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[11] Karkat Vantas vs ultraviolet (ref: Moo)


busy dizzy lazy
Staff member
1 vs 1
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, attacks that require terrain resources (e.g. water, rocks, or plants), weather attacks
Terrain: Nimbasa City Music Hall

As the TCoD League championship moves on from Castelia City, the next stop is Unova's recreation hotspot, Nimbasa City. There are all kinds of attractions to choose from: the ferris wheel, the sports domes, and even the battle subway, perhaps a natural choice for a pokémon tournament. But let's be serious--these all pale into comparison to the real reason you'd want to visit Nimbasa City. After all, you haven't really lived until you've stuck a moustache on your Arceus and then chuckled to yourself as you watched the creator of the pokémon world prancing and rolling across the stage next to a patrat wearing cowboy boots.

Yes, the league is taking to the stage and setting its next round of battle to music. The battle takes place on one of the four Music Hall stages (Stardom, Forest Stroll, A Sweet Soiree, or Exciting Nimbasa), selected at random. The different backdrops have no effect on the battle. In addition, trainers may dress their pokémon up in any way that they wish, although costumes will also have no effect on the battle (even if they include things like weapons or props that would ordinarily be useful in a fight). However, they can also choose the music that will play during each round, and different tunes will have different effects on the pokémon battling.

Battles for this round will begin with the posting of each player's active squad as usual. After that, however, each player PM's their choice of pokémon, a description of that pokémon's costume, and their selection of songs and their effects to the referee. Each player chooses five songs and comes up with effects for them (appropriate effects are described below); these will be played in order, one during each round of battle, and the player who is ordering first in that round is always the one who will have his or her song playing during that round. Once the pokémon and songs have been received from both players, the referee will randomize which player gives commands first, then posts what pokémon each player will be using and the song (and the effects it will have on the battle) that will play for the first round--the first song on the list for the player who orders first in the first round. From that point forward, commands proceed as normal, with the referee posting the next song and its effects at the end of each round. If neither pokémon has been knocked out at the end of ten rounds, the winner will be determined by totaling each pokémon's health and energy, the same way it was during the previous round.

Any sort of music can be specified as the song for a given round, but please don't pick something offensive. Don't make me regret not restricting you to songs without lyrics, that is. A song can have a variety of effects on the battlefield, whether raising the power of some kinds of attacks for that round to healing status ailments. However, they must affect both pokémon equally--you can't have only your pokémon get an attack boost, for example. However, it's fine if you specify an effect that, due to the nature of your pokémon, will not affect the opponent the same as your pokémon; for example, if you specify that both pokémon will become severely poisoned but send out a steel-type, then your pokémon will not be poisoned even though your opponent's might. Effects that would ordinarily last multiple rounds (like trick room, weather attacks, or status conditions), if caused by a song, will last only for that round, and you can ask for weather effects even though pokémon won't be able to create them with their attacks. Effects always come into play at the beginning of the round, before either pokémon has the opportunity to act; thus, if a song will cause both pokémon to be burned, they will start out the round burned, and the burn can't be prevented by any of their attacks (i.e. you can't block a first-action burn with a safeguard).

Songs are restricted to causing damage/energy swings of no more than 3% (e.g. "All fire attacks cause 3% more damage after all effects" or "All fire attacks cost 3% less energy after all effects) and causing stat boosts/reductions of no more than two levels. They may also have only one effect: they cause hail to come into play or they increase fire-type attack damage by 3% or they cause both pokémon to fall asleep or they cause both pokémon to become paralyzed, etc., not any combination thereof. They also may not prevent the pokémon from acting in a round, e.g. "neither pokémon can use damaging attacks this round" or "neither pokémon can act this round", ban one or more attacks for the round, or alter the pokémon's movepools.

If you don't want to go to the trouble to figure out a set of songs for yourself and/or don't want your pokémon to fight in costume, then just let your referee know when you choose which pokémon to send out. They will come up with a list of randomly-selected pokémon-related songs with associated effects and then PM them back to you, so that you retain the advantage of knowing what will happen on each one of "your" song rounds. (Or, if the referee doesn't want to do that either, they can PM me and I'll provide the music for that player instead.)

