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Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami


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beep beep coming through
Blastoise428 said:
Battle Format:1vs.1, one out at a time.
DQ Time: Five days.
Damage Cap: 20%
Banned and Restricted Moves: No OHKO's.

Arena: Easter Island

A circle of sand, surrounded by Moai statues in the shape of Nosepass. The statues send out a mystical force, stopping Pokemon from leaving. Attacks can get through, and there is ocean water to fuel attacks like surf. Earthquake does 3% less damage, due to the sand, and, for the same reason, Dig's holes fill up automatically. There is a pool of water in the middle for water Pokemon to swim in.

Blastoise428's active squad: [Titana] Aron (F) <Rock Head> - [Napol] Abra (M) <Inner Focus> - [Obtis] Zigzagoon (F) <Gluttony>

Ekibyōgami's active squad: [Dōtaku] Bronzor (X) <Levitate> - [Terre] Budew (F) <Poison Point> - [Kirigirisu] Kricketot (M) <Shed Skin> - [Xori] Natu (F) <Synchronize> - [Hokutosei] Teddiursa (M) <Pickup>

Quarter says:

Blastoise sends out
Ekibyōgami sends out and attacks
Blastoise attacks
I ref
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Last edited:
Hokay, let's go with Dōtaku:

[Dōtaku] Bronzor (X)
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: None

(Moar special characters. >D)

Dōtaku, let's begin by using Trick Room to spice things up a little bit, then follow up with an Iron Defense. Finally, if you have an opening use Toxic, but if you don't then just use Calm Mind.

Half-arsed orders somewhat, seeing as I'm trying to do orders for a tournament battle on PFUASB against the bleedin' co-admin. xD

Trick Room ~ Iron Defense ~ Toxic/Calm Mind
Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami, Round One

Pre-Round Stats:

Team Blastoise (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Obtis (F) [Gluttony]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Wriggling happily
Obtis's Commands:
Tickle ~ Pin Missile + Thunder Wave

Team Screw the Special Characters (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Dōtaku (X) [Levitate]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Staring impassively at its foe
Dōtaku's Commands:
Trick Room ~ Iron Defense ~ Toxic/Calm Mind

Arena: Easter Island

A circle of sand, surrounded by Moai statues in the shape of Nosepass. The statues send out a mystical force, stopping Pokemon from leaving. Attacks can get through, and there is ocean water to fuel attacks like surf. Earthquake does 3% less damage, due to the sand, and, for the same reason, Dig's holes fill up automatically. There is a pool of water in the middle for water Pokemon to swim in.

Exotic islands dotted with quaint statuary and a certain mythical appeal are always enjoyable and inspiring places to stage Pokémon battles, and it is with this in mind that Blastoise428 has chosen Easter Island as his arena of choice. He stretches as he steps into the ring of Nosepass statues, enjoying the feeling of the warm sunlight on his body, and then tosses a red and white Pokéball into the sand in front of him; a Zigzagoon materializes and smiles at him, ready to have fun in her first battle. Obtis, a little confused as to why her trainer is referring to her as a male when she's pretty sure she's a girl, is nevertheless ready to give the battle her all. Across the small pool in the center Ekibyōgami strides into view; he wastes no time releasing his own Pokémon, a Bronzor by the name of Dōtaku. Like most of its kind, Dōtaku appears to be incapable of expressing any emotion it might feel; as such, if it is as excited about the prospect of its first battle as Obtis is, no one can tell.

Round One: Begin!

Obtis bounds forward immediately, bouncing playfully to the left, to the right and then to the left again as she makes her way toward Dōtaku. If the Bronzor is surprised when she leaps into the air and bumps into it, fluffy paws flailing willy-nilly, it doesn't let on. Obtis lands on the sand and blinks up at Dōtaku, a little upset; what's the matter? Isn't it ticklish? Why isn't it giggling and letting its guard down? The Zigzagoon pouts a little and backs up, frustrated. Dōtaku, for its part, is doing its best to concentrate on its next attack; it doesn't have any normal nerves to speak of, of course, but those scrabbling little balls of fluff left a strange, funny feeling on its sensory receptors. Still, it grits its proverbial teeth and focuses on extending its psychic powers outward into the arena, perhaps even drawing on the mystical energy that emanates from the Nosepass statues. Obtis wrinkles her nose and shudders a little bit as a strange feeling comes over her. All of a sudden she feels... slow... heavy... backwards? Ugh... Her previous sprightly energy deserts her, leaving her feeling somewhat sluggish and awkward. The Bronzor, on the other hand, appears to be a lot more active; it is bobbing up and down in midair rather vigorously, ready to give Obtis some serious what-for before she can do anything about it.

