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Dragon vs. Mike the Foxhog


Originally Posted by Dragon
2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days and three seconds
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything that might completely destroy the stage.
Arena: Type Field

This place.. is quite odd. The field is mainly made up of a thick platform a good fifty feet long, and thirty feet across. It seems to be floating in a starry void, or it might be outer space or something. Who knows? If the battling Pokemon *somehow* fall off the platform, there is no penalty except a missed action, used for appearing back on the field. A long path about a foot wide and foot thick leads from the field to a hole in the sky, which is the only way in and out of the Type Field. So unless the Pokemon want to be trapped here forever, it's best to stay away from the path, with attacks.

Every round, a flash of light will appear in the distance, and the field will flare up with flames or aura of one type colour. The flames or aura will just last one round, though if it is not the same type as the Pokemon, it will do the Pokemon 5% damage to their health. For each type, there is a 50% chance of a stray attack of whatever type is on the field hitting one of the battlers, be the attack Draco Meteor or Splash. All stray attacks are damaging, never healing or status inflicting or removing moves.

Every three rounds, the weather will randomly change from normal (dark, starry void with no special effects), sunny (Sunny Day), raining (Rain Dance), hailing (Hail), or somehow, a sandstorm (Sandstorm). The weather changes again after three turns.

Type colours aren't anything set and can be open to interpretation, for example, Fire can be red, Electric yellow, or Dragon blue-purple or green.

Other: No Wailord, though you don't have one, so.

Dragon's active squad:
Spraylet [Valour] (F) <Torrent>
Bagon [Storm] (F) <Rock Head> @EXP. Share
Sneasel [Freezefire] (F) <Keen Eye> @Razor Claw
Togepi [Ashglade] (M) <Serene Grace> @Soothe Bell
Rotom [Static] (N/A) <Levitate>
-->Signature attribute: Chainsaw
Carvahna [ed'Rashtekaresket] (M) <Rough Skin>
Eevee [Rose] (F) <Adaptability>
Buizel [Taggerung] <Swift Swim>

Mike the Foxhog's active squad:
Meowth (M) <Pickup>
Abra (M) <Synchronize>
Riolu (M) <Inner Focus>
Remoraid (M) <Sniper>
Mareep (F) <Static>
Sandshrew (F) <Sand Veil>
Buizel (M) <Swift Swim>

By coin flip:

Mike the Foxhog sends out
Dragon sends out and attacks
Mike the Foxhog attacks.

By the way, Dragon, am I right in assuming that the stray attacks aren't barred by the restricted moves and can totally destroy the field? I'm itching to write some mass destruction.
Last edited:
(Sorry about the mistake with Riolu on my profile; I think I C+Ped Abra's entry and edited in Riolu's information because I'm lazy but somehow forgot most of it ^^;; Fixed now.)

I guess Riolu's out of the question then, so I think I'll go for Abra :3
Stray attacks aren't barred of course :o Destruction!

Alright Storm, you're up :o

Ability: Rock Head

Let's start wiv.. well, you know what to do. If he Protects or Detects at any time, Dragon Dance. Easy first round~

Dragon Claw/Dragon Dance~Aerial Ace/Dragon Dance~Shadow Claw/Dragon Dance
Hm, probably not gonna want to take too much from those huh. Let's see how we can get around that.

Start off with a Reflect, since we've got physical attacks coming up, one of 'em a rather nasty Shadow Claw that poor little Abras are weak against, so we might wanna take the edge off that; then use a Double Team, 3 clones, and just so you an dish out some damage this turn, give 'em an Ice Punch to finish.

Reflect ~ Double Team (3 clones) ~ Ice Punch
Originally Posted by Dragon
2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days and three seconds
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything that might completely destroy the stage.
Arena: Type Field

This place… is quite odd. The field is mainly made up of a thick platform a good fifty feet long, and thirty feet across. It seems to be floating in a starry void, or it might be outer space or something. Who knows? If the battling Pokemon *somehow* fall off the platform, there is no penalty except a missed action, used for appearing back on the field. A long path about a foot wide and foot thick leads from the field to a hole in the sky, which is the only way in and out of the Type Field. So unless the Pokemon want to be trapped here forever, it's best to stay away from the path, with attacks.

Every round, a flash of light will appear in the distance, and the field will flare up with flames or aura of one type colour. The flames or aura will just last one round, though if it is not the same type as the Pokemon, it will do the Pokemon 5% damage to their health. For each type, there is a 50% chance of a stray attack of whatever type is on the field hitting one of the battlers, be the attack Draco Meteor or Splash. All stray attacks are damaging, never healing or status inflicting or removing moves.

Every three rounds, the weather will randomly change from normal (dark, starry void with no special effects), sunny (Sunny Day), raining (Rain Dance), hailing (Hail), or somehow, a sandstorm (Sandstorm). The weather changes again after three turns.

Type colours aren't anything set and can be open to interpretation, for example, Fire can be red, Electric yellow, or Dragon blue-purple or green.

Other: No Wailord, though you don't have one, so.

