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Very Very Small Mafia TOO

Day 1

The townspeople awake to see that the mafia has taken a victim. The motionless body of Legendaryseeker99 lay, dead on the streets.

Legendaryseeker99 is dead and innocent.
You're so screwed. =P

KR-9's got the right idea. He knows a strategy when he sees one.

Edit: Ninja'd! Mawile, you dead!
I WANT to lynch the vig!

...strange...I thought LS99 was Vig....Meh, we still win!
Mawile was chosen to be lynched; and so be it! The Mafia and Lovers win!

I know.



Made me piss my pants in laughter.

Mai was the Mafia, and I picked her as Lover! Silly little BG, you BGed the Mafia! XP
To Rizadon: I told you LS99 was bodyguard!

Wow, ninja'd times a thousand. You're right, Mawile. Good game!
I thought that since the list said Mafia, BG, Vig, Lover. Since you were first and you got Mafia, i was 4th and i got lover, I thought that LS99 was Vig! Nevertheless, we still won!

Edit: Please give the Death Quee.

And I deem this Mafia Game The Shortest Mafia Game In TCOD HISTORY!!!! IT ONLY TOOK 30 FREAKIN' MINUTES!
Why would we need the queue?

I killed LS99.

Rizadon loved me.

LS99 protected me.

And Mawile either did nothing or attacked me/LS.
Mawile did nothing. If he targeted you or him, then LS99 would have been killed.
How about Mai make the Fourth?

LS99 Make the Fifth

Mawile Make the 6th

Skyman Make the 7th
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