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Kratos Aurion vs Grass King


Silence greets...
3v3 single
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: none
Banned Moves: none, but 1 chill per Pokémon
Banned Pokémon: none, but no direct type advantages are allowed (so no Poliwrath against my Houndoom and vice-versa)
I send first, you attack first

Arena: Cage of Death

...okay, not "death", but "Cage of Probably-Very-Bruised-Bloody-And-Sporting-Lots-Of-Other-Owwies" takes too long to say. Anyway, this is a no holds barred (mostly) fight to the finish. Nothing restricted except chilling; you're allowed to do whatever it takes to win, so long as it's in the ASB rules, of course. The battlers' typing is also moderated so that "no holds barred" doesn't automatically turn into "4x super-effective STAB 2KO", which is pretty hectic but lasts all of five minutes. The arena is a giant metal cage suspended in midair; the floor is covered in dirt thick enough to dig through, there's a small lake to one side, rocks of various sizes are littered everywhere and there's plenty of room to fly. Weather can reach through the bars of the cage, but there's no escaping it until the match is over, even with moves like Teleport. That should accommodate just about everything, amirite?

Round 10

Kratos Aurion (XOO)
Lloyd Irving (M) <Intimidate>
Health: 78%
Energy: 48%
Status: “Well, that was big.” -2 Defense, +1 Attack
Chills: 1/1

Grass King (XOO)
Satan (M) <Intimidate>
Shadow Pokemon
Health: 59% (3% Substitute)
Energy: 37%
Status: Wary, somewhat scared. -1 Attack, -2 Speed
Chills: 1/1​

The two battlers pause briefly as the emergency referee is suddenly and unceremoniously teleported away, to be replaced equally as suddenly by the original, sluggishly-slow, but indescribably more humble ref. The sudden change in narrative style throws Lloyd and Satan for a moment, but they quickly recover and, ignoring the ref, turn their attention back to the important matter of beating the crap out of each other.

Satan snorts in annoyance at the lackluster result of his Fissure, then quickly begins sloshing and mixing toxins around in his mouth once again; at the same time, Lloyd begins pooling dark energy in front of himself, trying to get a new Substitute up to replace the one just lost. Satan finishes mixing his poison before Lloyd can complete his guardian, however, and spews the dark, goopy liquid into the air. Still reluctant to get too close to the mightyena, however, Satan miscalculates his aim and the Toxic liquid flies off target, just barely missing the frantically-working Lloyd and splashing to the ground, where it quickly seeps into the soil and vanishes.

With a sigh of relief, Lloyd goes back to fashioning his Substitute, and soon enough he has a vaguely mightyena-shaped blot of darkness standing in front of him, its sightless eyes directed at Satan, waiting for him to make a move. While still wary of Lloyd after seeing that Scary Face of his, the tauros manages to rush forward with more speed than Lloyd and his trainer were prepared for, slamming into the Substitute’s side with rock-shattering force. The Sub shudders and a network of cracks spreads across its body, but manages to keep itself together. Lloyd snarls at Satan as the tauros backs away, but has already lost the window of opportunity to mimic his attack, and is unable to strike back.

Not about to miss his chance twice in a row, Lloyd watches Satan very carefully, waiting for him to make his move… As the tauros backs up and paws the ground in preparation to charge, Lloyd’s eyes seem to briefly lose focus as he blanks out his conscious mind, letting instinct take control of his body to allow a perfect parroting of whatever attack his opponent intended to use - then suddenly, a second before Satan had planned to act, charges straight at him with astonishing speed. The tauros’s doomed Substitute jumps in front of its creator a split second before Lloyd reaches him, and is instantly smashed apart by the mightyena’s rock-shattering blow. Observing his guardian’s destruction with supreme disinterest, Satan goes back to what he was doing, and charges straight at Lloyd’s own Sub, slamming into it once again and this time causing it to crack apart from his strength; the life force that animated the construct is used up, and the dark fragments crumble apart until nothing but a layer of black dust remains in front of Lloyd. Growling in annoyance, the mightyena backs away from Satan before he can attack him again without any protection; Satan also backs off, readying himself for his next move and trying to ignore the fatigue beginning to creep into his muscles.