[Obtis: -0H, -3E, feels really, really weird] - [Dōtaku: -0H, -6E, attack -1, defense -1, only feels slightly weird]

The "what-for" Dōtaku would like to visit upon its opponent will have to wait, however; first, it wants to make sure that it's well prepared for anything Obtis might try. Its eyes glow a silvery color, which then begins to ripple outward and encompass its entire body. Its mirror-like surface suddenly looks much shinier and is much tougher, Dōtaku having altered its composition to better withstand physical attacks. Still... even its new iron defense isn't doing much to shake all of that funny feeling creeping all over its front. It takes Obtis a moment to realize that something about her foe has changed; it looks so sparkly and pretty now! She can see herself in it, even, and the clear blue sky, and the brilliant white sand, and the... she stops and shakes her head. She likes sparkly things, yes, but this is no time to be distracted. The... the weirdness that Dōtaku brought down on the arena must be to blame for her lazy daydreaming. Well, she'll show him! The Zigzagoon begins shaking herself vigorously, her coarse fur rattling and kicking up a few odd grains of sand as she does so. A few weak pulses of electricity crackle around her body as well, mostly static created by the friction of the fur rubbing against itself. She barks loudly and, giving herself an extra-vigorous shake, sends two quick volleys of sharp, stiff hairs flying in Dōtaku's direction, a few stray streamers of electricity leaping off of them as they go. The pin missile attack strikes Dōtaku's body and pings off relatively harmlessly, although the Bronzor does have to close its eyes to avoid taking a hair in a sensitive spot. Obtis pouts again; the super-sparkly-enemy is still bobbing up and down just as energetically as it was before, and the extra charge she added to her attack doesn't seem to have affected it at all.

[Obtis: -0H, -6E, a little frustrated] - [Dōtaku: -2H, -3E, attack -1, defense +1, still a little tingly]

Having exhausted all of her options for now and still feeling oddly sluggish, Obtis can do nothing but watch as Dōtaku moves in relatively close. Its body shimmers again, this time rippling with an ugly reddish color as it draws upon some of the less-than-healthful minerals in its metallic makeup. When it has amassed what it considers a sufficent amount it simply sheds the reddish runoff, allowing it to drip onto its opponent's body. Obtis whimpers and begins shaking herself vigorously again in an attempt to get the toxins off of her. And while some flecks of the rust-colored liquid do splash off onto the sand, the majority of it gets under her chevron-patterned coat and seeps into her skin. The Zigzagoon shudders and scowls. Battling is supposed to be fun, not frustrating and uncomfortable. She isn't sure she likes this...

[Obtis: -0H, -0E, poisoned, discouraged] - [Dōtaku: -0H, -4E, attack -1, defense +1, satisfied]

Round One: Close

It may be just a smidge more worn down than its opponent, but Dōtaku still has energy to burn and is more than fast enough to do some serious damage thanks to the help of its Trick Room. Obtis continues to sit and pout, dejected. She has to think of something to make this more fun!... oh, and to do something about this eerie aura that has settled over the battlefield and is making her feel so off-kilter.

Post-Round Stats

Team Blastoise (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Obtis (F) [Gluttony]
Health: 99%
Energy: 91%
Status: Poisoned (severe; 1% this round, 2% next); rather disheartened

Team Screw the Special Characters (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Dōtaku (X) [Levitate]
Health: 98%
Energy: 87%
Status: Attack -1; Defense +1; optimistic but tingly

Arena Status: A strange time-warping, speed-altering energy has settled over the arena, reversing attack order for its duration. Nothing else has changed.

Trick Room: 1 round, 1 action remaining

Ref's Notes
-I'm still making some adjustments to my reffing scale/method after the explosion (and after deciding I wanted to do it anyway), so bear with me. For now, this should be pretty close to Negrek's official scale. If anything seems horrifically off, let me know. Sorry you've got to be my guinea pigs here.
-Oh, and I just got new glasses, too, so I blame any typographical errors on having to adjust to the new lenses.
-I honestly can't see a few stray Zigzagoon hairs carrying enough electrical charge to accomplish anything.
-aaaa how the hell does Bronzor use Toxic aaaa D:
-Due to Trick Room, Ekibyōgami attacks first next round.​
Can I be a ferret or something instead of a guinea pig? =D

Dōtaku, let's begin with a Calm Mind. Next, if you have an opening, use Hypnosis, and if not use Calm Mind again. Finally, use Dream Eater if Obtis is asleep, and Hypnosis if he's not.

