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The Battle of Negrek's Blood (Mai vs. Mawile vs. Windydragon vs. Kusarigamaitachi)


Fire emblem is great
I officially take back anything negative I've ever said about a metronome battle. Metronome battles are amazing.

Challenge for Mawile and Windyragon! If Kusari wants to jump in on this before things get entirely set up, then that's great as well.

1 vs. 1 vs. 1 Single(???)
DQ: Week
Damage Cap: None
Banned Moves: Anything but metronome!
Arena: Negrek's Bloodstream

So. There's the Battle for Asber currently going on, meteors destroying things all over the place, the tournament stepping up, and all sorts of interesting things happening in Asber right now. Things must be getting really tough on Negrek!

Let's irritate Negrek even more, by having a metronome battle in neg's body. Everyone will be shrunken down my minimize magic, and teleported into neg's veins (or something) using a similar method. Energy will be kept permanently at 100%, so there's only one way for this battle to end; with the complete explosion of our head referee. Seems like a great idea, right???

Mewtwo will certainly be pleased, not like they're going to stay conscious enough to celebrate long. Once Negrek is sufficently dead, the battle will move onto neg's corpse and the blood-jars made of rebels.

Other: Pokemon will automatically leech oxygen out of Negrek's bloodstream by assaulting the hemoglobin, so there's no reason to worry on that end. In this battle everyone can learn metronome (yes, even the trainers and referee).

Quick, let's start this before Negrek gets online and kills us all!

Either blazhy or Superbird or some combination thereof will be reffing this? I think.

Mai's active squad
illumise[Kaliedoscope] Illumise (F) <Tinted Lens>
slugma[Visser Three] Slugma (M) <Flame Body>
riolu[Dogtier] Riolu (F) <Steadfast>
shuppet[Malice] Shuppet (F) <Insomnia> @wise-glasses
trapinch[Daenerys] Trapinch (M) <Arena Trap> @big-root
swablu[Lady Lysa] Swablu (F) <Natural Cure> @amulet-coin
gulpin[Xxon] Gulpin (M) <Liquid Ooze> @black-sludge
spheal[Angel] Spheal (M) <Thick Fat>
miltank[Surpresa] Miltank (F) <Scrappy>
combee[Cersei] Combee (F) <Honey Gather> @choice-scarf

Mawile's active squad (a la Homestuck)
gallade[Leo] Gallade (M) <Steadfast> @expert-belt
riolu[Equius] Riolu (M) <Inner Focus>
oshawott[Terezi] Oshawott (F) <Torrent>
magikarp[Sparky] Magikarp (M) <Swift Swim>
drifloon[Jake] Drifloon (M) <Aftermath>
togepi[Jane] Togepi (F) <Serene Grace> @shiny-stone
litwick[Rose] Litwick (F) <Flame Body> @lucky-egg
sentret[John] Sentret (M) <Keen Eye>
gastly[Aradia] Gastly (F) <Levitate>
squirtal[Eridan] Squirtle (M) <Torrent>

Windydragon's active squad
buizel[Taggerung] Buizel (M) <Swift Swim>
luxio[Eos] Luxio (F) <Intimidate> @eviolite
--Body Mod: Second Nature
cranidos[Romp] Cranidos (M) <Mold Breaker>
vulpix[Sansa] Vulpix (F) <Flash Fire> @fire-stone
snivy[Janchovii] Snivy (M) <Overgrow>
Litwick[Indigo] Litwick (M) <Flash Fire> @dusk-stone
Poochyena[Grey Wind] Poochyena (M) <Quick Feet>
Larvitar[Ron DeLite] Larvitar (M) <Guts>
Venipede Venipede (F) <Poison Point>
ralts[Kanaya] Ralts (F <Synchronize>

Kusari's active squad
luvdisc[Luv Muffin] Luvdisc (M) <Swift Swim> @metronome

~Thank you, Kusari. You get bonus points for being the only one to make this easy for me on a short timeframe.

To start things off...
~Windragon sends out
~Kusari sends out
~Mai sends out
~Mawile sends out and orders commands
~Windragon orders commands
~Kusari orders commands
~Mai orders commands
~This is pretty much pointless since I basically know who you're going to send out anyway and you only can use one move
~brb preparing a reffing starting tomorrow because I have like no time, ill try to get it up asap.
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Oh dammit I was going to use my Sharpedo. For this Metronome battle. But I forgot to switch my active squad around would you guys be fine with my using him? Sorry to make you do all that active squad writing D:
I care not what pokémon you choose - it will not help you. Because, you see, Luv Muffin has never been defeated in a metronome battle.