The Type Field was a very forlorn place, serving as a home to a grand total of zero Pokemon and perhaps a few blades of grass. Floating in a black, endless void, pierced only by the stars, it was unlikely anything would want to live there, either. The weather conditions were completely unpredictable as well as impossible – a sandstorm in the middle of space, sure – and hey, was there even any oxygen in the insane place? The only remedying feature of the Type Field was the frequent bursts of coloured light in the distance, but that would also set the actual field on fire, so never mind.
Despite the arena’s many quirks, two adventurous battlers had decided to duke it out on the Type Field. A tear in the atmosphere not far away from the floating platform flickered and rippled like the surface of a lake on a rainy day, and suddenly, three people were standing on the foot-wide path that led to the arena. They all gazed around in wonder, taking in the starry space, the coloured flames, and the overall weirdness of the field. After several nudges from the referee, the battlers headed to the central platform. The flames left a clear path for the humans to walk on, but as Dragon and Mike the Foxhog took their places, they died down entirely. Decisions were made, risks were weighed, and several moments later Mike sent out his Pokemon, an Abra. The fox-like Pokemon was closely followed by Dragon’s Bagon.

Round One

Dragon (OO)

Storm (F) <Rock Head>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Looking around the field in wonder.
Commands: Dragon Claw/Dragon Dance ~ Aerial Ace/Dragon Dance ~ Shadow Claw/Dragon Dance

Mike the Foxhog (OO)

(M) <Synchronize>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: A bit irritable from lack of sleep, but intrigued by the field.
Commands: Reflect ~ Double Team (3 clones) ~ Ice Punch

Before either Pokemon could move, there was an orange-red burst in the distance. It wavered and danced for a few seconds, bathing the arena in an eerie glow, before flames suddenly leapt up from the platform. There were mingled gasps of shock and pain as the blaze licked hungrily at the Pokemon. Even though the fire made a neat circle around the trainers, saving them from burns, the heat still assaulted them. As suddenly as they had appeared, the orange-red light and flames dissipated with a hiss. Even though it lasted only for a few seconds, both Pokemon were singed by the blaze. Storm in particular seemed rather angry that she had been hurt even before her opponent moved.

Despite the fact he was still half-asleep, Abra was much faster than Storm. With a mumble he concentrated energy in his pseudo-hands and stretched them in front of him like a zombie, except that the palms were facing outward. The white aura flowed from his palms, slowly turning into a golden hue as it formed into a translucent semi-sphere around him. His work done, at least for now, Abra settled back into his previous position.

While Abra was raising a defensive dome, Storm had more violent thoughts in mind. With a smirk she summoned a few sparks around her hand, which quickly flared into a small blaze. Unlike the one from before, though, these flames were blue-green. She roared and dashed up to Abra, but upon reaching the golden barrier her muscles were gripped by a sudden strain. Although clearly not solid, it impeded her movement as effectively as a stretch of mud would. When Storm finally struggled through the Reflect, she had lost much of her momentum, but dealt a slash to Abra’s shoulder regardless.

Abra winced as the dragon fire around Storm’s claws stung at his shallow wounds, but stood up without complaint. Well, it would be more apt to say ‘rose’. Using his psychic powers, Abra lifted himself off the ground, still in his sitting position. Then he proceeded to zip around the arena, propelled by a telekinetic force, until he was no more than a yellowish blur. Storm could do nothing more than follow his progress with her eyes. When Abra slowed down, she reeled in shock to find that three more Abras had joined the first. The four foxes, each accompanied by their own golden bubble, came to a complete stop and lowered back to the ground as one.

Storm glanced between the Abras in confusion, then finally settled on the rightmost creature. Bunching her leg muscles, she pushed off at an incredible speed, closing in on her target in no time and slashing quickly at her opponent. It disappeared upon contact, but she didn’t stop there; still running at top speed, she arrived at the second Abra and slashed again. This one turned out to be the real one. Abra grunted in shock as his concentration faltered and the remaining clones vanished.

Satisfied that she had exposed her real opponent, Storm gathered energy around her claws once more. Instead of dragon fire, though, caustic purplish-black energy surrounded her hand. Abra was faster, though; already he had lowered the temperature around his hand, coating it with a thin layer of ice. Then he clenched his fist and gave Storm’s bottom jaw a terrific uppercut. The Bagon yowled in pain and staggered backwards, the sensation of lingering frost anything but pleasant. With an angry growl she raised her own arm, still flickering with ghostly energy, and sliced across Abra’s chest. He grunted in major discomfort as the scathing aura surrounding his opponent’s claws crept into his new wounds. At least the golden dome, still surrounding his body, offered some protection.

His shaky optimism faded when two rows of flame, somehow floating in midair, appeared in front of him. Before he could react, the lines snapped down, managing to nip several toes and burn his torso. Their task done, the fire disappeared, leaving behind a cross Abra and a shocked but slightly amused Storm.

Dragon (OO)

Storm (F) <Rock Head>
Health: 88%
Energy: 81%
Status: “What was that?”