Calm Mind ~ Hypnosis/Calm Mind ~ Dream Eater/Hypnosis
Can I be a hamster instead?

Facade, then use Rain Dance, then Thunder. Unless you're asleep, then use Sleep Talk.

Facade/Sleep Talk~Rain Dance/Sleep Talk~Thunder/Sleep Talk
Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami, Round Two

Pre-Round Stats:

Team Blastoise (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Obtis (F) [Gluttony]
Health: 99%
Energy: 91%
Status: Poisoned (severe; 1% last round, 2% this); rather disheartened
Obtis's Commands:
Facade/Sleep Talk ~ Rain Dance/Sleep Talk ~ Thunder/Sleep Talk

Team Screw the Special Characters (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Dōtaku (X) [Levitate]
Health: 98%
Energy: 87%
Status: Attack -1; Defense +1; optimistic but tingly
Dōtaku's Commands:
Calm Mind ~ Hypnosis/Calm Mind ~ Dream Eater/Hypnosis
Arena: Easter Island

A circle of sand, surrounded by Moai statues in the shape of Nosepass. The statues send out a mystical force, stopping Pokemon from leaving. Attacks can get through, and there is ocean water to fuel attacks like surf. Earthquake does 3% less damage, due to the sand, and, for the same reason, Dig's holes fill up automatically. There is a pool of water in the middle for water Pokemon to swim in.

The Easter Island battle continues as the Nosepass sentinels watch on, casting their fixed gazes over the sand, pool and the out-of-bounds ocean beyond. Obtis shifts uncomfortably and scowls, her skin still itching and stinging from the poison on it. Stupid Dōtaku and its stupid Trick Room and stupid poison and stupid lying sparkliness. She's supposed to be enjoying herself and she really isn't. Dōtaku, on the other hand, is probably having a pretty darn good time; there's just no telling with that impassive face, however.

Round Two: Begin!

Dōtaku, still not satisfied with its current level of defenses (what it wouldn't give to shake off this weird tingly feeling!), closes its eyes again and relaxes, calming its mind and strengthening its mental faculties as it does so. The Zigzagoon on the sand beneath it is still shaking every now and then in a vain attempt to shed just a little bit more of the rusty poison that was just poured onto her; when this fails, she looks up and glares at her opponent. Yeah, she likes sparkly things... but mean sparkly things that poison her and take all the fun out of battling are another story. They don't deserve to be sparkly at all! Obtis snarls and throws herself up at Dōtaku, paws flailing again--but this time her claws are out, her teeth are bared and she means business. Even the pumped-up Steel-type Dōtaku is taken aback by the ferocity of the attack; it has to thank its lucky stars that its surface is less vulnerable to this sort of assault than something made of flesh and blood, or else Obtis would've been able to do a lot more damage to it. As it stands, when Obtis drops down and backs away at last, panting heavily, she has managed to scratch and scuff Dōtaku's body something awful.

[Obtis: -0H, -6E, poisoned, angry] - [Dōtaku: -7H, -6E, attack -1, defense +1, sp. attack +1, sp. defense +1, surprised]

More than a little annoyed with Dōtaku--she was really hoping she'd be able to inflict more damage than that--Obtis glares up at the Bronzor, giving it the best evil eye she can manage. Dōtaku glares right back at her. For a few moments the two simply stare at one another, doing absolutely nothing... if one is willing to discount the odd rippling in the air between them. Obtis finds herself feeling sleepy... very sleepy... so tired... her eyelids droop and she sinks to the sand, fast asleep. Dōtaku gives itself a mental pat on the back, sure that it's free to do whatever it likes with the little raccoon now. Before it has a chance to do too much gloating, however, it notices something: Obtis appears to be mumbling in her sleep. The mumbling increases in volume until Obtis stands, turns her closed eyes toward Dōtaku, stops talking... and launches a bright blue beam of icy energy straight at it. The ice beam hits Dōtaku full in the face, coating it with a thin layer of frost.

[Obtis: -0H, -5E, asleep, poisoned, angry] - [Dōtaku: -3H, -3E, attack -1, defense +1, sp. attack +1, sp. defense +1, very surprised]

Well... that was certainly unexpected. Dōtaku doesn't want to let itself get rattled so easily, however, and so it changes tack and at last goes on the offensive. Ignoring the thin sheet of ice on its face Dōtaku reaches out with its mind and makes a connection with the sleeping Obtis, sifting through her thoughts and dreams until it finds one it likes. It then draws the very dream right out of Obtis's head and into itself, gaining sustenance from it; it feels pretty good after the thrashing Obtis handed it before. It has no time to get complacent, however; Obtis is mumbling and talking in her sleep again. Dōtaku floats backward a little ways, wary and not wanting to take another ice beam to its face. Instead of standing up and blasting it with more cold, however, Obtis curls up into a little ball that protects all of her weakest points. She continues to mumble as she does so, unnerved and uncomfortable thanks to the earlier invasion of her mind.

