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Animorph vs. shadow_lugia


beep beep coming through
Animorph said:
DQ: 1 week
Damage cap: None
Restricts: No Grimer, Voltorb, Spheal, Wailmer, or any other Pokemon I've missed that would simply roll to the bottom of the field. Nothing above the first stage/baby Pokemon either.

Mirror Ball
The combatants are inserted psychically into a giant ball, which has been polished on the inside to make the entire thing a mirror. The ball is about 25 feet in diameter.

Due to the reflective surfaces, all light based attacks, including aurora beam, confuse ray, and such, will have one hundred percent accuracy. On a similar note, energy attacks, such as energy ball, hyper beam, aura sphere and force palm, will occaisonally bounce around the sphere if they miss. They have about a 10% chance of hitting either combatant, and will dissipate after one action.

The attack Rollout, if taken to 3-5 actions, may cause the user to go wildly out of control while rolling around the sphere. They will loose one action, which will be counted as another rollout move, but with a halved percent of accuracy.

Animorph's active squad:
[Sparky] Electrike (M) <Static> - [Jim] Sandshrew (M) - [Martha] Spheal (F) <Thick Fat> - [Beka] Growlithe (F) <Intimidate> - [Lucius] Ralts (M) <Synchronize> - [Pam] Poochyena (F) <Quick Feet>

shadow_lugia's active squad: [Fern] Bulbasaur (F) - [Spectre] Spiritomb (M) - [Pearl] Spoink (F) <Thick Fat>

Animorph sends out
shadow_lugia sends and attacks
Animorph attacks
et cetera
Mmm, I think I'll use my Bulbasaur, Fern muahahaha Attract/Toxic >D.

So, Fern, let's start off with a Worry Seed. Speed increase from status sounds like something bad for us. Second, I want you to use a simple Magical Leaf; no need to make a huge dent in our energy. If Pam isn't affected by Worry Seed on the first turn for some reason, though, I'd like you to use that. And finally, let's Chill, unless a Taunt has been thrown our way on the previous turn. If that's the case, use a Razor Leaf.

Worry Seed~Magical Leaf/Worry Seed~Chill/Razor Leaf
Oky doke Pammy! Your first battle! Let's kick some Bulbasaurian butt!

Now, let's begin by using double team, to avoid that worry seed. After that, use quick attack, and try to avoid the second seed as well if you weren't hit by the first one. After that, move in for a bite.

Double Team*Three clones, if you'd please*~Quick attack~Bite
Animorph vs. shadow_lugia, Round One

Pre-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Trying to look tough and keep her footing at the same time
Pam's Commands: Double Team ~ Quick Attack ~ Bite

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Wishing she had flat, loamy earth under her feet, but determined
Fern's Commands: Worry Seed ~ Magical Leaf/Worry Seed ~ Chill/Razor Leaf

Arena: Mirror Ball

The combatants are inserted psychically into a giant ball, which has been polished on the inside to make the entire thing a mirror. The ball is about 25 feet in diameter.

Due to the reflective surfaces, all light based attacks, including aurora beam, confuse ray, and such, will have one hundred percent accuracy. On a similar note, energy attacks, such as energy ball, hyper beam, aura sphere and force palm, will occaisonally bounce around the sphere if they miss. They have about a 10% chance of hitting either combatant, and will dissipate after one action.

The attack Rollout, if taken to 3-5 actions, may cause the user to go wildly out of control while rolling around the sphere. They will loose one action, which will be counted as another rollout move, but with a halved percent of accuracy.

A Poochyena and a Bulbasaur slip and struggle slightly as they try to stand still inside of a gigantic, hollow sphere. The constant slope of the smooth, rounded floor is hard to remain stationary on, even when they attempt to use their claws to gain purchase; the fact that the entire interior of the sphere has been coated with a shimmerring, highly reflective surface isn't helping much. At last getting herself into a relatively stable position, Pam the Poochyena glares at her surroundings. Her reflection, warped and twisted by the size and curvature of the mirror ball, glares back at her; it looks a little scary but mostly kind of silly, and she has to tell herself not to giggle. She has more important things to pay attention to... like the Bulbasaur still sliding around a short distance away from her. Fern is not concerned with the disorienting reflections, instead focusing on keeping her balance before she opens a can of hurt on her easily distracted opponent.

