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[09] Prettzel vs shadow_lugia (Ref: Kratos Aurion)


busy dizzy lazy
Staff member
Battle Style: 1vs1
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKO's; chills limited to three/pokémon; direct healers limited to one/pokémon
Terrain: The Battle Factory

The Battle Factory’s arena is simple but practical: a large clay arena bordered by a two-meter-wide, three-meter-deep trough of water to accommodate water-dependent pokemon and attacks. The ceiling is retractable, allowing weather attacks to be used. Other than that, there’s nothing of note: just wide-open brawling space with nothing to get in your way.

The Battle Factory’s stands are mostly empty, housing only a few bored-looking spectators and one old guy who has apparently fallen asleep. The only enthusiastic-looking attendees are probably members of one of the competitor’s families. The first round of the Championship tournament isn’t the most highly-anticipated event in the history of the League, but for the challengers loitering to one side of the arena, it is just as important as any other match. Doing their best not to show any nervousness they might be feeling, they crane their necks to watch a huge screen mounted on the side wall between them. For now, it shows only their own names and faces, but at a signal from the referee, images of pokemon flash at the bottom of the display, a dizzying cascade of different species.

The randomization seems to last an age for the competitors whose victory may rest on what the computer chooses, but it is really only a few seconds before six images settle on the screen and, with a rattle, six pokéballs are dispensed into depressions below the display. The two trainers step up and select one pokéball each before making their way to the boxes marked off on either side of the arena.

A brief, muted stir of activity sweeps the stands. The League Championship is about to begin, and even the most jaded of spectator’s can’t help but feel a little thrill as the referee calls out the match’s beginning and two pokéballs are hurled into the air.

For this battle, you will be using a rental Pokémon instead of one from your team. The six (only one of each) available to you are the following:

Beautifly (M), Umbreon (M), Luvdisc (F), Skorupi (M) <Battle Armor>, Altaria (M), Raticate (M) <Guts>

1. Prettzel chooses
2. shadow_lugia chooses and attacks
3. Prettzel attacks
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Let's go with Umbreon :3

Okay, Umbreon, let's start off with a Confuse Ray. Confusion is damn useful. Then I want you to use Assurance on the other two turns, unless Confuse Ray didn't work on the previous turn. Then I want you to use Confuse Ray again, until he gets confused. If they use Heal Bell on one turn and it successfully removes the confusion, then ignore the 'Confuse Ray until he gets confused' command, and just use Assurance.

Confuse Ray~Assurance/Confuse Ray~Assurance/Confuse Ray
H'okay, then. First use Substitute (10%), since confusion is bad and having the Umbreon repeat Confuse Ray over and over again to no effect is good. Next, we'll Mimic Confuse Ray, since he should still be using it since it didn't work last time. However, if he uses Assurance, counter with Dragon Claw. Finish with Dragon Dance; it could prove useful later on.

Substitute, 10% ~ Mimic/Dragon Claw ~ Dragon Dance
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Prettzel vs. shadow_lugia, Round One

Pre-Round Stats

Team Prettzel (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Altaria (M) [Natural Cure]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Humming eagerly
Altaria's Commands: Substitute ~ Mimic/Dragon Claw ~ Dragon Dance

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Umbreon (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Waiting patiently for the battle to start
Umbreon's Commands: Confuse Ray ~ Assurance/Confuse Ray ~ Assurance/Confuse Ray

Arena: The Battle Factory

The Battle Factory’s arena is simple but practical: a large clay arena bordered by a two-meter-wide, three-meter-deep trough of water to accommodate water-dependent pokemon and attacks. The ceiling is retractable, allowing weather attacks to be used. Other than that, there’s nothing of note: just wide-open brawling space with nothing to get in your way.