[Obtis: -14H, -2E, asleep, poisoned, defense +1, kind of worried] - [Dōtaku: +7H, -4E, attack -1, defense +1, sp. attack +1, sp. defense +1, feeling better]

Round Two: Close

Dōtaku shifts uncomfortably in the air; it has recovered sufficiently from Obtis's initial attack, yes, but the frost on its face still hasn't melted and it wishes the sunlight would hurry up and do its job. Obtis continues to sleep in a little ball, twitching slightly in her fitful dreams. Now that Dōtaku has messed with her head she has been robbed of her happy thoughts of finding fun, sparkly things in the sand, and all she has to keep her going as she sleeps are dreams of all the nasty things she's going to do to the evil floating sparkly instead.

Post-Round Stats

Team Blastoise (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Obtis (F) [Gluttony]
Health: 83%
Energy: 78%
Status: Asleep (mild); Poisoned (severe; 2% this round, 4% next); Defense +1; upset by the Dream Eater attack

Team Screw the Special Characters (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Dōtaku (X) [Levitate]
Health: 95%
Energy: 74%
Status: Attack -1; Defense +1; Special Attack +1; Special Defense +1; a little cold, but fine

Arena Status: A strange time-warping, speed-altering energy has settled over the arena, reversing attack order for its duration. Nothing else has changed.

Trick Room: 1 action remaining

Ref's Notes
-Obtis's first Sleep Talk called Ice Beam; the second called Defense Curl.
-Due to Trick Room, Blastoise428 attacks first next round.​
Okay, let's try again. Use Sleep Talk until you awake, then Rain Dance. If Rain Dance works, use Thunder. If not, Rain Dance Again.

Sleep Talk/ Rain Dance~Sleep Talk/Rain Dance/Thunder~Sleep Talk/Rain Dance/Thunder
Begin by using Imprison. That should lock him down for the whole round if she remains asleep, and stop Rain Dance if she awakens. Next, use Dream Eater if she's asleep and Confuse Ray if she's awake. Finally, Dream Eater if she's asleep, and Flash Cannon if she isn't.

Imprison ~ Dream Eater/Confuse Ray ~ Dream Eater/Flash Cannon
Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami, Round Three

Pre-Round Stats:

Team Blastoise (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Obtis (F) [Gluttony]
Health: 83%
Energy: 78%
Status: Asleep (mild); Poisoned (severe; 2% last round, 4% this); Defense +1; upset by the Dream Eater attack
Obtis's Commands:
Sleep Talk/Rain Dance ~ Sleep Talk/Rain Dance/Thunder ~ Sleep Talk/Rain Dance/Thunder

Team Screw the Special Characters (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Dōtaku (X) [Levitate]
Health: 95%
Energy: 74%
Status: Attack -1; Defense +1; Special Attack +1; Special Defense +1; a little cold, but fine
Dōtaku's Commands:
Imprison ~ Dream Eater/Confuse Ray ~ Dream Eater/Flash Cannon
Arena: Easter Island

A circle of sand, surrounded by Moai statues in the shape of Nosepass. The statues send out a mystical force, stopping Pokemon from leaving. Attacks can get through, and there is ocean water to fuel attacks like surf. Earthquake does 3% less damage, due to the sand, and, for the same reason, Dig's holes fill up automatically. There is a pool of water in the middle for water Pokemon to swim in.

The warm, summer sun feels good, and Obtis is enjoying napping in it. Or, rather, she would be if Dōtaku hadn't just barged its way into her brain and eaten her dreams like that. And Dōtaku, for its part, does not intend to stop anytime soon. It's feeling a little better now that the last of the frost is dripping off his face as much-less-uncomfortable water, and it's ready to have some more fun screwing with its foe.

Round Three: Begin!

