once more. This time he felt the electricity sweeping through his body completely locking up his limbs. The feeling was horrible; knowing the only thing he could move was his mouth and nose to breath, and his pupils to look around. Luckily, the attack he was ordered to use required no movement whatsoever, at least on his part. He delved into his Psychic powers, and then used them to probe his opponent’s mind. Calypso twitched as she felt the subconscious intruder go through her brain. Eventually, Avalon located Calypso’s pain sensors, and he manipulated them so that they were on. Calypso screamed as the pain coursed through her body. Avalon returned back into his body, happy with how that had went. And then his paralysis released his limbs once more.

Calypso had not liked how that had gone. It had been painful, not excruciatingly so, but she had not liked the non-paralyzed attacks that this Ralts could generate. Well, she could play dirty too. She had had a wonderful lunch before this battle, and it was a pity that she now had to regurgitate it. She began to cough up her food, mixing it with some toxic stomach acid on the way. She held the horribly disgusting blob in her mouth for a few seconds, and then spat it out in the direction of Avalon. She had the truest of aims, hitting the Ralts right on the head. The psychic-type attempted to brush the poison off of him, but it seeped into his skin much to fast. He shivered as he now felt the toxins entering his bloodstream, ready to slowly get rid of his health.

Avalon did not like all of these status ailments building up on him. So it was obviously time to return the favour. He conjured up a small bundle of ghostly energy that flashed with the potential of giving one an epileptic seizure. He made sure not to look at the light flickering in his hands, and then sent the energy towards Calypso. The ray lopped and bumbled through the rainy air, and soon it had caught Calypso’s full attention. The Shinx smiled as the ball of light began to circle her. She realized in the back of her mind that she should be focused on the battle, but there would be time for attacking later. Avalon enjoyed the result, but became depressed again as he felt the toxins take away a little of his health.

End of Round 1

BlackTitress OO


Health: 97%
Energy: 91%
(Avalon) Ralts [M] <Trace (Intimidate)>
Status: Wondering if more status ailments will head his way. –1 Attack, Badly Poisoned, Paralyzed

Legos OO


Health: 95%
Energy: 87%
(Calypso) Shinx [F] <Intimidate>
Status: So pretty… –1 Attack, Confused

Ref’s Notes
-I had written half of this, then my Microsoft Word ate it, and so this is later than it should have been
-I confused Avalon’s gender up a bit, so he might be referred to as a girl at some point
-As Avalon’s speed was a quarter of its original value, making it 10, he could only make one clone
-Avalon was fully paralyzed on the second action, but he did not need to move to attack
-Legos to order attacks next
Ok. We can get through this.

Since he is a guy, Attract him. Then Captivate or Attract again if it didn't hit. Finish with a Crunch.

Attract ~ Attract/Captivate ~ Crunch
Alright, Avalon. You're doing well. This round, if you're ever attracted, use Captivate to return a little of that love. Otherwise, start with a Hypnosis to knock out the kitty and then Dream Eater to make his rest a little rough. Use Will-O-Wisp to send some status effects in her direction.

Hypnosis/Captivate~Dream Eater/Captivate~Will-O-Wisp/Captivate
2v2 single
DQ: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned and Restricted Moves: OHKOs, Draco Meteor, Weather Moves
Arena Description:Rainy Field. Rain is always active in this field and it is always drenched with water.
Additional Rules: N/A

Round 2

BlackTitress OO


Health: 97%
Energy: 91%
(Avalon) Ralts [M] <Trace (Intimidate)>
Commands: Hypnosis/Captivate ~ Dream Eater/Captivate ~ Will-O-Wisp/Captivate
Status: Wondering if more status ailments will head his way. –1 Attack, Badly Poisoned, Paralyzed

Legos OO


Health: 95%
Energy: 87%
(Calypso) Shinx [F] <Intimidate>
Commands: Attract ~ Captivate/Attract ~ Crunch
Status: So pretty… –1 Attack, Confused

