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Dragon vs. Skymin


beep beep coming through
Dragon said:
1vs1 single
Style: Switch >:3
DQ: Two weeks.
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Attraction

Arena: Floating Platform

The floating platform is... just a floating platform. The platform is tiled, and is around a meter thick and ten meters across in all directions. So don't try breaking through it. If you fall off the edge, you take 10% damage and come back to the middle of the platform. No special things.

Dragon's active squad: [Valour] Spraylet (F) - [Blaze] Charmander (M)

Skymin's active squad: [Scooter] Mudkip (M) - [Chirin] Mareep (M) - [Snowball] Spoink (F) <Thick Fat> - [Wheelie] Phanpy (F)

Dragon sends out
Skymin sends out and attacks
Dragon attacks
I wanted to be the first one to use my Pokémon but whatever, I'll suck it up :/
Ah, awesome, first match =D
Well, this isn't fair. Whatever I send out, Skymin can have a super effective Pokemon... Hmmm.

I will defeat joo with Pokemon stolen from Kratos >:3 Valour, female Spraylet~
Hmm...Well, it certainly isn't fair, is it? But type isn't all that matters. Go, Chirin!

Okay, Chirin, you may have the type advantage here, but you still have to be careful. Spraylet specializes in physical attacks, so start by patching up your defense with Reflect! Next, put that fluffy wool of yours to work with Cotton Spore. Now, should she use Protect to block it, take that time to raise your own power with Charge. Either way, follow it up with a sure-fire Shock Wave!

Reflect~Cotton Spore/Charge~Shock Wave
Ooh, this'll be tough, Valour. Let's do our best~

So, I want you to start with an Aerial Ace, and get back quickly. Combine Aqua Jet and Steel Wing to get in close, and get back again. If you don't think you can make it back in time, use Slash, but if you get back there, Swords Dance!

Aerial Ace~Aqua Jet+Steel Wing~Slash/Swords Dance
That's four moves, Dragon. A combination attack still counts as two attacks. Remove the combination or lose the moves from the third action.
Ah, crud, forgot about that >_< First battle, has excuse to prevent being attacked~

So, I want you to start with an Aerial Ace, and get back quickly. Use Aqua Jet to get in close, and get back again. If you don't think you can make it back in time, use Slash, but if you get back there, Swords Dance!

Aerial Ace~Aqua Jet~Slash/Swords Dance
Dragon vs. Skymin, Round One

Pre-Round Stats

Team Dragon (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)


Valour (F) [Torrent]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Excited and energetic
Valour's Commands: Aerial Ace ~ Aqua Jet ~ Slash/Swords Dance

Team Skymin (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Chirin (M) [Static]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Ready to start
Chirin's Commands: Reflect ~ Cotton Spore/Charge ~ Shock Wave

Arena: Floating Platform

The floating platform is... just a floating platform. The platform is tiled, and is around a meter thick and ten meters across in all directions. So don't try breaking through it. If you fall off the edge, you take 10% damage and come back to the middle of the platform. No special things.

Floating out in the skies above some unidentified area might be unnerving to some people; to others, however, it is a simple, quiet, no-frills place for a nice Pokémon battle. Dragon and Skymin fall into the latter group, and as both are in a hurry to get this quick and dirty match underway they select their battlers and send them out immeditately. A small, blue and gray bird appears on Dragon's side of the field, and she flutters her wings and hops about energetically as she waits for her opponent to show up. Said opponent is a puffy yellow Mareep, who bleats and paws the ground eagerly. Spraylet and Mareep eye one another carefully, and the battle commences.

Round One: Begin!

