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Ampharos vs. ole_schooler vs. Mawile (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

Squornshellous Beta

Active member
1 vs. 1 vs. 1
1 week DQ
50% Damage Cap
Banned Moves: Weather Moves, OHKOs, Direct Healing Moves, and moves that require materials not present in the arena (Rock Slide, Sand Attack, etc.), 3 Chills/Pokemon
Arena: Tri-Spin Dome

The Tri-Spin Dome is located in some Pokemon World version of Las Vegas. People bet on the battles that take place in the dome, but there’s so much luck involved that the “favourite” never usually wins. The dome itself is relatively simple. A giant red ceiling sits above a multi-coloured floor. On the floor are three slightly raised circular pedestals, one green, one blue, and one red, all arranged in a triangular shape. Each Pokemon starts each round on one of the pedestals, and at the end of the Round each Pokemon is required to return to their pedestal, while during the round they can move around freely. Seems simple enough, right?

That’s where the fun begins. Above each pedestal is a giant tube, the same circumference of the raised circle below. At the beginning of each Round (excluding the First Round) the pedestals move in a circular form, clockwise, around the perimeter of the arena, coming to rest under the next tube. There is enough room between the walls and the pedestals that if you have a Steelix, you can balance it on the pedestal and it will still be able to move to the next tube. After the pedestals have gone their distance, a small amount of powder, specially engineered, will fall from each tube giving the Pokemon standing under it a special boost, ailment, etcetera. The tubes are listed below, in clockwise order.

The Status Tube - The Status tube will inflict you with one random status ailment at the beginning of the Round. This can be used to your advantage, as Façade and Guts work well with this tube. The possible ailments are: Burn; Paralysis (severe); Poison; Sleep; Freeze (severe); Severe poison; and Confusion (severe).

The Stat Tube – The much safer version of The Status Tube, the Stat Tube will randomly raise one of your stats. The effects seem safe enough, but who knows how they can mess up your strategy. The possible boosts are: +2 Attack; +2 Defense; +1 Attack and +1 Defense; +2 Sp. Atk; +2 Sp. Def; +1 Sp. Atk and +1 Sp. Def; +2 Speed; and +1 Evasiveness.

The Other Tube – A favourite of most who watch the Tri-Spin matches, the Other Tube can do almost anything to you. Change your ability, remove all attacks of one type, anything! However, those who developed the powder from the other tube have listed all of these effects for your convenience.
Change ability to any other ability; Remove all moves from moveset of a given type (It has to be a type that the Pokemon actually has a move for); Give them a 3-action Encore from their last action of last Round; Have them be Locked-On by all opponents; Taunt them; Torment them; Swap energy and health.

At the End of the Round, when a Pokemon returns to their pedestal, the effects of the powder will wear off, making them normal again. Referees should also inform the participants in their End of Round notes of what powder did what. At the start of the battle, the participants get to choose which tube they wish to start under in the post where they choose which Pokemon to send out. As the pedestals do not change position on the first round, that tube will give them their effect for the First Round.

Additional Rules: No Pokemon that can’t survive out of water (Goldeen, Lumineon, etc.)
Ampharos's Active Squad
Kositi (Male)
Ability: Technician
Held Item: Metal Coat

Levijatan (Genderless)
Ability: Iron Fist

Kokoška (Female)
Ability: Guts

Izudarati (Male)
Ability: Sheer Force

Prijetnja (Female)
Ability: Hydration

ole_schooler's Active Squad
Donna (Female)
Ability: Intimidate
Held Item: Fire Stone

Angel (Male)
Ability: Flash Fire
Held Item: Fire Stone

Sabriel (Female)
Ability: Run Away
Held Item: Dusk Stone

Tomas (Male)
Ability: Static
Held Item: Shiny Stone

Daniel (Male)
Ability: Intimidate
Held Item: Moon Stone

Dawg (Male)
Ability: Inner Focus

Jekyll (Male)
Ability: Pressure
Held Item: Dusk Stone

Ace (Female)
Ability: Run Away

Mawile's Active Squad
Aureus (Male)
Ability: Flash Fire

Leo (Male)
Ability: Trace
Held Item: Dawn Stone

Tavros (Male)
Ability: Motor Drive

Terezi (Female)
Ability: Torrent

Vriska (Female)
Ability: Illusion

Becquerel (Male)
Ability: Flash Fire

Dave (Male)
Ability: Moxie
Held Item: Expert Belt

Rose (Female)
Ability: Flame Body

John (Male)
Ability: Keen Eye
Held Item: EXP. Share

First Round
- Mawile sends out and chooses his tube
- ole_schooler sends out and chooses his tube
- Ampharos sends out, chooses his tube, and attacks
- Mawile attacks
- ole_schooler attacks
- I ref
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Let's go, Tavros.