Calypso was engrossed. So engrossed that she barely registered her trainer’s commands at all, giving one of those “I didn’t hear you but sure” nods. The flashing light was just so interesting. No direct pattern was associated with the changing colours. Sometimes it was orange, cyan, then blood red, then maybe lime, magenta, silver. No way was she going to do anything else. But her trainer had said something. Atract, wasn’t it? Well, she could try. She began to move forward, but the Ray was just too much for her. After advancing only a few steps she slipped and fell in the mud that was slowly piling up thanks to the unrelenting downpour. She hit the ground forehead first, and painfully got up. And there was the light, waiting diligently for her like always. She returned to her previous position without a care in the world.

Well, the display had been “interesting” for Avalon. He was perfectly happy with just sitting there letting his opponent make a fool of herself. But that would take much too long, and though the ref would get countless amounts of money, nobody else would be entertained. So Avalon brought himself to the point of attacking. He was glad that once again he did not have to worry about the woes of paralysis, but he did not feel the cling anyway. His eyes began to glow in a menacingly eerie fashion, a red tone seeping into them. He directed these slightly demonic facial features towards Calypso, but he found that the Shinx was once more completely distracted by the Confuse Ray. Avalon was slightly frustrated as he realized that the attack that he had conjured up was producing a negative effect for him as well.

Calypso had noticed the red eyes that Avalon had produced, but she had payed no notice to the boring spectacle. One colour, bah, her friendly light mote provided much more variety. But she noticed that the light had started to fade slightly. It was still flashing just the same, but there was an infinitesimal difference in the brightness. This worried her, but she realized she had to try to follow her trainer’s orders. She had been ordered to turn into that seductress that she was hiding on the inside. She began to prim herself, but her mind kept wandering back to the slowly fading Confuse Ray. Eventually she was caught between performing the Captivate and watching her little friend. And just like that, head to mud, more annoying pain. The Shinx looked up and she mewled in annoyance as the light ball faded further still.

Well Avalon was once more happy with this performance by his opponent. Nothing more relaxing than watching your opponent fail while they’re trying to defeat you. But now he seemed to be in a bit of a problematic situation. He had two commands. The first involved being attracted, and he did not see how that would happen anytime soon, so he could rule that out. But now he was supposed to use Dream Eater, which he knew in his mind would fail completely. Well, nothing better to do. He closed his eyes and when he opened them again they were a pinkish hue. He began to probe the conscious of Calypso, looking for a dream, but of course there was none. All he observed was some song written hastily in her confused state. It was something about how all balls of light were friends. Avalon shook his head and returned to his own mind.

Calypso became more and more worried. Her dear friend of light was becoming more and more distant. It was still there, quite strong, but she could not deny that her friend would soon disappear. Forever. The thought made the poor Shinx want to break down and cry right there on the battlefield. But no, her trainer wanted her to continue forward and fight until the end. She put the thought of her friend out of her mind and focused on the battle. There was her Ralts opponent giving her a look that said, “My god are you actually doing something!” Yes, yes she was. She raced forward across the rainy field, now focused enough that she would not slip. When she reached Avalon she catapulted herself into the air and then sunk her jaws into the raw Ralts flesh. Avalon squealed in pain as the powerful teeth ripped his skin. He was lucky enough to avoid a Defense drop, but he still felt quite miffed.

Avalon had most certainly not liked getting attacked so ferociously by his opponent. The Ralts was displeased to find that his trainer had merely ordered him to give his opponent some status effects. This would even up the battle slightly, but he wanted to inflict some real direct pain. Well, there was nothing he could do to change his trainer’s commands, so he might as well go along with it. Using the small bit of ghostly powers he owned, Avalon created a small ball of dancing blue flame. This mote was not meant to be a replacement for Calypso’s flashy friend, c wut i did thar no, it was meant to be almost the opposite. He sent this blue flame at a slow pace towards his opponent. Still interested in the Confuse Ray, Calypso had no chance of dodging the burn-inflictor. The flame scorched her skin, making her feel much more uncomfortable than before. Both Pokemon cringed as their individual status ailments plagued them.

