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Articuno Vs. shadow_lugia


disaster pigeon
Articuno said:
3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 3 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Rest, 1 Direct Healing per Pokemon
Arena: Indigo Plateau

The Indigo Plateau is a basic stadium with nothing special.

Articuno's Party
Ability: Torrent

Ability: Poison Heal

Abra(M) @Choice Specs
Ability: Synchronize

Ability: Arena Trap

shadow_lugia's Party
Ability: Overgrow

Ability: Pressure

Ability: Thick Fat

Dice says-
-shadow_lugia sends out first
-Articuno sends out and attacks
-shadow_lugia attacks
-Dragon hopefully refs

Here we go~
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Hmm... Hm hm... Hm? Hm!

I guess I'll send out Pearl, my female Spoink. She needs some excercise.

Oh Pearly, your first battle! <3
A Calm Mind? Tsk tsk tsk, not good.

So let's just crash this meditative party with a Snatch >:D And since Synchronize is an awful pain in the butt, use a Skill Swap second. Finally, use Thunder Wave.

Snatch~Skill Swap~Thunder Wave

Articuno said:
3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 3 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Rest, 1 Direct Healing per Pokemon
Arena: Indigo Plateau

The Indigo Plateau is a basic stadium with nothing special.

Abra (M) <Synchronize> @Choice Specs
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Calm Mind~Signal Beam~Signal Beam
- Looking lazily around at the arena.

Pearl (F) <Thick Fat>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Snatch~Skill Swap~Thunder Wave
- Bouncing up and down happily.​

The Indigo Plateau in Kanto is our battleground today, a plain dirt stadium with bleachers surrounding the stage. On the ground is a black painted rectangle, with a Pokeball shape in the center. The bleachers are rather empty today, with only a few dedicated Trainers and others watching the match today. To the side of the stage is a raised platform, where the referee stands.

Articuno, who is not actually the legendary bird, stares across the stage at shadow_lugia, who throws her Pokeball down first. The red light dances around the point a second, before forming into a pig-like Pokemon on a spring, a Spoink. She, Pearl, bounces up and down while looking carefully at the opposing Trainer. Articuno throws its Pokeball into the battleground, a humanoid with a catlike face, Abra. Pearl regards her opponent for a second, and nods to herself. Both Trainers command their Pokemon, and the battle truly begins!

Pearl blinks, and starts to glow a dark purple. She turns towards Abra and focuses all her attention on him, waiting for him to make a move. He takes all this in, tensing up as if waiting for an attack, and relaxes when one doesn't come. With a small shrug, he relaxes further and blocks out the world, retreating into his mind. He is almost resting, when the dark aura around Pearl whips forward and covers him, before flying back to Pearl. Abra looks up, annoyed, as the aura sinks into Pearl. He grumbles under his breath about effort, and quickly launches into his next attack.

Abra spreads a palm towards Pearl, and a quick beam of red and blue light shoots towards her, striking her just above her coils. Pearl is thrown back a few feet, and shakes her arms out. Her ears are buzzing, but the Spoink doesn't let that distract her from going into her next command. She looks into Abra's.. erm, eyes, and their gazes meet. A thin, invisible strand of energy flows from both Pokemons' foreheads, twining around each other and disappearing into the opposite's head. Pearl and Abra are both completely still while this happens, and Abra twitches when the strands have gone.

Shaking his head, he again spreads a palm towards Pearl, and the same beam of twined red and blue light shoots into Pearl's side. Pearl is knocked back a few more feet, and onto her side, her head spinning. The humming from before is in her head now, and she can see blue and red spots floating in front of her. Staggering upright, Pearl's pearl glows again, a light yellow this time. A flash of electricity is discharged, and with it a wave of electricity. As soon as the wave hits Abra, his muscles lock up and he hits the ground, cursing quietly. Pearl looks at him with something that could be amusement, and is once more distracted by the faint humming that is still in her head.