Valour takes off at a run across the platform, her talons clicking against the tiles as she dashes toward Chirin. Right before she collides with the Mareep she flaps her wings hard and pulls up, instead slashing across Chirin's woolly side with her sharp claws. Chirin flinches slightly, but the scratch isn't too bad. In fact, it could be argued that Valour comes away from the encounter slightly worse off--the static electricity stored in Chirin's fluffy yellow wool gives the Spraylet a rather nasty shock, locking her muscles up momentarily and causing her to stumble and fall to the floor. Chirin stares down at the grumbling and twitching bird at his feet, shrugs, and continues with his own work. His wool sparkles and glows brightly as he brings a dome of shimmering golden energy into being, surrounding himself with it and then settling down comfortably behind it.

Chirin watches his opponent struggle to get up with some amusement. Valour tries and fails several times to push herself up from the floor before she finally manages to get up. She wobbles unsteadily on her feet for a few moments before finally regaining her balance. She scowls and shakes her stiff limbs out, and Chirin braces himself behind his shield, expecting another scratch. Instead of trying to slash at him again, however, Valour takes a few shaky steps back and then rockets straight at her foe, pure Water-type energy swirling around her. She connects with the barrier within seconds, and while she is able to force her way through it its mysterious energy does slow her down quite a bit. As a result she can't put a lot of force behind her attack when she finally connects with Chirin; she more or less bounces off of his fluff and falls backward out of the shield, annoyed.

Chirin chuckles. Valour's predicament is pretty funny as it is, but the little sheep can think of at least one way to make it even funnier. He shakes himself vigorously, working several tufts of his thick wool loose from his body and wafting them through his golden shield and onto Valour. The wool tufts, staticy and generally super-fluffy as they are, cling to Valour's feathers like glue.

A few more moments of struggling, flailing, kicking and brief spasms sees Valour on her feet yet again, glaring with distaste at Chirin and his stupid shield. What she'd really like to do is rip the blasted thing to shreds with her talons, but it seems to be impervious to that. Frustrated, she tries any, beating her wings to get herself into the air and attempting to kick at Chirin through the golden dome. As before, however, the barrier slows her down a great deal, so that when her claws finally make their way through to Chirin underneath they barely scratch him at all. Chirin doesn't even wait for his foe to hit the ground before attacking. The Mareep gathers all of the static in his wool and releases it in a wide-reaching wave of electricity traveling out in all directions; it passes through the reflect as though it weren't even there and, while some of it carries on out into the open space a great deal of it hits Valour. The Spraylet screams as the electricity courses through all her body, and she hits the tiles several feet away with a thud.

Round One: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Dragon (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)


Valour (F) [Torrent]
Health: 90%
Energy: 87%
Status: Speed -2; Paralyzed (mild); annoyed

Team Skymin (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Chirin (M) [Static]
Health: 89%
Energy: 89%
Status: A bit scratched up but highly amused

Team Skymin's Reflect: 2 actions remaining

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Chirin's Static ability paralyzed Valour on the first action.
-Dragon attacks first next round.
Ah fuck damn. We're in a tight spot, aren't we, Valour? Should've bought that bloody Bagon

Lesse... start with an Air Slash, and wait for whatever the Mareep does next. Try a Mirror Move if it's Special, otherwise go with an Air Slash again. Finish with Swords Dance, simple. >_O Hang in there!

Air Slash~Mirror Move/Air Slash~Swords Dance *sigh*

EDIT: Before I forget to ask, Spraylet can still fly?
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Technically it was never supposed to be a stellar flyer in the first place (re: Pokédex entry), but yes, it can fly.
Good job, Chirin! But she's really mad now, so we have to be very careful. She's going on the offensive, so hit back with Headbutt. Next, since you can afford to, put distance between you and her and use Charge! If you're unable to get far enough away, use Iron Tail!! Again, either way, finish with Thunderbolt!