And let's start under the Stat Tube.

[also my Sentret's named John and you misspelled Tavros's name as Tarvos.]
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I shall choose Dawg the dog! Because I like dogs. And he'll start under the Other Tube (so glad I got my first choice).
OK, I guess I'm under the status tube. I want a Scizor, so Kositi is up.

You can start off with a Swords Dance Kositi, just because it will help a lot going down the road. Next up use Facade twice. First against Dawg, the second on Tavros. If you're asleep at any time, Sleep Talk.

Swords Dance/Sleep Talk ~ Facade (Dawg)/Sleep Talk ~ Facade (Tavros)/Sleep Talk

I am really hoping that the Status Tube doesn't give me Confusion. What better way to mess up my strategy...
Alrighty, so, it is time for the hitting of things. Focus Punch on Tavros, then either Counter Kositi's Facade or Focus Punch if he fails to hit you. Finally, Payback on Tavros. If you can't use any of these moves for any reason, just go for Work Up.

Focus Punch (Tavros)/Work Up~Counter(Kositi)/Focus Punch(Kositi)/Work Up~Payback(Tavros)/Work Up
1 vs. 1 vs. 1
1 week DQ
50% Damage Cap
Banned Moves: Weather Moves, OHKOs, Direct Healing Moves, and moves that require materials not present in the arena (Rock Slide, Sand Attack, etc.), 3 Chills/Pokemon
Arena: Tri-Spin Dome

The Tri-Spin Dome is located in some Pokemon World version of Las Vegas. People bet on the battles that take place in the dome, but there’s so much luck involved that the “favourite” never usually wins. The dome itself is relatively simple. A giant red ceiling sits above a multi-coloured floor. On the floor are three slightly raised circular pedestals, one green, one blue, and one red, all arranged in a triangular shape. Each Pokemon starts each round on one of the pedestals, and at the end of the Round each Pokemon is required to return to their pedestal, while during the round they can move around freely. Seems simple enough, right?

That’s where the fun begins. Above each pedestal is a giant tube, the same circumference of the raised circle below. At the beginning of each Round (excluding the First Round) the pedestals move in a circular form, clockwise, around the perimeter of the arena, coming to rest under the next tube. There is enough room between the walls and the pedestals that if you have a Steelix, you can balance it on the pedestal and it will still be able to move to the next tube. After the pedestals have gone their distance, a small amount of powder, specially engineered, will fall from each tube giving the Pokemon standing under it a special boost, ailment, etcetera. The tubes are listed below, in clockwise order.

The Status Tube - The Status tube will inflict you with one random status ailment at the beginning of the Round. This can be used to your advantage, as Façade and Guts work well with this tube. The possible ailments are: Burn; Paralysis (severe); Poison; Sleep; Freeze (severe); Severe poison; and Confusion (severe).

The Stat Tube – The much safer version of The Status Tube, the Stat Tube will randomly raise one of your stats. The effects seem safe enough, but who knows how they can mess up your strategy. The possible boosts are: +2 Attack; +2 Defense; +1 Attack and +1 Defense; +2 Sp. Atk; +2 Sp. Def; +1 Sp. Atk and +1 Sp. Def; +2 Speed; and +1 Evasiveness.

The Other Tube – A favourite of most who watch the Tri-Spin matches, the Other Tube can do almost anything to you. Change your ability, remove all attacks of one type, anything! However, those who developed the powder from the other tube have listed all of these effects for your convenience.
Change ability to any other ability; Remove all moves from moveset of a given type (It has to be a type that the Pokemon actually has a move for); Give them a 3-action Encore from their last action of last Round; Have them be Locked-On by all opponents; Taunt them; Torment them; Swap energy and health.

