The colossal Bank of TCoD is the financial institution of choice for members of the ASB League, and consequently a colossal office has been opened right in the middle of ASB Central. Its imposing facade dominated by tall marble pillars and guarded by statues of the three legendary beasts, rumor has it that no less than an army of Luxray guards its inner vaults and corridors, supported by Porygon-Z watching over its electronic transactions and shrewd Alakazam masterminding the encryption on its correspondence and the passwords and design of its security system. It is here that all trainers receive their starting money and here that they deposit their eventual winnings. In fact, all financial transactions are processed through this bank, making it one of the most bustling places in all of ASB.
All transactions at the bank follow the same format and must include the following: a link to the place where you gained or spent money and a record of your transaction in the format "Initial Balance +/- Money Gained or Lost = Final Balance." Multiple transactions may be carried out in a single post, provided there is a link to each place where you gained or spent money and the final balance reported is indicative of all these earnings or losses.
Typically bank staff will not respond to your posts, just edit the post below to reflect the overall change in your balance. Therefore, you do not need to wait for a transaction to be approved before you can consider the appropriate changes applied to your account. If a member of the staff does post for a reason unrelated to his or her own account, it will only be to respond to a question, deny a transaction because of a problem, or approve a new account. If you feel there is a problem with your account, feel free to make a post asking about it.
If you are new to the League, this is your first stop on the way to participating in battles and other League activities. Make a post requesting a new account, and provided you don't somehow manage to screw that up, a member of the bank staff will respond with a post telling you that your account has been opened. The initial amount of money all new members of the league receive is $45, which may be put towards buying a starting team of pokémon at the Pokémon Registration Office.
On the other hand, if you wish to start afresh in the League, you may request that your bank account be reset to $45. Doing so wipes your win/loss record, empties your inventory, and puts all your pokémon up for adoption, although you may choose to keep your job(s) and referee status if you so choose. Simply post in the bank stating that you want to reset your account, and you will receive approval from one of the bank staff. At that point, you're free to go out and buy your starting team... again.
Bank accounts for users who have not posted in at least three months will be removed periodically in order to keep the bank post navigable for the staff. However, the records themselves are kept, and if you return after an absence to find your account delisted, you may request that it be added again with your previous balance intact.
Paychecks for all jobs, excluding referee positions, are distributed at the bank once a week on Saturday. All members of the League, whether they have a job or not, may also post to claim an allowance of $3 for three days after paychecks have been posted.
Business owners can claim money from their shop at any time by completing a till. The till should list the item(s) or service(s) purchased, the selling price for each item, the overhead for each item, and finally the profit for each item, with links to the purchase posts. The total profit may then be added to the business owner's account using the standard format.
Third United Bank of The Cave of Dragonflies
All transactions at the bank follow the same format and must include the following: a link to the place where you gained or spent money and a record of your transaction in the format "Initial Balance +/- Money Gained or Lost = Final Balance." Multiple transactions may be carried out in a single post, provided there is a link to each place where you gained or spent money and the final balance reported is indicative of all these earnings or losses.
Typically bank staff will not respond to your posts, just edit the post below to reflect the overall change in your balance. Therefore, you do not need to wait for a transaction to be approved before you can consider the appropriate changes applied to your account. If a member of the staff does post for a reason unrelated to his or her own account, it will only be to respond to a question, deny a transaction because of a problem, or approve a new account. If you feel there is a problem with your account, feel free to make a post asking about it.
Opening or Resetting an Account
If you are new to the League, this is your first stop on the way to participating in battles and other League activities. Make a post requesting a new account, and provided you don't somehow manage to screw that up, a member of the bank staff will respond with a post telling you that your account has been opened. The initial amount of money all new members of the league receive is $45, which may be put towards buying a starting team of pokémon at the Pokémon Registration Office.
On the other hand, if you wish to start afresh in the League, you may request that your bank account be reset to $45. Doing so wipes your win/loss record, empties your inventory, and puts all your pokémon up for adoption, although you may choose to keep your job(s) and referee status if you so choose. Simply post in the bank stating that you want to reset your account, and you will receive approval from one of the bank staff. At that point, you're free to go out and buy your starting team... again.
Bank accounts for users who have not posted in at least three months will be removed periodically in order to keep the bank post navigable for the staff. However, the records themselves are kept, and if you return after an absence to find your account delisted, you may request that it be added again with your previous balance intact.