Headbutt~Charge/Iron Tail~Thunderbolt
Dragon vs. Skymin, Round Two

Pre-Round Stats

Team Dragon (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)


Valour (F) [Torrent]
Health: 90%
Energy: 87%
Status: Speed -2; Paralyzed (mild); annoyed
Valour's Commands: Air Slash ~ Mirror Move/Air Slash ~ Swords Dance

Team Skymin (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Chirin (M) [Static]
Health: 89%
Energy: 89%
Status: A bit scratched up but highly amused
Chirin's Commands: Headbutt ~ Charge/Iron Tail ~ Thunderbolt

Team Skymin's Reflect: 2 actions remaining

Arena: Floating Platform

The floating platform is... just a floating platform. The platform is tiled, and is around a meter thick and ten meters across in all directions. So don't try breaking through it. If you fall off the edge, you take 10% damage and come back to the middle of the platform. No special things.

Round Two: Begin!

Chirin watches calmly as Valour struggles to her feet, once again fighting with her compromised muscles and scowling murderously all the while. When she manages to stand at last she snorts, dusts herself off haughtily--she might be paralyzed and not doing so well, but damned if she isn't going to keep her dignity!--and backs away a few paces to give herself room to move, such as it were. She pulls her wings back in preparation for another bout of flapping, snarls as they lock up for a moment, and then shakes them out before beating them as hard as she can in Chirin's direction. A thin blade of concentrated wind cuts through the air and passes through the Mareep's shield with ease, but quickly peters out when it hits his thick wool; Chirin doesn't even blink as the air slash makes contact. He gives a little snort of his own, more of derision than frustration, and then bounds forward with his head lowered. He runs straight out of his golden shield, rams his head into Valour's chest and tosses her back several feet, and then does a quick about-face, returning to the reflective barrier just as soon as he'd left it before the osprey can hit him. Valour finds herself back on the floor, slightly winded and very, very irritated.

Valour doesn't bother getting up right away this time. What's the point? It's just going to be hard and annoying and she's going to make a fool of herself in front of that smug sheep over there, and she doesn't even know what other diabolical, humiliating things Chirin might be planning to do. Perhaps it would be best to just wait for a little while instead. Chirin watches his opponent for a moment, decides that she isn't much of a threat down there on the ground and then concentrates on the copious amounts of electricity in his wool. Sparks and thin streaks of lightning jump from fiber to fiber, and the yellow coat covering him seems to double in size as more static electricity is built up inside. Valour cannot see whatever Chirin has done, but she knows that she wasn't attacked. And since there's nothing for her to mimic, that means that she's supposed to attack again. Not that this sounds like a stellar option, either; the last time she tried an air slash, Chirin barely felt anything at all. And the same holds true the second time. She tries again, flapping her wings and generating a thin, cutting blade of air that flies through Chirin's shield. It dissipates almost instantly upon touching his extra-charged, extra-fluffy wool, appears to do absolutely nothing, and leaves Valour feeling even more disheartened and frustrated than before. The only good thing that comes out of the futile exercise is that the golden barrier around the Mareep finally fades away into nothing. Valour sighs with relief; Chirin doesn't really seem to care, especially given his foe's performance thus far.

Grateful that she's actually still standing for once and doesn't have to struggle her way up from the tiles, Valour gives herself another shake to limber up before her next move. The Spraylet begins to dance, hopping frenetically back and forth in an awkward war dance of sorts. Her anxiety and irritation seem to melt away as she dances, confidence, aggression and a rush of adrenaline taking their place. It almost feels as though her body is stronger, her talons are sharper... Chirin, several feet away, is not especially impressed. It's not a bad dance, granted, and at least Valour finally seems to be doing something right (she'd be a very, very boring opponent if she just kept screwing up), but he knows it isn't going to help her much in the long run. Chirin's puffy, swollen wool flashes brightly as he bleats and releases electrical energy; his wool seems to shrink in size as the excess charge he'd stored in it is released along with the thunderbolt. The resulting attack is an intensely hot bolt of blinding white lightning that strikes Valour dead-on. The pain that Valour had experienced from the shock wave before is absolutely nothing compared to this. Every muscle, every piece of tissue, every nerve ending is inundated with an electric current of frightening strength. Valour is actually lifted several inches off of the ground by the attack, and she hangs there for some time, unable to move or retaliate or even scream. When Chirin finishes and lets Valour drop to the floor at last, a lot of the extra fluff has been squeezed out of his wool; some extra charge remains, however, just enough for a bit of extra protection. Valour is so stunned by the force of the attack that she can't even move, and so she just lies sprawled on the ground, limp and numb.