At the End of the Round, when a Pokemon returns to their pedestal, the effects of the powder will wear off, making them normal again. Referees should also inform the participants in their End of Round notes of what powder did what. At the start of the battle, the participants get to choose which tube they wish to start under in the post where they choose which Pokemon to send out. As the pedestals do not change position on the first round, that tube will give them their effect for the First Round.

Additional Rules: No Pokemon that can’t survive out of water (Goldeen, Lumineon, etc.)

Pre-round Notes
This place looks expensive. The trainers flew in on Staraptor rather than the more traditional big expensive car, but they're welcomed into the dome with open arms. The reason is simple: the League is paying a hefty sum for its use. Besides, they're televising this match around the region; people all over are placing bets on the victor, though opinions are split as to who the likeliest is. No matter, though! The trainers take their places and simeltaneously send out their Pokémon, a Scyther, Riolu and Emolga respectively. As the battlers shift uneasily in the light, the tubes above their heads open up and glittering powder falls from each one. Kositi, oddly enough, begins to freeze over, a thick layer of ice froming over most of his body; the other two's effects aren't so obvious. Dawg feels strange, getting an odd "rebel against everyone" urge; and Tavros barely notices his own, but he's ready to dodge attacks with much more ease.

Team Ampharos

Kositi (Male)
Ability: Technician
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: The things! The people! The lights!
Commands: Swords Dance / Sleep Talk ~ Facade @ Dawg / Sleep Talk ~ Facade @ Tavros / Sleep Talk
Chills: 0/3
Item: Metal Coat

Team ole_schooler

Dawg (Male)
Ability: Inner Focus
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: I'm somewhat unnerved by these tubes.
Commands: Focus Punch @ Tavros / Work Up ~ Counter @ Kositi / Focus Punch @ Kositi / Work Up ~ Payback @ Tavros / Work Up
Chills: 0/3

Team ole_schooler

Tavros (Male)
Ability: Motor Drive
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Charge ~ Charge ~ Discharge
Chills: 0/3

Round 1 Begin!

Tavros is the first to move, though not much is visible by way of actual movement. All he's doing is allowing the energy in his body to build up beyond what it normally ever would, prepearing for a move sometime in the future. He begins sparking lightly and, though in this neon-lit place you can't tell, glowing faintly, but other than that he remains completely inert. Kositi is the next one to mive, though hindered as he is by the heavy ice he can't move too well. He begins as best he can an ancient ritual-dance, trying to get the movements right despite being barely able to lift his arms. It works to some degree; he certainly feels more ready to fight, at the very least. Just as he finishes this, Dawg reveals what he's been doing all this time: he charges suddenly at Tavros and smashes his fist into him at an incredible velocity, throwing him straight back into the wall with a loud THWOMP. Dawg rubs his fist as Tavros slides slowly down the wall.

He reaches the ground dejectedly, but then pulls himself up and attempts the same thing as he already had. While he very briefly feels a surge of energy, it comes to naught as his energy remains level and unchanging. He glares at his trainer: Charge doesn't work twice in a row! Surely he knows that? He's basically given the other two a free attack! Like the Scyther, who is currently flying towards the Riolu; he smashes his frost-encrusted scythe's blade down on the little puppy, who whimpers. A strange red glow suddenly begins to spread slowly out from the spot, and soon coats his entire body; he suddenly leaps up and smashes into Kositi, who was just watching in frozen astonishment; the impact causes several shards of ice to fall away, and knocks the wind from the Scyther himself.

A command I can actually follow this time, mutters Tavros. He charges up a little more electricity and then discharges it in every direction, revealing that apparently no-one has yet thought to insulate the lights around the arena, which explode, plunging it into semidarkness. The only remaining light comes from the bulbs buried deep inside the arena and away from Discharge range. The more important effect of the move, though, is that it arcs to both Kositi and Dawg, causing them to screech and twitch frantically before falling to the ground with a thud. Kositi is the first to recover from it, despite being noticably worse for wear; he flies, with significant difficulty, towards Tavros and then clubs him on the head with his heavy, frozen scythe. Then Dawg manages to get up and stagger towards Tavros; he cloaks his fist in fighting energy and slaps Tavros in the face before turning around and returning to his own pedestal. Kositi returns to his respective pedestal, and Tavros lands. Suddenly, the ice coating Kositi flakes away, Dawg's feeling of defiance fades away and Tavros's manouverability dies back to normal.