Kratos Aurion (XOO)
Lloyd Irving (M) <Intimidate>
Health: 68%
Energy: 38%
Status: Annoyed at losing his second Sub, but still confident. -2 Defense, +1 Attack
Chills: 1/1

Grass King (XOO)
Satan (M) <Intimidate>
Shadow Pokemon
Health: 59%
Energy: 20%
Status: Still wary of Lloyd, and beginning to tire. -1 Attack, -2 Speed
Chills: 1/1​

Battle notes:
Toxic missed.

Next round:
Kratos Aurion attacks first.

Okay, here's the deal. Where we left off, both of you had posted attacks, and I was taking my sweet time getting Round 11 done. Would you prefer to just start over with new attacks, or would you rather I finish the next round with the attacks you had before?

Oh, and I have all the earlier rounds saved, so Spooky and Zef Barra are avaliable for recovery.
Just because I'm feeling lazy myself I'd rather go with the original attacks, but I'll issue different ones if Grass King wants to. Thanks for putting this up, by the way.
Excellent, that means I get to be lazy too and use the round I already had partially written... Anyway, to recap your commands:

Kratos Aurion:
Let's see if we can't get this over with as fast as possible. Gnaw the crap out of him/his sub with Bite, and Protect if he uses Fissure. It'll miss, more than likely, but I don't want to take the chance.
Bite/Protect ~ Bite/Protect ~ Bite/Protect

Grass King:
Torment ~ Toxic ~ Ice Beam (aimed at muzzle)

And now, finally:

Round 11

Kratos Aurion (XOO)
Lloyd Irving (M) <Intimidate>
Health: 68%
Energy: 38%
Status: Annoyed at losing his second Sub, but still confident. -2 Defense, +1 Attack
Chills: 1/1

Grass King (XOO)
Satan (M) <Intimidate>
Shadow Pokemon
Health: 59%
Energy: 20%
Status: Still wary of Lloyd, and beginning to tire. -1 Attack, -2 Speed
Chills: 1/1​

Snapping to attention at the urgency in his trainer’s voice, Lloyd lunges forward, hoping to take care of Satan with just a few more good hits. Dodging past Satan’s horns, he manages to leap up and sink his teeth into the tauros’s shoulder. Satan clenches his teeth as dark energy from the mightyena’s canines stabs painfully into the wound, and pulls himself out of Lloyd’s grip as fast as he can, backing up to a safe distance and ready to counterattack. Only… he can’t make sense of the command his trainer is giving him. Torment? Well, certainly, he intends to cause Mr. Irving a great deal of torment through beating the mightyena senseless, but he can’t get started on that without a specific attack to act on… What does his trainer want him to do?

Lloyd wastes no time in taking advantage of his foe’s confusion, lunging forward again with a snarl and chomping his jaws down on the tauros’s leg. Sharp jolts of pain shoot up the limb, aggravating the still-smarting wound on Satan’s shoulder and distracting him enough that he completely misses Grass King’s next command. He yanks his leg out from Lloyd’s jaws and stumbles away, but the mightyena presses his advantage; jumping around the tauros as he attempts to put some distance between them, he spots a break in Satan’s defense and lunges again, delivering another painful bite wound.

Snorting in annoyance, Satan turns to meet Lloyd’s eye as the mightyena jumps away again, grinning triumphantly. The now rather bloody tauros takes careful aim at Lloyd’s muzzle as he allows his internal temperature to plummet, his breath condensing into mist as he prepares his retaliatory attack. Feeling a little complacent from Satan’s lack of response to his attacks, Lloyd is caught off guard as the tauros suddenly fires a beam of freezing cold energy, catching him right in the mouth. Yelping in surprise and pain as the ice, swiftly coating over his teeth, gives him the unpleasant sensation of biting into a glacier, the mightyena turns away in an attempt to take the Ice Beam in a less sensitive area; Satan, however, manages to keep the beam pointed more or less at its intended target, so that when he finally ends the attack with a final snort of frosty air, Lloyd’s muzzle - along with most of his face - is coated over with a thin layer of ice. Lloyd immediately starts working frantically to scrape away the frigid ice, whimpering piteously while Satan looks on grimly, feeling quite exhausted after that exertion.