Round One: Begin!

Pam growls earnestly, all of her fur bristling, and tenses herself in preparation for a sprint around the side of the spherical arena. Before she can check her footing one last time and take off, however, Fern's bulb contracts sharply and a small seed, only about the size of a quarter, fires out of the opening at the top. The seed strikes the side of Pam's face, causing the Poochyena to yelp, forget about running and paw irritatedly at the spot. The seed has become caught in Pam's fur, however, and she is unable to dislodge it. Tiny green roots snake out of the seed as it germinates rapidly, and the roots dig into the side of Pam's face and neck. They don't cause the little hyena any actual pain, but a mysterious chemical inside the seed does manage to seep its way into her bloodstream. Within seconds the chemical makes its way to her brain and changes her demeanor completely--the puffed up, confident battler gives way to a twitching, incredibly anxious wreck.

Pam stares around at the bright surface all around her, her nervous, wide-eyed reflection staring worriedly back at her every time. She can't stand feeling like this, she can't take it any more--she needs to move, she needs to run, she needs to be active and maybe some of this anxiety will go away! Pam dashes around the bottom of the sphere, running circles around the smug-faced Fern. As she runs at top speed, several other Poochyena seem to fall away behind her; when she finally skids to a stop the Bulbasaur appears to be surrounded by four maddened, staring Pams. The smug smile on Fern's face vanishes, replaced by a look of mild concern; the multiple twisted, distorted reflections all around the mirrored arena make it look like there are a lot more of them, most of them much freakier-looking than the original. She closes her eyes and tells herself to relax, focusing only on the not-distorted ones that she knows (or hopes) are the only ones that can cause any trouble.

Thankfully, Fern's little cool-down break reminds her that she has a way to deal with all of these surplus Poochyena. Her bulb expands, in preparation for another attack; before she can release whatever she has stored up, however, she feels a sudden, painful impact from behind. One of the two Poochyena she couldn't see, most likely whichever Pam is the real one, bum-rushes her from behind before she can finish her preparation, and backs away before Fern has a chance to turn around and indentify the attacker. Scowling, she starts over and her bulb contracts sharply again, this time discharging not a single seed but a barrage of small, green balls of energy that warp themselves into the shape of thin, razor edged leaves. The leaves zip all around the Bulbasaur, all homing in on either the real Pam or one of her copies. The sharp, magical leaves tear through the clones and cause them to vanish immediately; quite a few of them also leave some small but stinging cuts across the real Pam's body.

Satisfied that she's done a good job for now, Fern sits down at the center of the ball and takes it easy for a little while. Pam, now actually twitching with nerves now that her safety net of clones is gone, doesn't wait for her opponent to really relax before punishing her. The Dark-type charges forward, fangs bared and mouth agape, and gives Fern's bulb a very nasty bite. Fern squirms and shakes Pam off, but not before feeling the burn of the dark energy that dribbled off of the Poochyena's pointed teeth. She snorts irritably at the growling, pacing Pam but tries to ignore her anyway.

Round One: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet Insomnia]
Health: 95%
Energy: 88%
Status: Worry Seeded; jittery, agitated and paranoid

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 87%
Energy: 100%
Status: Mildly annoyed

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Magical Leaf's damage was reduced because some of it was directed at removing the clones.
-Fern did not recover full energy from her chill because she was attacked (not that it would've mattered, because she still regained more energy than she'd lost).
-Animorph attacks first next round.
Darnit...this worry seed better not last after the battle. I'm not keen on getting anti-anxiety medication on the health insurence of an ASBattler.

Okay, Pam...I want you to take a nice, relaxing breath...and now we go after that plant.

Let's see how much she likes a Fire Fang. Aim for the bulb with it, preferably where you bit before, as that'll be a little more tender. After this, keep on biting, but this time with a Poison fang. And then, just chill.

