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[11] Mai vs moon-panther


busy dizzy lazy
Staff member
1 vs 1
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, attacks that require terrain resources (e.g. water, rocks, or plants), weather attacks
Terrain: Nimbasa City Music Hall

As the TCoD League championship moves on from Castelia City, the next stop is Unova's recreation hotspot, Nimbasa City. There are all kinds of attractions to choose from: the ferris wheel, the sports domes, and even the battle subway, perhaps a natural choice for a pokémon tournament. But let's be serious--these all pale into comparison to the real reason you'd want to visit Nimbasa City. After all, you haven't really lived until you've stuck a moustache on your Arceus and then chuckled to yourself as you watched the creator of the pokémon world prancing and rolling across the stage next to a patrat wearing cowboy boots.

Yes, the league is taking to the stage and setting its next round of battle to music. The battle takes place on one of the four Music Hall stages (Stardom, Forest Stroll, A Sweet Soiree, or Exciting Nimbasa), selected at random. The different backdrops have no effect on the battle. In addition, trainers may dress their pokémon up in any way that they wish, although costumes will also have no effect on the battle (even if they include things like weapons or props that would ordinarily be useful in a fight). However, they can also choose the music that will play during each round, and different tunes will have different effects on the pokémon battling.

Battles for this round will begin with the posting of each player's active squad as usual. After that, however, each player PM's their choice of pokémon, a description of that pokémon's costume, and their selection of songs and their effects to the referee. Each player chooses five songs and comes up with effects for them (appropriate effects are described below); these will be played in order, one during each round of battle, and the player who is ordering first in that round is always the one who will have his or her song playing during that round. Once the pokémon and songs have been received from both players, the referee will randomize which player gives commands first, then posts what pokémon each player will be using and the song (and the effects it will have on the battle) that will play for the first round--the first song on the list for the player who orders first in the first round. From that point forward, commands proceed as normal, with the referee posting the next song and its effects at the end of each round. If neither pokémon has been knocked out at the end of ten rounds, the winner will be determined by totaling each pokémon's health and energy, the same way it was during the previous round.

Any sort of music can be specified as the song for a given round, but please don't pick something offensive. Don't make me regret not restricting you to songs without lyrics, that is. A song can have a variety of effects on the battlefield, whether raising the power of some kinds of attacks for that round to healing status ailments. However, they must affect both pokémon equally--you can't have only your pokémon get an attack boost, for example. However, it's fine if you specify an effect that, due to the nature of your pokémon, will not affect the opponent the same as your pokémon; for example, if you specify that both pokémon will become severely poisoned but send out a steel-type, then your pokémon will not be poisoned even though your opponent's might. Effects that would ordinarily last multiple rounds (like trick room, weather attacks, or status conditions), if caused by a song, will last only for that round, and you can ask for weather effects even though pokémon won't be able to create them with their attacks. Effects always come into play at the beginning of the round, before either pokémon has the opportunity to act; thus, if a song will cause both pokémon to be burned, they will start out the round burned, and the burn can't be prevented by any of their attacks (i.e. you can't block a first-action burn with a safeguard).

Songs are restricted to causing damage/energy swings of no more than 3% (e.g. "All fire attacks cause 3% more damage after all effects" or "All fire attacks cost 3% less energy after all effects) and causing stat boosts/reductions of no more than two levels. They may also have only one effect: they cause hail to come into play or they increase fire-type attack damage by 3% or they cause both pokémon to fall asleep or they cause both pokémon to become paralyzed, etc., not any combination thereof. They also may not prevent the pokémon from acting in a round, e.g. "neither pokémon can use damaging attacks this round" or "neither pokémon can act this round", ban one or more attacks for the round, or alter the pokémon's movepools.