Abra (M) <Thick Fat> @Choice Specs
Health: 100%
Energy: 83%
- Struggling to his feet, rather annoyed. Paralyzed (mild)

Pearl (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 78%
Energy: 87%
- Distracted. Confused(mild)
+1 SAtk, +1 SDef​

Referee Notes
-Almost forgot that Articuno's Abra has Choice Specs >_>
-shadow_lugia attacks first next round.
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Wait, um, aren't you supposed to list the stat change of Calm Mind at the end? Maybe not, but it seems like that's a standard among refs...

And... oh! This is a 4 vs. 4 single! We must buy another Pokemon... wait, is that allowed?

So, ignoring stupid stuff, use a Torment first of all, Pearly. Those Choice Specs could get annoying. Second, a Charge Beam, since it's likely to raise Sp. Attack even more. Finally, a Light Screen.

Torment~Charge Beam~Light Screen
Aaah forgot about Calm Mind >_> And no, you can't buy anything so I'll change this into a 3 vs. 3. Ssshhh.
Articuno said:
3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 3 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Rest, 1 Direct Healing per Pokemon
Arena: Indigo Plateau

The Indigo Plateau is a basic stadium with nothing special.

Abra (M) <Thick Fat> @Choice Specs
Health: 100%
Energy: 83%
Protect ~ Charge Beam ~ Snatch
- Struggling to his feet, rather annoyed. Paralyzed (mild)

Pearl (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 78%
Energy: 87%
Torment~Charge Beam~Light Screen
- Distracted. Confused(mild)
+1 SAtk, +1 SDef​

Abra finally gets to its feet as both Trainers command their Pokemon, and twitches as his tail muscles lock in place. This is going to be rather uncomfortable.. As he struggles with his arm, also locked, he keeps a cautious eye on Pearl.

Pearl tilts her head slightly, well, her entire body, and nods. She springs forward, and makes her way in front of Abra. With an almost sadistic laugh, Pearl tells him exactly what she thinks of him, which is not very friendly. She dances around him, saying very rude things about him and his family, going on for a minute or two. Almost unnoticed to her, Abra has put a thin, almost invisible green tinged shield of energy around himself, very close to his skin.

Pearl pauses to see how her victim is doing, and is rather appalled to see the shield between the two of them, effectively blocking out any sound. She narrows her eyes. How dare Abra not listen to her rant? Pearl hops back a step or two, and silently focuses on a small spark on electricity that has formed in her pearl.

Abra looks up at Pearl, and sees her a few feet off, not trying to talk to him anymore. With a sigh, he drops the Protect, and is almost immediately knocked onto his back by a glittering yellow beam of electricity. Pearl jumps forward with a smug grin, a little spark hopping off her pearl and into the ground. The buzzing in her ears is fading slightly, and she shakes her head, trying to clear it further. Abra watches in silence, a pale spark forming in his palm. Pearl is looking into space, trying to ignore the buzzing, when a shining yellow beam, almost exactly like hers strikes her a few feet away. The energy is fading from Abra's palm, although he seems to have a few sparks on him.

Abra moves into a position that will hopefully help him concentrate, when a pang in his legs cause him to freeze and try again. Abra is crouching, trying to straighten his legs, and finally succeeds when a cramp keeps him in the same position. Abra feels rather unstable in the uncomfortable position he's in, not enough to move or try anything, and from what he can see of Pearl out of the corner of his eye, she's having the same trouble.

Pearl isn't actually pained by anything, but rather, is trying to get the humming out of her head. She blinks and shakes her head, almost her entire body, and overbalances, crashing to the ground. Remembering too late what she was supposed to do, Pearl groans and manages to stand upright, her head throbbing. Across from her, Abra's muscles have finally released him, and he looks optimistically at his Trainer.