ultraviolet's Active Squad

Deuce the Male Ponyta
Ability: Flash Fire

Gwenfair the Female Nidorina
Ability: Poison Point
Item: Moon Stone

Hark the Male Murkrow
Ability: Super Luck
Item: Dusk Stone

Circe the Female Kecleon
Ability: Color Change

Oubliette the Female Shuppet
Ability: Frisk

Button the Female Mawile
Ability: Hyper Cutter

Arabelle the Female Mienfoo
Ability: Regenerator

Pomegranate the Female Petilil
Ability: Own Tempo
Item: Sun Stone

Mimbulus Mimbletonia the Female Maractus
Ability: Water Absorb

Jacques the Male Joltik
Ability: Compoundeyes
Item: Lucky Egg

Karkat Vantas's Active Squad

Chill Penguin the Male Piplup
Ability: Torrent

Dangermouse the Male Nidorino
Ability: Poison Point
Item: Moon Stone

Godot the Male Nuzleaf
Ability: Chlorophyll
Item: Leaf Stone

Slash Grizzly the Female Ursaring
Ability: Guts

Tesla the Female Flaaffy
Ability: Static

Fudgie the Male Wailmer
Ability: Oblivious

Envy the Female Mismagius
Ability: Levitate

Bilinda Butcher the Female Druddigon
Ability: Rough Skin

Frosty the Male Abomasnow
Ability: Snow Warning

Kong the Male Primeape
Ability: Vital Spirit

Both players should PM their pokémon, dress-up, and music choices to the referee. Once this has been done, the turn order and song for the first round will be posted and commands can be made as normal.
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Each player chooses five songs and comes up with effects for them (appropriate effects are described below); these will be played in order, one during each round of battle, and the player who is ordering first in that round is always the one who will have his or her song playing during that round.

Before I post commands, let us ponder how listening to Metallica can put someone to sleep.

Anyway... so, since your opponent is going to be asleep until you attack it, use this as an opportunity to set up a FOCUS PUNCH!!! Start with a Substitute. Ten percent should be good. Most importantly, wait for your opponent to attack before setting it up yourself. You don't want it breaking your sub, right? If Circe doesn't attack, just set up the sub.

Afterwards, FOCUS PUNCH!!!

Aaaaaand after that, finish her off with an Aerial Ace.

(wait, if applicable, then) Substitute ~ Focus Punch ~ Aerial Ace
Right, okay. Snore as loudly as you can, I suppose? If we're lucky it'll be horrible enough to make him flinch, so put your back into it! It's all you can do until he wakes you up with Focus Punch, at which point you should use Counter on him - or, well, the sub if it's there. After that I'd like you to Protect yourself from that Aerial Ace - no shame in that.
If Focus Punch fails (somehow) and you're still asleep, just use Snore and Trick Room.

Snore ~ Counter/Snore ~ Protect/Trick Room
you can do this! :D
Nimbasa City Music Hall

As the TCoD League championship moves on from Castelia City, the next stop is Unova's recreation hotspot, Nimbasa City. There are all kinds of attractions to choose from: the ferris wheel, the sports domes, and even the battle subway, perhaps a natural choice for a pokémon tournament. But let's be serious--these all pale into comparison to the real reason you'd want to visit Nimbasa City. After all, you haven't really lived until you've stuck a moustache on your Arceus and then chuckled to yourself as you watched the creator of the pokémon world prancing and rolling across the stage next to a patrat wearing cowboy boots.

Yes, the league is taking to the stage and setting its next round of battle to music. The battle takes place on one of the four Music Hall stages (Stardom, Forest Stroll, A Sweet Soiree, or Exciting Nimbasa), selected at random. The different backdrops have no effect on the battle. In addition, trainers may dress their pokémon up in any way that they wish, although costumes will also have no effect on the battle (even if they include things like weapons or props that would ordinarily be useful in a fight). However, they can also choose the music that will play during each round, and different tunes will have different effects on the pokémon battling.

Battles for this round will begin with the posting of each player's active squad as usual. After that, however, each player PM's their choice of pokémon, a description of that pokémon's costume, and their selection of songs and their effects to the referee. Each player chooses five songs and comes up with effects for them (appropriate effects are described below); these will be played in order, one during each round of battle, and the player who is ordering first in that round is always the one who will have his or her song playing during that round. Once the pokémon and songs have been received from both players, the referee will randomize which player gives commands first, then posts what pokémon each player will be using and the song (and the effects it will have on the battle) that will play for the first round--the first song on the list for the player who orders first in the first round. From that point forward, commands proceed as normal, with the referee posting the next song and its effects at the end of each round. If neither pokémon has been knocked out at the end of ten rounds, the winner will be determined by totaling each pokémon's health and energy, the same way it was during the previous round.