Round One: Begin

Altaria ruffles his feathers, shaking tufts of fluffy cloud-down free of his body. He hums as he dips his long neck and nudges the fluff this way and that, arranging it and shaping it until it resembles a fleecy bird just like its creator. A soft, hummed tune shifts a little of Altaria's life force into his creation and then as soon as he's satisfied with the way it looks he vanishes, disappearing into some hidden safe place where he can rest and observe without being disturbed. Umbreon sits and watches the performance, slightly baffled. Where did his opponent go, and what is this cottony construct in his place. Feeling rather nonplussed but determined to press on as best he can all the same, the dark-type strides purposefully foward with his golden rings glowing eerily. Bright yellow, deep blue, blood red and emerald green, the rings flash through a rapid parade of dazzling, disorienting colors. The cotton bird seems to be entirely unimpressed, unfortunately for Umbreon, and sits on the clay floor as stoically as before.

The real Altaria, meanwhile, is doing his best to observe his opponent from his secret place. It isn't easy--the brilliant light show is difficult to look at without developing a headache--but he needs to watch Umbreon carefully if he wants to be able to try the same thing himself later. Whether or not he can bioluminesce in rainbow colors at high speed, eh, he's not so sure, but he thinks he can manage a few irritatingly bright pulses of light if nothing else. Satisfied in the knowledge that he can go about attempting to mimic the confusing flashing if need be, Altaria averts his eyes and gives them a bit of a rest. Umbreon is pacing now, rings still blazing as he trots back and forth in front of the substitute Altaria. Where's the other one? Why isn't he getting a reaction out of this one? This is getting irritating...

As Umbreon struggles valiantly in his efforts to confuse the substitute, now leaping erratically about in a bid to really throw his foe off, Altaria stretches his wings in his hidden place. There's plenty of room to move around in the dark, empty, open space, and the dragon bird takes off and begins to fly in quick, tight circles. Faster and faster Altaria moves, singing to himself in a loud and clear voice as he goes. Energy and adrenaline rush through his body, filling him with a wild, primal strength and confidence. At last he stops singing and settles down, still high on the draconic might surging through him. It looks like it'll be a while before Umbreon figures out that he isn't going to get a reaction out of the substitute, but when he finally does Altaria will be ready.

Round One: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Prettzel (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Altaria (M) [Natural Cure]
Health: 100%
Energy: 86%
Status: Attack +1, Speed +1; Mimic (Confuse Ray); energized and confident

Altaria's Substitute: 10% health remaining

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Umbreon (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 100%
Energy: 88%
Status: Frustrated

Ref's Notes
-Prettzel attacks first next round.
Alright, then. First, I want you to fire off a Confuse Ray; put your mimicry to use! Next...eh, two Dragon Claws will do; aim for his eyes, if you can. If he uses Protect or similar, use Dragon Dance. If he uses Protect on the first action, move Confuse Ray over to your second. If he uses Protect on the third action and you've already used Dragon Dance this round, Chill.

Confuse Ray/Dragon Dance ~ Confuse Ray/Dragon Dance/Dragon Claw ~ Dragon Claw/Dragon Dance/Chill

Lalala, I have no real strategy. Also, is Mud-Slap usable in this arena?
I do have a strategy >:)

First, Umbreon, use a 10% Substitute. I know you're slower, but hopefully it'll work; close your eyes if it helps at all. Next, use Haze, or a 10% Substitute if the first didn't work. Use Substitute with 10% health again if the last two didn't work, use Haze if you didn't on the second round, and use Payback otherwise (hopefully ridding us of that Substitute).

10% Substitute~10% Substitute/Haze~10% Substitute/Haze/Payback
Prettzel vs. shadow_lugia, Round Two

Pre-Round Stats

Team Prettzel (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Altaria (M) [Natural Cure]
Health: 90%
Energy: 86%
Status: Attack +1, Speed +1; Mimic (Confuse Ray); energized and confident
Altaria's Commands: Confuse Ray/Dragon Dance ~ Confuse Ray/Dragon Dance/Dragon Claw ~ Dragon Claw/Dragon Dance/Chill

Altaria's Substitute: 10% health remaining

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Umbreon (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 100%
Energy: 88%
Status: Frustrated
Umbreon's Commands: 10% Substitute ~ 10% Substitute/Haze~ 10% Substitute/Haze/Payback

Arena: The Battle Factory

The Battle Factory’s arena is simple but practical: a large clay arena bordered by a two-meter-wide, three-meter-deep trough of water to accommodate water-dependent pokemon and attacks. The ceiling is retractable, allowing weather attacks to be used. Other than that, there’s nothing of note: just wide-open brawling space with nothing to get in your way.