End of Round 2

BlackTitress OO


Health: 85%
Energy: 83%
(Avalon) Ralts [M] <Trace (Intimidate)>
Status: No paralysis-fail :D. –1 Attack, Badly Poisoned, Paralyzed

Legos OO


Health: 88%
Energy: 78%
(Calypso) Shinx [F] <Intimidate>
Status: Stay with me friend... –1 Attack, Mildly Confused, Burned

Ref’s Notes
-Calypso confuse-failed on the first two actions
-Hypnosis missed
-Dream Eater failed for obvious reasons
-BlackTitress to order attacks next
Sorry about the Dream Eater thing... That was kind of my bad... Anyways, Start off with a Psychic to cause a little pain and then lift him off the ground with Telekinesis. Use Signal Beam. To hit him some more.

Psychic~Telekinesis~Signal Beam
Sorry for the late post, I should definitely be replying faster from now on.

Ok, pretty much the same as last round except Signal Beam instead of Crunch. So Attract, Captivate, Signal Beam. And for the love of existence please listen to me, Calypso. If you managed to hit on all of these there will be treats after the battle...

Attract ~ Captivate ~ Signal Beam
2v2 single
DQ: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned and Restricted Moves: OHKOs, Draco Meteor, Weather Moves
Arena Description:Rainy Field. Rain is always active in this field and it is always drenched with water.
Additional Rules: N/A

Round 3

BlackTitress OO


Health: 85%
Energy: 83%
(Avalon) Ralts [M] <Trace (Intimidate)>
Commands: Psychic ~ Telekinesis ~ Signal Beam
Status: No paralysis-fail :D. –1 Attack, Badly Poisoned, Paralyzed

Legos OO


Health: 88%
Energy: 78%
(Calypso) Shinx [F] <Intimidate>
Commands: Attract ~ Captivate ~ Signal Beam
Status: Stay with me friend... –1 Attack, Mildly Confused, Burned

Calypso had gone completely into “mother about to lose child” mode. She frantically paced as she stared at the slowly dwindling Ray of Confusion. Why oh why did her only friend have to leave her. And yet in the back of her mind she was constantly remembering snippets of her trainer. Something about Attract and Captivate and… If only she could have the flashing orb be her trainer. They would win all battles, defeat all opposition, and she would have the best trainer ever. But no, she had a real trainer, commanding her to use Attract. She began to march forwards once more preparing to turn into a Shinx-seductress. But she couldn’t not look at her Confuse Ray once more, before it evaporated into non-existence. As she looked back she fell again, but that was not what worried her. As she got up her friend finally left her dimension, causing her to break into tears.

Well Avalon was touched. Being a very emotional species, he couldn’t help but get teary-eyed at the though of one losing their best of friends. And yet, he was ordered to continuously give this Shinx more to worry about as he let loose his most vicious attacks on her. With a great deal of remorse he used his seemingly endless supply of Psychic energy to invade his opponent’s mind. He felt his muscles once again seize up as he used his attack, but he worried not, he did not need to move. In Calypso’s mind he came to wave upon wave of immense sadness. It took all of his perseverance to stop himself from pulling out right there and letting the Shinx rest for just a moment. But he knew he couldn’t. Sow with a heavy heart he accessed the poor Pokemon’s pain sensors and caused them to flare, then started sending images of pain and torture floating through her brain, focussing and un-focussing, accompanied by the illusion of creepy discordant sound. The Shinx squealed as the pain overwhelmed her, forcing her on to the ground again. Finally Avalon stopped, letting his opponent actually do something.

