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Corrupt Mafia (Alien Victory)

Vipera Magnifica

Aquatic Artiste
The GM presses a button, and the holding chambers open. Hydraulic lifts open the heavy steel doors. The players walk out sluggishly, a side-effect of the cryogenic freezing.

The voice of the GM buzzes from the speakers, "You all know why you are here. You may not remember how you got here, or who you are exactly, but don't worry... you've all been given a specific purpose."

"The game today may be a little bit different from how you remember it. Of course, many of you may not remember anything..." the voice continued, with a bit of a smug laugh.

"Well, get moving. Try not to bore me this time."

A bell chimed, and with a Pavlovian response the players climbed back into their cells.

Remember the rules:
-Inactive players shall suffer my wrath.
-No abstaining. If no lynch is made, it will be randomized.
-Night actions that are not sent in will be randomized.
-Out-of-thread communication ain't allowed, kid.
-You may not quote your role PM.

The first night has begun. You have 48 hours for night actions.
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Re: Corrupt Mafia (Night 1)

The players awoke the next morning to the sound of the bell, and after some deliberation, they had lined up in the central courtyard. The Game Master, hovering above them in some sort of levitating throne, spoke before them.

“Hopefully now that you have had a good night’s rest you will be fully alert and ready to discuss... I suppose I can’t speak for everyone here, as the preliminary tests appear to have left some of you in a rather, erhrmm... vegetative state…” the GM began to trail off.

“STILL, our little game of mafia shall go according to plan! I’m glad to see all of you made it here to begin… well, almost all of you…”

The GM did a quick head count and then called out to his aides. “Oi! Where is subject number 4?”

Two bald men covered from head to toe in white robes entered the player’s holding cell and emerged holding their noses, and carrying bottles of liquid.

“We found this sir.” one of the men called out “It seems someone was mixing cleaning supplies in his room. You think he was trying to clean the floors?”

“No, you IDIOT!” The Game Master snapped, “That’s a mixture of bleach and ammonia, which yields deadly chlorine gas! Get it out of here right now!”

One of the aides left to dispose of the chemicals while the other went back into the cell to look for the corpse. He came back out, dragging along with him a lifeless body. It was a man wearing spectacles, his face pale and his skin burned.

Zero Moment is dead. He was Innocent.

“I see…” the GM continued,” Well, that’s a rather pansy way to kill someone if you ask me, but I suppose it’s my fault for not supplying the mafia faction with some decent weapons after I confiscated their belongings. “The GM sighed, “Tonight I’ll make sure that they have better weapons than... well… cleaning fluids.”

“Sir, we’ve got another one.” one of the aides called out.

“Really?” the GM seemed interested “Bring it here then!”
The aides carried out a tall man who had blood red eyes and was foaming at the mouth a little. His face was swollen and pale.

“Damn, this guy looks like he partied hard last night!” The GM cried “Alright, add him to the death pile.”

RK-9 is dead. He was Innocent.

“Alright, you folks know the drill… pick someone to kill or whatever. If you don’t, I will.”

24 hours to discuss.
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Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 1)

Two deaths?

Why do I have a hunch of lovers? Zero Moment killed himself or something?

Anyone have any ideas?
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 1)

In all honesty, it's a Bastard Mafia and we probably will never know
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 1)

Hey guys? Want two innocent people to live again? Then lynch me.
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 1)

its bastard mafia. what would you expect my role to be. thats right. sacraficial cow. basically if i die the dea people live again. so my votes for the great and power trixie. im on my kindle so i cant bold it or capatalize things or use non letter characters besides the period. ugh.
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 1)

I won't chance it.
Or, if you're telling the truth, then not right now.
Lie detector would be nice right now.
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 1)

Why would you out yourself so early? Fuck.

If you really are what you claim, that wasn't a smart idea. Now you're a target. We should have waited to kill you when there are more innocents dead. It would have been a game changer then... not a fucking restart button.

Since you're dead either way.... fuck no abstains...

Lynch the GM

... no idea.
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 1)

to be honest id rather be dead in this game. besides my role says two people are ressurected which is the number of people who died. if i am wanting to be out of this game id rather go out in style.

plus i always mess up in mafia on hre... id rather just be out of the game so i make less stupid actions...
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 1)

If you're worried about messing up, why sign up for it at all?

I am actually on board for lynching the GM. Let's see what happens!
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 1)

Eh, I was joking. Last time I was in a bastard mod and we lynched the GM everyone who voted for the GM was killed. (Though I was the GM...)
Re: Corrupt Mafia (Day 1)

Regardless, we do need to lynch someone. No option of abstaining makes things a little tense, doesn't it?
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