Paychecks and Trainer Allowance
Paychecks for all jobs, excluding referee positions, are distributed at the bank once a week on Saturday. All members of the League, whether they have a job or not, may also post to claim an allowance of $3 for three days after paychecks have been posted.
Business Tills
Business owners can claim money from their shop at any time by completing a till. The till should list the item(s) or service(s) purchased, the selling price for each item, the overhead for each item, and finally the profit for each item, with links to the purchase posts. The total profit may then be added to the business owner's account using the standard format.
Bank Staff
Grass King
Shadow Serenity
Bank Account Records
~JV~: $45
是Zek是: $5
[O]: $16
4me4them: $45
ABCD: $33
Aethelstan: $43
Alder: $45
Alraunne: $12
Amaraia410: $0
Amber and Zack: $16
Ameroq01: $0
Amoeba: $9
Angela: $45
Animorph: $24
Arcanine Lover: $45
Articuno: $26
Ayra Calaenlen: $0
Arylett Dawnsborough: $26
Astral: $15
Athasan: $0
Barubu: $11
Bes: $8
Bidoofish: $5
Big Red Cherry Bomb: $21
Black Temple Guardian: $0
Black Yoshi 99: $1
Blastoise: $68
blazheirio889: $1111
Blaziking: $24
Bobino: $8
Bromine: $21
Buixel: $0
burookple: $5
Butterfree: $45
Byrus: $564
Capitain Jay: $9
Captain Sea Turtle: $3
Catch-22: $8
Chaon: $2
ChaosTres: $13
charmanpid: $10
Cheatmaster: $2
Chewy the Crispy Crunch: $5
Chiropter: $1008
Chucho: $6
Claudster: $23
Condabra: $45
Crazy Linoone: $361
Cryptica: $8
Dai: $8
DarkLordOfFire: $8
Dark Shocktail: $10
Darksong: $6
Dawn: $5
Deadly Sniper Goat: $0
demonickittens: $9
Dewgongeru: $17
Dezzuu: $23
Dr Frank: $18
Dragon: $421
dragonair: $3
Dragon_night: $10
Draider: $3
Drowzee64: $45
EeveeSkitty: $6
El Garbanzo: $9
Empoleon: $15
Eon Spirit: $27
Eonrider: $5
Erindor the Espeon: $54
Espeon: $0
EeveeSkitty: $0
EvilCrazyMonkey: $6
Explosion: $3
fireblast: $8
Flareth: $13
Flarginsnarf: $3
Flora and Ashes: $45
Gakidou: $11
GameFreakerZero: $13
Gardevoir Girl: $1
geekyfreek: $6
giantnoob: $45
Giraffes: $2
Glacier99: $2
glitchedgamer: $3
Grass King: $115
greategret: $52
Griffin: $16
Grimdour the Desecrator: $41
Harlequin: $2
Heart: $8
Heavy Lobster: $68
Hiesetsu: $0
HolyLugia912: $45
Icalasari: $33
Involuntary Twitch: $134
ijy: $45
Jack_the_PumpkinKing: $101
Jade Dragonair: $25
Jason-Kun: $15
Jewel Espeon: $11
joe mama: $45
jokersfeind: $45
JolteonShock: $16
Kai: $1
Kammington: $71
Katipunero's Memento: $3
Katsu_Midnight: $5
killerman: $45
Keta: $201
Ketsu: $1
Kindling Queen: $379
KlutzyKaytix33: $45
Kratos Aurion: $2430
KoopaTroopa1,000: $45
Kusarigamaitachi: $1498
Lanxal: $4
Lars the Turtwig: $44
Latimew: $45
Leafstorm: $45
L'il Dwagie: $21
linkin825: $45
Littlestream: $10
Loco Mocho: $14
lolpokemon: $45
Lord Shyguy: $34
Lucas755: $65
MadHairGirl: $20
Magikarp: $1
Manaphy DriftRider: $10
Mawile: $4
Max Elixir: $10
meepslive: $45
Melati2008: $0
Metallica Fanboy: $757
