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Open Pokemon: A Shadowy Past


local hellion
(No longer accepting heroes, guys.)

Welcome to Orre! If you're lucky, you may find a wild Pokemon or two, because wild Pokemon are returning to this once-desert region.

But all is not peaceful in this land.

Remember the Shadow Pokemon of five years ago? Well, not only have they returned but they've got a few...more interesting...allies on their side.

...the one, the only...
...Shadow Trainers!

These human/Shadow Pokemon hybrids have one purpose, and one purpose only: to assist their creators, Team Midnight, in taking over Orre. However, some of the Trainers have rebelled, preferring to protect the peaceful region.

Other humans have either found out by mistake or have been told, choosing to help the rebels, or hunting them down. Only one question remains:

Which side will you be on?

1. Type at least 3 sentences, but don't go overboard.
2. Respect others! I would prefer that there be no OOC fighting.
3. I may add rules if I feel like one is necessary.
4. This roleplay is based on Colosseum and Gale of Darkness. If a Shadow Pokemon has been featured in XD, please use the corresponding moves. Otherwise...use ones to a close type. (Like...if I had a Shadow Starly, I could look at the Shadow attacks for Swellow.) A list of those moves may be found here.



Status: Hero, Shadow Trainer, or Midnight Member. (You may be a hero/Shadow Trainer, or a Shadow Trainer/Midnight member. No Hero/Midnights.)
Pokemon: Species, Level, and Nickname. If Shadow, add list of Shadow moves.

My profile:

Name: Serenity Kusa
Age: 15
Status: Shadow Trainer
Pokemon: Chimchar♦ Level 25 ♦ Shadow Blitz, Shadow Shed
Pachirisu♦ Level 25♦ Shadow Mist, Shadow Blitz
Personality: Serenity is mostly calm; however, she is prone to blurt out important information.
History: She isn't very sure about her past; the first thing she can remember is waking up with Shadow Lapras DNA in her. She has gotten the idea that her parents were Team Midnight members, and so does whatever they tell her to.
Appearance: Serenity has long, brown hair and green eyes. She usually wears a pink dress and big, brown boots. She sports a giant white ribbon on her head.



Dexter-Time Psyduck
Somon (and Kalick)-Cryptica
Dr. Ruby-iphilip1
Mia (and Zora)-Zora of Termina

Shadow Trainers:

Serenity Kusa-Me

Midnight Members:

Luc (and Reki)-link008
Vendetta-Teh Ebil Snorlax
Tamia- Me
Jonathan Hank- Male Gardevoir
Crystal- ChaosTres
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Name: Angelo silver
Age: 17
Status: Hero,
Pokemon: Gardevoir, Level 37, Dawn,
Gallade, level 39, Dusk,
Personality: Serious and intelligent, He tends to offend people without noticing. He is good-natured but tends to do things that are of somewhat... Questionable intent ((Don't read too much into that last part))
History: He got his first two pokemon from his father for his birthday when he was 7, A male and a female ralts who were brother and sister. The rest is a mystery~ ((Sorry but i just like my chars to be flexible))
Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/...41/Anime Pokemon/StaraptorandTrainer.png?o=39
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I remember this one. It still reminds me of a Shadow Pokemon RP I did in an old forum

Name: Kailani
Age: 17
Status: Shadow Trainer
Pokemon: Dusknoir, level 45. Shadow Storm and Shadow Sky
Personality: Secluded, cold, and often known for flying into a murderous rage at unexpected times. That last one was a result of the experiment.
History: Kailani was a Shadow Trainer who was made with a "flawed" process; it was because of this that, after the transference of Shadow Tyranitar DNA, he went berserk. His memories are "shattered" to him, i.e. he can only get sparse recollections at best. All he can remember is dark figures grabbing him, and then waking up in the lab. He is determined to destroy team Midnight, and does this in the hope that he can learn what happened to him ebfore he was captured, and why it was done to him in the first place
Appearance: He generally wears a dark cloak with the hood raised. His eyes are a dark grey, and he has a long curved scar running down his face.
Name: Tyla
Age: 10
Status: Hero