Well Calypso was now officially ready to duke it out with her opponent. The Confuse Ray had distracted her for quite some time, but her anger had been building up, and she wanted to release it all on this little Ralts. But first, why not lead him on just a small amount. She began to strut forward, shake her fur, the whole succubus act. She fluttered her eyelashes when she got close enough, and she could almost see Avalon try and stop himself from salivating. Why had he not noticed that his opponent could be so attractive? Well she certainly had his attention. Of course, he could see it was all a trick. She wasn’t acting all lovey-dovey as if trying to make him fall in love, just showing off to make him drool. And it was working oh so well! Calypso then returned to her previous position, but she still walked with all the pristine of a movie star.

Avalon tried to shake his mind of the beautiful goddess standing before him, but it was quite hard. Wasn’t it always said that a kiss in the rain was like magic? But no, the chances of her actually being attracted to him were like actually believing that a stripper was actually stripping for you, and not for the money. He shook his head. That had been quite and interesting reference to think up. He instead decided to focus on his attack. He slowly used psychic energy to lift his opponent into the air. Calypso got a bit nervous as she felt her paws leaving the ground, but she had to keep up the act. She most definitely didn’t want those special attack hindrances to disappear. Once his opponent was the air, Avalon could almost feel her with his mind, knowing exactly where every part of her body was, making his attack perfect.

Well Calypso was not exactly a fan of being stranded in the air, even though she was barely six feet above the ground. The rain wasn’t different, the wind wasn’t different, but she still disliked the fact that she couldn’t walk. Yes, if she attempted to move the Telekinesis would carry her through the air as if she was on a magic carpet. But it was unnerving and she was developing a sense of vertigo as she continued to look down. She sent her eyes towards Avalon again. Now what was his plan? Why had he decided to suspend her in the air? He could have simply hit her with a Psychic again and have more damage inflicted. Maybe she could use a bit of pain to get him to lower her again? She sent a beam of red and blue energy at her opponent, the two signals crossing over each other as they sped through the air. The attack slammed into Avalon, and not expecting such an onslaught, he went head over heels into the ground. He hastily pick ed himself up so he could continue keeping his opponent aloft with Telekinesis.

Avalon was quite flabbergasted. He had not expected that attack to do so much damage to him. Well time to return the favour. He prepared to send a beam of energy at his floating friend when he felt his body clasp together. He tried to move just a bit, but he could not. He could not manipulate his hands to deliver the fierce beam of energy, and his mouth was just barely open, with not nearly enough room to release an offensive. He silently screamed at himself, unable to do anything but stare at his floating opponent. Then to add insult to injury he felt the toxins that seeped through his body inflict pain once more. The poisoning was now really starting to take its toll, as it now took away health equal to a weak-to-medium power attack, which was not something he enjoyed. Of course Calypso also felt her skin burn as she felt the result of the Will-O-Wisp cause her a nagging pain.

End of Round 3

BlackTitress OO


Health: 66%
Energy: 71%
(Avalon) Ralts [M] <Trace (Intimidate)>
Status: Frustrated. –1 Attack, -2 Sp. Atk, Badly Poisoned, Paralyzed

Legos OO


Health: 73%
Energy: 67%
(Calypso) Shinx [F] <Intimidate>
Status: Unnerved and suffering from fear of heights. –1 Attack, Burned, affected by Telekinesis (2 more actions)

Ref’s Notes
-Calypso confusefailed on the first action
-Avalon was fully paralyzed on the first action, but did not need to move
-Calypso’s Signal Beam was a Critical Hit
-Avalon was fully paralyzed on the last action
-Legos to order attacks next
You really are becomming quite the little seductress, aren't you Calypso?

Start off with Attracting until it hits. If it hits the first turn, Discharge on the second and Night Slash once you're on the ground.

Attract ~ Attract/Discharge ~ Attract/Night Slash
Okay Avalon. Rest for two turns cause you need it. When you wake, take some of the mud off the ground and use Mud Slap on the opponent.