Go forth, brave warrior, and fill Negrek's shrivelled black heart with luv!
Do it! Use him--it'd be much more amusing.

For the reasons of BEES MY GOD, I'll be using Cersei.

Also, sorry about the active squad pain! :( I figured you'd just copy/paste everything directly from the ASB tab on my profile and yeah.
Does Swift Swim come into effect automatically? I think we discussed that but I don't remember the verdict.
... I'll be outspeeded by everyone now. D: Except ed'Rash, apparently.

Cersei! Make up for this.

Metronome~ Metronome~ Metronome

Go on ahead, exploit these loopholes.
So I guess it doesn't really matter what order we're commanding in and it seems Mai's already killed it so!

Metronome x3

All your loopholes are belong to me, Mai >:]
what is a command order

See, Luv Muffin, how confused our enemies are? We are far more organised, and our commands, too, shall be superior. No doubt they are secretly working together against us - the forces of all of Team Asber collaborating against us - but the real goal here is only one specific death.

But let us see to it that three - no, six, for the opposing trainers, too, are a part of this - are taken down with Her.

Metronome, Luv Muffin, and show us your true might!

Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome
Nooo I needed to hoard those loopholes! They were all mine, Dragon, and I will fight you for them. By which I mean Cersei kill ed'Rash first. (Although I do like killing things myself... especially logic and command order.)

But Mewtwo, this is your Christmas gift! Does this mean we get the gift of mercy?

I still have to die, though? Oh well. It's scary what a girl can get used to, don't you think?

Ha ha! I died again!
“Arena: Negrek’s Bloodstream” said:
So. There's the Battle for Asber currently going on, meteors destroying things all over the place, the tournament stepping up, and all sorts of interesting things happening in Asber right now. Things must be getting really tough on Negrek!

Let's irritate Negrek even more, by having a metronome battle in neg's body. Everyone will be shrunken down my minimize magic, and teleported into neg's veins (or something) using a similar method. Energy will be kept permanently at 100%, so there's only one way for this battle to end; with the complete explosion of our head referee. Seems like a great idea, right???

Mewtwo will certainly be pleased, not like they're going to stay conscious enough to celebrate long. Once Negrek is sufficently dead, the battle will move onto neg's corpse and the blood-jars made of rebels.
Superbird appeared in a flash of light. Dang, Doctor Kaminko’s minimizer sure was effective; he was plenty tiny in here. The trainer and referee hopped off of his Xatu, recalling it quickly as he was swept away by a fast-moving red blood cell. Figuring he might want to stay near his entry point to greet the other battlers, however, he sent the bird back out and began to fly back.

Soon enough, there was a bright flash of light, and four tiny trainers popped into existence on top of a conveniently-placed red blood cell. Superbird flew down to join them, and the five began to decide amongst themselves how exactly this battle would be conducted. Soon enough the decision had been made, and all the Bug-type pokemon of the trainers had bound together a few red blood cells so that they wouldn’t get separated. But what if it clotted?

“Who cares!” said Kusari. “I’m here to harvest Negrek’s blood anyway.” It promptly tossed a net ball out and it bounced off of the surface of the blood cell, bursting into a flash of light to reveal a luvdisc. The fish was floating in place somehow, probably because of the liquid surrounding them all. Mai was quick to follow as it threw a poke ball of its own out onto the blood cell, revealing a combee that began to flutter around. While Windragon pulled out her cell phone and called Blazhy to send her her Sharpedo, Mawile lobbed an Ultra Ball out. It burst open to reveal…a magikarp. As everyone almost died in laughter, another Net ball suddenly appeared and plopped down to explode into the shape of a much more formidable Sharpedo.

“Places, everyone!” Superbird called, taking a position on the side of the blood cell and retrieving his red reffing flags. “All right…Battle begin!”

Round One, Begin!