Species: Piplup
Level: 5
Nickname: Prince

Personality: Not confident at all with battling, since she has just received her starter. She prefers fighting wild Pokemon to begin, and is reluctant to duel against another Trainer.
History: She is young and has only just received her Piplup, and only learned how to battle a little. The rest was how to take care of her Pokemon. She may be nervous, but she knows that somehow, she and Prince will come through all right.
Appearance: Tyla has short, brown hair that is about shoulder length. Her eyes are a light green, and her face is more tall than round. Her shirt is plain and blue, and she wears jeans. Her socks are white, and she wears white running shoes.
Name: Dexter Holmes
Age: 19
Status: Hero (sort of)/Shadow Trainer
Shadow Empoleon, Lv45, Napoleon - Shadow Storm, Shadow Hold, Shadow Break
Shadow Gallade, Lv43, Julius - Shadow Break, Shadow Panic, Shadow Rave
Torterra (Normal), Lv37, [No nickname]
Personality: Seems very cold and emotionless, but oddly seems to do the 'right' thing all the time, despite not even having a sense or right and wrong.
History: When he had his DNA fused with that of a shadow Mespirit the test was an utter failure, in that rather than closing his heart the shadow pokémon DNA made his mind totally unaware of any emotion. Hence there was no way to control him and so he just left the lab, taking one of the unconverted pokemon on his way out. He has since been hunting down the other shadow trainers for reasons he doesn't even understand.
Appearance: Tall and of a medium build, with medium length dark hair, and wearing a black trench coat with a high collar with he keeps buttoned up at all times, so you cannot see anything below the eyes, trousers and boots, with a white shirt (not that you can see it under the coat).
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@ Philly: I'd prefer if you didn't have any legendaries.

Cryptica and Philly reserved, everyone else accepted.
That was a mistake; I was editing my post in a new window, this one didn't show my post, and I thought I forgot to post it.

Deleted the scond. ^^
Name: Dr. Ruby Lehrer
Age: 28
Status: Hero
Pokemon: No Latios... Aaawwww. Anyway:
Blaziken Lv. 66 N/A
Swellow Lv. 65 N/A
Pikachu Lv. 65 Mauville
Ninetales Lv. 65 N/A
Poliwrath Lv. 65 N/A
Gallade Lv. 65 N/A
Personality: Angered easily, very confident, and will battle at a moments notice.
History: He received his Ph. D in Pokemon Battling and started teaching in the Hoenn region, but took a vacation to Orre and found out about the evil syndicate there. He decided to stay until he helped resolve it.
Appearance: This but with brown hair.
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Will be retyping Mia's profile a bit, and I'm going to give her a new Pokemon too.
But I have two questions.

1. Would it be OK if she owned one of the evolution line of the Pokemon she was fused with?
2. Can these Pokemon have something odd about them, such as different colors?
Name: Mia Smith
Age: 14
Status: Hero/Shadow Trainer
-Name: Sheila
-Species: Ninetales
-Appearance: Jet-black, with feral yellow eyes
-Level: 45
-Name: Hera
-Species: Gardevoir
-Appearance: Purple where she should be green, and blue where she should be red, including the eyes. She however, is not a Shadow Pokemon, despite the purple.
Level: 48
Personality: She's very bipolar because of her Shadowfication. Having been fused with a Gardevoir, she has been fused with an Emotion Pokemon, so it's understandable. She's usually bitter, and is prone to extreme fits of rage and/or depression. Usually it goes depression, then rage. Only Sheila seems to be capable of keeping her from raging after her depression, and if she does rage, it takes Hera to snap her out of it.
History: Mia was a very happy girl at one time. Her parents were loving, and she was very healthy and energetic. But it couldn't last. When she saw Midnights at the door of her home and her parents refusing them, she became afraid. That night, she went and hid her Pokeballs in the desert, while on errand for her mother.

When she went to bed that night, it happened.

The Midnights stormed into her house while she was asleep. They took her parents, as she found out when she awoke. There had been signs of a struggle, but no blood anywhere. This worried her, as now she was alone. For a few weeks, she was safe. Living off the remainder of the food in her house, and going to check on her Pokemon every day. Then one day, they returned for her. She fought as hard as she could, but could not get away, and one Midnight hit her over the head with a pipe and she blacked out.