Round 1 End!

Team Ampharos

Kositi (Male)
Ability: Technician
Health: 50%
Energy: 72%
Status: I don't like this place.
Commands: Swords Dance ~ Facade @ Dawg ~ Facade @ Tavros
Chills: 0/3
Item: Metal Coat

Team ole_schooler

Dawg (Male)
Ability: Inner Focus
Health: 69%
Energy: 75%
Status: Grumble grumble stupid Tavros
Commands: Commands: Focus Punch @ Tavros ~ Counter @ Kositi ~ Payback @ Tavros
Chills: 0/3

Team Mawile

Tavros (Male)
Ability: Motor Drive
Health: 68%
Energy: 88%
Status: Well... it's not bright anymore!
Commands: Charge ~ Charge ~ Discharge
Chills: 0/3

Damage / Energy Calculations
Swords Dance - 8% energy
Charge - 2% energy
Focus Punch - 12% damage, 7% energy (accuracy roll 43, needed 90 or above to miss)
Facade - 10% damage, 10% energy (accuracy roll 98, needed 100 to miss)
Charge - failed
Counter - 20% damage, 10% energy (accuracy roll 34, needed 100 to miss)
Facade - 10% damage, 10% energy (accuracy roll 86, needed 90 or above to miss)
Discharge - 31% damage (Kositi), 21% damage (Dawg), 10% energy
Payback - 10% damage, 8% energy (accuracy roll 38, needed 90 or above to miss)

- The severe freezing limited Swords Dance severely. So it only raised his attack by one stage. Facade was similarly limited. They also both took more energy, naturally.
- Repeated uses of Charge don't stack, they fail.
- Thank Arceus all three are male I did not want to write for a love triangle.
- I am sorry for the delay guys, I don't know why it took so long.
- So's I remember, the current speed order is Scyther (105), Emolga (103), Riolu (60).

Arena Notes
- All of the surface lights have exploded from the Discharge. The only lights are those buried inside the walls and floor.
- The status tube inflicted severe freezing, somehow.
- The stat tube gave a +1 to evasiveness.
- The other tube swapped Dawg's ability for Defiant.
- Currently, Dawg is under the status tube, Kositi under the stat tube and Tavros under the other tube.

Next Round
- ole_schooler attacks
- Ampharos attacks
- Mawile attacks
- I ref
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Also, Tavros should have 2% less energy. Also also, Tavros doesn't belong to me. :D Also also also, that was a wicked fast ref, what are you talking about.

Anyways, hooray! Somehow you ended up with the most health at the end of that round, Dawg! Watch as they gang up on us to take us down a peg! Although in terms of health+energy, the Emonga is waaaaaaay ahead, so we should totally gang up on him!

Alright, this will depend on what status you get. If you are frozen, confused, or paralyzed, spend the round Chilling. If you're asleep, just Snore, alternating Tavros, Kositi, Tavros. Otherwise, Crunch Tavros, Blaze Kick Kositi, and Toxic Tavros.

Chill/Snore(Tavros)/Crunch(Tavros)~Chill/Store(Kositi)/Blaze Kick(Kositi)~Chill/Snore(Tavros)/Toxic(Tavros)
Three way battles are kinda hard to coordinate but this one is so fun
All errors fixes I hope and I know I'm fast on an objective scale but when I get delayed I feel sloooowwwwwww
Whoops, forgot it was me next. Well, Kositi, you're losing quite badly, but let's try and turn this battle in our favour. Start off with another Swords Dance. I just love those stat boosts. Then, wait until after Dawg has attacked, and Counter if you were hit, Night Slash him if you weren't. Finally, Night Slash Tavros.

Swords Dance ~ (wait) Counter/Night Slash (Dawg) ~ Night Slash (Tavros)
1 vs. 1 vs. 1
1 week DQ
50% Damage Cap
Banned Moves: Weather Moves, OHKOs, Direct Healing Moves, and moves that require materials not present in the arena (Rock Slide, Sand Attack, etc.), 3 Chills/Pokemon
Arena: Tri-Spin Dome

The Tri-Spin Dome is located in some Pokemon World version of Las Vegas. People bet on the battles that take place in the dome, but there’s so much luck involved that the “favourite” never usually wins. The dome itself is relatively simple. A giant red ceiling sits above a multi-coloured floor. On the floor are three slightly raised circular pedestals, one green, one blue, and one red, all arranged in a triangular shape. Each Pokemon starts each round on one of the pedestals, and at the end of the Round each Pokemon is required to return to their pedestal, while during the round they can move around freely. Seems simple enough, right?