Any sort of music can be specified as the song for a given round, but please don't pick something offensive. Don't make me regret not restricting you to songs without lyrics, that is. A song can have a variety of effects on the battlefield, whether raising the power of some kinds of attacks for that round to healing status ailments. However, they must affect both pokémon equally--you can't have only your pokémon get an attack boost, for example. However, it's fine if you specify an effect that, due to the nature of your pokémon, will not affect the opponent the same as your pokémon; for example, if you specify that both pokémon will become severely poisoned but send out a steel-type, then your pokémon will not be poisoned even though your opponent's might. Effects that would ordinarily last multiple rounds (like trick room, weather attacks, or status conditions), if caused by a song, will last only for that round, and you can ask for weather effects even though pokémon won't be able to create them with their attacks. Effects always come into play at the beginning of the round, before either pokémon has the opportunity to act; thus, if a song will cause both pokémon to be burned, they will start out the round burned, and the burn can't be prevented by any of their attacks (i.e. you can't block a first-action burn with a safeguard).

Songs are restricted to causing damage/energy swings of no more than 3% (e.g. "All fire attacks cause 3% more damage after all effects" or "All fire attacks cost 3% less energy after all effects) and causing stat boosts/reductions of no more than two levels. They may also have only one effect: they cause hail to come into play or they increase fire-type attack damage by 3% or they cause both pokémon to fall asleep or they cause both pokémon to become paralyzed, etc., not any combination thereof. They also may not prevent the pokémon from acting in a round, e.g. "neither pokémon can use damaging attacks this round" or "neither pokémon can act this round", ban one or more attacks for the round, or alter the pokémon's movepools.

If you don't want to go to the trouble to figure out a set of songs for yourself and/or don't want your pokémon to fight in costume, then just let your referee know when you choose which pokémon to send out. They will come up with a list of randomly-selected pokémon-related songs with associated effects and then PM them back to you, so that you retain the advantage of knowing what will happen on each one of "your" song rounds. (Or, if the referee doesn't want to do that either, they can PM me and I'll provide the music for that player instead.)​

ultraviolet (O)
Circe (f) <Color Change>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- ":o" Dressed as Naboo the Enigma.

Karkat Vantas (O)
Kong (m) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- ">D" Wearing a handlebar mustache.​

As the pokemon are released, the soft thrums of Metallica can be heard. So gentle and lovely to the ear that Circe can't help but be lulled into a false sense of security - and who wouldn't be, listening to that? - and indeed, her head droops onto her chest, her eyes flutter, and she tumbles to the stage, fast asleep. Kong blinks, perhaps not so entranced by the music; he hears it a bit differently than CIrce, maybe, a bit louder or something, because it seems just a bit unpleasant to him. Really, he'd prefer something, well, something more classical. You know, some movie soundtracks, or something, something not so loud - well either way he's not asleep, that's the point.

While Kong waits to see what the kecleon will do, Circe mumbles in her sleep, perhaps not into the music so much anymore, and a loud snore erupts from her nose (mouth?). Kong winces, in a shocking amount of pain from - from whatever that was. It hurt his eardrums, strangely, more than the music did, or maybe because the music it hurt more than expected; either way he really doesn't want it to happen again.

He grunts and pulls out some of his hair (and not entirely because of the music), spitting on it to make it stick together. He continues to do so until he's got a decent chunk of hair, and then molds it into a little tiny monkey-shape, probably more mankey-shaped than primeape, but it'll do. Finally he punches it, and the punch leaves a bit of his own energy flowing into the dummy; it springs to life, jumping energetically beside its creator, ready to defend it ... from the sleeping enemy. Well. Later, then.

Kong now braces himself, drawing energy inwards for his attack. He waits and waits, gathering more and more power, until he finally leaps forwards and slams the sleeping kecleon straight on the back. Circe jumps up from her sleep, stunned into life by the enormous amount of pain she is currently in; her eyes are wide, stunned, unable to react. Her body's green hue flushes brown, re-stabilizing itself for any further such attacks, but she is doing something else; she draws from the attack, all the pain, and flushes it right back out towards Kong.

A huge wave of energy, so large it leaves cracks in the arena, ripples towards the primeape; he quickly hides behind his substitute, but it just unravels under the power of the attack. Thankfully, that is enough to stop the counter, and Kong stares just as wide-eyed as Circe at the cracks in the arena, perhaps a bit intimidated now. And very thankful for his dead substitute.