Team Mai
[Cersei] Combee (F)
Ability: Honey Gather
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Condition: Pumped and ready to go!
Status: Normal.
Commands: Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Team Windyragon
[ed'Rashtekaresket] Sharpedo (M)
Ability: Rough Skin[/b]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Condition: Ready to rip this place apart.
Status: Normal
Commands: Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Team Mawile
[Sparky] Magikarp (M)
Ability: Swift Swim[/b]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Condition: “glub glub I’ll do something useful glub glub”
Status: Normal
Commands: Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Team Kusari
[Luv Muffin] Luvdisc (M)
Ability: Swift Swim[/b]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Condition: Swimming peacefully.
Status: Normal
Commands: Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome​

Luv Muffin wastes no time in opening the round by wiggling his nose back and forth. If hehad a finger he’d use that instead but he doesn’t. Then, begins to swim in circles, faster and faster, until for some reason brownish sand is whirling around the arena. Superbird takes out a notepad quickly, and begins to write down the number of attacks that cause damage or irritation to Negrek negself. Sandstorm is the first. They’re off to a good start!

Sparky the Magikarp isn’t far behind his fellow fish. He begins to wave his barbels back and forth instead of the fingers he doesn’t have. An unseen force immediately makes him swim toward ed’Rashtekaresket. The Magikarp opens his mouth, and a white light begins to form inside it. The red fish jerks forward as the light flies out of his mouth and into Ed’s eyes, exploding into a blinding flash. Everyone manages to instinctively close their eyes, sure, but the Flash is strong enough to pierce those of the one closest to it; when Ed opens his eyes again he’s seeing spots.

Now, Ed isn’t about to let that hit go without some sort of revenge. Not in a million years! The sharpedo waves his dorsal fin back and forth, and within three seconds he finds himself spinning forward in Sparky’s direction. While the Magikarp is unable to dodge the attack, the Rapid Spin isn’t exactly the strongest thing ever, and he takes only minor damage.

Finally, off to the side where no one notices her, Cersei is at a loss as to what she should wave. She eventually just gives up, shaking her wings and flying higher for a short period of time while she tries to emulate a Metronome of her own. As it turns out, the attack works and she flies upwards, cloaked in white light. As soon as she reaches the top of the blood vessel, the Combee turns and begins to dive, smacking straight into ed’Rashtekaresket’s body. The Sharpedo grunts as it’s thrown backwards. What’s making everyone attack him?

His attention, however, is caught when Luv muffin begins to use Metronome again. Another round of these things, eh? This time, the heart-fish begins to swim forward, in Sparky’s direction. Then, suddenly, he flops upwards, and slams down with all of hisweight on top of the Magikarp. Ed just watches, and bursts out in laughter when his opponent bounces almost harmlessly off of his target – after all, Luvdisc aren’t exactly known for their weight.

Sparky doesn’t really care, though. The red fish starts to wave his barbels back and forth again. He opens his mouth once more, though this time he edges away from Ed and not towards the Sharpedo. Then, for an instant, flames are visible. That instant only lasts for a fraction of a second, though, as a burst of dense flame shoots out of Sparky’s mouth, and hits Ed squarely in the face. On impact, the flame explodes with a rather large radius, singing Cersei and grazing Luv Muffin.

Well, Ed thinks, if Magikarp can use fire than so can he. As he uses another Metronome, the shark pokemon prays for a powerful Fire-typed attack. Sure enough, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself cloaked in flame. Perfect! He aims himself for Sparky, to whom he’s sure he’s going to develop a strong rivalry, and flies forward, knocking into the Magikarp with such force that he feels the damage in his own body.

Finally, Cersei gets a chance to finally use her own Metronome again. Jeez, it was her own trainer’s idea but she’s being left out of it all! Well, at least they’re not going for her with all of those Fire attacks. She wonders what will happen this time as she waves her wings back and forth even more, and soon a rock plops down on her head. Knowing instinctively somehow what to do, the Combee flings the rock upwards into a large arc. It hits Luv Muffin, and deals enough damage to ruin hischance of flight if he ever wanted to try somehow.

Then, it’s Luv Muffin’s turn. While he could retaliate, he figures, it’s probably a better idea to wear down the other pokemon instead. Less opponents means a better time. And since everyone seems to be ganging up on Ed, he might as well do so too. As he realizes the fruits of his latest Metronome, she smiles, finally having gotten an attack similar to what he’s used to using. Luv Muffin opens his mouth, takes aim at ed’Rashtekaresket, and fires a chilling, rainbow beam.

Despite how he’s been focusing his efforts on Ed, Sparky does think that’s a little rude of him. He decides quickly that Ed is his target and his target alone, and that he isn’t gonna let her take him. The Magikarp uses Metronome again – and this time the results are quite nice. As soon as Sparky realizes he has the power to conjure icicles, he smiles evilly and conjures a huge one right about Luv Muffin’s head, as well as several others in the environment. On his command, they all drop straight down; while Luv Muffin is crushed by his icicle, the rest of them fall and cause what is hopefully no shortage of pain to Negrek. Superbird wonders if neg feels this or not, and how much it hurts if she does feel it.