Mike the Foxhog (OO)

(M) <Synchronize>
Health: 82%
Energy: 89%
Status: Very irritable from repeated assaults. Reflect is active (2 more actions).

Terrain notes
Nothing to note.

Final notes
Mike the Foxhog attacks first next round.
If you guys don’t have any objections, I’ll have the flash of light during the very beginning of the round, and the random attack at the very end.
The flash of light was Fire-typed, so both Pokemon took damage.
The random attack was Fire Fang, which targeted Abra. Lots of physical abuse, yay~
Wow Abra, you stood up to those attacks much better than I thought you would. Still lagging behind just a little on HP though, and quite frankly I can't be arsed with putting up Reflects all the time when you could be kicking the snot out of that Bagon.

Sooo, start things off with a Barrier and then just carry on slugging it with Ice Punches. If you could manage to freeze it as well that'd be brilliant :3

Barrier ~ Ice Punch ~ Ice Punch

Well then my Storm, let's go with a wonderful *Special* Dragon Pulse :o Try to keep a good distance away from him, since Dragon Pulse is ranged it might take you some extra energy to attack him from a distance but that's fine~ We really should do something about those Ice Punches.. sucks you can't learn Spite or anything. I think. Uh, Dragon Dance as a kind of way to avoid/dodge the Ice Punch, and then.. finish with another nice STAB Dragon Pulse, unless you're faster than him now, in which case just Roar. >:3

Dragon Pulse~Dragon Dance~Dragon Pulse/Roar

hey haven't i seen this strategy before
Originally Posted by Dragon
2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days and three seconds
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything that might completely destroy the stage.
Arena: Type Field

This place… is quite odd. The field is mainly made up of a thick platform a good fifty feet long, and thirty feet across. It seems to be floating in a starry void, or it might be outer space or something. Who knows? If the battling Pokemon *somehow* fall off the platform, there is no penalty except a missed action, used for appearing back on the field. A long path about a foot wide and foot thick leads from the field to a hole in the sky, which is the only way in and out of the Type Field. So unless the Pokemon want to be trapped here forever, it's best to stay away from the path, with attacks.

Every round, a flash of light will appear in the distance, and the field will flare up with flames or aura of one type colour. The flames or aura will just last one round, though if it is not the same type as the Pokemon, it will do the Pokemon 5% damage to their health. For each type, there is a 50% chance of a stray attack of whatever type is on the field hitting one of the battlers, be the attack Draco Meteor or Splash. All stray attacks are damaging, never healing or status inflicting or removing moves.

Every three rounds, the weather will randomly change from normal (dark, starry void with no special effects), sunny (Sunny Day), raining (Rain Dance), hailing (Hail), or somehow, a sandstorm (Sandstorm). The weather changes again after three turns.

Type colours aren't anything set and can be open to interpretation, for example, Fire can be red, Electric yellow, or Dragon blue-purple or green.

Other: No Wailord, though you don't have one, so.

Round Two

Dragon (OO)

Storm (F) <Rock Head>
Health: 88%
Energy: 81%
Status: “What was that?”
Commands: Dragon Pulse ~ Dragon Dance ~ Dragon Pulse/Roar

Mike the Foxhog (OO)

(M) <Synchronize>
Health: 82%
Energy: 89%
Status: Very irritable from repeated assaults. Reflect is active (2 more actions).
Commands: Barrier ~ Ice Punch ~ Ice Punch

Once again, there was a blinding flash of light somewhere in the distant space, this one dark purple instead of a fiery red-orange. Both Pokemon gazed in wonder at it, momentarily distracted from their commands. Suddenly the Type Field burst into flames once more, the colour of the unnatural blaze matching the burst of light in the sky. The fire licked greedily at the battling Pokemon, burning their skin and filling their vision with a bright, purplish light. Ghostly whispers were heard in their ears and icy shivers creep down their spines.

After what felt like hours, although in reality it was closer to about ten seconds, the blaze died down, leaving the field miraculously unmarked. Abra shook some soot from his skin before concentrating energy in his paws again, this one a pinkish colour. It flowed from his fingers to take shape of a solid, thick wall, shimmering in the starlight. Storm, however, was completely unimpressed by her opponent’s weird shiny barriers. Gathering draconic energy in her throat, she took a deep breath and exhaled mightily, blowing a green-blue wave at Abra. It passed through his shields easily, like they weren’t even there, and proceeded to wash over the fox-like Pokemon. He shrieked as the Dragon Pulse engulfed him, threatening to toss him to one side, the serpentine power eating and biting at his skin.

By now, Abra was incredibly annoyed. All he had done so far was sit behind his barriers and act like Storm’s punch bag. But no more! He lowered the temperature around one hand until it was below freezing, causing moisture in the air to solidify and coat his fingers with a fine frost. He clenched it, sending up a small spray of ice crystals as he did so, and ran around the Barrier he had just created. Unlike the golden dome, it didn’t follow him. Storm wasn’t that far away from Abra, and he reached her in a matter of seconds. Powerfully he gave the Bagon a vicious punch in the stomach, causing her to double over, both hands over the sore area, gasping. She glared at Abra before starting to jump from one foot to the other, as if she was standing on a hot plate. As she did so, she tilted her head to the starry heavens and waved her arms around wildly, feeling a sudden surge of power in her veins. With a final stomp she faced her opponent, daring him to punch her with an icy fist again. As if withering under Storm’s gaze, the golden dome around Abra flickered and died out.