Mewtwo: $51
Midnight: $20
MidnightSaboteur: $17
Mike the Foxhog: $359
Minkow: $0
Minnow: $4
Miztamike: $8
moon-panther: $145
Mr2pudding: $25
Mr. Person: $45
Mumei: $17
Murkrowfeather: $13
MurrMurr: $174
Music Dragon: $0
NegativeVibe: $0
Negrek: $58
Nemec: $3
NightDaemon: $45
ole_schooler: $69
Oreku: $8
OrngSumb: $19
ParaBob-omb: $3
Patar: $13
Pentimento: $125
Phantom: $45
PichuK: $68
Pikatrainer: $45
Pim: $14
PokeGhost: $0
Prairie Chicken: $36
President Michael Wilson: $45
Princess Darknight II: $45
Prettzel: $10
Psymon: $47
Purplemew12: $13
Pwnemon: $0
Ramsie: $45
RandomTyphoon: $184
Rayne Forest: $10
Renteura: $15
RespectTheBlade: $27
Riding Thunder: $0
Ridous: $6
Risingbadge: $45
rock-ground: $13
Rossymore: $9
Ruieko: $86
Ruffledfeathers: $10
Sage Noctowl: $10
Sandstone-Shadow: $5
SatoHaru4Ever: $15
Scyther: $3
Seritinajii: $11
SethGrey: $1
Severus Snape: $3
shadow_lugia: $27
Shadow Serenity: $716
Shadow Slice: $0
Shadowstar: $15
ShadScy: $45
Shining Eevee: $21
Shivaree: $5
SkyAngel: $15
Skylark: $33
Skymin: $6
Small Lotus: $17
Sovie: $21
Spherical Ice: $45
Spoon: $45
Squornshellous Beta: $261
Sofa: $45
sreservoir: $40
Steele: $51
StyliBoy: $76
Summergale: $5
Superbird: $37
surskitty: $9
syphondblade: $32
Take Flight: $45
Teh Ebil Snorlax: $5
Teacher9985: $35
ThaosDM: $28
The Mad Hatter: $0
The Meme: $2
The Suicune: $11
The Terrorizing Terrorist: $26
thor165: $4
thunder: $0
Titress: $45
Togetic: $31
Treechu: $2
Tsukuyomi: $1
turbler: $33
ultraviolet: $11
UnderFire: $16
Walker: $67
Wargle: $74
Wartortle: $0
werefish5: $45
Whivit: $298
W0lverine123: $0
Wyvern: $20
X-Scissor: $0
Xaldin: $38
YetiPenguin: $6
Yzer: $45
Zaeilla: $6
Zangoose: $45
Zangviper: $0
zeKieranator: $4
Zetto12: $18
Zephyrous Castform: $20
Zeta Reticuli: $20
Zora of Termina: $111
Grass King
Shadow Serenity
Bank Account Records
~JV~: $45
是Zek是: $5
[O]: $16
4me4them: $45
ABCD: $33
Aethelstan: $43
Alder: $45
Alraunne: $12
Amaraia410: $0
Amber and Zack: $16
Ameroq01: $0
Amoeba: $9
Angela: $45
Animorph: $24
Arcanine Lover: $45
Articuno: $26
Ayra Calaenlen: $0
Arylett Dawnsborough: $26
Astral: $15
Athasan: $0
Barubu: $11
Bes: $8
Bidoofish: $5
Big Red Cherry Bomb: $21
Black Temple Guardian: $0
Black Yoshi 99: $1
Blastoise: $68
blazheirio889: $1111
Blaziking: $24
Bobino: $8
Bromine: $21
Buixel: $0
burookple: $5
Butterfree: $45
Byrus: $564
Capitain Jay: $9
Captain Sea Turtle: $3
Catch-22: $8
Chaon: $2
ChaosTres: $13
charmanpid: $10
Cheatmaster: $2
Chewy the Crispy Crunch: $5
Chiropter: $1008
Chucho: $6
Claudster: $23
Condabra: $45
Crazy Linoone: $361
Cryptica: $8
Dai: $8
DarkLordOfFire: $8
Dark Shocktail: $10
Darksong: $6
Dawn: $5
Deadly Sniper Goat: $0
demonickittens: $9
Dewgongeru: $17
Dezzuu: $23
Dr Frank: $18
Dragon: $421
dragonair: $3
Dragon_night: $10
Draider: $3
Drowzee64: $45
EeveeSkitty: $6
El Garbanzo: $9
Empoleon: $15
Eon Spirit: $27
Eonrider: $5
Erindor the Espeon: $54