If you don't want to go to the trouble to figure out a set of songs for yourself and/or don't want your pokémon to fight in costume, then just let your referee know when you choose which pokémon to send out. They will come up with a list of randomly-selected pokémon-related songs with associated effects and then PM them back to you, so that you retain the advantage of knowing what will happen on each one of "your" song rounds. (Or, if the referee doesn't want to do that either, they can PM me and I'll provide the music for that player instead.)

Mai's Active Squad

Nephtys the Female Ralts
Ability: Trace

Cynda the Female Cyndaquil
Ability: Blaze

Dia the Male Sableye
Ability: Stall

Azuraine the Male Nidorino
Ability: Poison Point
Item: Moon Stone

Karkat Vantas the Male Snivy
Ability: Contrary

Visionary the Male Deino
Ability: Hustle

Harlequin the Male Oshawott
Ability: Torrent

Rebecca the Female Zigzagoon
Ability: Pickup

Tuft the Male Accelgor
Ability: Hydration

moon-panther's Active Squad

Riza the Female Pidgeotto
Ability: Keen Eye
Item: Wide Lens

Chaos the Female Vulpix
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Fire Stone

Roy the Male Charmander
Ability: Blaze
Item: Focus Band

Halan the Male Lucario
Ability: Steadfast
Signature Attribute: Heart of the Crow

Takumi the Male Mudkip
Ability: Torrent

Atlanta the Female Myrid
Ability: Water Absorb

Mia the Female Gyarados
Ability: Intimidate

Angel the Female Skelitten
Ability: Pressure

Hui the Female Medicham
Ability: Pure Power

Both players should PM their pokémon, dress-up, and music choices to the referee. Once this has been done, the turn order and song for the first round will be posted and commands can be made as normal.
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Okay, let's meet the pokémon! Mai will be using Azuraine the nidorino, wwearin a patchy skirt with a bold purple-and-red squiddle motif and a ratty blue-striped scarf. (Refer also to his sig attribute.) moon-panther's Halan is looking a bit more dapper in a long blue trench coat edged in white fur, his own faded blue scarf, tattered at the ends, and a pair of well-known angular shades.

Mai will be attacking first this round, so the music will be Route 113 from RSE, resulting in severe poisoning due to the ash-filled air.
Ah, I knew it. :| Oh well; it was a gimmicky idea anyway. We're still good here, Azuraine. It just means your ability is a slightly useless.

Is there suitable resources for the moves earthquake and bulldoze? I'd hope not, but it's workable it's allowed. It specifically says soil in the description for bulldoze, and I don't think the people in the building would appreciate an earthquake.

Also, how do you calculate STAB and other effects (weaknesses, resistances) on multi-hit moves? Sorry about all the questions, I suppose I really should know how to calculate multi-hit moves considering I'm a ref.
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Is there suitable resources for the moves earthquake and bulldoze? I'd hope not, but it's workable it's allowed. It specifically says soil in the description for bulldoze, and I don't think the people in the building would appreciate an earthquake.
Earthquake and bulldoze require only a suitably stiff medium to travel through, so they can be used on stage, yes. As in most tournament matches, the audience is either presumed protected from damage caused by the pokémon's attacks or humorously inconvenienced by it.

Also, how do you calculate STAB and other effects (weaknesses, resistances) on multi-hit moves? Sorry about all the question, I suppose I really should know how to calculate multi-hit moves considering I'm a ref.
Calculating damage per hit would be hella broken (because things like swords dance boosts would compound and get crazy). Therefore, I first figure out how many hits are going to be made, then multiply by the base power of the attack to get the overall base power (e.g. three hits with rock blast = 75 bp) and use that as the power of the attack for all further calculations.

Also, going to edit in info on Halan's attribute for convenience.
Okay then.

Azuraine~! I have a plan for you, but honestly it won't really come into play until next round. >_>;; Hopefully moon-panther's song isn't too tricky.

So, I'm hoping that I don't screw up until then. Let's start simple. Substitute (20%), then defense curl and double kick. If you are taunted or Halan is preparing a focus punch, replace actions one and two with rock smash. If on action three moon-panther protects, go with another defense curl; also if you are to attack and Halan has clones get rid of them with shock wave.