Abra, with his eyes closed, couldn’t actually see Storm’s challenge, but he could feel her emotions. He gladly obliged. Once again using his psychic powers to freeze water droplets around his fist and coat his hand, he gave Storm another punch. This time, the Bagon did more than reel back and snarl. She screeched in horrible pain, clutching her eye, which was already starting to swell. If looks could kill, Abra would’ve been wise to turn tail and flee. Storm shrieked again and, gathering blue-green energy in her mouth once more, blew it outwards while swinging her head around crazily. This time the draconic wave was weaker, even though it still bit at his skin. Abra winced and scooted back a few paces, even as Storm whined and rubbed at her sore eye.

The Bagon’s troubles weren’t over yet, though. Suddenly all of the arena’s shadows were drawn to a point in the center of the field, rendering the lonely platform oddly two-dimensional. They gathered in an unstable, purplish-black blob, which hummed for a second more before suddenly shooting into Storm. She squealed in shock and pain as she was bowled over by the Shadow Ball; it disappeared, its work done, and the arena was restored to its previous aesthetics.

Dragon (OO)

Storm (F) <Rock Head>
Health: 59%
Energy: 63%
Status: Clutching her eye. +1 Attack, +1 Speed, -1 Accuracy.

Mike the Foxhog (OO)

(M) <Synchronize>
Health: 65%
Energy: 71%
Status: Still annoyed, but taking pleasure in Storm’s pain.

Terrain notes
The Barrier is standing about two feet away from Storm and Abra.

Final notes
Dragon attacks first next round.
The flash of light was Ghost-type, so both Pokemon took damage.
The attack was Shadow Ball, which targeted Storm.
Ice Punch was a critical hit, and hit Storm’s eye, so she’ll have -1 Accuracy until her eye heals.
And when Abra ran up to Storm to use Ice Punch, he left the Barrier behind. So unless he moves back behind it, he won’t have the defense boost.
Because of Storm’s damaged eye, she swept the 2nd Dragon Pulse wider to ensure a hit, weakening the attack a bit.
Oh yeah, and you can't really dodge much with Dragon Dance since it's not like, uber-wild movement, and at any rate Bagon is much slower than Abra.
see mike you're winning haha

ALRIGHT let us begin with.. Shadow Claw yes. If he's going to Counter it Dragon Dance again instead :o And then.. let's pull a failstrategy :o

erm. Start by using Attract, and if he tries to Protect, Detect or not pay attention in some way Dragon Dance again. If it worked, then use Captivate next, if it didn't then.. SHADOW CLAW and Dragon Dance if he's going to Counter Detect or Protect okay.

Shadow Claw/Dragon Dance~Attract/Dragon Dance~Shadow Claw/Dragon Dance

First off, Abra, Teleport back behind that Barrier at once. Preferably before that Shadow Claw. Rather silly of you to run out from behind it right after putting it up, if you ask me.

Next up, use a Protect to avoid her wiles and bait her into using Dragon Dance, as so conveniently commanded. And last of all comes the clever bit- use a Psych Up and pick up a couple of free Attack and Speed buffs, they should help our little Ice Punch-spamming strategy immeasurably. :3

Teleport back behind yer Barrier ~ Protect ~ Psych Up

We'll get back to kicking arse next turn, I promise. =D

(Yes I got a slight break from my absence but I think I should point out I probably won't be back on again until Friday, so please don't disqualify me please please)
Mike, it's no problem, since you told me you'd be away.

Also, Dragon, can the random attacks include OHKOs? I really doubt it, since it'll be ridiculously unfair, but I just happened to roll a Sheer Cold... Just wanted to make sure.
Actually it was aimed at Mike, but if I said that you probably would've said yes, neh?

Originally Posted by Dragon
2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days and three seconds
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything that might completely destroy the stage.
Arena: Type Field

This place… is quite odd. The field is mainly made up of a thick platform a good fifty feet long, and thirty feet across. It seems to be floating in a starry void, or it might be outer space or something. Who knows? If the battling Pokemon *somehow* fall off the platform, there is no penalty except a missed action, used for appearing back on the field. A long path about a foot wide and foot thick leads from the field to a hole in the sky, which is the only way in and out of the Type Field. So unless the Pokemon want to be trapped here forever, it's best to stay away from the path, with attacks.

Every round, a flash of light will appear in the distance, and the field will flare up with flames or aura of one type colour. The flames or aura will just last one round, though if it is not the same type as the Pokemon, it will do the Pokemon 5% damage to their health. For each type, there is a 50% chance of a stray attack of whatever type is on the field hitting one of the battlers, be the attack Draco Meteor or Splash. All stray attacks are damaging, never healing or status inflicting or removing moves.