He sighs, wary, and jumps into the air, leaping towards the kecleon fist-first; but now Circe is awake, and glaring daggers at Kong, and the primeape bounces dully off a protective shield, landing on his feet quite uselessly. At least he didn't get hurt.​

ultraviolet (O)
Circe (f) <Color Change>
Health: 71%
Energy: 62%
- "I don't like you." Dressed as Naboo the Enigma; fighting-typed.

Karkat Vantas (O)
Kong (m) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 79%
Energy: 83%
- "Hrm..." Wearing a handlebar mustache.

Arena Notes:

Final Notes:
- Since Kong was told to wait and see what Circe did on the first action, Snore hit him rather than the sub.
- And Snore was a critical hit.
- uv next; the song that will be playing is Girl With One Eye by Florence + The Machine. Both pokemon are at -2 accuracy.
\o/ that went a lot better than expected. Okay, so start with Fake Out, then go with Skill Swap; in this case you're a little too slow to use Colour Change to your advantage. End with Aerial Ace. If Skill Swap misses, try it again next action; if you're taunted, go for Shock Wave instead. Magic Coat any statuses back at Kong.

Fake Out ~ Skill Swap/Shock Wave/Magic Coat ~ Aerial Ace/Skill Swap/Magic Coat
You're sort of at the mercy of his huge-ass movepool if you let him Skill Swap; however, there's another benefit to the move-- you can trap her as a different type. Say, Ice.

On the first action, there's no point in doing ANYTHING, but if Fake Out misses, use this as an opportunity to Ice Punch.

If your opponent successfully Faked you Out, Ice Punch that Kecleon. If she's already an ice-type, though, allow her to Skill Swap you before attacking with a Brick Break. If she misses, though, Hone Claws.

Finally-- if your opponent is ice-type and you are the one with Colour Change, Brick Break dat mofo. If she STILL isn't an Ice-type (and still has Colour Change), Ice Punch yet again. Otherwise, just wait for her to attack. If the conditional that would make you use Brick Break is true, do that; otherwise just Work Up.

Nothing/Ice Punch ~ Ice Punch/Brick Break/Hone Claws ~ Brick Break/Ice Punch/Work Up
Round Two

ultraviolet (O)
Circe (F) <Color Change>
Health: 71%
Energy: 62%
Commands: Fake Out ~ Skill Swap/Shock Wave/Magic Coat ~ Aerial Ace/Skill Swap/Magic Coat
- "I don't like you." Dressed as Naboo the Enigma; fighting-typed.

Karkat Vantas (O)
Kong (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 79%
Energy: 83%
Nothing/Ice Punch ~ Ice Punch/Brick Break/Hone Claws ~ Brick Break/Ice Punch/Work Up
- "Hrm..." Wearing a handlebar mustache.

As the dark tones of Metallica die away, it is replaced by a quiet, unsettling song. Kong grumbles and rubs at his eyes; somehow his vision's become distorted, his depth perception greatly reduced. At least Circe seems to be having the same problem, the kecleon's eyes rolling wildly and independently of one another as she tries to figure out what's wrong with them.

If Kong had hoped to get the drop on his opponent while she was trying to get her bearings back, though, he is to be sorely disappointed. Circe gives an irritated flick of her tongue, putting her eyesight down as a lost cause, and makes an abrupt lunge for her opponent. The kecleon does no more than land a light punch in the middle of Kong's forehead, but the primeape is so startled that he crumples backwards from the blow, sitting down heavily, his eyes wide with shock.

As Circe chuckles to herself, Kong flushes with embarrassment that rapidly changes to anger. Oh, so the lizard thinks she's going to make a fool of him, does she? Well, let's see if she can find anything funny about this! Kong leaps back to his feet, a chilly mist radiating from one fist as he channels ice energy through it, then slams home a punch right in Circe's stomach. The kecleon chokes on her laughter, then glares at Kong in annoyance as the small patch of frost left behind by the ice punch appears to expand to encompass the whole of Circe's body. It's just an illusion, however, as the kecleon's changeable scales take on an icy sheen.

The kecleon establishes a mental link between herself and her opponent, forcing her natural abilities onto Kong even as she leeches off the primeape's attributes, incorporating them into her subconscious. In the end, Kong is left feeling sluggish and out of sorts, while Circe is filled with a restless energy.

