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Sangfroidish vs. Skylark


3v3 single
Style: switch
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 35%
Banned moves: OHKOs

Arena: Generic uncreative field

It's a field. There is grass and trees. A small pond is provided for aquatic Pokémon.

Sangfroidish's active squad:
- Charmander (Male - Blaze)
- Scraggy (Male - Shed Skin)
- Venonat (Female - Tinted Lens)
- Abra (Male - Synchronize)
- Poochyena (Male - Quick Feet)

Skylark's active squad:
- Chase (Male Feebas - Swift Swim - Signature Attribute: The Ugly Duckling)
- Crystal (Female Ralts - Trace)
- Fondue (Male Wartortle - Torrent)
- Static (Male Mareep - Static - Signature Attribute: Scented Wool)
- Persephone (Female Chansey - Serene Grace - @Wise Glasses - Body Mod: Levitation)
- Inferno (Male Charmander - Blaze)
- Shivers (Female Snorunt - Ice Body - @Nevermeltice)
- Blade (Male Snivy - Contrary)
- Splash (Male Oshawott - Torrent)
- Lurline (Female Sableye - Keen Eye - @Muscle Band - Body Mod: Levitation)

The liberty head nickels would rather not dictate, but they have no freedom in this matter, and as such:
- Sangfroidish sends out first
- Skylark sends out, then issues commands
- Sangfroidish issues commands
- I ref
Use cotton spore , but if your opponent is going to put up a protect or a substitute or anything that will prevent cotton spore from working, use charge. You should know if your opponent is going to set up a protect in response to your cotton spore since we're shouting out orders. If you get statused or taunted, use facade.

If you were able to use cotton spore use charge on the second action. If you were taunted or used charge on the first action, thunderbolt. If your previous actions were thwarted in any way or you're statused (that's terribly unpleasant) and you're considerably displeased, which you should be if that happened, use frustration instead. Pour out all your anger on that weird skinny lizard thing.

If you charged on your second action, thunderbolt. If you used thunderbolt or frustration, and you're not taunted, use cotton spore. If your opponent tries to status you, protect.

Cotton spore/Charge/Facade~Charge/Thunderbolt/Frustration
Fail. I forgot to mention I was using Static. Pardon the double-post. For some reason, I think I'm not allowed to edit posts in battles.
Hooray for maybe-loopholes.

Start off with a Dragon Dance, then use Fake Out; Skylark's commands don't seem to dictate what to do if Charge fails. That should leave it with nothing to do on the third action, so we can score a free hit. Crunch should do nicely.

Dragon Dance ~ Fake Out ~ Crunch
You should know if your opponent is going to set up a protect in response to your cotton spore since we're shouting out orders.
Not how I ref it, sorry. Pokémon don't get to know what their foes are up to until they actually are up to that.

Well, anyhow, that won't matter this round.


3v3 single
Style: switch
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 35%
Banned moves: OHKOs

Round 1

Sangfroidish (OOO)
Currently out: Scraggy
Male Scraggy
Ability: Shed Skin
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Stable
Condition: Ready to charge.
Commands: Dragon Dance ~ Fake Out ~ Crunch

Skylark (OOO)
Currently out: Static
Male Mareep
Ability: Static
Signature Attribute: Scented Wool
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Stable
Condition: Not sure how big his fleece should be.
Commands: Cotton Spore/Charge/Facade ~ Charge/Thunderbolt/Frustration ~ Thunderbolt/Cotton Spore/Protect

Arena: Generic uncreative field
It's a field. There is grass and trees. A small pond is provided for aquatic Pokémon.
Arena status: Unchanged.


The perfectly generic battlefield inspired yawns upon all who gazed upon it. Grass everywhere, trees over there, a little pond for the convenience of Water-types, too. It could only possibly be more typical if it was specifically made large enough to comfortably house a Wailord. Even though nobody in the league actually owns a Wailord (currently).

Rather expectably, the three who had actually bothered going there set up in battle positions -- the trainers faced one another, and the referee stood between them. There was a re-reading of the rules, standard procedure, blah blah blah time to send out.

Sangfroidish released a humanoid, yellow reptile with odd, baggy foreskin. Eager for battle, he pulled his foreskin up to his armpits and looked for something to headbutt. It was shortly provided, in the way of Skylark's sendout: a quadruped mammal with thick, bushy fleece. Apparently, his kind sheds the fleece each summer, but thereby lies the confusing point; it's almost summer where Metallica Fanboy lives, but far from that where the trainers probably live. Oh well. Stupid internet shenanigans.

The boring showdown thus began.

Most Scraggy in the Pokémon Registration Office descend from dragons, as breeders consider Dragon-types good for, well, breeding, but don't get as many chances to use them as they like. The vast majority, be it from direct heritage or chain breeding, have deep-seated draconic power. The one deployed to this battle was no exception; he immediately began twisting and coiling around, performing the rituals to awaken his hidden energy.

His surge of speed was soon to be curbed, however, as a cloud of white fluffs swarmed him, sticking to his body with such tenacity, he couldn't even move his foreskin around. The boost from the Dragon Dance enabled him to move a little faster than one normally would in that condition, but nonetheless, he was slowed down.

Amidst this, however, he managed to inch as close to his opponent as he needed. Without hesitation, he lunged, pulling his arm back menacingly, soaring against the sun. The threatening display forced a flinch out of Static, who could no longer even recall what exactly was his command for that round, not being able to do much more than be frustrated as the boisterous force landed a couple of inches short from actual attacking range, than delivered a moderately stinging slap across the face for humiliation.

After being smacked, the Mareep managed to set his mind back to the commands. Not having done anyhting in particular earlier, he was stranded in a situation his orders didn't cover. To make matters worse, his foe didn't use a status move, instead mowing in for a savage locking of jaws into the backside. Confused, the sheep Pokémon saw little option but charge away, ramming into the enemy with little care for defense and earning a counterpunch in the process.

Round 1 – End

Sangfroidish (OOO)
Currently out: Scraggy
Male Scraggy
Ability: Shed Skin
Health: 95%
Energy: 89%
Status: 1+ Attack, 1- Speed.
Condition: Filled with excessively sweet taste in the mouth.
Performed: Dragon Dance ~ Fake Out ~ Crunch

Skylark (OOO)
Currently out: Static
Male Mareep
Ability: Static
Signature Attribute: Scented Wool
Health: 82%
Energy: 97%
Status: Stable
Condition: Miffed plenty.
Performed: Cotton Spore ~ flinch ~ Struggle​

Arena status: Unchanged.

Additional notes:
- Picking loopholes apart on your very first command string? Welcome to the league, Sangfroidish.
- Sangfroidish commands first next round.
I'm a huge derp when it comes to keeping track of DQ time.

DQ warning for Sangfroidish; you have 48 hours to post commands.
This was headed in such a good direction, too. Sangfroidish is hencehforth DQ'd.

It's been a while since I last DQ'd, so, I'm a tad blurry on the prize rulings. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure nobody gets anything if the match only got one reffing through or a similarly ridiculously short amount of time before the disqualification.
It's been a while since I last DQ'd, so, I'm a tad blurry on the prize rulings. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure nobody gets anything if the match only got one reffing through or a similarly ridiculously short amount of time before the disqualification.

Both Static and Sangfroidish's Scraggy get 1 point of experience. Skylark gets $8, and I get $5.

And now that's it.
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