Thin, purple tendrils of strange energy emanate from Dōtaku's body and slither through the air towards the unsuspecting Obtis. The Zigzagoon sleeps on as they slip into her mind and begin fiddling with it; they wrap around her memories of certain attacks and imprison them, preventing her from recalling how to use them. Only vaguely aware of what is going on inside her head, Obtis snorts in her sleep. She feels like she's forgetting something... but, eh, most of the important stuff seems to be there, now she thinks about it. Thus reassured that this odd experience wasn't too detrimental, she stands and begins mumbling once more. Without warning she makes a quick sweeping motion across the sand with her paw, flinging a sizeable amount of grit in Dōtaku's general direction; the impromptu mud-slap doesn't accomplish much, however, as the Bronzor is floating too far up to hit. The purple tendrils, meanwhile, have slipped away to the sidelines; for as long as they remain they don't intend to let anyone else use any of those forbidden attacks, either. As the tendrils make themselves comfortable, as it were, the tricky aura that pervades over the island makes its exit. Dōtaku's bobbing falls back down to a more sedate rate and Obtis stretches in her sleep, enjoying the fact that she doesn't feel so weird and heavy any longer.

[Obtis: -0H, -1E, asleep, poisoned, defense +1, uh, okay...] - [Dōtaku: -0H, -4E, attack -1, defense +1, sp. attack +1, sp. defense +1, something seems off...]

Obtis is much quicker to begin talking in her sleep this time, and the volume rises much faster. The irritated mumbling (more like shouting at this point) suddenly gives way to a very loud and exaggerated snore. The sound waves hit Dōtaku and cause it to flinch slightly, but all in all the attack was relatively harmless. Unlike what the floating mirror intends to do to its opponent. Once again Dōtaku invades the little raccoon's mind, drawing sustenance from her disjointed dreams; Obtis shudders uncomfortably and tosses and turns. Napping is nice and all, but at this rate she isn't sure she can--or will--stay asleep much longer.

[Obtis: -14H, -1E, asleep, poisoned, defense +1, annoyed] - [Dōtaku: +13H (capped at 5), -4E, attack -1, defense +1, sp. attack +1, sp. defense +1, feeling better]

Apparently what dreams Obtis has left to her are particularly flirtatious ones, as when she stands up again her drowzy mutterings are rather seductive and suggestive in nature. She shakes her tail cutely at Dōtaku and smiles coyly as she mumbles sweet nothings at her opponent. It sounds like she's promising Dōtaku a pretty good time, and it would totally take her up on her offer... if it were a male. But it isn't, and so it doesn't particularly care in the end. It feels a little leery, trying to leech these weird dreams its opponent is having, but Dōtaku is ever-obedient and siphons them away anyhow. To its surprise, however, it finds that it doesn't come away with much; either Obtis has completely run out of dreams or some mysterious force is preventing it from going any further. If Dōtaku had a proper face it would probably pout, and it stares blankly at its tossing and turning foe.

[Obtis: -14H (capped at 6), -2E, asleep, poisoned, defense +1, hurting and rolling around] - [Dōtaku: +6H (capped at 0), -4E, attack -1, defense +1, sp. attack +1, sp. defense +1, a little disappointed]

Round Three: Close

Obtis stops rolling around in the sand and her eyes snap open; she's had enough of these mental invasions. Three times in one round, really. Of course, she's not exactly certain what the point of the first one was. She knows she's forgotten how to do a few things, but she's pretty sure they were all just fancy tricks from the Sparkly Mirror of Lies over there and certainly nothing she'd be able to accomplish anyway. The Zigzagoon has more important things to be worrying about anyway. She's taken quite the beating from the Sparkly Mirror of Lies and, now that she knows she can get the jump on it again, she intends to respond in kind. Dōtaku is slightly unnerved by the fact that Obtis is awake now; it liked it better when she was asleep and failing to accomplish anything worthwhile.

Post-Round Stats

Team Blastoise (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Obtis (F) [Gluttony]
Health: 59%
Energy: 74%
Status: Poisoned (severe; 4% this round, 6% next); Defense +1; very annoyed

Team Screw the Special Characters (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Dōtaku (X) [Levitate]
Health: 100%
Energy: 62%
Status: Attack -1; Defense +1; Special Attack +1; Special Defense +1; pleased that Obtis couldn't Sleep Talk anything bad

Arena Status: The strange time-warping, speed-altering energy that had settled over the arena has lifted at last and things are back to normal. Nothing else has changed.

Trick Room: Ended
Imprison: Blastoise428's Pokémon cannot use Trick Room, Iron Defense, Toxic, Calm Mind, Hypnosis or Dream Eater. 2 rounds remaining.