Round Two: Begin

Altaria reemerges from his secret place and appears next to his downy doppelganger, his fine blue feathers giving off a harsh glow. This does not have the same kaleidoscopic strobe light effect that Umbreon previously, but the flashing lights are still effectively blinding and baffling enough. It takes a lot of effort for Umbreon to force his eyes shut and block out the dazzling display, and he has to sit very still for a few moments for his head to stop spinning. When he feels that he has collected himself sufficiently he mimics Altaria--with his eyes still squeezed shut he allows a stream of dark energy to flow from his body and pool on the floor in front of him. The darkness stretches and contorts, quickly rising up into the approximate shape of a second Umbreon. As soon as the substitute Umbreon twitches, lifts its head and turns its blank eyes on the false Altaria across the field its creator vanishes.

Annoyed that his plan seems to have failed--and stopped by his own strategy, no less!--Altaria spreads his white wings and lifts himself into the air. His black eyes flash with greenish light that soon spreads to surround his entire body. Emerald green flames flare into life around Altaria's talons and it zooms forward, making a beeline for the new substitute. Deep scratches are burned into the dummy as Altaria tears into it, nearly decimating it; solidified dark energy falls off of it and hits the floor, sizzling, leaving only a tattered, black lump that more closely resembles a badly-hewn stump than an Umbreon. Altaria then winks out of existence, resolving to destroy it properly next time.

The real Umbreon reappears as soon as Altaria vanishes, and he is quite dismayed by the sorry state of his new substitute. It's rather unnerving, actually--what if Altaria had managed to do that to him? He sighs deeply, pondering what he should do. Dampening his foe's power would be lovely, but... he doesn't really know how to do something like that. His temporary trainer suggested something about a "Haze", but he isn't familiar with the term; it's certainly nothing that he knows how to do right now. He retreats back to safety in his magical hiding place with another gusty sigh. Better to work out what "Haze" is someplace where Altaria cannot do unto him as he did to the substitute.

The substitute is put out of its misery shortly after Umbreon disappears. Altaria bursts forth from his secret place, talons ablaze once again, and quickly annihilates what's left of the fake Umbreon. The last few scraps of dark energy, all burning with green flames, flutter to the floor and fizzle away into nothing. Without his substitute Umbreon's connection to the safe place is broken and he is forced roughly back into the normal plane, unprotected and easily reachable by those frightening flaming claws. Umbreon really doesn't like that idea, but at least he can even the playing field a little--as Altaria backs up and fades away Umbreon strides purposefully forward, eyes focused steadily on the subtitute Altaria. Dark, shadowy energy, not unlike that which made up his recently ruined doppelganger, surrounds the black Pokémon's body; it flickers and dances across him as if it were black fire. He picks up speed, charges straight into the substitute and just about tears right through it, darkness quickly eating away at the cottony fluff and causing it to disintegrate. Altaria, too, is ripped out of his safe place and planted firmly on the battlefield once again, just in time to see Umbreon spitting out a few stray tufts of down that had gotten into his mouth.

Round Two: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Prettzel (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Altaria (M) [Natural Cure]
Health: 90%
Energy: 70%
Status: Mimic (Confuse Ray); irritated and glaring at Umbreon

Altaria's Substitute: broken

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Umbreon (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 90%
Energy: 77%
Status: Puzzled, but at least the other sub is gone

Umbreon's Substitute: broken

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Sorry for the wait.
-Umbreon was able to fight off Confuse Ray before it took full effect.
-Umbreon cannot learn Haze (I think you're thinking of Vaporeon) and so did nothing on the second action; rather than waste another action trying to figure out what Haze was, he just used Payback on the third action instead.
-Way to not tell me that I didn't take health off of Altaria for Substitute last round, you guys. D<
-I guess you could attempt to use Mud-Slap, Prettzel, although the clay's consistency doesn't seem very muddy; unless you made an effort to mix in some of the water from the troughs you'd probably just get a few mildly painful dirt "pebbles" instead of accuracy-reducing slop.
-shadow_lugia attacks first next round.

