• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Mohacastle, the greatest Fanficcer of all time, and probably the most annoying.


onion witch
Now, we all know who Butterfree is. You know, the wonderful lady who set this all up? She knows I'm annoying too. I send her suggestions all the time. And she would probably agree. However, not to brag, but I've gained the rep of a serious fan fictioner. SO I would like to introduce my self. I prefer the term Trainer. Everyone calls me that online. Especially on my websites. So there you go. So, I suppose I have a profile on everything as Mohacastle (except facebook). So, now you know me. ANd I hope you get to love me. And if you read my fanfic, you will. Just saying.

Oh, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....
LC here! Resident spongecaker, the others will offer you refreshments. Creativity, Misc. Discussion and Forum Games are good. I'm too tired right now, let someone else do more explaining. Welcome.
Alright, gonna try my new title on you, my new friend...

Hi there! My name's Ulqi, or Arctica, whichever you may choose, TCoD's most beloved Fromac-er.


There's a lot of cool stuff here, like games and such; I suggest you check it out! :3
Ulqi....you've only been here for 11 days......AND YOU ARE SUCH A FROMAC-ER! XD

Welcome to TCoD, I'm DarkAura, resident Derpy Hooves lover. I'd reccomend the Anime style battling and mafia, cause they're so popular. There's also forum games, RPs, writing section, and pokemon discussions!

I'm not going to bother doing the Tea ad Cod bit, because thet has become so cliche. So enjoy your stay here! =D
Welcome. I'm StarWings/Mystic, one of the resident shippers.
try Mafia! :D
can I have a link?
Anyway,enjoy your (hopefully long) stay!
If you know that it's annoying why do you keep sending suggestions!?

I'm kidding...welcome aboard!
I'll be courteous and offer up some Tea and Cod. Have some. It's durishis.

Anyway, I'm The Omskivar, or Omski, though nobody actually calls me that. I'm the resident...Omskivar, I guess. I think I'm the only one. Anyway, everything here's pretty cool, some stuff gets more activity than others but whaddaya gonna do.

I can't say I've read anything of yours but the song I'm listening to all of the sudden became a really freaky instrumental so I'm gonna go shut it off now. Enjoy your stay!

Hey, I'm Indigo. Or Mewtini. Or even MEWTINDIGO.

I'm female. And ten. And like roleplaying. And stuff!
Hi, i'm Raichu, tcod's unofficial greeter and dragon ball z kai nerd.
I've written some fan fics in my day, and I would love to read some of yours if you posted them.

I remember back when, like, the mods greeted you 'n' shit, and explained all the wonderful little details.
But now
It's all the new guys who greet everyone.
Post count doesn't = senior member. There are people who've been with TCoD since Conforums. Posting a ton in forum games is sort of cheap anyways. :P I remember when it actually didn't count toward your post count to post in Forum Games or Insanity.

Personally I've been here since IF. Anyways, welcome new person. I've never heard of you. Might look into it, but with NaNo taking over my life the chances of that are slim as all hell.
Post count doesn't = senior member. There are people who've been with TCoD since Conforums. Posting a ton in forum games is sort of cheap anyways. :P I remember when it actually didn't count toward your post count to post in Forum Games or Insanity.

Why was that removed, anyway?
It was a long time ago, I don't remember.

But posting a thousand times in forum games doesn't make you less a newbie. Actaully I know quite a few of senior members hate Forum Games and Introductions because they are post farming categories.
*You have just been welcomified.*
Have some tea and cod, and check out the forum games!
Posting a ton in forum games is sort of cheap anyways.
Well, what if we like Forum Games, it's our favourite section on the site, we post in it a ton for enjoyment?
But posting a thousand times in forum games doesn't make you less a newbie. Actaully I know quite a few of senior members hate Forum Games and Introductions because they are post farming categories.
Well, I know about the Forum Games thing. I used Forum Games to raise my post count, same with Insanity & Introductions. Do you have a very big problem with that?

But now
It's all the new guys who greet everyone.
And do you have a problem with me, who's been here about two or three months, or Spunky, who's been here a month, greeting the really new people?

Anyway, I don't know what you two have against Forum Games and newbies.

And welcome to the forums (again) Mohacastle.
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