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Grand Carnival


Take me to Wonderland
Music plays throughout the tent as the performers go through their paces, the Ring Leader standing in the centre ring with their hat tilted down low on their face. Twirling their cane in a gloved hand, they smirk from under their hat and raise their voice to the audience before them

"Welcome to the dark Carnival, Brother"

48 Hours to send in night actions
The lights in the tent suddenly turn off, cloaking the space in a thick blanket of shadows. As the audience shift in their seats, unnerved by what the Ring Leader may be doing under the darkness, they hear a ruffle of mechanical feathers fluttering through the air around them. In the darkness a scream rings out, followed by another closer to the seats.

The lights turn back on, a spotlight centred on the Ring Leader with his hat tipped low on his face. Twirling his cane in his hand, he links his other arm around his Son with a aura of pride. On his shoulders are two birds, tweeting softly at the people before them. With a snap of his fingers, the light widens and reveals the two still bodies next to the duo's feet. One looks t have been killed via soul being sucked out, while the other fell via blade lodged in spine.

"Well well, Brothers and Sisters. We are off to a great start with this Carnival. And it seems we have some new openings as well. These two weren't all that good anyways...pity really, they did have charm to them. But lets get on with the show"

A Tightrope Walker is Dead
A Clown is Dead
48 hours to lynch
*eats popcorn*

That's not very helpful at all! Look, the bad thing here is that both an inspector and a doctor (perhaps the only ones) are dead... I don't know the exact numbers, but we pretty much just lost both of the most important roles here. We're probably going to have a doctor left, but that's relying on luck and lately mine hasn't been that good.

Let's see, nine people... a list of role numbers would be helpful, wouldn't it?

There's "the ring leader" and "the son," which both don't really lend themselves well to plural. Plus the fact that 1/3 of the game being mafia from the start is a bit less balanced, so I guess we could infer that there's just two mafia. Then, going from the pluralized words in the role list, I think we might have something like this:

Ring Leader (Don)
Son (Goon)
Clown (Healer)
Clown (Healer)
Illusionist (Exorcist)
Tightrope Walker (Inspector)
Freak (Bulletproof)
Knife Thrower (Vigilante)
Ticket Holder (Vanilla)

Of course, that only leaves one ticket holder, so... I guess we have either two townies or two doctors? Obviously having not having our best power roles dead would be nice, but townies seem more likely.

What are we doing today? I know first day abstains are customary, but there are important innocents dead and we're not likely to get the sort of information we're waiting on anytime soon.
Actually my eating of popcorn is a roleclaim... I just sit, eat my buttery munchiness and chill. Hi, I'm a townie.

Look we have nothing to go off of at this point unless the inspecter pops in and says 'hi'. Abstaining is our best bet.
Actually my eating of popcorn is a roleclaim... I just sit, eat my buttery munchiness and chill. Hi, I'm a townie.

Look we have nothing to go off of at this point unless the inspecter pops in and says 'hi'. Abstaining is our best bet.

... Oh.

The inspector is dead, though. Just a reminder.
I'm no newbie! I've been here for like *counts months* almost 6 months! just cause i make mistakes on the games i host doesnt mean i'm a newb. >=O

abstain, i guess.

... You make a lot of questionable decisions. No offense...

Also, other than diagram (who I haven't seen much of and may or may not be one to vigkill N1) you are the newest member in here. So.
yeah, thats true.

No point hiding it, i am the vig. I targeted someone, but i need to check my PMs to see who.

I thought i would get lucky and hit the ring master. =(

ironic this is my first time as vig and even with role info, i manage to screw it up somehow. =(
(Shit I need to read better. DAMN)

That, or that's a terrible mafia fakeclaim... look DarkAura's messed it up already... The mafia will want her dead.

NOTE: Vig kills are NOT a good idea ON N1...

Changing vote to DarkAura... either they die now, or get killed by the mafia, either way a pretty newbie way to die.
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