Fire Fang~Poison Fang~Chill

Well, first off, Fern, to drain a bit of that puppy's health for your own, plant another seed, but this time make it a Leech Seed. Then use a Toxic for good measure. And finally, use a Razor Leaf so Pam won't restore full energy. And so that we hurt her back >:(

Leech Seed~Toxic~Razor Leaf
Animorph vs. shadow_lugia, Round Two

Pre-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet Insomnia]
Health: 95%
Energy: 88%
Status: Worry Seeded; jittery, agitated and paranoid
Pam's Commands: Fire Fang ~ Poison Fang ~ Chill

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 87%
Energy: 100%
Status: Mildly annoyed
Fern's Commands: Leech Seed ~ Toxic ~ Razor Leaf

Arena: Mirror Ball

The combatants are inserted psychically into a giant ball, which has been polished on the inside to make the entire thing a mirror. The ball is about 25 feet in diameter.

Due to the reflective surfaces, all light based attacks, including aurora beam, confuse ray, and such, will have one hundred percent accuracy. On a similar note, energy attacks, such as energy ball, hyper beam, aura sphere and force palm, will occaisonally bounce around the sphere if they miss. They have about a 10% chance of hitting either combatant, and will dissipate after one action.

The attack Rollout, if taken to 3-5 actions, may cause the user to go wildly out of control while rolling around the sphere. They will loose one action, which will be counted as another rollout move, but with a halved percent of accuracy.

Round Two: Begin!

Another little seed bursts forth from Fern's bulb and strikes Pam, this time hitting the Poochyena's tail. Like the first, it sprouts and takes root almost immediately, wrapping thin little tendrils around the hyena's fluffy tail. Instead of leaking some mysterious toxin into Pam's body, however, this seed slowly begins to draw energy out of her. Faint green wisps of life force appear above the seed and drift lazily over to Fern, who smiles knowingly as they land on her skin and give her a tiny boost in stamina. Pam, jumpy as she is, fails to notice this. All she knows is that she just had another weird thing planted on her, and she doesn't want to wait around and see what horrible things it's going to do to her mind now. Pam snarls and bares her pointed teeth, little flames materializing in her mouth and snaking around her fangs. Before Fern can stop the attack Pam is on her, biting savagely on the tip of the Grass-type's bulb with her fiery fangs of fire. Fern cries out and tries to shrink away but the Poochyena does not let go, instead digging in even deeper and gnawing even more desperately. The flames fade away at last and Pam backs off, spitting out little bits of scorched leaf and glaring at her foe. Fern simply sits there and whimpers, blinking away a few tears.

The sharp, burning pain of what feels like dozens of super-hot and very sharp needles still occupies Fern's mind and much of her bulb, and she is too stunned to move. Pam isn't through with her yet, however. A runny, purple liquid begins to dribble down her fangs, and she quickly rushes back in for another bite. The searing venom of the poison fang only serves to make Fern's intense pain even worse; the fact that the poison in her own body prevents her from becoming sick is of little comfort.

Pam finally releases her foe and backs off again, making an attempt to settle down instead of attacking a third time. Nervous and flustered as she is, however, she finds it hard to relax much at all. Her distress is only increased when Fern finally gathers her nerves and sends a second flurry of painfully sharp leaves the Dark-type's way. More paper-thin cuts are opened up all over Pam's face and body, and while none of them draw blood they all sting horribly. Pam paws at her face and shudders, now completely unable to calm her badly frayed nerves.

Round Two: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet Insomnia]
Health: 85%
Energy: 83%
Status: Worry Seeded; Leech Seeded; too upset to worry about the vines curling around her

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 74%
Energy: 93%
Status: Tip of her bulb is very painful, but enjoying Pam's distress

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Fern flinched at the beginning of the second action.
-Pam did not recover full energy from her chill because she was attacked and is too jittery to really relax anyway.
-For reasons I cannot even begin to explain I keep getting Pam and Fern's names switched around, so if anything in the reffing looks backwards let me know and I'll fix it.
-shadow_lugia attacks first next round.
Oh God Fern, I'm so sorry D:

How about we pay that little monster back with the Toxic we couldn't do last round. That should really hurt. On the next turn, use a Charm to reduce that nasty Attack, unless they used Taunt in return on the first turn, in which case you should use Frustration. Then on the last turn, use Hidden Power.