Substitute/Rock smash/Shock wave~Defense curl/Rock smash/Shock wave~Double kick/Defense curl/Shock wave

I have no doubt that substitute would be destroyed by the second turn if I had made it 15%.
Alright Halan, since the first two actions from our opponent has nothing really to do with you, lets take this time to ready ourselves. I want you to use Calm Mind on the first action, Swords dance on the second, then end with a Counter to send those kicks right back.

Calm Mind ~ Swords Dance ~ Counter
Anticipation is running high as the second round of the TCoD ASB league championship gets underway. It's not the big leagues just yet, but this is the first opportunity trainers will have to bring their own pokémon to the fight, and the audience is eager to see what they can do with their own, familiar pokémon. It's also eager to see just what's going on with this round. Music? And fighting? And dress-up to? It's an odd combination, and as the crowd takes their seats in Nimbasa's music hall, they're sure they're in for a rare treat.

Right on schedule, the music starts playing. It's an unusual tune, a bright and a bit tinkly, but not unpleasant. As the curtain rises, it reveals a painted desert backdrop and, incongruously, volcanic ash drifting down from the ceiling. It's nothing like as out of place as the pokémon, though--and neither of them seem at all bothered by the choking ashfall. A murmur of consternation goes through the crowd at the sight of Azuraine the nidorino. What is that, exactly? And what's it wearing? Azuraine, who's used to uncharitable comments about his appearance, hunches his shoulders and buries his face deeper in his threadbare scarf. Honestly, what was his trainer thinking, dressing him up in a gaudy skirt like this? She knows about the whole getting-mistaken-for-a-nidorina thing!

Halan the lucario looks much more comfortable in his outfit, a long blue coat with luxurious fur trimming and a tattered scarf around his neck. His eyes are alert behind his angular shades as he listens for his trainer's command. Azuraine, despite his discomfiture, is doing likewise; neither pokémon wants to be caught off-guard as the battle begins.

Round One

Mai (O)
Azuraine (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- Grumpy.

moon-panther (O)
Halan (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- Cool as anything.

Halan is the first to act, though what he's doing isn't obvious. The lucario folds his arms and closes his eyes, sinking into a brief meditative trance to improve his focus and perception. Azuraine, meanwhile, is setting up a more tangible defense. The nidorino rips a scrap from the end of his scarf and lays it on the stage in front of him, then pours his lifeforce into it. The square of blue fabric grows and warps, rising from the floor in ever-expanding layers of fabric as it takes on the shape of a nidorino. When Azuraine is finished, a small blue-striped nidorino doll stands before him, its patchy hide bound together with glimmering silver thread.

Halan finds his opponent's substitute amusing. Let him defend all he likes--he's in for a solid beating. The lucario breaks into a martial dance, sweeping from one fighting form to the next as he traces a vague circle around his side of the stage. The audience is very appreciative of his energetic kicks and spinning; Azuraine, who is simply curling up into a spiky ball, is somewhat less interesting to watch. His jealousy of his opponent seethes within him; Halan is clearly the crowd favorite, and nobody thinks he looks like a girl, do they? Oh, no...

No sooner has Halan brought his swords dance to a close with a final flourish and bow than Azuraine makes his move. Uncurling, he rushes over to his opponent, pivots onto his front legs, and brings his back paws around for a quick one-two kick. The double kick is made a bit awkward by Azuraine's skirt, but it's as effective as ever, and Halan grunts as the fighting attack rattles his metal skeleton. He's prepared, though, and catches the second leg as it follows through, using the nidorino's own momentum against him as he swings Azuraine around and tosses him across the arena. The nidorino's substitute is there for him, though, hurrying to catch its master on its back and soften his landing. Azuraine is left lying amid the avatar's tattered remains, dazed and on his back but unharmed.

