2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: A week
Damage Cap: 48%
Banned Moves: one-hit OHKO's
Arena: Plain.
A plain fieild. No effects.
Other: Nothing.
Team Richie
Chikorita the Female Chikorita
Ability: Overgrow
Item: Sun Stone
Pichu the Male Pichu
Ability: Static
Gastly the Male Gastly
Ability: Levitate
Poliwag the Male Poliwag
Ability: Water Absorb
Team Braeburn
Squirtie the Male Squirtle
Ability: Torrent
Shock the Male Shinx
Ability: Intimidate
Krabs the Male Krabby
Ability: Shell Armor
Drilly the Female Drilbur
Ability: Sand Force
Gravel the Male Geodude
Ability: Sturdy
Richie sends out, then Braeburn sends and attacks, and then I ref.