Toxic~Charm/Frustration~Hidden Power
...Well, I think you've run out of seed related attacks that can mentally scar my pokemon. However, vengeance shall be mine.

Pam, while she uses Toxic, I want you to see if you can give her an equally satisfying status effect. This time, let's use Ice Fang, and let's see how much that plant likes a touch of frost. But not around where you burned here, cause that might take some of the sting of that away. After that, use Heal Bell*Purification move from XD* to get rid of that Toxic if she managed to poison you, or, if she hasn't, simply bite her and move in for a body slam.

*Also, would it be hypothetically possible to get rid of the seeds on Pam by using an attack that would, say...burn the seed off?*

Ice Fang~Heal Bell if Poisoned/Bite if not poisoned~Body Slam
Last edited:
Animorph vs. shadow_lugia, Round Three

Pre-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet Insomnia]
Health: 85%
Energy: 83%
Status: Worry Seeded; Leech Seeded; too upset to worry about the vines curling around her
Pam's Commands: Ice Fang ~ Heal Bell/Bite ~ Body Slam

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 74%
Energy: 93%
Status: Tip of her bulb is very painful, but enjoying Pam's distress
Fern's Commands: Toxic ~ Charm/Frustration ~ Hidden Power

Arena: Mirror Ball

The combatants are inserted psychically into a giant ball, which has been polished on the inside to make the entire thing a mirror. The ball is about 25 feet in diameter.

Due to the reflective surfaces, all light based attacks, including aurora beam, confuse ray, and such, will have one hundred percent accuracy. On a similar note, energy attacks, such as energy ball, hyper beam, aura sphere and force palm, will occaisonally bounce around the sphere if they miss. They have about a 10% chance of hitting either combatant, and will dissipate after one action.

The attack Rollout, if taken to 3-5 actions, may cause the user to go wildly out of control while rolling around the sphere. They will loose one action, which will be counted as another rollout move, but with a halved percent of accuracy.

Round Three: Begin

Fern hisses audibly at Pam, and a low, burbling noise can be heard underneath the hiss. A thick, purple liquid dribbles from the Bulbasaur's mouth, not unlike the slime Pam had in her own mouth during the last round, but instead of moving in to bite Fern simply spews the liquid out at her opponent. The toxic poison splatters all over the Poochyena's face and chest, quickly seeping through her fur and into her skin. Pam squeals and paws at the sludge covering her, but simply wiping it off is not enough to halt its advance through her bloodstream; the constant sting of the poison eating away at her simply does not go away, and it only agitates the already rattled hyena even further. Pam snarls and runs forward once more, fangs bared in a display that, by now, is quite familiar to Fern. Instead of fire, venom or dark energy, a pale, bluish light encircles the Poochyena's teeth, and when Pam bites into Fern's side a sensation of extreme cold sinks into the Bulbasaur. The icy chill bites just as savagely as the Poochyena's actual fangs, and Fern cries out again. All of this repeated snapping and biting is really starting to get to her.

Fern has had enough of all of this. Her bulb and her leg are not chew toys, dammit, and it's about time that Pam respected that! The Bulbasaur's lower lip juts out pitifully and she flashes Pam an apologetic look. Gosh, is Fern sorry she shot all those nasty seeds at her. Pam has every right to be upset after all of that. And she's handled herself so admirably despite all of her stress. Pam watches her opponent whimper and wheedle, confused. An apology? From this abusive little green beast? She doesn't really buy it... but, then again, she does look really sorry... and she does have a point. Pam thinks she's done quite well, given the circumstances. For the time being, the Poochyena is willing to forgive her. Just a little. And since she isn't currently under any sort of fire, she takes a moment to try and concentrate on purging the stinging, acidic poison in her body. A faint, bell-shaped mass of energy appears over Pam's head and beings to chime softly, and as it rings the Poochyena feels a surge of relief as the toxic poison inside her dissolves away into nothing. She still feels wired and on edge, but at least she isn't starting to feel sick any longer.