Mai (O)
Azuraine (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 80%
Energy: 87%
- What just happened? +1 Defense

moon-panther (O)
Halan (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 90%
Energy: 86%
- Still feeling in control. +2 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense

Final Notes
- moon-panther attacks first next round. The song will be "Stronger" by Kanye West. For this round, all pokemon involved get a +2 Attk boost
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Alright Babe, lets rock!

I want you to start off with Magnet Rise so null that ground weak of yours. Second, follow up with a Zen Headbutt then finish with a Low Sweep. If they protect or detect, use Feint instead.

Magnet Rise ~ Zen Headbutt/Feint ~ Low Sweep/Feint
Damage cap, why are you at 35%? :|

Anyway! Azuraine, we can't re-enact our plan. Which doesn't matter, because I wasn't planning on it this round. Let him use magnet rise while you prepare with curse; it will make things so much easier later. Next, retaliate with counter. It should just hit (well, go under at 34%) of the cap. After that, stock up with curse again. We need to prepare, because if things go well you're going to be fighting the Crow instead of Halan next round! Don't worry, it will make things much simpler~


Also, I have questions about the Crow. Because it is a pure fighting type, can it be poisoned? Is it possible to attack it instead of Halan (or vice versa), to change the way attacks are calculated? Will poison damage affect Halan even though he's immune to it (because the Crow is poisoned)?
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Round Two

Mai (O)
Azuraine (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 80%
Energy: 87%
Commands: Curse ~ Counter ~ Curse
- What just happened? +1 Defense

moon-panther (O)
Halan (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 90%
Energy: 86%
Commands: Magnet Rise ~ Zen Headbutt/Feint ~ Low Sweep/Feint
- Still feeling in control. +2 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense

As the bright video game music gives way to a pumping hip-hop beat, the choking ash disappears. Both pokémon take deep, grateful breaths; they might not have been poisoned by the ash, but it was definitely a nuisance. And, as they stand listening to their orders and the music, new power floods them, a temporary rush of strength making them even more eager to do battle.

For the moment, though, neither of them is going on the offensive. Through some complex biological mechanism, the neurons innervating Halan's musculature fire in sync, converting the lucario's metal-plated bones into electromagnets. As the lucario's electromagnetic field aligns against the earth's, the lucario is lifted gently off the stage, floating a couple of inches in the air. The crowd applauds the somewhat eerie display, while Azuraine gets much less attention. The nidorino is up to eerie business of his own, however, murmuring a sibilant chant beneath his breath as he makes a pact with eldritch forces unknown, exchanging a bit of his energy for increased power. He bulks up subtly, new musculature adding more power and an additional layer of protection to his body.

He's going to need all the protection he can get, as Halan is now slipping into a meditative trance, reinforcing his skull with psychic power. He settles gently back to the stage for a moment, lowers his head, and lunges, catching Azuraine a mighty blow that sends him flying in a concussion of psychic energy. The nidorino is prepared, however, and lands gracefully, channeling his momentum to swing himself around and launch himself into Halan as the lucario is recovering from his attack. They both end up sprawling in a heap, Halan the worse off after having endured the power of his own zen headbutt thrown back at him with Azuraine's own strength added to it.

The lucario recovers admirably, however. Azuraine stands transfixed as the Halan gets back to his feet; something seems horribly off about the lucario. His shadow seems to have taken on a life of its own, twisting and fluttering independent of how Halan moves. Now and again, the nidorino thinks he catches wings spreading out from the shuddering shade. Halan doesn't appear to notice anything out of the ordinary, though, and Azuraine's inattention is costly. His opponent lashes out with a swift, low kick, sweeping Azuraine's four legs out from under him and sending him crashing to the stage.

This is enough to put an end to the nidorino's curiosity, and once he gets back to his feet, he's all business. Another deal struck, more energy transferred, and the nidorino experiences another brief growth spurt. He is now visibly more muscular than before, if rather more sluggish and ginger on his aching legs.