Ref's Notes
-Unfortunately, Ekibyōgami, you must be thinking of some PFUASB interpretation of Imprison, or else just the game version. Here at TCoD it only shuts off moves the user of Imprison has already used... the majority of which, in this case, can't be learned by Zigzagoon anyway. :/
-Obtis's Sleep Talk called Mud-Slap the first time, Snore the second time and Attract the third time. Ouch.
-The second Dream Eater hit the damage cap.
-Obtis woke up at the end of the round.
-Blastoise428 attacks first next round.​
Ah, the problem with Imprison was that I had just assumed it worked as in the games. I hadn't bothered to check the Attack Guide. We don't even have Imprison in PFUASB either - it's banned, for whatever reason. *shrugs*

Dōtaku, begin by using Stealth Rock, then use Earthquake while she's underground. Then we'll have a rather underpowered Iron Tail to deal with as she comes back down, but surrounded by Stealth Rock the impact will be minimal. Let's just chill.

Stealth Rock ~ Earthquake ~ chill
Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami, Round Four

Pre-Round Stats:

Team Blastoise (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Obtis (F) [Gluttony]
Health: 59%
Energy: 74%
Status: Poisoned (very severe; 4% last round, 6% this); Defense +1; very annoyed
Obtis's Commands:
Rock Smash ~ Dig ~ Iron Tail

Team Screw the Special Characters (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Dōtaku (X) [Levitate]
Health: 100%
Energy: 62%
Status: Attack -1; Defense +1; Special Attack +1; Special Defense +1; pleased that Obtis couldn't Sleep Talk anything bad
Dōtaku's Commands:
Stealth Rock ~ Earthquake ~ Chill

Easter Island

A circle of sand, surrounded by Moai statues in the shape of Nosepass. The statues send out a mystical force, stopping Pokemon from leaving. Attacks can get through, and there is ocean water to fuel attacks like surf. Earthquake does 3% less damage, due to the sand, and, for the same reason, Dig's holes fill up automatically. There is a pool of water in the middle for water Pokemon to swim in.

Awake at last and eager to dish out some payback, Obtis shakes herself a little more and glares at the impassive Dōtaku. Invade her private thoughts, will it? Stupid evil sparklies and their lack of morality. Dōtaku is just a little less than satisfied with the results of the last round but is sure it can make up for it this time. Just a few extra precautions and defensive measures and it's sure it'll have the battle in the bag.

Round Four: Begin!

Obtis catapults herself into Dōtaku and swings down with her foreleg as hard as she can, slamming into Dōtaku's surface with as much force as she can muster. Admittedly, with Dōtaku's bolstered defenses the attack does not hit as hard as it normally would have, but the blow is still hard enough to shatter that extra layer of defenses, removing the extra mirror coating and bringing the Bronzor back to normal in that department. Slightly miffed that its protective buffer seems to have compromised Dōtaku proceeds to put up a replacement. Small, sharp stones, long buried beneath the hot sand, shake free, rise to the surface and circle around the descending Zigzagoon. Obtis blinks worriedly as she lands again; the little rocks are awfully close to her, after all, and she doesn't fancy the idea of pricking herself on them. She'll have to think of some way to shake them off...

[Obtis: -0H, -3E, poisoned, defense +1, wary of Stealth Rock] - [Dōtaku: -2H, -3E, attack -1, sp. attack +1, sp. defense +1, a little annoyed]

...and, luckily for her, her next command allows her to do exactly that. She sets to work immediately, tearing into the soft, sandy ground in an attempt to burrow underground and avoid the poking, prodding rocks, and she manages it--the sharp stones, in a vain attempt to follow her, only manage to get stuck in the surface of the sand. It seems that they simply don't have the strength or shape to work their way through the grit and follow their target without Dōtaku's direct influence. Of course, the shifting sands are also very difficult for Obtis herself to work with. The sand slips and slides, filling her hole in almost as fast as she can dig it, and by the time she reaches her target distance she is not only exhausted but completely surrounded by sand. It weighs down her long fur and presses in on her from all directions; she wants to panic, to thrash around, to get out, but she tries her best to remain calm and settles for curling up as best she can, shutting her eyes and holding her breath as though she were underwater. Incapable of showing emotion as always, Dōtaku has no way to express its feelings of smugness and derision. That was a dumb idea... and now Obtis is going to pay the price. Dōtaku lowers itself to the ground and begins to vibrate, faster and faster until it is resonating at exactly the right frequency to cause an earthquake. The earthquake would probably be more devastating if the ground were properly solid, though, and as it is Obtis is only shaken around in her sandy prison instead of tossed or buried--she's already buried, after all.