Abra (M) <Thick Fat> @Choice Specs
Health: 94%
Energy: 73%
-Very optimistic. Paralyzed (mild)
+1 SAtk

Pearl (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 73%
Energy: 78%
- Wondering what the hell just happened. Confused(very light)
+1 SAtk, +1 SDef​

Referee Notes
-Abra was fully paralyzed on the last action.
-Pearl was confused and hurt herself(3%) on the last action.
-shadow_lugia attacks first next round.
...Didn't I... attack first last round, though?

I'll post my attacks if I get a 'Yes, but you're still attacking first this round.'
First, Pearl, use another Torment. So that little, um, whatchamacallit won't attack you on the second action. Then a Light Screen, and finally, a Payback. Make sure that Payback comes after his Signal Beam.

Torment~Light Screen~Payback (after Signal Beam)
Articuno said:
3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 3 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Rest, 1 Direct Healing per Pokemon
Arena: Indigo Plateau

The Indigo Plateau is a basic stadium with nothing special.

Abra (M) <Thick Fat> @Choice Specs
Health: 94%
Energy: 73%
Signal Beam ~ Signal Beam ~ Signal Beam
-Very optimistic. Paralyzed (mild)
+1 SAtk

Pearl (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 73%
Energy: 78%
Torment~Light Screen~Payback (after Signal Beam)
- Wondering what the hell just happened. Confused(very light)
+1 SAtk, +1 SDef​

After a little hesitation, the two Trainers command their Pokemon and the battle is underway once more. A cloud drifts across the sun, casting the field into shadow momentarily as Pearl bounces forward, managing to get the buzzing out of her head.

Laughing a bit at her commands, Pearl jumps up to Abra and speaks animatedly about what she thinks of him, saying some very obscene things that the referee refuses to repeat (which is slightly surprising). She repeats some things that Abra would have heard before, but all the better to demoralize him, right? Abra does his best to tune Pearl out, which turns out to be extremely ineffective as Pearl bounces within an inch of his face and back, taunting him to do something about it.

Abra lets out a stifled cry and spreads his palm towards Pearl, a blue and red beam of light spiralling towards her. It knocks her down, and Pearl is quick to jump to her feet, asking if that's the best he's got. In defense, she focuses on making a barrier of energy, and a thin, transparent, pale blue screen of light takes shape a few inches in front of her. Now feeling very secure, Pearl smirks at Abra.

Abra takes no notice of the Spoink, having trouble with his paralysis and his feelings. He takes a second to relax so he can move again, and looks at Pearl. Maybe she was right.. was he so unoriginal that he only used the same move over and over again? But that was because his Trainer commanded him to, or was it really because of him? Could he attack and not feel completely insecure? Struggling, he sits down and looks over at Pearl, who looks to be waiting.

Sighing, he spreads a palm toward her and the familiar red and blue beam twists toward Pearl. It dulls as it forces its way through the blue screen, and splatters across Pearl's forehead. Smirking at Abra, she flares up with a fiery black aura and rushes through the Light Screen at Abra, who is conveniently standing stock still for her. With a small paw covered in dark aura, Pearl punches at him and is rewarded with a squeal from Abra as the aura seeps into him. She retreats behind the Light Screen as Abra stands and freezes as his paralysis locks him into place once more. Couldn't anything work for him, even just right now..

Abra (M) <Thick Fat> @Choice Specs
Health: 80%
Energy: 61%
-Very insecure. Paralyzed (mild) Affected by Taunt (3 more rounds)
+1 SAtk

Pearl (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 53%
Energy: 67%
- Confident but in bad shape, maybe taking the Torment a bit too far... Light Screen (3 more rounds)
+1 SAtk, +2 SDef​

Referee Notes
-Abra was affected by Torment on the second action and tried to heal his emotional scars did nothing.
-shadow_lugia attacks first next round.
Oh, by the way, Pearly, you're doing awesome. You know what that means... ice cream! *digs out a large bucket of mint chocolate chip* Even if you lose, you still get it :3

It'd be much better if you didn't lose, though, so let's use a Charge Beam on the first turn. 70% Special Attack raise is awesome. Then, use a Bounce; do the two-turn version, since that's more powerful.