Mai (O)
Azuraine (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 51%
Energy: 60%
Used: Curse ~ Counter ~ Curse
- A bit bruised. +2 Attack, +3 Defense, -3 Speed

moon-panther (O)
Halan (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 60%
Energy: 71%
Commands: Magnet Rise ~ Zen Headbutt ~ Low Sweep
- Growing tired of his opponent's counterattacks. Levitating on electromagnetism (3 more actions). +2 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense

Final Notes
- Since moon-panther hasn't said anything yet, Mai, I can just tell you how I would interpret the Crow: yes to all your questions. But only once it's in the final (49%-) fully-manifested form.
- Mai attacks first next round. The music will be "Song of Storms" from Super Smash Brothers Brawl, which will cause it to rain.
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Shouldn't Azuraine have +3 defense? He used defense curl earlier. Or did it wear off?

Also, does the Crow have to attack every action, or can Halan chill and do other things?

Anyway! Azuraine, we're not exactly winning here at all. In fact, we're losing. :( My statement is still true, however; once the Crow is out, we will win. Once we get your STAB usable and your ability functioning, things will become much easier.

This song won't help you that much; I was going to abuse thunder and try for paralysis. I think this is a better idea: use double kick on the first action. If the Crow comes out of the lucario (it's a wispy spiritual thing and will attack you instead of Halan), use curse twice. If not and the lucario is still the one fighting, fire off thunders until the Crow is out. Now, if Halan protects/detects/you can't hit him for any reason, curse and use thunder on the last action (only if the Crow is not out).

Azuraine, try your best to bring out the Crow on the first action. Okay? It may hurt at first, but he'll be stuck on a resisted attack and you can easily defeat him. He insulted your kilt. This requires payback.

Double kick/curse~curse/thunder~curse/thunder
Alright Halan...lets see what we can do here. *rubs chin*

Use Counter on that Double Kick, then follow up with two Psychics. Simple enough, yes? Though if she draws out the Crow...well then, its out of our hands and up to him, now isn't.

Counter ~ Psychic x2

And an answer to your question, Mai. Yes the Crow attacks every action. And as for the poisoning thing...Uh, I never really thought of that but all I know is that once the Crow loses all his HP, so does Halan. I wouldn't think the Crow could get poisoned since he is a part of Halan, but I guess poison attacks could still happen. As for who you can attack, you can attack either.
Round Three

Mai (O)
Azuraine (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 51%
Energy: 60%
- A bit bruised. +2 Attack, +3 Defense, -3 Speed

moon-panther (O)
Halan (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 60%
Energy: 71%
- Growing tired of his opponent's counterattacks. Levitating on electromagnetism (3 more actions). +2 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense

The music turns to a light and rollicking melody, one that somehow calls forth clouds to cluster near the high ceiling of the music hall and dump a thin mist of rain down on the stage. The crowd is appreciative of this strange fancy, though the ones in the first rows, getting soaked by the edge of the rainstorm, are not the most enthusiastic.

Neither pokémon pays much attention to the rain or how it drenches their garb. After spending so much time to pump himself up, Azuraine is glad of a chance to test his new power against his opponent. He doesn't question why Halan is waiting patiently, not taking advantage of the nidorino's sluggishness but only standing in a defensive stance, as he charges in to try a double kick. He brings his legs around one at a time, hammering Halan with two powerful kicks. The lucario reaches out to grab his legs as they whip past, hoping to topple the nidorino and punish him for the reckless attack, but his plans are overthrown when the crow that had been bleeding into his shadow spreads its wings and takes command of the battle.

Halan slumps backwards as the spectral bird passes straight through him to get to Azuraine, talons wide and beak open to reveal a seething red light burning in the depths of its shadowy body. The Crow falls on the startled nidorino, stabbing with its wicked beak and raking with its claws, uttering hoarse, croaking laughter all the while. For Halan's part, he's fallen to his knees in something like a daze, totally oblivious to the battle unfolding before him.