Kong shakes off the strange feeling and prepares to follow up on his ice punch with a brick break. Much to his dismay, however, the first of the attack's three strikes flies wide, the second falls short, and the third comes nowhere near hitting Circe. Kong lets out a loud snort of rage--of all the times for his eyes to fail him! Much though Circe would love to gloat, she thinks she'd better not provoke the irate primeape further, at least not unless that provocation comes with a heavy side of damage. She bounds over to her opponent and delivers a swift precision strike, cutting open Kong's broad forehead. As blood starts to leak into the primeape's eyes, a curious thing happens: his fur turns feathery and light, and his whole body feels more airy than before. Of course, Kong only registers this in some small, out-of-the-way corner of his mind. The rest of his brain is preoccupied with his being angry, angry, angry.

ultraviolet (O)
Circe (F) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 64%
Energy: 52%
Used: Fake Out ~ Skill Swap ~ Aerial Ace
- Nervous. Ice-typed.

Karkat Vantas (O)
Kong (M) <Color Change>
Health: 66%
Energy: 77%
Used: Nothing ~ Ice Punch ~ Brick Break
- Totally enraged. Flying-typed.

Final Notes
- Kong's brick break missed.
- Pathos is going on vacation, so I'm taking this one over. However, he hasn't sent me any of your song info. Therefore, the person attacking first each round should post their next song and its effects at that point. Now, I imagine I'll be able to get the official list off Pathos when he gets back, so I would recommend against making changes to your song roster now that you know what you're up against.
- Karkat Vantas attacks first next round.
Whoops, sorry, I haven't had access to here for a while. Could I have a brief extension? Need to think this one over.

If I remember correctly, my song 2 was, appropriately enough, Song 2. +2 attack for each battler.
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Alrighty; was going to post in the absence sheet anyway, since there's a pretty high chance of a blackout soon.
whole lotta punchin' goin' on in here

Attract ~ Sucker Punch ~ Drain Punch
Round Three

ultraviolet (O)
Circe (F) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 64%
Energy: 52%
Used: Fake Out ~ Skill Swap ~ Aerial Ace
- Nervous. Ice-typed.

Karkat Vantas (O)
Kong (M) <Color Change>
Health: 66%
Energy: 77%
Used: Nothing ~ Ice Punch ~ Brick Break
- Totally enraged. Flying-typed.

The pokémon's vision returns to normal as "Girl With One Eye" quavers to an end, and Kong lets out a small sigh of relief. When the driving beat of "Song 2" takes over, the primate pokémon is only more pleased; the energy of the song drives him to dish out even more pain than usual. The primeape doesn't hesitate to follow up his failed brick break with another attempt, and this one strikes true. All three punches hit, and Circe is left reeling, the icy coating over her skin cracked but, with the loss of her color change ability, unfading.

Kong is prepared for retaliation, but the kind he gets isn't what he was expecting at all. Circe grimaces at the pain, then abruptly saunters closer to her opponent, her expression changing to a faint smirk. Well, well, well, Kong's got a lot of fight in him, hasn't he? Circe likes that in a mon. Kong stands stock still as Circe circles him, sizing him up. He isn't sure what to make of this development; in fact, he's feeling pretty awkward. But as Circe croons on about how strong and handsome he is, he does have to admit that he finds something about her just the slightest bit... alluring? He's not sure how he's come to apply that term to a pokémon whose eyes don't even point in the same direction most of the time but, well, here he is. The primeape feels lightheaded, his heart racing; somehow, he's gotten fixated on the way Circe's tongue keeps flicking out, tasting the air around him in a desultory way.

Circe, on the other hand, is getting bored. She keeps waiting for Kong to try to attack her so she can slip in and give him a nice sucker punch, but apparently her wiles are working a little too well. Kong is just kind of watching her, making little wheezing noises through his piggy nose, and showing no sign of doing anything. Circe tries to be patient, but this is a battle she's in, after all--finally, she just gives up, gathers fighting energy in her fist, and goes in for a drain punch. Perhaps her frustration makes her careless, though, for the attack glances off Kong's shoulder, doing hardly any damage at all--especially now that he resists fighting attacks. Not for long, though; the primeape's feathery fur settles back into its normal, if messy, configuration, and he's restored to his familiar fighting-typed self. The drain punch manages to strip a little of the primeape's health away, too, so Circe tries to be content with that despite her irritation.

ultraviolet (O)
Circe (F) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 53%
Energy: 41%
Used: Attract ~ Nothing ~ Drain Punch
- Nervous. Ice-typed.

Karkat Vantas (O)
Kong (M) <Color Change>
Health: 62%
Energy: 72%
Used: Brick Break ~ Attracted x2
- Mesmerized by Circe. Attracted to Circe (moderate). Fighting-typed.

Final Notes
- Circe's drain punch was a glancing blow.
- ultraviolet attacks first next round. The music will be "My Freeze Ray" from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
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