Kratos Aurion (XOO)
Lloyd Irving (M) <Intimidate>
Health: 59%
Energy: 26%
Status: Face and muzzle coated in thin ice. Not happy. -2 Defense, +1 Attack
Chills: 1/1

Grass King (XOO)
Satan (M) <Intimidate>
Shadow Pokemon
Health: 32%
Energy: 11%
Status: Bleeding and getting very tired, but refusing to show it. -1 Attack, -2 Speed
Chills: 1/1​

Battle notes:
Tauros doesn’t learn Torment.
Satan flinched on the second action.
For clarification, Lloyd’s mouth is not actually frozen shut, as the Ice Beam did not cause Freezing. However, since the attack was focused there, Lloyd will have a little difficulty using his mouth for attacks until the cold wears off, after a few more actions.

Next round:
Grass King attacks first.
I know all the ice around your mouth sucks, Lloyd, but we're going to have to ignore it for now. I believe you should still be faster than Satan, and he should be large enough for this to work, so I want you run up, jump onto his back and just hang on for dear life. Dig your claws into his mane, his hide, whatever (try and bite down on something, too, if you can manage it). He won't be able to hurt you up there (if Fissure succeeds at all) and should hopefully just wear himself out trying to dislodge you/use Fissure anyway. And any damage, even if it's minor, that you can cause with those claws (and potential bites) is nice; just focus on staying on his back, though.

Jump onto Satan's back ~ hang on ~ hang on
Round 12

Kratos Aurion (XOO)
Lloyd Irving (M) <Intimidate>
Health: 59%
Energy: 26%
Status: Face and muzzle coated in thin ice. Not happy. -2 Defense, +1 Attack
Chills: 1/1

Grass King (XOO)
Satan (M) <Intimidate>
Shadow Pokemon
Health: 32%
Energy: 11%
Status: Bleeding and getting very tired, but refusing to show it. -1 Attack, -2 Speed
Chills: 1/1​

Breathing heavily, Satan shifts weight to his unbitten foreleg, readying himself for the strenuous attack his trainer has ordered. He has to struggle to keep from stumbling in his exhaustion, and feels fairly certain that if he doesn’t finish Lloyd off right now he‘ll be fainting from overexertion. This thought at the forefront of his mind, the shadow tauros takes in a deep breath and rears up onto his hind legs, before slamming his front hooves into the ground with such force that Lloyd feels the impact from where he stands. Satan’s injured leg shakes violently in protest of this action, almost sending the tauros toppling over, but the deed is done: as before, a crack opens in the earth in front of Satan and moves in a jerky but straight line towards Lloyd, opening wider and wider as it approaches its target.

Keeping a cautious eye on the growing hole - he has no Substitute to protect him this time - Lloyd dodges easily out of its way, and immediately rushes toward Satan; the tauros has orders to do that again, and he has no intention of being vulnerable on the ground when that happens. With any luck, he thinks, he can just wait out the tauros - he looks like he’s going to drop soon. With that in mind, the mightyena takes a flying leap straight onto Satan’s back, scrambling to get a hold on the tauros’s mane with his front claws while digging his back claws into the tauros’s hide. Satan bellows angrily, swatting at Lloyd with his tails, but Lloyd manages to maintain his precarious position, though he doesn’t know how much longer he can keep it up - his claws don’t have a very secure hold, and his frozen mouth is still too numb to let him use his teeth.

His legs buckling at the extra weight of the mightyena, Satan rears up once more - causing Lloyd’s claws to leave a network of bleeding scratches over his hide as the mightyena scrambles to keep from falling - and slams back into the ground with all the force he can muster. The force of the impact proves to be too much for Lloyd, and he is sent flying forward over Satan’s head, to slam painfully to the ground a few feet away. Angrily, the mightyena pulls himself to his feet and turns to face his opponent again - or at least, that is his intention. Before he can stand, however, a wide crack suddenly opens in the ground beneath him, steadily widening into a vast, dark chasm. Panicking, Lloyd scrambles to get away and reach solid ground, but far too late - the earth slips away from beneath his feet, and the mightyena drops from sight into the jagged hole, howling mournfully. Muffled thuds and whimpers echo up from the Fissure as Lloyd slams into the walls of the chasm, followed by a sickening crack, and then silence. At almost the same instant, Satan, his energy finally spent, collapses limply to the ground as he passes out.