Every three rounds, the weather will randomly change from normal (dark, starry void with no special effects), sunny (Sunny Day), raining (Rain Dance), hailing (Hail), or somehow, a sandstorm (Sandstorm). The weather changes again after three turns.

Type colours aren't anything set and can be open to interpretation, for example, Fire can be red, Electric yellow, or Dragon blue-purple or green.

Other: No Wailord, though you don't have one, so.

Round Three

Dragon (OO)

Storm (F) <Rock Head>
Health: 59%
Energy: 63%
Status: Clutching her eye. +1 Attack, +1 Speed, -1 Accuracy.
Commands: Shadow Claw/Dragon Dance ~ Attract/Dragon Dance ~ Shadow Claw/Dragon Dance

Mike the Foxhog (OO)

(M) <Synchronize>
Health: 65%
Energy: 71%
Status: Still annoyed, but taking pleasure in Storm’s pain.
Commands: Teleport back behind your Barrier ~ Protect ~ Psych Up

Yet another brilliant burst of light erupted in this distance. Instead of red, or purplish-black, though, it was the lightest of blues. Both Pokemon cringed and braced themselves, having been on the Type Field long enough to know what would happen, just before white-blue flames shot up from the barren rock. They seared against their skin, somehow icy cold, before dying down again and leaving the field miraculously untouched, save for a slight chill in the air.

Abra squeezed his eyes shut – well, wrinkled his eyelids and concentrated on a spot about two feet away from him, with the previously-raised Barrier between him and his opponent. In a flash of iridescent greens, pinks, and purples, he disappeared, leaving Storm gaping at the spot where he was before. After she realized that her opponent had rematerialized behind his weird purply shield, she snarled and drew what ghostly energy there was in her body into a blackish shroud around one hand. Abra winced at the malicious feel of the aura. Still snarling, she dashed up to the fox-like Pokemon. The shield impeded her progress much like the golden dome that had since faded, but the dragon passed through it fairly easily and slashed at the figure behind the Barrier. He cringed and very nearly whimpered at the feeling of the abrasive ferocity of the attack, but kept his composure.

Apparently Mike really liked shields and barriers, because Abra created another one, this one a shimmering translucent green and made of pure energy. Storm took one look at her opponent and breathed a sigh of relief; she sure as hell didn’t want an odd thing like that attracted to her. Instead, she began to hop on the spot, first with one foot and then the other, spinning in slow circles all the while. Her stubby arms traced complex patterns in the air and she tilted her head to the sky and bellowed every so often. As she shouted out to the starry void, a rush of confidence surged through her, making her feel stronger and more nimble.

Eager to have her strength for himself, Abra reached out with his mind and forcibly latched onto Storm’s, memorizing her physical and mental state and applying any changes to his own body. The Bagon felt only the merest tingle that was quickly shrugged off. Abra, on the other hand, felt a sudden swell of power and speed, though his left eye suddenly felt inexplicably sore. He didn’t have much time to ponder the cause, though, because Storm had once again coated her hand in a ghostly glow. She lashed out, and though her claws were slowed down by the Barrier, she managed to land a solid hit. Abra hissed and reeled back, skin stinging from both his new wounds and the lingering purplish-black energy.

Suddenly, there was a burst of icy-blue light in the middle of the field. It looked exactly like the white-blue explosion in the sky earlier in the round, except much smaller. Both Pokemon cowered, thinking that the field would alight with cold fire once more. It turned out that Abra was the only one who needed to brace himself. There was a high-pitched noise, sounding like the highest key on a piano, and a thick shaft of ice shot from the light and into Abra’s stomach. The beam passed through the Barrier easily, like it wasn’t even there. The fox-like Pokemon wobbled on the spot, screaming abuse in his mind.

Dragon (OO)

Storm (F) <Rock Head>
Health: 54%
Energy: 49%
Status: In a better mood than before. +2 Attack, +2 Speed, -1 Accuracy.

Mike the Foxhog (OO)

(M) <Synchronize>
Health: 47%
Energy: 59%
Status: Pissed. +2 Attack, +2 Speed, -1 Accuracy

Terrain notes
Abra is behing the Barrier.

Final notes
Mike the Foxhog attacks first next round.
The flash of light was Ice-type, so both Pokemon took damage.
The attack was Sheer Cold Ice Beam, which targeted Abra.
Unless her eye is aggravated further, Storm’s accuracy will return to normal at the end of the next round.
Hell yeah I like barriers they're all shiny and purty and

Right Abra, that's enough meatshielding, time to dish out some ABUSE~

I think you know the drill. If Storm tries to Protect or otherwise stop you smashing her face in with your icy fists of doom, use Curse and add to your collection of Attack boosts :D And if it tries that nasty Attract move ever again, Protect (barriers wheeee). I assume that Protect won't work two actions in a row so on the middle action try avoiding it with Calm Mind. Hopefully the concentration and total blanking of the mind needed for that attack will make you oblivious to her coming on to you. Unless she thinks you're playing hard to get and blanking her; then we may have problems :/

Ice Punch/Curse/Protect ~ Ice Punch/Curse/Calm Mind ~ Ice Punch/Curse/Protect
Alright, here we go~