Round Two: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Dragon (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)


Valour (F) [Torrent]
Health: 60% (CAPPED)
Energy: 74%
Status: Attack +2, Speed -2; Paralyzed (moderate); stunned and immobile

Team Skymin (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Chirin (M) [Static]
Health: 86%
Energy: 71%
Status: Special Defense +1; chuckling at the fried chicken jokes he's telling himself

Team Skymin's Reflect: Faded

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-The massive amount of electricity from the charged Thunderbolt aggravated Valour's paralysis.
-Thunderbolt caused Valour to hit the damage cap.
-Skymin attacks first next round.
Wow Chirin's a little bastard, ain't he?

Awesome, Chirin! We've got her on the ropes! I want you to start with Curse, then Double Team! Finally, try another Headbutt!

Curse~Double Team~Headbutt
No, Valour DDDD: Hang in thar.

Right, so maybe it's a good thing Kratos killed your Flying type. >_O So, you probably hate me right now, so let's have a Frustration. After, gimme a Surf, and finish with a Shadow Claw. Nyeh. >:/

Frustration~Surf~Shadow Claw
Dragon vs. Skymin, Round Three

Pre-Round Stats

Team Dragon (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)


Valour (F) [Torrent]
Health: 60%
Energy: 74%
Status: Attack +2, Speed -2; Paralyzed (mild); stunned and immobile
Valour's Commands: Frustration ~ Surf ~ Shadow Claw

Team Skymin (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Chirin (M) [Static]
Health: 86%
Energy: 71%
Status: Special Defense +1; chuckling at the fried chicken jokes he's telling himself
Chirin's Commands: Curse ~ Double Team ~ Headbutt

Arena: Floating Platform

The floating platform is... just a floating platform. The platform is tiled, and is around a meter thick and ten meters across in all directions. So don't try breaking through it. If you fall off the edge, you take 10% damage and come back to the middle of the platform. No special things.

Round Three: Begin!

Valour is upset. Very, very upset. She's been at a severe disadvantage ever since the beginning of the battle, and that Mareep has done nothing but hurt her and mock her the entire time. Well, she's had enough of this! She's going to get up, march right over there to Chirin and rip him a new one, as painfully as she possibly can! There's just one problem with the Spraylet's plans for violent revenge, though: the getting up part. Try as she might, she's just too stiff, sore and jerky to even lift her head, let alone tear a huge hole in Chirin's stupid, cottony body.

The Mareep and his stupid, cottony body are not at all surprised. Valour's string of screw-ups and spasms was entertaining for a while, but now he grows bored. His time would probably be better spent preparing to end this farce of a battle. Chirin begins to mutter and chant under his breath, speaking the words of an ancient magic spell. The curse he whispers strengthens him, gives him power, and he can feel himself bulking up as he speaks. The extra heft makes his limbs a little stiffer and clumsier, but he doesn't mind--he likes the feeling of power.

Hissing and grumbling, Valour finally starts to regain the feeling in her wings and legs and stands up, slightly wobbly. She lets out a frustrated screech, closes her eyes and concentrates, intent on drowning the insolent sheep with a deluge of cold water. She can see it in her mind now, a towering wave of epic proportions, crashing down on top of Chirin and washing him straight off of the platform. She opens her eyes, expecting to see nothing but empty wet tile in front of her. What she sees... is Chirin, still standing there, perfectly dry and with a nonplussed expression on his face. Valour's face falls and she stares around her, confused. There's no water on Chirin, on the platform... there's no water anywhere. Which, unfortunately, means that there's no water for her to attack with in the first place. Blasted floating arena.