Kratos rushes onto the field and over to the edge of the chasm, ignoring Satan (whose blank eyes are still open, as though the shadow tauros is determined to be as creepy as possible even in unconsciousness), and crouches down at the edge. Far below, he spots his pokemon stuck between the narrow walls at the chasm’s bottom, bruised, bleeding, one of his back legs bent at an unnatural angle, and very obviously unconscious. Kratos, already mentally scheduling an urgent trip to a pokemon center the instant this battle is finished, immediately whips out Lloyd’s pokeball and recalls him, as Grass King does the same with Satan. The immediate crisis over with, Kratos returns to his side of the field, trying not to worry about Lloyd and to decide which pokemon to finish up with; on the other side of the arena, Grass King ruminates on the same subject…

Kratos Aurion (XXO)
Lloyd Irving (M) <Intimidate>
Health: 0%
Energy: 24%
Status: Fainted.
Chills: 1/1

Grass King (XXO)
Satan (M) <Intimidate>
Shadow Pokemon
Health: 30%
Energy: 0%
Status: Fainted
Chills: 1/1​

Field notes:
There are two large cracks left by the Fissures; they've mostly collapsed in on themselves, however.

Battle notes:
Um, well, the first Fissure missed…

Next round:
Grass King sends out.
Kratos Aurion sends out and attacks.
Grass King attacks.
Ability: Intimidate
Held Item: None
Huh, I was expecting Red Lightning or something. Darn it, I wanted to be able to use my Salamence without feeling bad about it. Ah, well, anyway. I'll use my female Turtwig, Laurasia.

I'm tired and out of it and busy right now so let's make this quick.

Substitute 10% ~ Leech Seed ~ Swords Dance
Round 13​

After a brief pause as the trainers make their final choices, two pokéballs are tossed into the arena. On Grass King’s side is a tiny shinx named Simba, while Kratos has chosen Gondwana Laurasia the turtwig. Simba, upon noticing his opponent, instantly arches his back and snarls at Laurasia, trying to make himself look big and intimidating. The effect is rather cute but startling all the same, and the turtwig appears a little shaken by it, but resolutely plants her feet in the ground and meets her opponent’s eyes, not nearly intimidated enough to stand down just yet.

Kratos Aurion (XXO)
Laurasia (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Wary, but determined. -1 Attack
Chills: 0/1

Grass King (XXO)
Simba (M) <Intimidate>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: “Grr! Snarl! Hiss! I’m being intimidating!”
Chills: 0/1​

Simba suddenly drops his intimidating stance and instead settles down on the ground, holding his head high and looking at Laurasia with a wide-eyed, charming expression. As Laurasia starts at this sudden shift in demeanor, Simba begins speaking softly to her, complimenting her very eloquently on any topic he can come up with, a surprisingly deep growling purr blending with his words. Thrown off guard, Laurasia looks away, though she looks at the shinx out of the corner of her eye and smiles a bit, feeling vaguely embarrassed by his praise. She can’t help but notice now just how charmingly cute her opponent is, and wonders… well… she’s reptilian, he’s mammalian, it wouldn’t really ever work out, but still…

…Oh, wait, what’s that her trainer’s shouting at her about? Substitute? Ah, yes, she’d better get that over with. Still shyly avoiding making eye contact with Simba, she stamps her feet into the soil, sending a bit of her energy into it; a second later, a turtwig-sized lump of dirt rises from the ground, run through with silvery energy lines, which snake around the soil and mold it around until its shape closely resembles Laurasia’s own. She glances back at Simba, who nods approvingly and compliments her on her construction of the substitute (which makes her look away shyly again, thinking that she’d be blushing if her biology allowed for that). For his part, Simba stays where he is, focusing on building up electricity inside his body; the air around him hums and crackles as he is briefly surrounded by a corona of light, which fades away after a second but still leaves a slight shimmering in the air around him.

Laurasia gazes at the shinx, utterly entranced by the way the built-up electricity seems to slide through his fur as he stands up and walks casually towards her substitute. So caught up in watching him is she that she completely ignores her next command. Simba stops and stands only a few feet away from her, still smiling; then, he suddenly bares his small but sharp fangs, looking much more ferocious than he had before, and lunges forward, biting hard into the mound of earth that is Laurasia’s substitute. A loud crackle of electricity is heard as all the charge that Simba had built up is released into the substitute through his teeth; the surface of the turtwig-shaped construct cracks apart, and a large chunk falls off as Simba rips his jaws away, but it manages to hold itself together. Laurasia stares with wide eyes, shocked at Simba’s sudden violence; noticing this, he smiles apologetically and assures her that he had only done that on his trainer’s orders, and because he knew that attacking the substitute wouldn’t hurt her… Somewhat mollified, Laurasia nods and looks at her almost-broken substitute, beginning to feel a little apprehensive about this battle…

Kratos Aurion (XXO)
Laurasia (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 90% (2% Substitute)
Energy: 95%
Status: “Well…he’s just a little mercurial, that’s all…” Attracted (severe). -1 Attack
Chills: 0/1

Grass King (XXO)
Simba (M) <Intimidate>
Health: 100%
Energy: 90%
Status: “Keep smiling… keep smiling…”
Chills: 0/1​

Battle notes:
Laurasia’s attraction kept her from attacking on the last two actions.