The only thing she can remember of the experimentation is horrible pain, then waking up fused with a Gardevoir (clearly not Hera, she figured). The Midnights guided her to an office, where an Admin waited and told her what they'd done to her. She was of course, horrified. When they noticed that she supposedly had no Pokemon, they tried to offer her some Shadows as compensation. She kept refusing, and eventually it got to the point where they had to threaten her life to take them. With the guns aimed toward her head, she had a choice to make... then...

Then she raged for the first time.

The psychic power the Gardevoir DNA had given her was unleashed, and she turned the guns toward the Midnights' heads and fired. She murdered all the guards in the room, and severely crippled the Admin of that base in particular. When the backup came and nearly overwhelmed her, she saw two shadowy figures strike down her assailants then escape through the window. Knowing that those were her parents, she followed them out.

She's sworn a bloody revenge on Midnight for doing this to her, and she's been searching for her parents since that day. The only person who knows the full story, and one of her only other living relatives (the other being a distant cousin she's only met once), is her aunt, who lives in Pyrite Town. Mia herself lives in a cavern in the desert, barely getting by and rarely revealing herself to the open. She only comes out when she's getting her provisions.
Appearance: Due to her shadowfication, her jet-black hair turned vivid grassy green, and her amber eyes turned red. She wears a plain green t-shirt and jet black jeans, both slightly tattered. Her skin is incredibly pale from the Shadowfication.
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((Zora: Oops, I seriously didn't do this on purpose. Started my form a while ago. Uh... now I feel like I'm copying because they're really similar. :sweatdrop:))

Name: Kira
Age: 12
Status: Hero/Shadow Trainer
Pokemon: Female Weavile nicknamed Tina. Level 43.
Personality: Kira is uncertain about everything and easily embarrassed. She usually goes along with what other people want, just to please them. Her shy nature is the exact opposite of Tina's, but they are each other's best and only friends. She doesn't quite have the psychic ability of an actual Ralts, but is able to sense other people's emotions a bit. She has a lot of self control and never seems to get mad, but if it did, things would quickly go out of control.
History: At some point in her life (She vaguely remembers) Kira was pretty violent and would go berserk at the slightest thing. When she woke up as a Shadow Trainers, she stopped getting mad and became the meek person she is now. She originally was going to be able to affect other people's emotions, but that part of the experiment fail miserably. Whatever psychic powers Kira has, she refused to use them. After a few more years of being with Team Midnight, she ran away into the desert. Meanwhile, Tina the Weavile's trainer traded her while in Orre, then went back to their home in Sinnoh. She ran away from her new trainer to find the old one, and found Kira asleep during the night. She thought Kira was the Gardevoir her old trainer had owned, and stayed until morning when Kira woke up. They soon became friends and she became Kira's Pokemon.
Appearance: Kira looks like a bizarre human/Ralts combination. She has short lime green hair that is always in her eyes. There are two red triangular bumps on her head, which are usually hidden with a too-big baseball cap. Her skin is always pale, and almost gray. Kira's shirt is just a plain gray tee-shirt. Her legs appear horribly deformed, and the skin below her knees is very loose, and almost look like bell bottom jeans. She tries to cover this up with too-big sweatpants, but even then, when she walks her legs look strange. Overall, she almost looks like a normal human. Almost.
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Name: Somon
Age: 17
Status: Hero

Species: Abomasnow
Level: 42
Nickname: Blizzaroi

Species: Alakazam
Level: 22
Nickname: Fuudin

Species: Vespiquen
Level: 21
Nickname: Vespiquen

Species: Volbeat
Level: 13
Nickname: Merukku

Species: Illumise
Level: 19
Nickname: Sophia

Species: Xatu
Level: 31
Nickname: Lucian

Personality: Somon is calm but kind. He's protective and will do anything to save the life of a Pokemon. At his worst... well, he doesn't really have a worst. He's just creepy when he's angry, and he acts rather like a Claydol...
History: Somon was born in a quiet suburbian city (though he can't remember where), and led a relatively normal life until the age of 9. That was when he befriended a Volbeat and Illumise, Merukku and Sophia respectively. When he was 10, he got his Pokemon Trainer's licensce and now battles with a relatively unbalanced team.
Appearance: Somon's hair is white, and looks lopsided; it's a bit longer on the right than the left. Usually he wears red glasses and a green feather in his hair (no, the glasses are on his eyes). He wears a shirt in the pattern of a snow leopard and black sweatpants.
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