Chirin shakes his head. This is really getting ridiculous. The kind thing to do would be putting her out of her misery now, but... he really doesn't want to take any chances. Instead he runs around in a tight circle, tiny hooves clacking against the tiled floor as he goes. His toughened legs prevent him from reaching any truly impressive speed, but he does move just fast enough to create the illusion that there are now two more Mareep running alongside him. The small herd of sheep canters to a stop and each gazes coolly at the fuming osprey.

One of the Mareep is not smiling for very long, however. Valour is on top of him before he can get away, tearing madly at the wool with talons laced with purplish, ghostly energy. The Spraylet's attack is so violent that it completely destroys the Mareep... literally. It vanishes almost instantly, leaving two remaining and watching it disintegrate with a worried expression. The real Chirin shudders. Good thing that wasn't actually him.

His opponent, on the other hand, has no clones to hide behind. So when he charges forward, horned head lowered, Valour is the only target he can possibly hit. Chirin's head (and that of his leftover body double) slams into Valour's stomach, bowling her over and knocking the wind straight out of her. Valour hits the tiles hard yet again and just lies there for a few minutes, trying not to hyperventilate. This battle is not going her way at all... at least her limbs feel like they're starting to loosen up a little.

Round Three: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Dragon (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)


Valour (F) [Torrent]
Health: 53%
Energy: 67%
Status: Attack +2, Speed -2; Paralyzed (light); ready to murder something

Team Skymin (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Chirin (M) [Static]
Health: 86%
Energy: 57%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Defense +1, Speed -1; okay, maybe she isn't that useless D:

Chirin's Double Team: 1 clone remaining

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Valour was fully paralyzed on the first action.
-Surf technically isn't banned, but it generally requires a large water source and as far as I can tell there doesn't seem to be one in the vicinity.
-Chirin created the default two clones.
-Shadow Claw missed the real Chirin and destroyed one of his clones.
-Dragon attacks first next round. (And could you delete that double post up there while you're at it?)
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Alright, now it gets serious. If you're not careful, the next fluffy thing she tears into'll be you, so let's fight fire with fire. Start with another Thunderbolt, then let loose with a blinding Flash to obscure her vision. Finally, use Thundershock.


(Edited it, as I don't really need to chill at the moment.)
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Dragon vs. Skymin, Round Four

Pre-Round Stats

Team Dragon (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)


Valour (F) [Torrent]
Health: 53%
Energy: 67%
Status: Attack +2, Speed -2; Paralyzed (light); ready to murder something
Valour's Commands: Frustration ~ Frustration ~ Shadow Claw

Team Skymin (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Chirin (M) [Static]
Health: 86%
Energy: 57%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Defense +1, Speed -1; okay, maybe she isn't that useless D:
Chirin's Commands: Thunderbolt ~ Flash ~ Thundershock

Chirin's Double Team: 1 clone remaining

Arena: Floating Platform

The floating platform is... just a floating platform. The platform is tiled, and is around a meter thick and ten meters across in all directions. So don't try breaking through it. If you fall off the edge, you take 10% damage and come back to the middle of the platform. No special things.

Round Four: Begin

Fury courses through Valour's veins as she picks herself up from the tile yet again. No more screwing around... someone's gonna die up in here. She rushes the two Mareep standing in front of her, screaming at the top of her lungs as she lays into one yet again... and, yet again, it disintegrates into nothing. The only remaining Mareep, the real Chirin, quickly scuttles away from the enraged, murderous Spraylet. If he can't do something to stop her now, he's going to be the next one on the receiving end of her ire.

Loud crackling noises fill the air again as massive amounts of electricity build up in Chirin's wool, increasing its luxuriant fluffiness even further and making him look rather silly, especially given the look of seriousness and determination on his face. The thunderbolt he releases hits Valour just as cleanly as all of his other attacks have, knocking her right back down and causing her to slide back across the tile a short distance.

