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The Math Contest


Not quite e^(-(x-μ)²/(2σ²)) / (σ√(2π))
The Math Contest

Asberians are not particularly fond of math. There's Ampharos, who "would rather get eaten by a panda than do math"; there's Kratos Aurion, who suggests that he's "not quite sure how much interest" we'd get for a math contest "without a little handholding"; and then there's the head referee herself who publicly blasphemes math by saying "Screw the calculus homework".

This contest is intended to bring some hope and happiness to the rare Asberian who actually finds the joy in math, and maybe introduce those who don't to the joys of math

  1. Appeals to be posted in thread, in a randomly determined order
  2. For each appeal, a co-ordinator must choose a mathematical theorem or theory along with their attacks. The score assigned is based on the moves' relevance to the theorem and/or how the moves bring the theorem in perspective. Because of this, co-ordinators are encouraged to explain this in their post. If the judges are not clear on what the moves' relation to the theorem is, the co-ordinator will be asked.
  3. The theorem chosen must be different each round.
  4. Please be original - that means no repeating ideas. While you can repeat theorems others before you have chosen, put a different spin on it.
  5. Battle round proceeds as normal
  6. I'd like 16 participants, but that isn't going to happen. I'd take anything between 8 and however many people join in a reasonable amount of time.
  7. DQ time is 14 days for the appeal rounds and 10 days for the battle round.
  8. No entrance fee

Prizes will be distributed as follows: $55 and a buyable Pokémon with rarity π + e or lower for first prize, $20 and a buyable Pokémon with rarity π or lower for second prize, $7 and a buyable Pokémon with rarity e or lower for third prize, $3 for fourth prize, and $1 for fifth prize. First prize winner's participating Pokémon get this ribbon courtesy of Blastoise.

I'm nominally the head judge, but I'm bad at writing, so I'll be trying to find a lot of help. I have a ribbon, but it's absolutely horrible, so ribbon-making offers are open. You no longer have to suffer from my horrible spriting skills. Byrus and Crazy Linoone are secondary judges.

  1. Mai
  2. Chief Zackrai
  3. DarkAura
  4. Wargle
  5. Superbird
  6. Windyragon
  7. Whirlpool
  8. Totodile
  9. The Omskivar
  10. Effercon
  11. Metallica Fanboy
  12. Grass King
  13. ole_schooler
  14. Timeline4All
  15. RespectTheBlade
  16. Lord of the Fireflies
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I love math!

I'll join, but I think i need a little clarification on the rules.

First, define "theorems". Do you mean like, just things like the Pythagorean theorem, or do, say, the distance formula and quadratic function count for this as well?

Second, is there a battle we're going to be reffing? Or are we going to be given random scenarios and have to calculate for damage and the such using whatever method we see fit?
Advanced math.....it's, well, uneasy for me,but i love to battle in tourneys, so i'll join.
I love math!

I'll join, but I think i need a little clarification on the rules.

First, define "theorems". Do you mean like, just things like the Pythagorean theorem, or do, say, the distance formula and quadratic function count for this as well?

Second, is there a battle we're going to be reffing? Or are we going to be given random scenarios and have to calculate for damage and the such using whatever method we see fit?

1) Anything and everything! By the quadratic function, I assume you mean the quadratic formula? That could work, as long as you can represent that in moves. Basically, any significant mathematical result, proven or unproven, however simple or complex.

2) What? You appeal first, then you battle. The battling is as a normal contest battle.
If this counts toward our battle limit then I'm not here. Otherwise, count me in. I've always wanted to try a contest.

Okay, everything makes sense now. I thought we were going to be performing actual math, not just fancy move combinations.

this makes LOADS more sense now.
Fuck I hate math so much I am so close to failing right now. The very existence of this contest makes me want to hit something (maybe my math teacher).

So I'm in, of course. >:[ speaking of math I have a test tomorrow don't I oops
gogogo the medians of a triangle intersect at one point

Sign me up.

On that note, postulates are allowed, right?
Whoa, terrible timing, you post this the day I have three math tests to deal with.

I'm joining just because of that.
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