Fern isn't sure how much longer her phony apology will continue to hold up, especially if she goes on the offensive now, but she's really dying to get back at that awful Pam for all of that biting. She sighs resignedly and focuses, summoning a ring of tiny white energy spheres that begin to circle around her. The sphere's swirling picks up speed, rotating faster and faster and changing their color to a deep, earthy green as they go; after a few minutes Fern releases the little spheres and pelts Pam with them. Pam yelps and tries to cover her face with her paws as the green balls pepper her already stinging skin, but they batter away at her all the same. Pam is confused when the last of the little balls fades away. If Fern was really so sorry about everything she'd done, why'd she turn around and throw more stingy thingies at her? Annoyed, the Poochyena backs up a little ways up the mirror ball's sloping side and runs at her foe yet again; instead of opening her mouth for a bite, however, she simply throws almost all of her weight into Fern. She does hesitate just a little--she isn't sure whether or not Fern meant everything she said before--but she manages to slam into Fern's left foreleg just hard enough to force it to buckle painfully. All of a sudden a sharp pain runs up the injured limb, and Fern finds that she can't bear putting much weight onto it.

Round Three: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet Insomnia]
Health: 73%
Energy: 68%
Status: Attack -2; Worry Seeded; Leech Seeded; vines slowly beginning to curl around her neck and back legs, but not quite in the way yet; unsure about Fern's intentions

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 62%
Energy: 84%
Status: Hidden Power [Grass]; Paralyzed (light); leg is sore and lame, and wishing that the vines would hurry up and strangle Pam or something

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Fern's Hidden Power is Grass-type.
-The attack guide says that seed attacks can be removed, burned off, things like that, but that's assuming Pam can get to them--given the current position of the vines, I'd say not. It'd be different if she were a Rattata that learned nonsense like Flame Wheel, but... You can try, but you might have to wait until they grow to the point where she can reach them.
-Animorph attacks first next round.
Okay, that sucks...Pammy, just ignore the vines for now. And don't take that apology! That toad is poisoning you, leeching off you, and drugging you! Honestly, she's like some sort of wife that trys to kill off her rich husband!

So, right now, I suggest we use Howl. After that, I suggest that you taunt that frog to prevent her from using any more of those nasty status afflicting attacks. After wards, chill.

Oooooooow D:

Alright, Fern, just so that you won't get burned or anything (because that would suck balls) use a Safeguard, and try to look sorry, like the Hidden Power was an accident or something. Then Protect for Taunt; it's not like status will work too much anymore (damn Heal Bell) but going on the offensive will probably convince Pam we're out to get her. And on the last turn, you Chill too. Defensive attacks take a lot more out of you, and you could use a rest.

Animorph vs. shadow_lugia, Round Four

Pre-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet Insomnia]
Health: 73%
Energy: 68%
Status: Attack -2; Worry Seeded; Leech Seeded; vines slowly beginning to curl around her neck and back legs, but not quite in the way yet; unsure about Fern's intentions
Pam's Commands: Howl ~ Taunt ~ Chill

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 62%
Energy: 84%
Status: Hidden Power [Grass]; Paralyzed (light); leg is sore and lame, and wishing that the vines would hurry up and strangle Pam or something
Fern's Commands: Safeguard ~ Protect ~ Chill

Arena: Mirror Ball

The combatants are inserted psychically into a giant ball, which has been polished on the inside to make the entire thing a mirror. The ball is about 25 feet in diameter.

Due to the reflective surfaces, all light based attacks, including aurora beam, confuse ray, and such, will have one hundred percent accuracy. On a similar note, energy attacks, such as energy ball, hyper beam, aura sphere and force palm, will occaisonally bounce around the sphere if they miss. They have about a 10% chance of hitting either combatant, and will dissipate after one action.