Before Chirin can react, Valour has gotten back on her feet and, at long last, is finally pummeling his actual body mercilessly. Talons, wings, beak, she tears and smashes her opponent viciously with anything she possibly can. Chirin folds under the force of her assault, his little legs giving out from underneath him. He can't even squirm out from underneath her--whenever he tries to move, Valour is there, still bashing away at everything she can reach. She finally stops and staggers back, exhausted and, for the time being, satisfied with her handiwork. Chirin doesn't move for a minute or two; instead he stares at Valour, wide-eyed and frightened, waiting to see if she's going to come back in for another thumping. Thankfully, she doesn't. The bird simply stands there, panting heavily, daring her foe to try anything else stupid. Chirin doesn't really think that hurting her further is the best idea right now; instead, when his wool starts to crackle and expand again, he is not building up electricity for a thunderbolt but for a different sort of attack. A bright flash of light illuminates the arena as Chirin releases the pent up energy, dazzling the still-glaring Valour and temporarily blinding her.

The flash of intense light right to her face leaves Valour dazed and unable to see well, but she isn't about to let that stop her. Beat Chirin up felt wonderful, and she's ready to give him some more of what he just got. She hops forward and takes awkwardly to the air, her talons dripping purplish, spectral energy as before. She slashes downward violently with both feet, taking repeated swipes at... empty air. She is still actually a good three feet in front of Chirin, but she couldn't see this until it was too late as, well... she couldn't really see. Just to be safe, Chirin backs up even further before giving Valour another taste of his electricity. It's just a small taste--another huge thunderbolt might incite her to rip his head off--but it knocks the Spraylet out of the air all the same and leaves her thrashing and convulsing on the floor for the umpteenth time.

Round Four: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Dragon (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)


Valour (F) [Torrent]
Health: 24%
Energy: 49%
Status: Attack +2, Speed -2, Accuraccy -1; Torrent (Water damage x1.5); Paralyzed (light); aaskjgfajshflhlsafhwtfffffffffffffffff D<

Team Skymin (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Chirin (M) [Static]
Health: 72%
Energy: 47%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Defense +1, Speed -1; knows he's in better shape but still frightened

Chirin's Double Team: 0 clones remaining

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Valour's first Frustration missed Chirin and destroyed his remaining clone.
-Shadow Claw missed.
-Forgot to include Chirin's additional stat changes in the summary last time; fixed that, sorry.
-In the future, Skymin, please don't edit your posts after a day or two has passed, even if you are going second. It didn't particularly matter in this case because I was unable to start reffing for a long time, but had I started sooner there might've been some confusion. You really aren't supposed to change your attacks at all after you've posted them unless the ref tells you to, so please be careful about that.
-Skymin attacks first next round.
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Okay, I'll remember that. Sorry. :D

Awesome, Chirin! It's almost over. Let's finish it.

Reflect~Shock Wave~Shock Wave
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*teardrop* Well, it's veeery close to over, Valour. Let's rip 'im one or three.

Roost~Hydro Pump x2
Dragon vs. Skymin, Round Five

Pre-Round Stats

Team Dragon (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)


Valour (F) [Torrent]
Health: 24%
Energy: 49%
Status: Attack +2, Speed -2, Accuracy -1; Torrent activated (Water damage x1.5); Paralyzed (light); aaskjgfajshflhlsafhwtfffffffffffffffff D<
Valour's Commands: Roost ~ Hydro Pump ~ Hydro Pump

Team Skymin (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Chirin (M) [Static]
Health: 72%
Energy: 47%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Defense +1, Speed -1; knows he's in better shape but still frightened
Chirin's Commands: Reflect ~ Shock Wave ~ Shock Wave

Arena: Floating Platform

The floating platform is... just a floating platform. The platform is tiled, and is around a meter thick and ten meters across in all directions. So don't try breaking through it. If you fall off the edge, you take 10% damage and come back to the middle of the platform. No special things.