Wait a moment and then while he's running towards you, Dragon Pulse him back, or try to. If you can't get him in time, he'll be all up in your face, in which case Aerial Ace him and use that speed to get away a bit. After that, you can run a bit further *taking care not to fall off the platform* and then go all Aerial Ace+Shadow Claw on his ass, using that momentum to get the fuck away after you attack. And.. yeah. Fail strategy~

Dragon Pulse/Aerial Ace~Aerial Ace+Shadow Claw
Just a note, I forgot about the weather condition stuff last round, so I'll stick it in this round. (It's gonna be a Sandstorm~)

Originally Posted by Dragon
2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days and three seconds
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything that might completely destroy the stage.
Arena: Type Field

This place… is quite odd. The field is mainly made up of a thick platform a good fifty feet long, and thirty feet across. It seems to be floating in a starry void, or it might be outer space or something. Who knows? If the battling Pokemon *somehow* fall off the platform, there is no penalty except a missed action, used for appearing back on the field. A long path about a foot wide and foot thick leads from the field to a hole in the sky, which is the only way in and out of the Type Field. So unless the Pokemon want to be trapped here forever, it's best to stay away from the path, with attacks.

Every round, a flash of light will appear in the distance, and the field will flare up with flames or aura of one type colour. The flames or aura will just last one round, though if it is not the same type as the Pokemon, it will do the Pokemon 5% damage to their health. For each type, there is a 50% chance of a stray attack of whatever type is on the field hitting one of the battlers, be the attack Draco Meteor or Splash. All stray attacks are damaging, never healing or status inflicting or removing moves.

Every three rounds, the weather will randomly change from normal (dark, starry void with no special effects), sunny (Sunny Day), raining (Rain Dance), hailing (Hail), or somehow, a sandstorm (Sandstorm). The weather changes again after three turns.
Type colours aren't anything set and can be open to interpretation, for example, Fire can be red, Electric yellow, or Dragon blue-purple or green.

Other: No Wailord, though you don't have one, so.

Round Four

Dragon (OO)
Storm (F) <Rock Head>
Health: 54%
Energy: 49%
Status: In a better mood than before. +2 Attack, +2 Speed, -1 Accuracy.
Commands: Dragon Pulse/Aerial Ace ~ Aerial Ace+Shadow Claw

Mike the Foxhog (OO)
(M) <Synchronize>
Health: 47%
Energy: 59%
Status: Pissed. +2 Attack, +2 Speed, -1 Accuracy
Commands: Ice Punch/Curse/Protect ~ Ice Punch/Curse/Calm Mind ~ Ice Punch/Curse/Protect

For the fourth time this match, a burst of light was seen in the distance, this time a peculiar forest-green hue. Storm hissed at it. Obviously, this didn’t stop the Type Field from bursting into flames once more. The arena burned merrily, drawing screeches from both Pokemon while releasing an inexplicable earthen smell as it crackled. Eventually the blaze died down, leaving the two battlers looking the worse for wear; their hides were now quite singed.

The terrain didn’t stop messing with them there, though. With a whine and a howl, torrents of sand breezed past, the debris irritating the eyes and digging into open wounds. Abra growled in irritation as a particularly large clump of dirt found its way into a cut. The sand didn’t stop there, though. It relentlessly battered any living things on the Type Field, more and more of the debris engulfing the area as if the sand came from the stars themselves.

Even though the sandstorm, Abra was able to find his opponent with ease. She was right in front of him, after all. With a grin the fox-like Pokemon drew water in the atmosphere to his fist, freezing it into a thin layer of ice. Then, without even bothering to stand up, he swung his fist at Storm. The Bagon managed to step to the side at the last second, so Abra only grazed his target. Despite that, Storm squeaked at the glacial tingle the ice left behind, the sensation very unpleasant against her scales.

Before Abra could even pull his fist back after the attack, Storm snarled and pushed off with her legs, claws extended to their full length. Explosively she crashed against her opponent and gave him a quick slash, causing him to rear back in shock, before using her burst of speed to run a little ways away. She definitely did not want to be a victim of another Ice Punch.

Unfortunately for her, Abra didn’t have the same thoughts in mind. Pursuing his short dragon quarry, he floated towards Storm, his fist already coated in frozen liquid. Eyes wide in fear, the Bagon tried to scramble away, but to no avail; even with her speed boosts, Abra easily caught up with her. She found a frigid fist digging into her back at high speeds once more, the impact knocked her off her feet and onto her stomach. Her mouth filled with a few grains of sand as her lower jaw hit the ground and skidded a foot or so. She spat. This was certainly not her definition of a fun battle. If there was a bright side to this, it was that Abra had left behind his golden Barrier when he was pursuing Storm.

By now, Storm was starting to flag from her injuries. She slowly rose back to her feet and backed away a few steps – Abra cocked his head with interest – before sprinting at top speed once more. This time, though, her claws were coated with a frightening shroud of purplish-black energy. The fox-like Pokemon grunted in shock, but that was all he could do before Storm collided with him. Down he went, his back striking the ground and skidding a few feet, even as his opponent hissed and dealt two burning slashes to his chest. Then she ran off, leaving Abra on the ground to stare at the stars and gasp for breath.