Next round:
Grass King attacks first.
Last edited:
(Actually, I asked and Negrek said we were allowed to use any of our Pokémon to finish an old match, but whatever. This way I get my Grotle.)

Mm hm well. Uh, try Attract, then show him a pretty, sparkly Reflect and then, uh, Sand Tomb. If you really can't bring yourself to hurt him then try Swords Dance again and impress him with your intense and sexy moves. Yeah.

Attract ~ Reflect ~ Sand Tomb/Swords Dance
Grass King (XXO)
Simba (M)
Health: 100%
Energy: 90%
Status: “Keep smiling… keep smiling…”
Chills: 0/1

Kratos Aurion (XXO)
Laurasia (F)
Health: 90% (2% Substitute)
Energy: 95%
Status: “Well…he’s just a little mercurial, that’s all…” Attracted (severe). -1 Attack
Chills: 0/1

The trainers issue their orders, and wait for the referee to officially begin the round. Unfortunately, the referee seems to be staring blankly off into space, and no amount of action seems to accomplish anything. Suddenly, Chiropter vanishes with a muffled popping sound; instantly, another figure appears, and with a wave, the pokemon set to their objectives.

Simba inhales for a split second before arcing his head upwards in a loud howl. The sound is more cute than anything, and Laurasia just patiently waits, but when the shinx finishes, he feels energetic and invigorated. Laurasia, all too happy to carry out her orders, makes her best cute face-complete with shining eyes- and compliments Simba on his Howl, encouragingly saying how ferocious and amazing it was! Simba at first dismisses the performance, but then begins to admire Laurasia's effort. She does look nice, now that he's gotten a good look at her, and he can't say he doesn't enjoy the way she's gazing at him adoringly.

...Still, he has to do what he has to do, and that substitute that the turtwig dissapeared behind isn't really her anyway. Simba opens his mouth, and his jaws burst into flames, fueled by some unknown source. The shinx runs towards the substitute and bites down on the substitute, fire licking from his mouth while Laurasia looks on interestedly. The substitute easily crumbles under Simba's attack, though Laurasia sputters gibberish, more than a little startled. Simba once again apologizes, fervently explaining that he can't disobey his trainer; besides, he says, he can't see her when she's behind that thing. His speech carries a ring of honesty to it now, and Laurasia, still weirded out at Simba's spontaneity, seems to accept it.

For the next minute or so, the two pokemon seem content to just lie around and look at each other, neither of them aware of much else, or in a state to care. After a while of nothing happening, the referee considers the round done.

Grass King (XXO)
Simba (M)
Health: 100%
Energy: 86%
Status: Smiling at Laurasia, simply enjoying the moment. Attracted (severe). +1 Attack
Chills: 0/1

Kratos Aurion (XXO)
Laurasia (F)
Health: 90%
Energy: 93%
Status: Contentedly gazing at Simba, vaguely wondering why he's so mercurial. Attracted (severe). -1 Attack
Chills: 0/1

-Laurasia was too attracted on the second and third actions(ouch).
-Simba, likewise, was not in the mood to attack on the third action.
-Kratos Aurion attacks first next round.
Thanks a bunch for picking this up, Prettzel.

Um, let's see. First, show Simba the prettiest Flash you can manage. Then follow with Stealth Rock, which I cannot find a suitable Attract-ready explanation for but try and do it anyway, and, uh, end by showcasing your amazing evil sorceress abilities and use Curse.


Flash ~ Stealth Rock ~ Curse
Okay, start by using Charge, to show Laurasia how powerful you can be. Next, use Captivate to distract her from hurting you. Finish off by using Thunderbolt if she isn't attracted to you, so you can get back at her. Otherwise, use Charge Beam, aimed upwards, to try and impress her even more.

Charge ~ Captivate ~ Thunderbolt/Charge beam
Sorry I'm a bit late.