Okay, Umbreon, let's get some chicken for dinner. Use a Frustration on the one across the field. Then use a Spite, hopefully they'll have used some kind of Dragon Dance or Substitute on the first turn. Finally, use a Screech, to lower your next meal's Defense.

First, wait until after he's used Frustration, then Taunt him. Afterward, chill and then use Confuse Ray. If you don't think Confuse Ray will work, use Dragon Claw.

Taunt (After Frustration) ~ Chill ~ Confuse Ray/Dragon Claw
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Prettzel vs. shadow_lugia, Round Three

Pre-Round Stats

Team Prettzel (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Altaria (M) [Natural Cure]
Health: 90%
Energy: 70%
Status: Attack +1, Speed +1; Mimic (Confuse Ray); irritated and glaring at Umbreon
Altaria's Commands: Taunt ~ Chill ~ Confuse Ray/Dragon Claw

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Umbreon (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 90%
Energy: 77%
Status: Puzzled, but at least the other sub is gone
Umbreon's Commands: Frustration ~ Spite ~ Screech

Arena: The Battle Factory

The Battle Factory’s arena is simple but practical: a large clay arena bordered by a two-meter-wide, three-meter-deep trough of water to accommodate water-dependent pokemon and attacks. The ceiling is retractable, allowing weather attacks to be used. Other than that, there’s nothing of note: just wide-open brawling space with nothing to get in your way.

Round Three: Begin

A very ruffled and annoyed Altaria settles down on the floor and glares at his opponent, not moving except to shift his weight from one foot to the other. If he's waiting for something, he doesn't have to wait long--Umbreon growls, crouches down and then bounds forward in a rush of gold and black, crossing the field in a matter of seconds and then throwing himself into the dragonbird's white fluff. Altaria staggers back under Umbreon's greater weight but bears the pain as best he can, biding his time as Umbreon scratches and stomps on him a few times for good measure. Umbreon turns at last and starts to trot back to his side of the field with his nose in the air, a few more wisps of cottony feathers still clinging to his dark fur; before he makes it all the way back, however, a derisive snort from behind him catches his attention. He turns just in time to see Altaria pulling a face at him with his little pink tongue sticking out from his beak. Altaria rolls his eyes, hops awkwardly around on the floor and makes several very unappealing honking sounds, stopping periodically to point a wing at Umbreon and mouth something that looks like (if Umbreon is any good at reading beaks) that's right, moron, that's exactly what YOU look like. The fur on Umbreon's back stands up and he hisses angrily. How dare that overstuffed blue pillow slander him like that!

Umbreon paces back and forth across the field, crossing the same white line over and over again as he fumes. That Altaria has a lot of nerve, really, insulting him and saying that he croaks and stumbles around like some sort of inebriated goose. The dark-type can barely think straight with rage; his mood is not improved when he looks up and sees Altaria sitting back on his talons and relaxing with a maddeningly smug expression on his face. Altaria, totally unconcerned by the murderous look in Umbreon's eyes, takes a moment to preen himself. A muffled 'honk' reaches Umbreon's ears, and all traces of any previous strategy give way to a heated desire to tear the bird limb from fuzzy limb. He howls and tears at the ground, tearing up sizeable chunks of clay in his anger. Oh, if only he'd been ordered to vent his frustration now instead of before...!

