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Comma Police vs. Parasitic (DQ)

Karkat Vantas

Virile God-Snake Tower of Masculinity
3vs3 Double
Style: Switch
DQ: A week.
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO
Arena: The Internet
a string of data is where the trainers start, but pokemon can jump to other strings of data.
10% chance that lag will occur and slow down a random pokemon.
15% chance that a spammer will appear and cause 5% typeless damage to a random pokemon.
10% chance that a flamer will appear and cause 7% fire type damage to a random pokemon.
10% chance that a troll will appear and cause 15% dark type damage to a random pokemon.
5% chance that a hacker will appear and halve a random Pokemon's health and energy.
10% chance that a mod will appear and ban a random pokemon from using the last attack it used.
10% that a random pokemon will get RickRoll'd and only be able to use attacking moves (taunt) and be confused.
24% chance that nothing will happen.
Additional Rules: the porygon family spends 1% less energy on attacks after all other modifiers have been applied and their attacks do 5% more damage after all other modifiers have been applied.

Credit to Magikarp for the arena.

Active Squads--


bronzor elgyem bulbasaur bidoof magikarp ralts
Atlas (Levitate, X) - P-Body (Telepathy, M) - Ralat (Overgrow, M) - Justin Beaver (Unaware, F) - Jaws (Swift Swim, M) - Borealis (Trace, F)

Comma Police:

murkrow elgyem spheal

Krona (Super Luck, F) - Pseyer (Synchronize, M) - Rolland (Thick Fat, M)


Coin flip says Comma Police sends out first.

[I'm a bit confused by this arena, actually-- when do the effects take place (I'm going with end of round), and why does the total percentage add up to 99%?]
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Re: Comma Police vs. Parasitic

I didn't make the arena. How about there is a 1% an admin will come and K.O. a Pokemon.
Re: Comma Police vs. Parasitic

I reffed the battle that used this arena originally.

Will check what I did then, and will edit after I do that.

I had the effects take place at the beggining of the round, most likely because that makes more sense with the lag effect. Also, I couldn't find what I originally did about the chances not amounting up to 100%, but most likely, I had the 24% chance of nothing happening being 25% because that made a lot more of sense.
Re: Comma Police vs. Parasitic

I didn't make the arena. How about there is a 1% an admin will come and K.O. a Pokemon.

hahaha no

I think it makes more sense to have the effects occur at the end of the round, and if the effect is "lag" then we could just have them take effect next round. Either way the description doesn't say when.
Re: Comma Police vs. Parasitic

Ralat and Borealis, go!

Ralat, I want you To use Sludge on Krona, then use a health Leech Seed on Krona and an energy Leech Seed on Rolland.
Sludge - Krona~Leech Seed Health - Krona~Leech Seed Energy - Rolland

Borealis, you have a harder job; making sure Ralat is safe. First use a Confuse Ray on Krona, a Future Sight on Rolland, then a Calm Mind.

Confuse Ray - Krona~Future Sight - Rolland~Calm Mind
Re: Comma Police vs. Parasitic

Krona, first use Taunt and Aerial Ace on Borealis, then use Aerial Ace again on Ralat.

Taunt - Borealis~Aerial Ace - Borealis~Aerial Ace - Ralat

Now Rolland, I want you to use Encore on Borealis, or Signal Beam if she hasn't made a move yet. Then use Rock Slide, and end the turn by going into a Defense Curl.

Encore/Signal Beam - Borealis~Rock Slide~Defense Curl
Re: Comma Police vs. Parasitic

3vs3 Double
Style: Switch
DQ: A week.
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO
Arena: The Internet
a string of data is where the trainers start, but pokemon can jump to other strings of data.
10% chance that lag will occur and slow down a random pokemon.
15% chance that a spammer will appear and cause 5% typeless damage to a random pokemon.
10% chance that a flamer will appear and cause 7% fire type damage to a random pokemon.
10% chance that a troll will appear and cause 15% dark type damage to a random pokemon.
5% chance that a hacker will appear and halve a random Pokemon's health and energy.
10% chance that a mod will appear and ban a random pokemon from using the last attack it used.
10% that a random pokemon will get RickRoll'd and only be able to use attacking moves (taunt) and be confused.
24% chance that nothing will happen.
Additional Rules: the porygon family spends 1% less energy on attacks after all other modifiers have been applied and their attacks do 5% more damage after all other modifiers have been applied.

Credit to Magikarp for the arena.

The trainers finished digitizing and fell into the arena. Parasitic tossed out a pair of Pokeballs and summoned a Bulbasaur and a Ralts, while Comma Police summoned a Murkrow and a Spheal. Commands were issued, and the round began.