Rest~Still Rest~Mud Slap
2v2 single
DQ: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned and Restricted Moves: OHKOs, Draco Meteor, Weather Moves
Arena Description:Rainy Field. Rain is always active in this field and it is always drenched with water.
Additional Rules: N/A

Round 4

BlackTitress OO


Health: 66%
Energy: 71%
(Avalon) Ralts [M] <Trace (Intimidate)>
Commands: Rest ~ Rest ~ Mud Slap
Status: Frustrated. –1 Attack, -2 Sp. Atk, Badly Poisoned, Paralyzed

Legos OO


Health: 73%
Energy: 67%
(Calypso) Shinx [F] <Intimidate>
Commands: Attract ~ Attract/Discharge ~ Attract/Night Slash
Status: Unnerved and suffering from fear of heights. –1 Attack, Burned, affected by Telekinesis (2 more actions)

Calypso decided to cut to the sexy chase (Glee lines ftw) and do what she had meant to do for some time now. Though she was floating in the air and quite unnerved by the fact, she still managed to pull through and deliver her attack. She could not strut all sexily, so she just began a slightly unorthodox act, at least for her. She blew the hair out of her eyes, fluttered her lashes, and made stretching movements. Anything for her Ralts opponent to notice her attractiveness. Calypso attempted to tear himself away from the show taking place before him, but he was a man and he could not resist taking a look at that wonderful eye-candy before him. Man, that little lion sure did get him feeling flustered. He began to blush (you do not know how awkward that looks for a pure white-skinned Pokemon). Calypso felt that she had accomplished her objective, and decided to take a little break. Though she was hindered by the fact that she was suspended in the air and being pelted with rain.

Avalon was not taking his eyes away. That had been hot! He began to fan himself, slightly difficult in the rain, but that also helped to cool himself down. He was supposed to be attacking, but the heck with that, he needed to have some fun, let himself rejoice at the opportunity to observe someone oh so fine. He was tempted to release that connection he had with her, but he knew his trainer would have a fit if he ended the Telekinesis. But what did his trainer matter to him? He could just let the day go by watching his gorgeous opponent. That wouldn’t make his trainer mad right. He would understand right? Oh the plagues of those in love. All of a sudden Avalon jumped out of his thoughts and realized he had been wasting time. Performing an attack on an action? Who did that anyways?

Well that had made Calypso happy. She was fine with all of the teasing and never any pleasing. But no, she had attacks to perform, and wouldn’t her trainer be so proud when she single-handedly defeated this powerful Psychic-type while he still grasped for love? So using her electrical powers she began to hoard all of that electrical power inside of her, channelling it all together in one blast of faith. Avalon could see that his opponent was preparing something big, and he could only hope that- BZZZZT!!! Avalon was completely shocked (literally) as Calypso did not turn uber-sexy again and actually decided to do something he had completely refrained from doing. The Shinx let out a massive blast of electricity, which cut through the rain quite magnificently, causing the poor lovesick Ralts to screech as he was overwhelmed by the blast. The electricity sent him head-over-heels onto the ground. The Psychic-type gingerly returned to his feet, but he was now quite frustrated and at a loss for why his love had done such a horrible thing to him.

And so the Ralts contemplated the reasoning behind the beauty’s decision to essentially say, “screw long-term relationships I have electricity”. In the small amount of time he had known this sexy, sexy beast he had thought that she would have simply continued to walk down that proverbial runway, pleasing him forever and ever. But then he remembered that he was in a battle and his opponent was simply trying her hardest to win. Well that was fine, but he was still madly in love. And what better to do when madly in love than sleep on it? He quickly enveloped himself in a blue aura, and aura that made him feel very sleepy. Soon his eyes were drooping and the snores were radiating, quietly though, as Ralts do not make loud noises very often. He was more in a trance than asleep, a trance that slowly healed his injuries but made his energy for the battle dwindle. Calypso observed this spectacle with a small bit of curiosity, before she went plummeting to the ground quite unexpectedly.