Charge Beam~Bounce (charge up)~Bounce (attack)
Articuno said:
3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 3 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Rest, 1 Direct Healing per Pokemon
Arena: Indigo Plateau

The Indigo Plateau is a basic stadium with nothing special.

Abra (M) <Thick Fat> @Choice Specs
Health: 80%
Energy: 61%
Signal Beam~Signal Beam~Protect
-Very insecure. Paralyzed (mild) Affected by Taunt (2 more rounds)
+1 SAtk

Pearl (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 53%
Energy: 67%
Charge Beam~Bounce (charge up)~Bounce (attack)
- Confident but in bad shape, maybe taking the Torment a bit too far... Light Screen (2 more rounds)
+1 SAtk, +2 SDef​

The Trainers once again give out their commands as all the clouds clear away from the sky, leaving a very bright field behind. Pearl reaches into her internal reserves of energy, drawing out a bit to start a small spark that floats in front of her. She pulls more energy from the air and the spark grows bigger, crackling and spitting. When it reaches a reasonable size, about as big as her eye, Pearl aims it towards Abra and lets it shoot towards him in a sparkling beam. Abra can do nothing to dodge this, paralyzed as he is, and cries out as the electricity spatters across his arm. Pearl grins, a few sparks still dancing around her.

Grimacing, Abra once again spreads a palm towards Pearl and calls up his own energy. A glow forms in his hard, quickly becoming a twisting ball of light and Abra commands it to attack Pearl. The ball shoots forwards, elongating and becoming two twisting blue and red beams which buzz towards Pearl and is somewhat weakened by the clear screen of light in front of her. What's left of the beams sink into her orb, leaving a faint glowing spot. She yells, the buzzing filling her ears once more. She's used to it, however, and quickly shakes it off.

Pearl takes a deep breath, and hops forwards slightly. Coiling her spring, she pushes off with a mighty effort, jumping higher than it possibly looks. Abra looks up, wondering where Pearl went..

He spreads a palm towards the sky, when something makes him pause. Should he really try... to aim a beam into the sky? Would that really work? Suddenly very twitchy, Abra curls and uncurls his fist. It would miss for sure.. and that was unoriginal, using the same attack twice in a row. He could just save some energy if he didn't try.. In a second, his decision was made. Abra sits down, playing with a pebble.

Pearl, still zooming up but starting to slow, has time for a thought: head first or.. spring first? With a nod to confirm her thought, she points her spring at where she expects Abra to be, if he hasn't moved.

Suddenly snapping to attention, Abra calls up his energy and puts up a green shield of energy.. which dissolves a second later. Abra frowns. That's not supposed to happen.. He tries again, with successful results this time. Sighing, he yelps as Pearl comes crashing down on the shield, which he almost dropped with the surprise. Abra moves back, the shield with him, and Pearl slides off. He drops it as Pearl yammers at him about leaving energy up when someone's attacking. Not that she might not.

Abra sighs, fed up with it all. He can't keep listening to the crazy pig, or he'd go insane. At least his paralysis was letting up..

Abra (M) <Thick Fat> @Choice Specs
Health: 80%
Energy: 49%
-Startled. Paralyzed (light) Affected by Taunt (2 more rounds)
+1 SAtk

Pearl (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 46%
Energy: 60%
- Wobbly, not very steady on her feet. Light Screen (2 more rounds)
+2 SAtk, +2 SDef​

Referee Notes
-Abra was affected by Torment on the second action and did nothing.
-Articuno attacks first next round.
Okay, so first, I want you to use a Toxic before that Safeguard comes up. Then use Signal Beam twice, because we want that Abra to get a taste of his own medicine.

Toxic~Signal Beam~Signal Beam
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