Without warning Umbreon barrels forward again, jaws snapping and spittle flying from his mouth. Before he can actually reach Altaria and begin disemboweling him, however, he is hit with a blast of bright light that brings him screeching to a halt. More flashes emanate from Altaria's body, stunning and dazzling Umbreon and causing him to stagger blindly in the wrong direction. The dark Pokémon trips over his own paws and thrashes around on the floor, smashing his head and limbs painfully into the hard ground several times as he tries and fails to right himself and beat the crap out of the distant Altaria simultaneously. Altaria resumes his smug preening, enjoying the grand mal Umbreon seems to be having several yards away. Simple little idiot.

Round Three: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Prettzel (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Altaria (M) [Natural Cure]
Health: 85%
Energy: 70%
Chills: 1/3
Status: Attack +1, Speed +1; Mimic (Confuse Ray); feeling satisfied

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Umbreon (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 87%
Energy: 70%
Status: Confused (mild); Taunted (1 more action); writhing around on the floor

Arena Status: The clay is marred slightly in a few places where Umbreon threw his fits; otherwise, nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Umbreon hurt himself in his confusion on the third action.
-Prettzel attacks first next round.
All right--since he'll be forced to use an offensive attack on the first action, wait until he attacks and let fly with a Dragon Claw(And, yes, confusefail does count as an attack, in case that happens). Try to aim for his eyes, if you can. If he uses Dig, punish him with Earthquake while he's underground. Now, we don't want any shenanigans going on, so use Taunt again--it should work. If he Protects, charge up a Sky Attack and hit him with it on the next action, and hope for a flinch or critical hit. Finally, if he's taunted, wait until he attacks and use Dragon Rush. If he's underground for whatever reason, use Earthquake.

Dragon Claw/Earthquake ~ Taunt/Sky Attack (charge) ~ Sky Attack (release)/Dragon Rush/Earthquake

There's probably some critical flaw in this strategy, but whatever.

This edit is a little late, but I don't think shadow_lugia has viewed this post yet.
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Hey hey hey, Umbreon, let's let fly with a Quick Attack and Body Slam combo. I think you could pull that off, right? Finally, use another Body Slam, and hope that one of them paralyzes the damn bastard.

Quick Attack+Body Slam~Body Slam

Oh, also, when he uses Dragon Claw, try to start sweating. It says in Umbreon's Gold Pokedex entry that its sweat is poisonous.

Yeah, I got so bored that I actually read the rules. Hey, what d'ya know, it's healthy :D
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You didn't list Sucker Punch in your summary, and if you did intend to include it then that's four attacks anyway. Care to clarify?
Oh, er, I editted the Sucker Punch out of there when I read the rules more carefully, but I forgot to take it out of the pointless little section where you can insult people. My bad.
Prettzel vs. shadow_lugia, Round Four

Pre-Round Stats

Team Prettzel (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Altaria (M) [Natural Cure]
Health: 85%
Energy: 70%
Chills: 1/3
Status: Attack +1, Speed +1; Mimic (Confuse Ray); feeling satisfied
Altaria's Commands: Dragon Claw/Earthquake ~ Taunt/Sky Attack (charge) ~ Sky Attack (release)/Dragon Rush/Earthquake

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Umbreon (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 87%
Energy: 70%
Status: Confused (mild); Taunted (1 more action); writhing around on the floor
Umbreon's Commands: Quick Attack + Body Slam ~ Body Slam

Arena: The Battle Factory

The Battle Factory’s arena is simple but practical: a large clay arena bordered by a two-meter-wide, three-meter-deep trough of water to accommodate water-dependent pokemon and attacks. The ceiling is retractable, allowing weather attacks to be used. Other than that, there’s nothing of note: just wide-open brawling space with nothing to get in your way.

Round Four: Begin

Altaria is caught off-guard when Umbreon stops thrashing and throws himself forward with a furious scream. The blur of black and gold slams right into Altaria's gracile neck, snapping the bird's head back and causing him to gasp and choke. Both Pokémon fall over onto the arena floor and Umbreon rolls off, still spitting and screeching. Several seconds pass before Altaria scrabbles to its feet with a great deal of wheezing and scratching. Umbreon sits a few feet away, panting heavily and watching the gagging Altaria like a hawk. Another ten seconds go by before Altaria finally hops backward and beats his cloudy wings, rising unsteadily into the air. He spreads his talons and dives at Umbreon, dragonfire blazing as he goes. As Umbreon watches the avian projectile come streaking toward him he vaguely remembers something about sweating; he's too hyped up to "sweat", though, too angry to feel nervous or notice any sort of heat. That is, until Altaria careens into him claws first, the dragon claw opening up a few thin but painful gashes in his fur and singeing the exposed flesh.

