- Pronoun
- she/her
Pokémon Sprite BBCodes
At the Cave of Dragonflies forums, users can post Pokémon sprites in posts or signatures using special BBCodes.
The basic code is this:
In place of VERSION, insert one of the following:
rs - for the Ruby/Sapphire sprite
e - for the Emerald sprite
frlg - for the FireRed/LeafGreen sprite
dp - for the Diamond/Pearl frame 1 sprite
pt - for the Platinum frame 1 sprite
bw - for the static Black and White front sprite
xy - for the X/Y model as extracted from screenshots
oras - for the OR/AS Pokédex sprite
sm - for a unified Sun and Moon sprite
sm-dex - for the full-size Sun and Moon dex sprite if one exists, otherwise the OR/AS Pokédex sprite
party - for Gen VII party icons
In place of POKÉMON, place the lowercase name of the Pokémon whose sprite you want to display, with all non-alphanumeric characters stripped (the Nidorans become nidoranm and nidoranf). Note that it (and the version) has to be correctly spelled or it will simply result in a broken image. If you want to show a non-default form of a Pokémon, you can use POKÉMON-FORM, replacing FORM with the form name, specified as follows:
#201 Unown: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, em, qm (note: Unown forms only work for D/P and R/S)
#351 Castform: fire, ice, water (note: Castform forms only work for D/P and R/S)
#386 Deoxys: em, fr, lg (note: As R/S and Emerald only have one sprite of Deoxys each, they are not treated as forms; in FR/LG, the form can be specified as fr or lg, and D/P naturally has all four forms)
#412 Burmy: ground, steel
#413 Wormadam: ground, steel
#421 Cherrim: sunny
#422 Shellos: east, west
#423 Gastrodon: east, west
#479 Rotom: fire, water, ice, flying, grass (note: Platinum only)
#487 Giratina: origin (note: Platinum only)
#492 Shaymin: sky (note: Platinum only)
#493 Arceus: normal, fire, water, electric, grass, ice, fighting, poison, ground, flying, psychic, bug, rock, ghost, dragon, dark, steel, unknown
All Pokémon with both a male and female sprite in D/P: f
Keep in mind that only the Red/Blue/Yellow Pokémon, Teddiursa and Deoxys have FireRed/LeafGreen sprites and only the first three generations of Pokémon have R/S and Emerald sprites.
[sprite=rs]charmander[/sprite] [sprite=e]charmeleon[/sprite] [sprite=frlg]charizard[/sprite]
[sprite=rs]deoxys[/sprite] [sprite=e]deoxys[/sprite] [sprite=frlg]deoxys-fr[/sprite] [sprite=frlg]deoxys-lg[/sprite] [sprite=dp]deoxys[/sprite] [sprite=dp]deoxys-fr[/sprite] [sprite=dp]deoxys-lg[/sprite] [sprite=dp]deoxys-em[/sprite]
[sprite=dp]butterfree-f[/sprite] [sprite=dp]arceus-flying[/sprite] [sprite=dp]unown-a[/sprite] [sprite=dp]cherrim-sunny[/sprite]
[sprite=pt]giratina-origin[/sprite] [sprite=pt]shaymin-sky[/sprite] [sprite=pt]rotom-flying[/sprite]
All these sprites come directly from the games so it is safe to use them for editing purposes if you like.
At the Cave of Dragonflies forums, users can post Pokémon sprites in posts or signatures using special BBCodes.
The basic code is this:
In place of VERSION, insert one of the following:
rs - for the Ruby/Sapphire sprite
e - for the Emerald sprite
frlg - for the FireRed/LeafGreen sprite
dp - for the Diamond/Pearl frame 1 sprite
pt - for the Platinum frame 1 sprite
bw - for the static Black and White front sprite
xy - for the X/Y model as extracted from screenshots
oras - for the OR/AS Pokédex sprite
sm - for a unified Sun and Moon sprite
sm-dex - for the full-size Sun and Moon dex sprite if one exists, otherwise the OR/AS Pokédex sprite
party - for Gen VII party icons
In place of POKÉMON, place the lowercase name of the Pokémon whose sprite you want to display, with all non-alphanumeric characters stripped (the Nidorans become nidoranm and nidoranf). Note that it (and the version) has to be correctly spelled or it will simply result in a broken image. If you want to show a non-default form of a Pokémon, you can use POKÉMON-FORM, replacing FORM with the form name, specified as follows:
#201 Unown: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, em, qm (note: Unown forms only work for D/P and R/S)
#351 Castform: fire, ice, water (note: Castform forms only work for D/P and R/S)
#386 Deoxys: em, fr, lg (note: As R/S and Emerald only have one sprite of Deoxys each, they are not treated as forms; in FR/LG, the form can be specified as fr or lg, and D/P naturally has all four forms)
#412 Burmy: ground, steel
#413 Wormadam: ground, steel
#421 Cherrim: sunny
#422 Shellos: east, west
#423 Gastrodon: east, west
#479 Rotom: fire, water, ice, flying, grass (note: Platinum only)
#487 Giratina: origin (note: Platinum only)
#492 Shaymin: sky (note: Platinum only)
#493 Arceus: normal, fire, water, electric, grass, ice, fighting, poison, ground, flying, psychic, bug, rock, ghost, dragon, dark, steel, unknown
All Pokémon with both a male and female sprite in D/P: f
Keep in mind that only the Red/Blue/Yellow Pokémon, Teddiursa and Deoxys have FireRed/LeafGreen sprites and only the first three generations of Pokémon have R/S and Emerald sprites.
[sprite=rs]charmander[/sprite] [sprite=e]charmeleon[/sprite] [sprite=frlg]charizard[/sprite]
[sprite=rs]deoxys[/sprite] [sprite=e]deoxys[/sprite] [sprite=frlg]deoxys-fr[/sprite] [sprite=frlg]deoxys-lg[/sprite] [sprite=dp]deoxys[/sprite] [sprite=dp]deoxys-fr[/sprite] [sprite=dp]deoxys-lg[/sprite] [sprite=dp]deoxys-em[/sprite]
[sprite=dp]butterfree-f[/sprite] [sprite=dp]arceus-flying[/sprite] [sprite=dp]unown-a[/sprite] [sprite=dp]cherrim-sunny[/sprite]
[sprite=pt]giratina-origin[/sprite] [sprite=pt]shaymin-sky[/sprite] [sprite=pt]rotom-flying[/sprite]
All these sprites come directly from the games so it is safe to use them for editing purposes if you like.
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