Espeon: $0
EeveeSkitty: $0
EvilCrazyMonkey: $6
Explosion: $3
fireblast: $8
Flareth: $13
Flarginsnarf: $3
Flora and Ashes: $45
Gakidou: $11
GameFreakerZero: $13
Gardevoir Girl: $1
geekyfreek: $6
giantnoob: $45
Giraffes: $2
Glacier99: $2
glitchedgamer: $3
Grass King: $115
greategret: $52
Griffin: $16
Grimdour the Desecrator: $41
Harlequin: $2
Heart: $8
Heavy Lobster: $68
Hiesetsu: $0
HolyLugia912: $45
Icalasari: $33
Involuntary Twitch: $134
ijy: $45
Jack_the_PumpkinKing: $101
Jade Dragonair: $25
Jason-Kun: $15
Jewel Espeon: $11
joe mama: $45
jokersfeind: $45
JolteonShock: $16
Kai: $1
Kammington: $71
Katipunero's Memento: $3
Katsu_Midnight: $5
killerman: $45
Keta: $201
Ketsu: $1
Kindling Queen: $379
KlutzyKaytix33: $45
Kratos Aurion: $2430
KoopaTroopa1,000: $45
Kusarigamaitachi: $1498
Lanxal: $4
Lars the Turtwig: $44
Latimew: $45
Leafstorm: $45
L'il Dwagie: $21
linkin825: $45
Littlestream: $10
Loco Mocho: $14
lolpokemon: $45
Lord Shyguy: $34
Lucas755: $65
MadHairGirl: $20
Magikarp: $1
Manaphy DriftRider: $10
Mawile: $4
Max Elixir: $10
meepslive: $45
Melati2008: $0
Metallica Fanboy: $757
Mewtwo: $51
Midnight: $20
MidnightSaboteur: $17
Mike the Foxhog: $359
Minkow: $0
Minnow: $4
Miztamike: $8
moon-panther: $145
Mr2pudding: $25
Mr. Person: $45
Mumei: $17
Murkrowfeather: $13
MurrMurr: $174
Music Dragon: $0
NegativeVibe: $0
Negrek: $58
Nemec: $3
NightDaemon: $45
ole_schooler: $69
Oreku: $8
OrngSumb: $19
ParaBob-omb: $3
Patar: $13
Pentimento: $125
Phantom: $45
PichuK: $68
Pikatrainer: $45
Pim: $14
PokeGhost: $0
Prairie Chicken: $36
President Michael Wilson: $45
Princess Darknight II: $45
Prettzel: $10
Psymon: $47
Purplemew12: $13
Pwnemon: $0
Ramsie: $45
RandomTyphoon: $184
Rayne Forest: $10
Renteura: $15
RespectTheBlade: $27
Riding Thunder: $0
Ridous: $6
Risingbadge: $45
rock-ground: $13
Rossymore: $9
Ruieko: $86
Ruffledfeathers: $10
Sage Noctowl: $10
Sandstone-Shadow: $5
SatoHaru4Ever: $15
Scyther: $3
Seritinajii: $11
SethGrey: $1
Severus Snape: $3
shadow_lugia: $27
Shadow Serenity: $716
Shadow Slice: $0
Shadowstar: $15
ShadScy: $45
Shining Eevee: $21
Shivaree: $5
SkyAngel: $15
Skylark: $33
Skymin: $6
Small Lotus: $17
Sovie: $21
Spherical Ice: $45
Spoon: $45
Squornshellous Beta: $261
Sofa: $45
sreservoir: $40
Steele: $51
StyliBoy: $76
Summergale: $5
Superbird: $37
surskitty: $9
syphondblade: $32
Take Flight: $45
Teh Ebil Snorlax: $5
Teacher9985: $35
ThaosDM: $28
The Mad Hatter: $0
The Meme: $2
The Suicune: $11
The Terrorizing Terrorist: $26
thor165: $4
thunder: $0
Titress: $45
Togetic: $31
Treechu: $2
Tsukuyomi: $1
turbler: $33
ultraviolet: $11
UnderFire: $16
Walker: $67
Wargle: $74
Wartortle: $0
werefish5: $45
Whivit: $298
W0lverine123: $0
Wyvern: $20
X-Scissor: $0
Xaldin: $38
YetiPenguin: $6
Yzer: $45
Zaeilla: $6
Zangoose: $45
Zangviper: $0
zeKieranator: $4
Zetto12: $18
Zephyrous Castform: $20
Zeta Reticuli: $20
Zora of Termina: $111
Last edited: