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Overcoming Mental Blocks

The Omskivar

chah, dude
So today was an all-school field trip to Action Territory, a massive arcade/runway thing in a neighboring town. We had unlimited mini golf, so a couple of friends and I walked over there (after I whupped their asses at Go-Karts) and what should I spy there but one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen, ever. No joke, she was smokin, with her red-and-blond dyed hair, startling blue-green eyes and a killer smile. My friends (let's call them Tony and Henry) and I are just dicking around, you know, being highschoolers, and she's just kinda giggling, and we get our clubs and balls and go. Later Henry and I have another round with another friend, who we will call Carol. Henry and I talk up how awesome this girl is, so Carol decides to embarrass us and ask how old she is and say that "some people, not necessarily them, were saying how nice you looked." Which obviously meant us, but no big deal.

I mulled over the idea of asking for her number, something I always thought about but never actually did in situations like this. I don't know why that is; that's what the huge deal is. I have no follow-through on the advice I give to other people. I tell people to go ahead and do things, and if they look like fools then so what? Chances are you'll never see that person again. But me, no, I always worry too much about what other people think of me. Today that changed. I finally said "Fuck it" and asked for her number right before the class left the place. I ended up getting the number. And it turns out we have a lot in common.

TL;DR: I got over my fear of strangers' opinions and now i'm texting the most beautiful person I know :3
Aww, that's wonderful! Just proves you shouldn't work yourself up over what other people think ;D And who knows, you might've just found someone who'll be very special to you in the future...~ (Time will tell, of course! XD)
Gah after texting her for liek 2all afternoon I've decided that if she lived in the same city I would be doing anything I could to be with her. Unfortunately, she has a boyfriend, though I have a slight hope suspicion that she might have been testing me to see if I just wanted to get with her. Probably turns out to be true, but still. I think I'm in love ^-^

Note: I'm not actually "in love" I was just using that for emphasis
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