That’s where the fun begins. Above each pedestal is a giant tube, the same circumference of the raised circle below. At the beginning of each Round (excluding the First Round) the pedestals move in a circular form, clockwise, around the perimeter of the arena, coming to rest under the next tube. There is enough room between the walls and the pedestals that if you have a Steelix, you can balance it on the pedestal and it will still be able to move to the next tube. After the pedestals have gone their distance, a small amount of powder, specially engineered, will fall from each tube giving the Pokemon standing under it a special boost, ailment, etcetera. The tubes are listed below, in clockwise order.

The Status Tube - The Status tube will inflict you with one random status ailment at the beginning of the Round. This can be used to your advantage, as Façade and Guts work well with this tube. The possible ailments are: Burn; Paralysis (severe); Poison; Sleep; Freeze (severe); Severe poison; and Confusion (severe).

The Stat Tube – The much safer version of The Status Tube, the Stat Tube will randomly raise one of your stats. The effects seem safe enough, but who knows how they can mess up your strategy. The possible boosts are: +2 Attack; +2 Defense; +1 Attack and +1 Defense; +2 Sp. Atk; +2 Sp. Def; +1 Sp. Atk and +1 Sp. Def; +2 Speed; and +1 Evasiveness.

The Other Tube – A favourite of most who watch the Tri-Spin matches, the Other Tube can do almost anything to you. Change your ability, remove all attacks of one type, anything! However, those who developed the powder from the other tube have listed all of these effects for your convenience.
Change ability to any other ability; Remove all moves from moveset of a given type (It has to be a type that the Pokemon actually has a move for); Give them a 3-action Encore from their last action of last Round; Have them be Locked-On by all opponents; Taunt them; Torment them; Swap energy and health.

At the End of the Round, when a Pokemon returns to their pedestal, the effects of the powder will wear off, making them normal again. Referees should also inform the participants in their End of Round notes of what powder did what. At the start of the battle, the participants get to choose which tube they wish to start under in the post where they choose which Pokemon to send out. As the pedestals do not change position on the first round, that tube will give them their effect for the First Round.

Additional Rules: No Pokemon that can’t survive out of water (Goldeen, Lumineon, etc.)
Team Ampharos

Kositi (Male)
Ability: Technician
Health: 50%
Energy: 72%
Status: I don't like this place.
Attacks Used: Swords Dance ~ (wait) Counter / Night Slash @ Dawg ~ Night Slash @ Tavros
Chills: 0/3
Item: Metal Coat

Team ole_schooler

Dawg (Male)
Ability: Inner Focus
Health: 69%
Energy: 75%
Status: Grumble grumble stupid Tavros
Attacks Used: Commands: Chill / Snore @ Tavros / Crunch @ Tavros ~ Chill / Snore @ Kositi / Blaze Kick @ Kositi ~ Chill / Snore @ Tavros / Toxic @ Tavros
Chills: 0/3

Team Mawile

Tavros (Male)
Ability: Motor Drive
Health: 68%
Energy: 88%
Status: Well... it's not bright anymore!
Attacks Used: Acrobatics (Dawg) ~ Acrobatics (Kositi) ~ Protect
Chills: 0/3

Round 2 Begin!

Before the round can officially begin, the strange tubey affair above the combatants' heads disgorges more strange powder on the combatants. Dawg inhales a good portion of it and feels his brain clouding over with a confused daze; Kositi feels his energy-based attack and defense capabilites increase; and Tavros feels his health suddenly spiking and his energy dipping.

Even in his dazed state Dawg can remember his commands for such an eventuality: he simply lays down on his platform and, curling up, falls into a light sleep. Kositi, on the other hand, is taking a considerably more active route: he is repeating the ritual that he attempted the previous round. With a few seconds of his strange, darting dance, he feels decidedly ready to attack. Tavros then begins what seems to be a dance of his own: he darts towards Dawg and begins a series of complex aerial maneuvers, striking Dawg at the apex of each one. After about thirty seconds of this, Tavros lets up and retreats, leaving Dawg considerably the worse for wear.