Team Parasitic

Ralat - M - Overgrow
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Disappointed by the artificiality of the environment.
Commands: Sludge (Krona) ~ Leech Seed H (Krona) ~ Leech Seed E (Rolland)

Borealis - F - Trace (Thick Fat)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: "imma fat! bawwwwwwwwww"
Commands: Confuse Ray (Krona) ~ Future Sight (Rolland) ~ Calm Mind

Team Comma Police

Krona - F - Super Luck
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: "Cheer up, emo Ralts!"
Commands: Taunt (Borealis) ~ Aerial Ace (Borealis) ~ Aerial Ace (Ralat)

Rolland - M - Thick Fat
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: "imma lolrus!!!"
Commands: Encore (Borealis)/Signal Beam (Borealis) ~ Rock Slide ~ Defense Curl

Round 1 Start!!!​

Before anyone could do anything, a crudely drawn stick figure popped up behind Rolland and yelled, "You bitch! You really fucked up! You fucked up! You fucking Nazi whore!" The intense hatred expressed by the flamer were so filled with righteous fire that his words began to superheat the surrounding area. The stick figure proceeded to spontaneously combust. Rolland slumped over with a look of confusion on his face; what was his deal? Eh, at least his blubber protected him from the brunt of the verbal beatdown.

Krona started the round off with a verbal assault of his own, as he proceeded to open his mouth and spout profanities at Borealis in rapid succession. (Use your imagination.) Borealis gaped at the foulmouthed crow. Deciding to disregard his non-violent orders, Borealis ran up to the crow and slapped her hard, hurting herself in the process. She winced in pain until she heard pleased laughter.

Rolland clapped his hands and charmingly chuckled at the absolutely adorable display of futile struggling. That was really cute, you know! Rolland smiled in the most endearing way possible, began emitting hypnotic waves, and posed a question-- if you really hate the birdie that much, why not hit him again? And again? And again?

Borealis suddenly found herself wanting to do nothing more than repeatedly slap Krona. Ralat got behind the naughty crow and drenched it in sludge. Krona turned around and let out a furious caw as the poison seeped into her immune system. She felt sick. Hopefully she wasn't coming down with something...

Poison or no poison, she needed to hit that pesky Ralts. Krona's beak glowed white and came down on the livid humanoid. Borealis responded with another slap to the face, much to Rolland's delight. Meanwhile, Ralat decided to attack the crow via a less direct route. A large seed popped out of his bulb and plopped onto the Murkrow's head. Vines sprouted out of the seed and planted themselves in Krona's brain, slowly draining nutrients from her into the dino's body.

Rolland, on the other hand, was busy running a Google search, and as hard as it was for a Spheal to type out "big rock", he was able to do so. A nice stock image of a boulder appeared above his two opponents, and with a big motion of his flipper the boulder slowly fell down on Parasitic's Pokemon. Ralat slowly stared up at the boulder and let out a little squeak, but it was too late to escape; both Ralat and Borealis were crushed by the huge rocks.

Feeling that the dinosaur responsible for giving her the seed that was currently sapping her life force deserved more punishment, Krona flew up to him and swiped at Ralat with her glowing beak. The dino winced in pain from the force of the strike. Krona's maniacal laughter was cut short, though, when he recieved yet another slap to the face. Rolland, hoping to avoid being hit himself, rolled into a little ball. Try as he might, though, no amount of rolling could protect him from the seed being launched at his stomach. Ralat's bulb spat out a seed that attached itself to Rolland's body and started draining energy.

Krona coughed as the poison began to take its toll.

Round 1 End!!!​

Team Parasitic

Ralat - M - Overgrow
Health: 82%
Energy: 84%
Status: Pleased by the large quantites of nutrients he's intaking.
Commands: Sludge (Krona) ~ Leech Seed H (Krona) ~ Leech Seed E (Rolland)

Borealis - F - Trace (Thick Fat)
Health: 81%
Energy: 88%
Status: "Must hit crow. Must hit crow." Encored (two more actions).
Commands: Struggle ~ Struggle ~ Struggle

Team Comma Police

Krona - F - Super Luck
Health: 83%
Energy: 89%
Status: Not pleased by the combined efforts of his opponents. Poisoned (1% per action), seeded.
Commands: Taunt (Borealis) ~ Aerial Ace (Borealis) ~ Aerial Ace (Ralat)

Rolland - M - Thick Fat
Health: 96%
Energy: 82%
Status: "oh no, THE SEEEEEEDS" Seeded. +1 defense.
Commands: Encore (Borealis) ~ Rock Slide ~ Defense Curl

Arena Notes: Unchanged.

Ref Notes:
Random event: Rolland was targeted by a flamer who really likes Ween apparently.
Comma Police attacks first next round.
Re: Comma Police vs. Parasitic

Comma Police remained inactive, even when prompted to issue commands. The irritated ref got out his cattle prod and shoved it down the inactive battler's throat. A blood-curling scream was heard as Comma Police's eyes popped out of her skull and exploded in a gory mess.

Parasitic backed slowly away from the corpse before growing wings and flying away. Karkat did the same, leaving the rotten cadaver of the tardy battler to rot in /b/ until the end of time.


Okay, Comma Police has ignored my warnings and it's been over a week, so she's DQed.

Ralat, Borealis, Krona, and the lolrus all get 1 EXP.

Parasitic gets $16, I get $10, Comma gets nothing. Yay?
Re: Comma Police vs. Parasitic


I won my first battle!
Also I think Comma is a he.
Re: Comma Police vs. Parasitic

Whoops! He is male, my apologies.

And winning via DQ isn't all that great, you know :(
Errr sorry about this. I knew I should have done this as soon as I saw it, because the very next day my computer got messed up and it wasn't fixed until today. :{ My bad, the cow prod is deserved.

If you guys want to have another battle against each other that's fine with me, but I'm not reffing another double battle. :S
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