The attack Rollout, if taken to 3-5 actions, may cause the user to go wildly out of control while rolling around the sphere. They will loose one action, which will be counted as another rollout move, but with a halved percent of accuracy.

Round Four: Begin

Pam throws her head back and lets out a loud, wild howl that echoes around the mirror ball, unnerving Fern somewhat but filling Pam with a different kind of energy--a strength, an almost primal sort of power and confidence wells up inside her. Not even this therapeutic howling can really assuage her constant, nagging anxiety, but damned if she doesn't feel like she can take on the world! This new surge of positive energy worries Pam, and she fears that it's a sign of more dangerous bites to come. She closes her eyes and wills a thin, shimmering wall of gold into being around and above her.

Not convinced that her gossamer safeguard is really enough to protect her right now, Fern creates another shield of pure energy, this one a faint green and slightly more substantial in appearance. Pam, filled with her new found confidence, stands up and starts to shout, flinging as many harried insults at the Bulbasaur as she can imagine. Pam calls Fern a string of very rotten names, calls her a coward for just sitting there and hiding behind sparkly walls instead of fighting; admittedly these are not the nicest things to say to someone who has just apologized to her, but she doesn't care, she's feeling mean. Fern simply glares back at Pam through a yellow-green-tinted haze. She's pretty sure she knows the sorts of things the hyena is saying to her, but the green forcefield around her selectively filters out the nastiest of the insults and allows the Grass-type to keep her head about her.

Neither Fern nor Pam makes a move now, both simply sitting and eying each other warily. They do their best to relax, but Fern's sore leg and Pam's constant jitters make it very difficult to get comfortable, especially on the round, convex floor at the bottom of the mirror ball. Eventually Fern is finally able to find a decent enough position to rest in while Pam continues to fight a strong urge to run around in circles and scream (and hope that she doesn't stumble over her own legs, which are starting to become rather tangled); the golden barrier that still hovers over Fern does still require a bit of exertion to keep around, however, so she can't relax completely just yet.

Round Four: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet Insomnia]
Health: 70%
Energy: 70%
Status: Attack -1; Worry Seeded; Leech Seeded; feeling a tiny bit better, and beginning to notice the vines tangling her back legs

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 65%
Energy: 85%
Status: Hidden Power [Grass]; Paralyzed (light); leg is still sore, but relatively relaxed

Team lugia's Safeguard: 2 actions remaining

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Pam is still too wired to really chill properly, so the amount of energy she regained was reduced.
-shadow_lugia attacks first next round.
Ugh, Fern, you must feel awful right now. Sorry. I'll buy you an ice cream cone after this :D Altogether, you're doing really well.

So first, let's use a Double Team. Sure they can just use Oder Sleuth, but that's one turn of not attacking. Next, reveal how you really feel with a Giga Drain, but try not to make it extremely HAHAHA IN YOUR FACE like, because Frustration is an awful thing. And finish the round with a Seed Bomb.

Double Team~Giga Drain~Seed Bomb
Okay, Pammy, keep calm...think happy thoughts. Happy, happy, thoughts. Think of rainbows, unicorns...and fire. Think of fire.

While your doing that, I want you to use Odor Sleuth. This battle will not be drawn out if I can help it! After that, I want you to use Protect on the matter of the Giga drain. And, when Seed Bomb comes around, run up to Fern and use Fire fang!

Odor Sleuth~Protect~Fire Fang
Animorph vs. shadow_lugia, Round Five

Pre-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet Insomnia]
Health: 70%
Energy: 70%
Status: Attack -1; Worry Seeded; Leech Seeded; feeling a tiny bit better, and beginning to notice the vines tangling her back legs
Pam's Commands: Odor Sleuth ~ Protect ~ Fire Fang

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 65%
Energy: 85%
Status: Hidden Power [Grass]; Paralyzed (light); leg is still sore, but relatively relaxed
Fern's Commands: Double Team ~ Giga Drain ~ Seed Bomb

Team lugia's Safeguard: 2 actions remaining

Arena: Mirror Ball

The combatants are inserted psychically into a giant ball, which has been polished on the inside to make the entire thing a mirror. The ball is about 25 feet in diameter.