Round Five: Begin

Tired, achy and incredibly frustrated, Valour staggers back to the other side of the platform and away from Chirin. She's still dying to murdalize him, but that is becoming harder and harder to do now that she feels like she actually is dying. Maybe closing her eyes and relaxing isn't such a bad idea right now. She settles down as far away from the Mareep as she can, tucks in her wings and focuses all of her energy on restoring her health. Much of her pain and soreness is forced right out of her body as she rests, and she feels much better as a result--she is now exceedingly tired, however. Chirin, glad to see that Valour isn't trying to tear him in half at the moment, re-erects the golden dome he'd first created at the beginning of the battle. Anything that can serve as a buffer between him and that psychotic bird is welcome any time.

Now that she's feeling much better--strength-wise, anyway, she's pretty exhausted now--Valour is ready and raring to get right back to the offensive. Her eyes are still stinging something awful, so it's difficult to make out her target's exact position; the fuzzy golden haze around him isn't exactly helping, either. But she throws caution to the wind. The Spraylet stands up, squints at where she's fairly sure Chirin is and inhales deeply. Her little chest swells impressively and she almost looks like she's about to pop. A roiling torrent of water suddenly explodes out of her beak, thin but at an alarmingly high pressure. The hydro pump cuts cleanly through the immaterial barrier and batters away at Chirin's face, causing him to cough, splutter and stagger clumsily backward. Valour cuts the water off and stands there, panting and glaring in Chirin's general direction.

Sopping wet and bogged down by the cumbersome weight of the water in his wool, Chirin flops onto the tile with a weary slosh. The high volume of water straight to the head has left his face feeling incredibly raw, and he doesn't want to move until he's had a bit more time to drip-dry (oh, what he wouldn't give for a pair of hands to wring his wool out with right now). His soggy yellow wool makes a series of loud hissing and crackling noises as he charges up more electricity from his position on the ground. The faint, acrid odor of hot wool fills the air as the exaggerated popping and cracking crescendos, culminating in another surge of electrical energy that fans out across the entire arena. The heat generated by the shock wave seems to have dried up some of the water; Chirin sighs, thankful for the slight weight lifted from his waterlogged and steaming body. Valour is not so appreciative; the widespread attack hits her dead-on, as before, and quickly negates much of the relief she'd been feeling just a few minutes ago.

Squawking curses under her breath, Valour staggers blearily forward. Her little body swells up again as she strains to draw upon every drop of water she can. The Spraylet looses another torrent of water, spewing the wet stuff in Chirin's general direction. Chirin's general direction is all she manages, however. Her vision is still fairly blurry, and her hydro pump only tears through the side of Chirin's reflect as a result. Chirin winces a little as thestinging spray splashes in his face, but he is otherwise unharmed. Chirin lets out another loud sigh, thanking his lucky stars for the misfired attack. His wool begins to crackle and spark wildly again, releasing more steam and more of that slightly burnt smell into the air; the Mareep's next shock wave strikes his opponent just as cleanly as the others. Valour flops back onto the floor, thrashing and screaming more out of boiling rage than renewed pain; why can't she hit him that easily? It isn't fair, damn it all, it isn't fair!

Round Five: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Dragon (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)


Valour (F) [Torrent]
Health: 54%
Energy: 10%
Status: Attack +2, Speed -2, Accuracy -1; Paralyzed (light); too furious to realize how dog-tired she is

Team Skymin (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Chirin (M) [Static]
Health: 61%
Energy: 36%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Defense +1, Speed -1; fairly tired, still sort of wet and praying for more misfires

Team Skymin's Reflect: 3 actions remaining

Arena Status: The tile around and behind Chirin is wet and dangerously slippery. The odor of lightly singed wool hangs in the air.

Ref's Notes
-The second Hydro Pump missed.
-Really sorry for the two huge delays in a row. Unfortunately I'm still not "back", but with any luck the new router should be set up soon and round six will hopefully be something resembling "on time".
-Dragon attacks first next round.
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