Ed watches Sparky attack Luv Muffin, and smiles to himself. Finally, he has the red fish on his side. If Sparky wants to team up then it’s fine with him; he’s always been a Dark-type anyway and he would’ve taken revenge no matter what. The Sharpedo waves his dorsal fin in the air, calling on the RNGgods to give him a favorable attack to use against his foe. Within moments, he finds himself summoning a large vine out of the ground, which grabs Luv Muffin briefly until he manages to fight it off. Well, at least he got something super-effective. That’s nice.

After that display, it is once again Cersei’s turn to fight. She hit Luv Muffin last action; she feels that her opponent has had enough beatings on this one. On the other hand, she really doesn’t like that Sharpedo much. The Combee uses Metronome again, and soon she is smiling widely. She winds up her body into as much of a cylinder as she can, and rockets across Negrek’s red blood cell. Ed doesn’t even know what hits him until he turns around to see Cersei sticking her tongue out at him. He decides to go hard on her next round.

Round One, End!

Team Mai
[Cersei] Combee (F)
Ability: Honey Gather
Health: 92%
Energy: 100%
Condition: Relatively happy.
Status: Normal.
Performed: Fly ~ Smack Down ~ Steamroller

Team Windyragon
[ed'Rashtekaresket] Sharpedo (M)
Ability: Rough Skin[/b]
Health: 63%
Energy: 100%
Condition: Hurting way more than he should be.
Status: Acc -1.
Performed: Rapid Spin ~ Flare Blitz ~ Grass Pledge

Team Mawile
[Sparky] Magikarp (M)
Ability: Swift Swim[/b]
Health: 81%
Energy: 100%
Condition: “glub glub stupid shark glub glub"
Status: Swift Swim in effect
Performed: Flash ~ Flame Burst ~ Icicle Crash

Team Kusari
[Luv Muffin] Luvdisc (M)
Ability: Swift Swim[/b]
Health: 78%
Energy: 100%
Condition: "/o_o\"
Status: Swift Swim in effect
Performed: Sandstorm ~ Heavy Slam ~ Aurora Beam​

Damage and Energy Calculations
~Sandstorm: 5% energy
~Flash: (Ed) 1% energy
~Rapid Spin: 2% damage (Sparky), 1% energy
~Fly: 11% damage (Ed), 4% energy
~Heavy Slam: 2% damage (Sparky), 2% energy
~Flame Burst: 4% damage (Ed), 1% damage (Luv Muffin), 3% damage (Cersei), 5% energy
~Flare Blitz: 10% damage (Sparky), 3% recoil, 7% energy
~Smack Down: 4% damage (Luv Muffin), 3% energy
~Aurora Beam: 5% damage (Ed), 4% energy
~Icicle Crash: 4% damage (Luv Muffin), 6% energy
~Grass Pledge: 10% damage (Luv Muffin), 3% energy
~Steamroller: 10% damage (Ed), 4% energy

Arena Notes
~A Sandstorm is raging (6 more actions)
~Flame Burst caused splash damage to Luv Muffin and Cersei. And Negrek’s blood vessels.

General Notes
~Speed Order: Luvdisc > Magikarp > Sharpedo > Combee
~I know I don’t need to put in energy calculations, but whatever.
~Grass Pledge scored a Critical Hit.
~Sharpedo’s name is now Ed. Because I cannot spell the other one.
~I didn't mention Sharpedo's Rough Skin in the damage calculations, but be aware that it exists.

Next Round:
~You all do something in some order
~I ref
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To be perfectly honest... I hate those red things!!!

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why what's wrong with using ed'Rashtekaresket??? >:[ Yeah, Ed's fine.

No stop Ed what are you doing though? You are a shark and you're swimming around in blood go into a blood frenzy (which affects Metronomes okay) and accidentally the everyone! Come on, I expect Hyper Beams and Magma Storms and Draco Meteors from you!

Metronome x3
No real reason to complain seeing as I'm in the lead, but, according to your calculations Cersei really only took 3% damage. She has 92% health, though...

Cersei! Kill things. Stay out of sight. That's all we really need~

Metronome~ Metronome~ Metronome

Bees. My god Genesect.
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