Due to the reflective surfaces, all light based attacks, including aurora beam, confuse ray, and such, will have one hundred percent accuracy. On a similar note, energy attacks, such as energy ball, hyper beam, aura sphere and force palm, will occaisonally bounce around the sphere if they miss. They have about a 10% chance of hitting either combatant, and will dissipate after one action.

The attack Rollout, if taken to 3-5 actions, may cause the user to go wildly out of control while rolling around the sphere. They will loose one action, which will be counted as another rollout move, but with a halved percent of accuracy.

Round Five: Begin

Fern's leg still feels a little lame and she isn't quite certain she can run on it, but if it means outsmarting Pam and avoiding more painful bites then she's more than willing to try. She sets off at a trot around the bottom of the ball, trying her best to pick up speed despite her sore leg. Pam is unimpressed by her opponent's shambling run--she knows she was a lot faster when she did it before--but when Fern finally slows down she has been joined by two more Bulbasaur, identical right down to the way they each hold an injured limb off of the ground. And the myriad mirrors, as before, cast enough reflections around the arena to give the appearance of several more Bulbasaur on top of those.

Pam doesn't intend to let them confuse her, however; one Bulbasaur is irritating enough. She takes a deep breath, her red nose sniffing the air wildly. The real Fern's scent is simple enough to make out, given that the clones and the reflections don't smell like anything at all. It's perfectly clear to the Poochyena which foe is the actual one.

A dome of shimmering, pale green light surrounds Pam, not unlike the one that Fern created a short while earlier. It arcs in front of her, ready to protect her from anything Fern (or her now useless clones) might try to do. Fern recognizes the protective shield, and she knows that she'd be better off doing something else, but her orders are to attack and so she does. She, her clones and their reflections glow with a bright green light. Unfortunately for them, they cannot force the grass energy to engulf Pam and draw life force away from her; the green barrier blocks their attempts and keeps Pam relatively safe--it cannot, of course, do anything about the encroaching vines that continue to wrap around her.

The shield of green energy fades away, leaving Pam exposed; Fern's golden safeguard vanishes as well, having run its course.

Fern and her companions all swell their bulbs up to an impressive size, each Bulbasaur turning so that the tip is angled straight at Pam. The Poochyena's eyes widen with fear, clearly expecting another seed that will start feeding off of her. And a seed does come flying out of Pam's bulb, although this one is much larger and appears to be swelling to bursting itself. When it strikes Pam, it does open--but not just a little crack that allows a few vines to work their way out. No, the seed that lands on the little hyena's snout explodes violently, raw energy and sharp bits of shell flying everywhere and searing and nicking her skin. Pam howls, squeals and staggers backward clumsily, momentarily blinded by the flash and the blast. She is growling furiously when she regains her composure, and she bares her teeth at Fern--teeth that, the Bulbasaur notices, are once again swathed in flames. Fern takes a few steps back, hoping to blend into her clones, but it's no good. Pam gives the air another good sniff, pinpoints her target's scent and then rushes in for another bite. Pam's burning fangs sink into the tip of the offending bulb, searing its already sore petals and drawing a prolonged screech out of Fern. The pain in her bulb takes Fern's mind off of her injured leg, which is still sore but at least beginning to limber up a little.

Round Five: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Animorph (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Pam (F) [Quick Feet Insomnia]
Health: 59%
Energy: 59%
Status: Attack -1; Worry Seeded; Leech Seeded; stinging all over

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Fern (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 60%
Energy: 69%
Status: Hidden Power [Grass]; Odor Sleuth-locked (3 more actions); bulb tip is killing her

Team lugia's Safeguard: faded

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Fern created the default two clones (though I doubt she would've been able to manage more anyway, given her leg).
-Fern's paralysis went away at the end of the round.
-Sorry this took so long. I honestly didn't realize you guys had last posted on the first.
-Animorph attacks first next round.
Okay, Pam...I want you to chill. Chill, and then use Bite, and then use fire fang. I'm not in the mood for descriptions.

Chill~Bite~Fire Fang
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