The little cub picked herself up and began to relish the opportunity to hurt this little nuisance without any interruptions. The Ralts wasn’t about to fight back, so the Shinx took the opportunity quite gratefully. Calypso shrouded herself in a dark-energy, making herself appear like a nightmare. She began to creep up on her opponent; more for the fact that this would not aggravate her burn, as the Ralts would most definitely not notice her in his present state. Once close enough the Shinx devastating slash, ripping through Avalon’s skin and causing him to twitch slightly but not even come close to waking up. The slash had been imbued with dark energy, but it had done a normal amount of damage, a slight disappointment for Calypso. Avalon simply continued to sleep, or at least stay in his dreamlike state until the end of the round. He had visions of the battle swirl through his head, but there was nothing to do now that he was in his comatose healing state. Calypso, overall happy with the round took one for the team as her burn plagued her once more

End of Round 4

BlackTitress OO


Health: 94%
Energy: 49%
(Avalon) Ralts [M] <Trace (Intimidate)>
Status: Asleep, obviously. Attracted, –1 Attack, -2 Sp. Atk

Legos OO


Health: 70%
Energy: 53%
(Calypso) Shinx [F] <Intimidate>
Status: Glad to be grounded again. –1 Attack, Burned

Ref’s Notes
-Short reffing is short :/
-Avalon attractfailed on the first action
-Black Titress, in your commands you ordered, “still Rest” on your second action. As Avalon did not start Rest on the first action I took this as Rest for the second action
-Also, Rest lasts for two turns after the move is used
-As Calypso did not need to move quickly to use Night Slash she did not receive the power reduction from the Burn
-Black Titress to order attacks next
Last edited:
I'm pretty bad at this aren't I... I guess practice makes perfect!

On wake up, use Calm Mind and if you wake up on the first action, use Stored Power on the last

Calm Mind~Calm Mind~Calm Mind/Stored Power
You're better than I am.

Start off with a Snarl, then Howl and finish with another Night Slash.

Snarl ~ Howl ~ Night Slash
Ah well, a mistake on my part. I forgot to add at the end of the last Round that Avalon would still be Attracted when she woke up. Sorry about that ;_;. Do either of you want to change your commands?
2v2 single
DQ: 1 Week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned and Restricted Moves: OHKOs, Draco Meteor, Weather Moves
Arena Description:Rainy Field. Rain is always active in this field and it is always drenched with water.
Additional Rules: N/A

Round 5

BlackTitress OO


Health: 94%
Energy: 49%
(Avalon) Ralts [M] <Trace (Intimidate)>
Commands: Calm Mind ~ Calm Mind ~ Calm Mind/Stored Power
Status: Asleep, obviously. –1 Attack, -2 Sp. Atk

Legos OO


Health: 70%
Energy: 53%
(Calypso) Shinx [F] <Intimidate>
Commands: Snarl ~ Howl ~ Night Slash
Status: Glad to be grounded again. –1 Attack, Burned

Calypso assessed her situation. She had the advantage of being actually awake and able to attack, but she was beginning to feel the pain of the battle and she was tiring quite a bit. Her opponent did not feel pain at all anymore, but was getting closer to the point of extreme exhaustion. Calypso was quite happy that she had not descended to that point in the battle quite yet, but was still feeling quite sub-conscious about her current situation. Using her firm knowledge of the dark arts and how to use Pokemon moves related to them, the Shinx let loose a long and unearthly snarl that disturbed all that heard it. Even the tiny bugs within the earth were aware of this seemingly demonic sound effect, and they began to twitch and spasm in the earth. Unbeknownst to all but Calypso and Legos the snarl that had been produced was laced with a dark spell that Calypso had picked up from your everyday travelling warlock. Even the sleeping Avalon felt both the pain and the effects of the attack as the power of his mental attacks dwindled.