The next unflattering honk Altaria makes when he comes in for a landing is a little scratchier and wheezier than the previous ones, and he flinches slightly as he squawks away. Umbreon, only just having calmed down after the first mockeries, finds himself seething with anger again before he realizes it. He rushes at Altaria with his towering rage renewed, barreling right into his opponent's bruised throat again. He leans on Altaria this time, pressing his weight onto the bird as best he can; Altaria struggles out and scoots away, gasping and rubbing at his neck with a wing in obivous pain.

Umbreon paces back and forth irritably, aching to sink his teeth into Altaria's jugular and just finish choking him already but instructed to wait for now. Altaria takes a deep breath, coughs, winces and then rises into the air again. He puts on a brave face as dragonfire flickers into life around his talons but quickly spreads and sets his entire body aflame, casting an eerie, greenish light on the brown floor beneath him. The air in front of Altaria shimmers in the heat and his eyes flash evilly as they settle on the black canid on the ground. With a slightly pained but nevertheless wild scream Altaria dives at Umbreon, vengeance written all over his face. Unfortunately, Umbreon chooses exactly that moment to have another sudden seizure of fury and hit the floor screeching, paws flailing as he tries to swipe at the fire surrounding his flaming foe. Altaria flies straight over him and almost crashes into the half-filled stands, backwinging just in time to keep himself from ending up in an elderly man's lap. The dragonfire dies down as the bird scuttles back to his place, white cheeks flushed red with embarrassment at his spectacular miss. Umbreon thrashes away at the green afterimages still in his vision; his wild jerking and rolling gradually to a few quick slashes at nothing as he slowly calms down.

Round Four: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Prettzel (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Altaria (M) [Natural Cure]
Health: 67%
Energy: 54%
Chills: 1/3
Status: Attack +1, Speed +1; Mimic (Confuse Ray); wheezing and quite mortified

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Umbreon (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 77%
Energy: 54%
Status: Confused (light); Taunted (1 more action); still confused and angry but enjoying taking his aggression out on the pretty lights

Arena Status: The clay is marred slightly in a few places where Umbreon threw his fits; otherwise, nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Dragon Rush missed.
-I've been having horrendous reffing writer's block recently, so please excuse the rushed, shoddy, forced description and all that. Gotta get my mojo back. :/
-shadow_lugia attacks first next round.
Huh, I could've sworn I posted...

OK, Mr. Umbreon, let's try another Body Slam, for paralysis again. I would love it if that bird would just stiffen up, except then it would be hard to stuff it in the oven. Then a Frustration, since, well, you know what'll happen. Then just another Frustration.

Body Slam~Frustration~Frustration
It's a shame that Dragon Rush missed, but at least we avoided paralysis; I'd like to keep it that way. First, use Fly. Now, what I want you to do is time it so that you avoid his Body Slam, and come down afterward. Remember, it's a flying tackle, so try to fly to the side to avoid it; he can't very well change his direction in mid air, and you have heightened speed, so you should be okay. If he doesn't attack due to confusion, however, forget about timing and just hit him with it.

Next, we don't want two fully powered Frustrations heading our way, so use Featherdance on him. Not only will it reduce his attack, it'll hopefully calm him down, reducing the attack's power further. Finally, let him have another Dragon Claw, and aim for his eyes to be vindictive.