Azuraine retreats from the Crow's assault, utterly perplexed, but the spirit-bird does not hesitate to give pursuit, harrying him all the way with scratches and buffets of its half-insubstantial wings. Azuraine forces himself to calm down and turn to face the Crow; clearly running from it will do no good. And, as he starts to master his fear, he realizes that its attacks don't really hurt him all that much; his cursing has fortified him a great deal. Still, it unnerves him to have to duck his head and try to concentrate on building himself up more even as the Crow hammers on his defenses with determined malice. Once more he buffs himself up on power borrowed from dark places, and the pain of the crow's talons fades even further. The spirit-bird is implacable, however, tearing at the nidorino's tender ears and trying to get its long beak between his forelegs to stab at his eyes. Azuraine shudders but does his best to ignore it, performing another curse. By now, strength unlike any he's had before courses through his whole body. He is dreadfully slow now, his bargains with the spirits having sapped much of his vitality, but he is powerful and sturdy. He dearly hopes, though, that his trainer will stop commanding him to spend time pumping himself up and now turn its attention to actually winning. Azuraine's health is beginning to flag, and though it seems his Halan has sunk into some kind of insensible stupor, he doesn't much relish fighting this devil-bird in the lucario's place.

Mai (O)
Azuraine (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 37%
Energy: 53%
Used: Double Kick ~ Curse x2
- Trying to shield his face from the Crow's attacks. +4 Attack, +5 Defense, -5 Speed

moon-panther (O)
Halan (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 47%
Energy: 61%
Used: Crow x3
- Totally given over to the power of the Crow. +2 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense

Final Notes
- HighMoon attacks first next round. The song will be Nickelback's "Leader of Men", which will cause all stat changes to be eliminated, bringing the pokémon back onto common ground.
..whelp, seems you've been called Crow. Nice to see you again actually, been some time since you've been in the battled field when Halan needed the help. As you can see from the next song, all that buffing that Nidobrat did will be gone and you can finish them off in a flash.

Try not to be too gory. I know how you like to play with your food.

Do do do~ Crow Attack x3
Do the statboosts come back next round, or will they disappear entirely?

EDIT: Can the Crow be disabled? If so!

You can't faint this round, Azuraine. You really can't, considering the damage cap will stop that from happening. :D You have a large chance of being completely pummeled, but you'll survive at the bare minimum!

Anyway, I'm going to assume that those statboosts are going to come back! They have to, or I am going to lose. So, good luck to you and have fun with these commands! Things will go well, I assure you.

Disable that attack, then go ahead with poison jab twice (on the Crow, not Halan!). So uncreative, but effective enough!

Disable~ Poison jab~ Poison jab

If the Crow can't be disabled!

Azuraine, this is going to be a difficult round. However, you'll survive and beat him in the end. Keeping positive is a must, you see. Flatter him, then go ahead and skull bash the Crow. Afterwards use morning sun.

Flatter~ Skull bash~ Morning sun
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Disable him. Really? I'd think since all he does is attack, it would be tough to disable, and if you could I think he would find a way to hurt you like...oh i don't know, Use Halan like a puppet and shoot off Aura Sphere.
It was worth a shot! Besides, there's another option if that isn't allowed.

I personally would allow it, but considering that we're on different sides of the battle and therefore have separate interests it's sort of Negrek's decision.
Round Four

Mai (O)
Azuraine (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 37%
Energy: 53%
Commands: Flatter ~ Skull bash ~ Morning sun
- Trying to shield his face from the Crow's attacks. +4 Attack, +5 Defense, -5 Speed

moon-panther (O)
Halan (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 47%
Energy: 61%
Commands: Crow x3
- Totally given over to the power of the Crow. +2 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense

As the Song of Storms peters out, the rain goes with it, fading to a gentle mist, then vanishing entirely. Alas, its aftereffects do not, and several sodden members of the audience get up and leave in a huff. The song that follows, a melancholy rock number, strikes fear in Azuraine's heart. Somehow, he feels all his hard-won power draining from his body as it plays on, leaving him at no more than his usual strength--and the mercy of the Crow.

