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Phantom's Fanvids [Requests?]


Uh, I didn't do it.
^See what I did there?

I used to make fanvids a lot. Basically set footage of something to good music. (Think AMV) But after high school I stopped. So I am starting again.​

Completed Videos

Doctor Who - Mystery of You
Dragon Age 2 - Blow Me Away
Torchwood Children of Earth: The Shame of the Earth (HD)
I Will Not Bow - Mass Effect 2
Fear the Drums - The Master requested by Legendaryseeker99
Being Human: The Monster You Made Me
Being Human: Monster requested by DarkFireDX

On Requests

I am taking requests, just tell me the song you wish to use and what the theme is... basically you want a Doctor Who video using the chicken dance and involving the Master? Uh, I don't know about that one, but I'll try!​

That's it, thanks for viewing my Youtube channel!
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Yeah, youtubes having a hissy fit at the moment.

EDIT: There for some reason it thought that I wanted my channel invisible, which is just plain silly.
Being Human, clips of the werewolf guy, UK version. Both human side and transformed, maybe with a transfomation clip in there too. For the song, Skillet -Monster.
UK or US version?

*rereads post, smacks self with keyboard*

Should be up soon, and by soon I mean within a few hours or days. Lol
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