Fly(Evade and strike) ~ Featherdance ~ Dragon Claw

We can win this!
Prettzel vs. shadow_lugia, Round Five

Pre-Round Stats

Team Prettzel (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Altaria (M) [Natural Cure]
Health: 67%
Energy: 54%
Chills: 1/3
Status: Attack +1, Speed +1; Mimic (Confuse Ray); wheezing and quite mortified
Altaria's Commands: Fly ~ Featherdance ~ Dragon Claw

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Umbreon (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 77%
Energy: 54%
Status: Confused (light); Taunted (1 more action); still confused and angry but enjoying taking his aggression out on the pretty lights
Umbreon's Commands: Body Slam ~ Frustration ~ Frustration

Arena: The Battle Factory

The Battle Factory’s arena is simple but practical: a large clay arena bordered by a two-meter-wide, three-meter-deep trough of water to accommodate water-dependent pokemon and attacks. The ceiling is retractable, allowing weather attacks to be used. Other than that, there’s nothing of note: just wide-open brawling space with nothing to get in your way.

Round Five: Begin

Umbreon's ever-erratic mood swings again and he straightens up, this time bent on driving Altaria into the ground. He rushes toward his foe with murder in his wild, red eyes and a little spittle bubbling at the corners of his mouth. Altaria is ready for him--with one last wheeze he beats his wings and shoots straight up toward the arena's domed ceiling, leaving the enraged Umbreon far below and completely unable to reach him. The blue bird doesn't remain airborne for long, changing tack and diving back down again as soon as he sees his foe skid to a halt, baffled and frustrated. Altaria strike's Umbreon's back beak first, leaving a small but painful gash in the flesh.

Rather than land immediately, Altaria circles once and flies upward again, still out of his opponent's reach. Umbreon hisses and whirls around in an attempt to catch his opponent before he gets too far away, but no such luck. Altaria stays a safe distance above Umbreon and begins to loop and twirl around, tracing intricate and elegant patterns in the air. Umbreon's blind rage turns to puzzlement as he watches the beautiful, dancelike movements, blinking every once in a while as a bit of cottony down falls from Altaria's wings and lands on his face. Altaria's graceful flight is almost hypnotizing... relaxing, in a way... nevertheless, he still feels rather steamed as the bird Pokémon lights on the clay floor at last, and he bounds forward to attack again anyway. The impact is not as forceful this time--Umbreon is a little too distracted to really put any oomph behind his assault--and Altaria barely staggers as he takes the hit.

Altaria doesn't wait around for Umbreon to make up his mind about his feelings, lifting off yet again and moving over to the far side of the arena to give himself a bit more room to maneuver. The now all-too familiar green dragonfire flickers into life around the bird's petite talons and then flares up as he swoops forward. Umbreon, still in a slight daze, does not react quickly enough to turn his head away from the oncoming attack. One of Altaria's claws rakes across the black canid's right eye as he streaks past, rendering it completely useless; Umbreon howls with pain, the right side of his face now leaking dark, red blood. Umbreon whirls around again and throws himself at Altaria, but he can only manage to catch a wing on the downstroke, considerably softening the blow. Umbreon isn't too worried about that at the moment, though, instead sitting down hard and dabbing at the injury while a few stray tears fall from his good eye.

Faint cursing can be heard coming from someone in the stands. It would seem that one of the factory staffers isn't too thrilled with the severe eye damage Prettzel has caused their rental. At least the nasty jolt seems to have done Umbreon a little good, however; he is still whimpering and pawing at his bloodied, blinded eye, but he doesn't seem to be having any more wild fits and his head is a little clearer.

Round Five: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Prettzel (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Altaria (M) [Natural Cure]
Health: 59%
Energy: 41%
Chills: 1/3
Status: Attack +1, Speed +1; Mimic (Confuse Ray); glad he was able to save face

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Umbreon (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 49%
Energy: 39%
Status: Attack -2; right eye badly injured and in a great deal of pain

Arena Status: The clay is marred slightly in a few places where Umbreon threw his fits; otherwise, nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Dragon Claw scored a critical hit.
-Sorry again about the lateness. Ugh. I think I'm going to have to take a break from reffing after I finish these battles. >>;
-Prettzel attacks first next round.
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