After a good ten seconds, Abra finally recuperated from the impressive combo and dragged himself back in a cross-legged position. For the umpteenth time he gathered ice around one hand – despite its effectiveness, he was getting pretty bored by the attack – and ran up to Storm before punching her in the stomach. The amount of ice generated was, compared to the previous attacks, quite notable; this was evidenced by the fact that a sheet of the frozen liquid remained on the area of impact, even when Abra pulled his fist back. Storm screeched and flailed around, startled and unnerved by the perpetual cold in her belly. Stupid ice!

As Storm shouted abuse and pounded at the ice on her belly and Abra looked on in amusement, there was a flash of verdant light. Both Pokemon glanced up at it, startled, and… a leaf floated down out of the green portal. It was followed by about four more, and the five leaves, guided by some mystical power, lined up in a straight row. Abra hissed as the leafy chain approached him, swinging a hand at it and grunting in surprise when he found out they were tough and unyielding. Then, with a surprising, sudden movement, the leaves ran down his arm, their razor-sharp edges opening a nasty wound in the fox-like Pokemon’s arm. Abra screeched and drew back, blood dripping out of the new cut. His head spun from all the blood he had lost; he wasn’t sure he could hold on for much longer.

Dragon (OO)
Storm (F) <Rock Head>
Health: 19%
Energy: 29%
Status: Pounding at her stomach. Frozen (moderate). Ice is covering her belly, making it stiffer than usual. +2 Attack, +2 Speed.

Mike the Foxhog (OO)
(M) <Synchronize>
Health: 9% (CAPPED)
Energy: 41%
Status: Very pissed, and starting to feel faint. +2 Attack, +2 Speed, -1 Accuracy

Terrain notes
There is a sandstorm raging across the arena, and it will do so until the beginning of the 6th round.

Final notes
Dragon attacks first next round.
The flash of light was Grass-type, so both Pokemon took damage.
The attack was Leaf Blade, which targeted Abra.
The 1st Ice Punch didn't deal full damage because it just grazed a miss.
Abra had to run out from behind the Barrier to execute the 2nd Ice Punch, since Storm retreated a few feet.
The 3rd Ice Punch froze Storm. In my eyes, though, you can’t really severely ‘freeze’ anything with some ice around your fist, so it’s only moderate freezing and it’ll only impede Storm’s movement a little bit.
Abra hit the damage cap after the 3rd action.

So we have to finish this! I severely doubt you'll survive the next Pokemon, so let's go with a few nice, solid Aerial Acesssss and if he Protects, Detects or whatever Chill instead. Actually, on the second action go with another nice combo 'f he's not dead. You know what to do. If you still have an action left, Draco Meteor that bastard into oblivion.

Aerial Ace/Chill~Aerial Ace+Shadow Claw/Chill(~Dragon Meteor if there's an action left)
...oh dear oh dear oh bloody dear >< Right Abra, let's try to piece together a strategy to stay in the game, you're way too close to go down now!

Clearly, we need HP, or we will die. So I'm gonna go with Drain Punches. An Aerial Ace and Shadow Claw combo is probably going to knock us out, so Protect, and if you're still alive at the last turn, Drain Punch again and damn well hope you can leech enough to keep you going. If you're knocked out by then, well, just lie there.
Good luck :s

Drain Punch ~ Protect ~ Drain Punch
Originally Posted by Dragon
2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days and three seconds
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything that might completely destroy the stage.
Arena: Type Field

This place… is quite odd. The field is mainly made up of a thick platform a good fifty feet long, and thirty feet across. It seems to be floating in a starry void, or it might be outer space or something. Who knows? If the battling Pokemon *somehow* fall off the platform, there is no penalty except a missed action, used for appearing back on the field. A long path about a foot wide and foot thick leads from the field to a hole in the sky, which is the only way in and out of the Type Field. So unless the Pokemon want to be trapped here forever, it's best to stay away from the path, with attacks.

Every round, a flash of light will appear in the distance, and the field will flare up with flames or aura of one type colour. The flames or aura will just last one round, though if it is not the same type as the Pokemon, it will do the Pokemon 5% damage to their health. For each type, there is a 50% chance of a stray attack of whatever type is on the field hitting one of the battlers, be the attack Draco Meteor or Splash. All stray attacks are damaging, never healing or status inflicting or removing moves.

Every three rounds, the weather will randomly change from normal (dark, starry void with no special effects), sunny (Sunny Day), raining (Rain Dance), hailing (Hail), or somehow, a sandstorm (Sandstorm). The weather changes again after three turns.
Type colours aren't anything set and can be open to interpretation, for example, Fire can be red, Electric yellow, or Dragon blue-purple or green.

Other: No Wailord, though you don't have one, so.