[Obtis: -6H, -10E, poisoned, defense +1, claustrophobic and panicking] - [Dōtaku: -0H, -5E, attack -1, sp. attack +1, sp. defense +1, underwhelmed]

Disappointed with the apparent ineffectiveness of its earthquake, Dōtaku picks itself up from the ground and resumes hovering. It isn't sure what kind of shape Obtis is in or what she might be able to do to it, so it is relatively on edge as it looks around and waits. Once again Obtis has to fight for every inch of headway she makes, although her efforts this time are filled with renewed vigor; she is positively desperate to escape her underground tomb, rest and breathe. At last she breaks the surface and stops, panting heavily. Without the purchase offered by regular solid ground she can't leap into the air straight away, and quite frankly she's far too tired to try it at the moment anyway. Dōtaku relaxes somewhat; feeling reassured at last, it sits back, takes its time and chills, watching with some amusement as the hovering stones currently buried in the sand quiver back to life and surround Obtis again. The Zigzagoon curses under her breath as she sees herself hemmed in by the rocks again, getting to her feet gingerly to avoid being poked. She's still exhausted, but at least she's caught her breath enough to try attacking. The results of her attempted iron tail, however, are rather anemic; her tail glows silver with steel energy, but she is just too tired to put a significant amount of power behind it and so she pings off of Dōtaku without causing it too much harm. She hits the sand clumsily, aching all over from her effort (and her tail stinging after coming into contact with the sharp stones around her).

[Obtis: -2H, -13E, poisoned, defense +1, tired and dejected] - [Dōtaku: -2H, +7E, attack -1, sp. attack +1, sp. defense +1, relieved]

Round Four: Close

Feeling somewhat refreshed after its relaxation (but still a little tired), Dōtaku resumes watching the sharp rocks continue their swarming dance around its opponent. Obtis watches them, too, albeit a lot more warily. Her only consolation is that they don't hurt her if she doesn't move... and she is far too tired to want to move at the moment.

Post-Round Stats

Team Blastoise (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Obtis (F) [Gluttony]
Health: 45%
Energy: 48%
Status: Poisoned (very severe; 6% this round, 8% next); Defense +1; exhausted and irritated

Team Screw the Special Characters (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Dōtaku (X) [Levitate]
Health: 96%
Energy: 61%
Status: Attack -1; Special Attack +1; Special Defense +1; trying to chill

Arena Status: The strange time-warping, speed-altering energy that had settled over the arena has lifted at last and things are back to normal. Nothing else has changed.

Imprison: Blastoise428's Pokémon cannot use Trick Room, Iron Defense, Toxic, Calm Mind, Hypnosis or Dream Eater. 1 round remaining.

Stealth Rock is floating around Blastoise428's team.

Ref's Notes
-Rock Smash lowered Dōtaku's Defense.
-The arena specs don't lie--Dig is incredibly difficult to pull off in shifting sand, and so it took an exorbitant amount of energy for Obtis to execute the move. It also made launching herself out of the ground very difficult, reducing the effectiveness of Iron Tail.
-Similarly, Earthquake's damage was reduced (rather severely, as it happens) by the sand.
-Dōtaku's nervousness prevented him from relaxing fully (-3%).
-Ekibyōgami attacks first next round.​
Okay, Dōtaku, let's begin with another Trick Room, then follow up with a Confuse Ray, because Zigzagoon hitting themselves is always fun. Then go with Calm Mind.

Trick Room ~ Confuse Ray ~ Calm Mind
Did you take into account that Rock Smash is both supereffective AND does more damage the harder my opponent is?

Rest, Chill, then Sleep Talk.

Rest~Chill~Sleep Talk
A basic Pokémon that doesn't get STAB on the attack hitting an opponent with a defense boost isn't going to do a lot of damage at all.
Ugh sorry too tired to bother with an introduction. I don't like writing them anyway.

Blastoise428 vs. Ekibyōgami, Round Five

Pre-Round Stats:

Team Blastoise (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Obtis (F) [Gluttony]
Health: 45%
Energy: 48%
Status: Poisoned (very severe; 6% last round, 8% this); Defense +1; exhausted and irritated
Obtis's Commands:
Rest ~ Chill ~ Sleep Talk

Team Screw the Special Characters (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Dōtaku (X) [Levitate]
Health: 96%
Energy: 61%
Status: Attack -1; Special Attack +1; Special Defense +1; trying to chill
Dōtaku's Commands:
Trick Room ~ Confuse Ray ~ Calm MindArena: Easter Island

A circle of sand, surrounded by Moai statues in the shape of Nosepass. The statues send out a mystical force, stopping Pokemon from leaving. Attacks can get through, and there is ocean water to fuel attacks like surf. Earthquake does 3% less damage, due to the sand, and, for the same reason, Dig's holes fill up automatically. There is a pool of water in the middle for water Pokemon to swim in.

Round Five: Begin!