Now Azuraine can really feel the relentless creature's beak and claws as it tears into his body, ripping his hand-me-down garments and jabbing at any tender spot it can find with its beak. Azuraine groans and tries to get the implacable creature's attention. My, you certainly are a--ow--a mighty, majestic creature, aren't you? Aggh. It's so unfortunate that I had to meet you on the battlefield; now I'm sure I have no chance to--ouch!--to win. Yes, Halan is lucky to have made whatever pact it was that granted him such a powerful ally in battle.

The Crow's furious pecking lets up for a moment, and Azuraine chances a peek from between his legs. The spirit is hovering just overhead, beak opening and closing slackly and burning red eyes regarding him with confusion. Growing bolder, Azuraine raises his head and lays all the praise he can think of on the Crow, admiring its spectral form, its bloodthirsty dedication to battle, and its ancient cunning. The crow's talons clutch at thin air and a faint hissing escapes its beak; it isn't sure what to make of this situation. Azuraine does his best to stand firm beneath its steady gaze, but he can't help but wince as it dives for him again, cawing madly. To his surprise and relief, however, the dazed creature crashes into the stage instead of him.

This gives him an opening to attack, and he's quick to take it, lowering his head and taking a moment to brace himself before leaping forward and smashing into the Crow with a solid skull bash. The shadowy spirit is thrown backwards, scattering spectral feathers and shrieking in indignation.

After that, it's back to flapping around Azuraine, opening still more wounds on his hide. The besieged nidorino isn't just going to let the Crow claw him to death, though. He closes his eyes tightly and raises them towards the ceiling, his ears standing tall as the stage lights shine brighter than ever, bathing him in a fair imitation of solar radiance. Azuraine ignores the Crow's persistant harrying and lets the faux sun's energy renew him, sealing wounds with unnatural speed and reversing much of the damage he's suffered so far in battle. Of course, so much healing in so short a period of time weighs heavily on his body, and he is left panting, tongue lolling from his mouth, while the Crow screeches in frustration to see its handiwork erased.

Mai (O)
Azuraine (M) <Poison Point>
Health: 75%
Energy: 19%
Used: Flatter ~ Skull Bash ~ Morning Sun
- Healthier, but suddenly very tired. +4 Attack, +6 Defense, -5 Speed

moon-panther (O)
Halan (M) <Steadfast>
Health: 36%
Energy: 58%
Used: Crow ~ Crow (confused) ~ Crow
- Totally given over to the power of the Crow. Confused (mild). +2 Attack, +2 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense

Final Notes
- I don't really consider the Crow an "attack"; it's a construct that makes a general melee attack each action, and therefore cannot be disable.
- Likewise, as it's a spirit and not a regular pokémon, it was less susceptible to the flatter attack. Still confusion failed second action, though.
- Because song effects only last for one round, the pokémon's stat boosts will be restored next round. Also, the +1's from flatter and skull bash still happened, but simply didn't count last round. They will in the next.
- Mai attacks first next round. The song will be "Defying Gravity", granting both pokémon the levitate ability in addition to all others.
Oh, okay.

Don't worry, Azuraine. At this point we should win. We're tied in points, and he's stuck on an attack that according to Altered Origin's calculator will do only 1% damage. Sure, Negrek uses another scale. However, I'm sure the attack will have a very similar outcome.

Chill twice, then go ahead and use poison jab. Target the Crow with that, unless the exertion of that attack would cause you to faint: in that case use poison sting. I suppose I might as well add almost pointless conditionals; if something would cause your attack to fail (Halan shielding the Crow, protection/detection/dodging/something else) or even the poison sting would be too much just chill the last time as well. I don't want to ruin this setup with you energy!fainting.

Try your best!

Chill~ Chill~ Poison jab/Poison sting/Chill
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