Now Kositi bathes his scythe in dark energy, flying towards the sleeping Dawg and delivering a harsh slice to the Riolu. Dawg whimpers in his sleep but remains otherwise insensate, and Kositi retreats before he should wake; his fears come to naught, though, as the Riolu quickly calms down and returns to a peaceful sleep. Once Kositi has returned to his own pedestal, Tavros darts at him and begins the same series of acrobatics, repeatedly striking at the Scyther before darticg away, leaving Kositi covered in tiny wounds.

Kositi darts at Tavros, once again cloaking his scythe in dark energy as he goes. He slashes gleefully at Tarvos, but his scythe is stopped short by a green, translucent dome that Tavros has conjured up. Kositi growls and smashed his scythe against the dome again, to no avail; he returns to his own pedestal with a distinct feeling of uselesness, and Tavros lets his shield drop. At the same time, Dawg wakes from his sleep, pulling himself up blearily; he feels his head clearing, and at the same time Kositi feels his boosts fading, and Tavros' health and energy levels return to... almost the way they were before, as the entire platform rotated clockwise once more.

Round 2 End!

Team Ampharos

Kositi (Male)
Ability: Technician
Health: 28%
Energy: 51%
Status: Grumble grumble stupid Tavros Attack +3.
Commands: Swords Dance ~ Night Slash @ Dawg ~ Night Slash @ Tavros
Chills: 0/3
Item: Metal Coat

Team ole_schooler

Dawg (Male)
Ability: Inner Focus
Health: 27%
Energy: 100%
Status: That was a nice nap.
Commands: Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill
Chills: 3/3

Team Mawile

Tavros (Male)
Ability: Motor Drive
Health: 68%
Energy: 71%
Status: I think I'm winning! :o
Commands: Acrobatics (Dawg) ~ Acrobatics (Kositi) ~ Protect
Chills: 0/3

Damage / Energy Calculations
Swords Dance - 3% energy
Acrobatics - 22% damage, 6% energy (accuracy roll 87, needed 100 to miss)
Chill - restored 10% energy (Dawg)
Night Slash - 20% damage, 9% energy (accuracy roll 50, needed 100 to miss)
Acrobatics - 22% damage, 6% energy (accuracy roll 46, needed 100 to miss)
Chill - restored 10% energy (Dawg)
Protect - 5% energy
Night Slash - 9% energy
Chill - restored 10% energy (Dawg)

- Forgot to mention it last round but would it be possible for you to format your attacks as "Attack @ Target"? It takes a little bit to fix the formatting.
- So's I remember, the current speed order is Scyther (105), Emolga (103), Riolu (60).

Arena Notes
- All of the surface lights have exploded from the Discharge. The only lights are those buried inside the walls and floor.
- The status tube inflicted severe confusion.
- The stat tube gave a +1 to special attack and special defense.
- The other tube swapped Tavros' energy and health values.
- Currently, Tavros is under the status tube, Dawg under the stat tube and Kositi under the other tube.

Next Round
- Mawile attacks
- ole_schooler attacks
- Ampharos attacks
- I ref
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Wouldn't the attack order be Mawile, ole_schooler, Me? I haven't attack last yet, ole_schooler hasn't attacked second, and Mawile hasn't been first (constituting his/her large lead).
Hm. You know, I think I'd rather gang up on the little flying rodent. Dawg, I'd like you to use Drain Punch the entire round on Tavros, with this exception: any action Kositi turns traitor and attacks you, use Copycat (it should copy Discharge, which needs no target, but if it copies a move that needs a target, the target should be Kositi).

Drain Punch @Tavros/Copycat @both/Kositi~Drain Punch @Tavros/Copycat @both/Kositi~Drain Punch @Tavros/Copycat @both/Kositi
Oh, if only you could learn Torment Kositi D:

Well, Light Screen to start. Hopefully that will keep those Discharges from turning you into dead meat. Next Swagger Tavros to possibly help your cause. Finish off with Night Slash on Tavros to keep the pain going against that little menace. If you fail to use Light Screen on the first action, use it on the second. If you're Taunted, switch all actions to Night Slash.

Light Screen/Night Slash @ Tavros ~ Swagger @ Tavros/Light Screen/Night Slash @ Tavros ~ Night Slash @ Tavros
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