Dog tired and feeling rather icky inside, Obtis is only too happy to close her eyes and drift off into an intense, healing trance. The deep sleep cleanses the harsh toxins from her body and slowly begins reversing the damage she has taken over the course of the battle. Obtis is now blissfully oblivious to the world, the annoying rocks circling around her... and Dōtaku. The air hums with strange energy for a second time as the Bronzor warps time and space in the area around the island; as it finishes it begins bobbing up and down more vigorously, feeling energetic and smug. Obtis is twitching in her sleep again, unable to ignore the odd feeling descending upon her even in her trance.

[Obtis: +10H,-5E, asleep, defense +1, resting but feeling odd again] - [Dōtaku: -0H, -6E, attack -1, sp. attack +1, sp. defense +1, energized]

Dōtaku's eyes flash wildly all of a sudden, blinking on and off like a strobe light and casting beams of multicolored light in the snoozing Zigzagoon's direction. The lights dance and swirl across the sand, weaving enticingly back and forth around Obtis's head. The bright, intricate and potentially confusing display is entirely lost on her, however, as her eyes are shut tight. Thus unaffected by Dōtaku's attempt to mess with her head even further Obtis sleeps on, enjoying the chance to relax undisturbed.

[Obtis: +10H, +5E, asleep, defense +1, very relaxed] - [Dōtaku: -0H, -1E, attack -1, sp. attack +1, sp. defense +1, a little miffed]

Obtis might have shattered the extra layer of protective coating it had been sporting recently, but all in all Dōtaku feels relatively defensively sound and mentally prepped for anything. The orders it has been given--heighten its senses and defenses even further--sounds a little excessive. Obtis is over there recovering from everything it's done to her, and it's supposed to be passive? But... surely its trainer knows what he's talking about. No, he wouldn't tell Dōtaku to play it just a little safer if he didn't think it would help in the long run. A little bored and antsy but resigned to the fact that trainer knows best Dōtaku relaxes and reaches into itself once again, calming its mind and certain that it's definitely ready to put some hurt on Obtis. Unfortunately, Obtis appears to be ready to put some hurt on Dōtaku. The Zigzagoon has been mumbling in her sleep again, but this time instead of trying to talk to her foe or throw something at it she throws herself forward, heedless of the sharp rocks surrounding her, with a surprising amount of strength and power for a young (and sleeping!) raccoon. She slams into Dōtaku with enough force to knock it out of the air and send them both crashing into the sand. The soft landing and the fact that such simple physical attacks don't do much to its metal exterior means that Dōtaku doesn't take as much damage as it might have, but it is still shocked by the raw ferocity of the attack. Obtis, still sound asleep after all that, waddles back a little ways and shakes her head. It's rather sore after hitting a solid metal mirror dead-on. Nothing that a little more resting shouldn't offset, though...

[Obtis: +6H, -9E, asleep, defense +1, has a bit of a headache] - [Dōtaku: -7H, -2E, attack -1, sp. attack +2, sp. defense +2, wtf was that D:]

Round Five: Close

Obtis's eyes flicker open as she awakens from her trance; her head is still a little achy, but by and large she is feeling much, much better than she was before. Interestingly enough, however, she feels a little more tired than she did before. Forcing her body to repair its wounds and purge the poison was a little taxing, especially since she had to hurl herself at her opponent with such reckless abandon at the same time. Dōtaku is, over all, still in better shape; it doesn't appreciate the fact that so much of its hard work was so easily erased, though, and would probably be glaring daggers at Obtis if it could chage the expression on its face. The dark purple tendrils that have been hovering on the side of the island slowly fade into nothingness, unable to keep their hold on Obtis's memories any longer. The method of execution for several attacks comes rushing back to her... although she still doesn't think she could pull the vast majority of them off anyway, so she welcomes the memory of Toxic back and ignores everything else. She has more important things to focus on at the moment.

Post-Round Stats

Team Blastoise (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Obtis (F) [Gluttony]
Health: 71%
Energy: 39%
Status: Defense +1; has a headache but feeling much better

Team Screw the Special Characters (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Dōtaku (X) [Levitate]
Health: 89%
Energy: 52%
Status: Attack -1; Special Attack +2; Special Defense +2; really annoyed

Arena Status: A strange time-warping, speed-altering energy has settled over the arena, reversing attack order for its duration. Nothing else has changed.

Trick Room: 1 round, 1 action remaining

Imprison: Faded

Stealth Rock is floating around Blastoise428's team.

Ref's Notes
-Confuse Ray doesn't really work if its target can't see the laser light show, so it failed.
-Sleep Talk called Double-Edge.
-Due to Trick Room, Ekibyōgami attacks first next round.​
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