Grass King (XXO)
Simba (M)
Health: 100%
Energy: 86%
Status: Smiling at Laurasia, simply enjoying the moment. Attracted (severe). +1 Attack
Chills: 0/1
Orders:Charge ~ Captivate ~ Thunderbolt/Charge beam

Kratos Aurion (XXO)
Laurasia (F)
Health: 90%
Energy: 93%
Status: Contentedly gazing at Simba, vaguely wondering why he's so mercurial. Attracted (severe). -1 Attack
Chills: 0/1
Orders:Flash ~ Stealth Rock ~ Curse

Simba rises to his feet, having rather liked lazing around but ready to move on. He sets to rapidly generating electricity (he's got to impress that turtwig, right?), working his body into overdrive. After a few seconds, he stops, satisfied; his fur hums and crackles with supresses energy, and sparks occasionally shoot from his small body. A faint barrier also forms around his body, ready to dull any incoming energy attack. Laurasia is fascinated by the shinx's display and decides to create something even better. She closes her eyes, concentrating. A second later, a brilliant sphere of light blasts out from Laurasia. Simba, not having expected anything, catches the Flash right in the face. Simba blinks tears out of his eyes, to no avail-his vision remains blurry and distorted.

However, he still can see the brownish-green blob that passes for Laurasia, and is relatively happy to carry out his ordes. The shinx compliments her on whatever he can think of, swinging his head in what he hopes is an attractive manner while adding a sheen to his fur coat with some of the electricity he has built up. Laurasia smiles and turns away, flattered by Simba's show of affectiom (that's what it has to be, right?); she feels a bit guilty for blinding him. She knows she has to win this battle, though, and with that in mind she manipulates some of the rocks scattered around the cage, adding in a few of her own creation. The stones slowly come to life and form a circle around Simba, hovering silently.

Glaring suspiciously at Laurasia in a squinting kind of way (those brown things simply cannot be good for him), Simba decides from what little he can see of her that she seems friendly enough. Lifting his head to the sky, Simba lets loose a glittering shaft of light, drawing on the built-up charge. He absorbs what's left of the electricity, storing it as a sort of fuel for future attacks. That was good, Laurasia thinks, but she knows she has to remain focused on the task at hand. Although she can only guess what an amazing evil sorceress is, she gets the gist of her orders, summoning up the spirits of her ancestors. The ghosts, commanded by some chanting by Lauraisa, add musclature and bulk to her body, although the new weight makes the turtwig feel sluggish. Nevertheless, she stands ready, looking expectantly at Simba.
Grass King (XXO)
Simba (M)
Health: 100%
Energy: 78%
Status:Growing a little suspicious of Laurasia, and wondering what she did just now. Attracted (Moderate). +1 Attack, Sp. Attack, and Sp. Defence.
Chills: 0/1

Kratos Aurion (XXO)
Laurasia (F)
Health: 90%
Energy: 82%
Status: "He likes showing off..." Standing ready and waiting. Attracted (severe).+1 Defence, -1 Speed and Sp. Attack.
Chills: 0/1

-I think Charge's Special Defence boost stays after an electric attack is used, but enlighten me if I'm wrong.
-Grass King said to aim upwards, so Simba took it literally.
-There's still a bit of static in Simba's fur.
-This would go much faster if you people used some damaging attacks, you know :O.
Yes, the special defense boost remains. Stockpile's boosts do go away, which might be what you're confusing it with.

You also forgot to mention who goes first (Grass King).
Okay start off by using Thunder Wave, as it won't hurt Laurasia. Next use Secret Power, to get back at her for trying to blind you with that Flash. Finish off with a Substitute at 15% health. If at any time she throws up a Sub use Fire Fang to destroy the sub. On the first or second action if she uses Protect, use a Double Team. If you've already used Double Team and she uses Protect again, use Flash.

Thunder Wave/Fire Fang/Double Team ~ Secret Power/Fire Fang/Double Team/Flash ~ Substitute (15%)/Fire Fang
Go ahead and Protect against Thunder Wave anyway. Just because Thunder Wave doesn't hurt doesn't make it a nice thing to do to you! Then just sweep a Secret Power of your own at him and his clones (if he has any), so you know exactly which Simba to, um, shower with affection or whatever. End with, hm... Swords Dance. Because it's pretty and impressive and stuff.

Protect ~ Secret Power (sweep) ~ Swords Dance
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