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Postcount opinion?

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어떤 계절도 영원할 순 없으니까
Well, this isn't necessarily for amusement. Hence it goes here.

What's your opinion on how postcount measures whether someone is new or senior? What do you think the boundary is?

Personally, my attitude torward postcount is that it's worth absolutely nothing. Except that, of course, when you get like ~*me~*, you get an awesome Butterfree picture next to your name. But enough of that. I don't believe that postcount means anything torward a person's newness or seniorship; I've seen many a forumgoer that goes "I SIGNED UP!" "I POSTED IN FORUM GAMES 1000 TIMES" "I A BUTTERFREE" "I AM NOW OLD" over the course of less than a couple of months.

I consider myself, I suppose, fairly new, seeing as some of us have been around since Invisionfree and/or earlier incarnations of vBulletin.

But I manage to sometimes think I'm old. When you just form a bond with as many forumites as I have, you just kinda feel like you know everyone; maybe even more involved than some oldies by looking at join dates.

Okay, there's my take on it.

They mean nothing. But you do bring up a point about knowing people. I first joined from IF but I'm not very close to a lot of people here.
Yeah, I've been here for about a year and I still feel like a newbie 'cause I don't really know that many people :U
Don't really feel like posting any more frequently than I do now since I don't really have much to say (and when I do, I usually manage to make myself look dumb by phrasing things stupidly).

I don't believe in postcount, as some 'veterans' with low postcount post rarely and only when they have something to say, whereas some hyperactive newly-joined people rack up 1000 posts in a couple of weeks in Forum Games; that's one of the reasons I've disabled FG from my options.
Members who I deem 'old' are usually those who've been around for a bit longer and have meaningful posts, i.e. something that isn't "^ the same as above poster lol".
Postcount doesn't measure seniority, but join date is a good indicator - although this forum has had many different incarnations of the board, so a lot of people like Tailsy/surskitty/opaltiger/Butterfree have been around since IF or even conforums (I joined during IF times).
I joined the original Conforums incarnation of the board in July 2003, so in Internet terms I'm whacking all of your kneecaps with a stick and telling you to GET OFF MY LAWN
I've been here for over eight years (joined just after Tailsy) and my post count isn't that high so um.
I joined at the tail-end of IF. I also rarely post, and my postcount was probably a lot higher on the last vB incarnation. Seniority doesn't mean anything, anyway! It just means we've been here a long time.
I joined three months ago, but the fact I am a Butterfree is I am a Forum Games addict FORGET THAT
Post count does not necessarily (did I spell that right) mean you are very old. Ulqi-chan, Spunky the raichu and her friend Scohui the Slowbro are new, but they are already Butterfree. The mods have been here a long time, (or quite a long time) but not all of them are Butterfree.
Postcount means nothing.

I've been here since August 2007, and I hardly ever post anymore, most of my... 3000-odd, are from years ago. Around the time this incarnation opened in 2008. And they weren't from Forum Games either.
Postcount means nothing; it's how long you've been here for.

I'm a baby among the "old" members (if I even count) as a joined about a year-ish before the old Vb crash.

Please don't look on the Internet Archive for me, I beg of you. I was only 11, okay?
I joined almost two years ago now, and I haven't even broken 500 posts. I don't have a lot to say, but a lot of newer members (not that I don't consider myself new in turn) post a heck of a lot. I've found that members join, post a lot, and then their posts begin to slow down, often fairly significantly.

In that sense, I tend to look at Join Date rather than Post Count, although I've been around long enough to know who's who now.
i joined in november of 2005 on the IF incarnation and posted a lot of dumb shit that pissed quite a few members off hehe
I've been here for a few years. I consider myself about average.

But I do think Forum Games should stop counting for postcount.
Why? Then your postcount wouldn't be a count of your posts! It defeats any point that the number has to begin with.
Except that they aren't /posts/. They're technically legalized spam. That said, as long as it gives people somewhere to expend that urge, it should stay. Without postcount, of course.
I might not speak for the entire mod team, but the sheer extent to which I do not care about post count means I personally couldn't imagine ever being able to gather enough energy to turn post count off in Forum Games.

I just. Not even in a ~it doesn't prove anything!!!~ kind of way. I don't even know how I managed to vote in the poll. I think I'll go and have a lie down.
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