And still the little Ralts slept on, not a care in the world. He was close to waking, now in a little dream state, getting visions of chasing a particularly pretty Kirlia through a sunny glade. But soon he realized that this was not who he had fallen in love with. He loved Calypso, and no silly girl of his own species would make him betray her. He was getting closer and closer to waking, now starting to lightly thrash around in his sleep. Calypso realized her time was short with her opponent out of commission and started her own attack. She lifted her head to the sky and closed her eyes, imagining a moon behind all of those clouds, even though it was still daytime. With her snout pointed up she let out a long and wild howl towards the heavens, sounding for all the world like a wolf of some sort. As she finished this expulsion of sound the Shinx felt her self-confidence receive a significant boost. She had lost a small amount of attack power thanks to her opponent copying her ability to scare her opponents, but she had now gained this back.

Avalon had heard the howl in his slumber as well and decided that his sleep should very well end right then and there. He snapped his eyes open and instantly felt refreshed, but tired as heck. He pulled himself up on to his feet with a slight feeling of despair as he realized how much his limbs ached when he put is weight on them. How nice it would be to simple lay down once more and sleep for real this time. No, he couldn’t do that, his trainer would kill him. But he could still rest slightly. He once again backed away into the confines of his brain, and there he both strengthened his defe- Well, he had been about to, but as he descended into his brain he came upon that lovely memory of who his opponent was, and he couldn’t let that image go. The Ralts tried with all his might to focus on his attack, but for all he was worth he couldn’t pull it off.

Calypso had seen her opponent wake up, but she had not quite understood the concept of simply falling back into your own devices. There was a battle going, why didn’t this little Psychic-type understand that. Psychic-type, that would certainly help Calypso when using her next attack. As she had done at the end of last round she extended her claws and tainted them with dark energy, making them turn the distinct purplish-black of obsidian stone. She attempted to race forward and catch Avalon off guard, but her burn stopped her short and caused her to move much more slowly than she had originally planned to. Still, she made her way relatively quickly towards the quiet Ralts and once there she delivered a slightly hindered strike with her now arcane claw. The Ralts… did not react as much as expected. Though the attack was super-effective the power that Calypso had had to take off thanks to the burn had made much more of a difference than what was originally planned.

As Calypso slunk back to her area, mumbling and grumbling, Avalon did not change much of his routine. He had felt the slightly weak Night Slash quite clearly and had exited his mind for a few seconds afterwards to get his bearings, but he now he fell backwards once more into his state of meditation. This time he succeeded strengthening his mind against mental espionage, creating quite a strong wall against the attacks. He also gave his brain a rigorous workout, increasing the power of his special attacks, though they were still quite weak. By the end of this process Avalon was feeling quite confident about how this round had gone. And he no longer had to worry about that nasty, nasty paralysis or bad poisoning. Overall, he felt quite good. And he didn’t quite see the appeal of his opponent. Why had he fallen for her again? He quite honestly had no idea. On the other side of the arena poor Calypso was standing there shivering, burned (she flinched as the pain kicked in) and downright miserable. Funny how both Pokemon’s emotions were at different levels though a mere round and a half ago they had been feeling nearly the same.

End of Round 5

BlackTitress OO


Health: 86%
Energy: 43%
(Avalon) Ralts [M] <Trace (Intimidate)>
Status: Not even down about the rain. –1 Attack, -2 Sp. Atk, +1 Sp. Def

Legos OO


Health: 67%
Energy: 40%
(Calypso) Shinx [F] <Intimidate>
Status: Not in a good mood. Burned

Ref’s Notes

-Avalon attractfailed on the second action (though I forgot to do the rolls at first and had to rewrite parts of the round. I am no good at remembering love)
-Avalon was no longer attracted by his turn in the third action
-Legos to order attacks next
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