Round Five

Dragon (OO)
Storm (F) <Rock Head>
Health: 19%
Energy: 29%
Status: Pounding at her stomach. Frozen (moderate). Ice is covering her belly, making it stiffer than usual. +2 Attack, +2 Speed.
Commands: Aerial Ace/Chill ~ Aerial Ace + Shadow Claw/Chill ~ Draco Meteor/Chill

Mike the Foxhog (OO)
(M) <Synchronize>
Health: 9% (CAPPED)
Energy: 41%
Status: Very pissed, and starting to feel faint. +2 Attack, +2 Speed, -1 Accuracy
Commands: Drain Punch ~ Protect ~ Drain Punch

With a roar, a fifth burst of light flashed into existence, throwing blue-green illumination onto the field. This time, only Storm cried out in alarm, Abra being too tired and battered to do anything of the sort. Ironically, when the flames leapt up from the platform, it was only Abra who screamed in pain; the Bagon merely felt a slight tingle. She looked at her scales in wonder. Well, not like she had any right to complain. She sat down on the ground, wincing when a bit of ice dug into her stomach, and watched the blaze bound and flicker.

As the fire died away, Storm reluctantly dragged herself to her feet. She was tired. Her stupid opponent already looked dead on his feet; surely she wouldn’t have to do anything to rush the process? At any rate, he looked too dilapidated to do much. She snorted, deciding that disobeying her trainer wouldn’t help anything, and stretched her limbs, preparing to sprint off at Abra.

Unfortunately, while Storm was rambling away in her mind, the fox-like Pokemon had swathed his fist once more in energy. Instead of forming ice around it, though, the aura turned a tan colour and started to swirl around his fist, faster and faster, until it was reminiscent of a tiny brown tornado. Then, Abra lashed out, giving Storm a quick punch to the shoulder. She squealed and waddled a few steps back, more startled than anything. It certainly didn’t hurt as much as those Ice Punches. What she didn’t notice were the little orbs, each containing a bit of life energy, separating themselves from her body to sink into Abra’s.

A small rush of vitality surged through Abra’s body, narrowing some of the gaping wounds lacing his body. He scowled. He had expected a bit more than that – but he didn’t have much time to protest, because Storm was running towards him at full throttle once more. Hastily he tried to slip to the side, but it was futile; the short dragon easily turned after him and gave him a quick but powerful slash to the chest, adding to the intricate, bloody patterns already there. Abra gasped in pain and doubled over. Normally an attack like that wouldn’t have bothered him that much, but hovering as close to oblivion as he was, it nearly knocked him unconscious. It took him close to half a minute to recover.

Once he was in control once more, Abra held his hands in front of him, coaxing his energy to form an impenetrable barrier, though he shuddered as he did so. Shadowy fingers stretched across his psychic vision, and he barely managed to shake them off. Barely two feet away from the struggling Pokemon, Storm registered the barrier in front of her opponent and snorted in exasperation. Then she lay down on the cold, barren floor of the Type Field, closing her eyes in a short-lived nap. Eventually, Abra became too tired to keep up his Protect, and let it fall.

Storm was just beginning to stir again when Abra marched up to her and gave her another swift jab. This time, though, he managed to hit his opponent right in the snout, causing her to cry out in pain and her head to strike the ground. This proved to be too much for the little dragon. With a final whimper, she fell back onto the floor, and after the referee’s confirmation, was drawn back into her Pokeball.

Abra barely had time to celebrate his victory before a low keening noise was heard far off into the start abyss. He tilted his head to the sky, ears straining for the source of the sound, and actually opened his eyes in panic when he found it. A multitude of large meteorites, all alight with a beastly blue-green flame, were descending to the Type Field, creating an awfully loud whistling noise as they hurtled along. Time slowed to a snail’s pace. After about fifteen seconds, which felt closer to twenty years to Abra and the three humans, the first earth-bound boulder crashed into the platform, accompanied with the most deafening explosion they had ever heard. It was followed by another, and another, until all of the eight or so meteorites had smashed into the Type Field. Miraculously, the three humans emerged untouched from the mini apocalypse, but Abra wasn’t nearly as lucky. It was unknown exactly which asteroid had hit him; when the dust cleared, his unconscious form was found in a huge crater near the center of the arena.

Dragon (XO)
Storm (F) <Rock Head>
Health: 0%
Energy: 35%
Status: Knocked out!

Mike the Foxhog (XO)
(M) <Synchronize>
Health: 0%
Energy: 21%
Status: Knocked out!

Terrain notes
There is a sandstorm raging across the arena, and it will do so until the beginning of the 6th round. Eight or so craters have been carved into the field, though the meteorites who caused them are nowhere to be seen.

Final notes
Dragon sends out.
Mike the Foxhog sends out and attacks.
Dragon attacks. (I think I got it right this time)
The flash of light was Dragon-type, so only Abra took damage.
The attack was DRACO METEORRR, which targeted Abra.
The 2nd Drain Punch was a critical hit, which dealt just enough damage to knock out Storm. Lucky there.
Unfortunately, Abra’s luck couldn’t last, and he was knocked out by the DRACO METEORRR at the end of the round.
Too bad that Storm didn’t survive. It would be so ironic if she tried to use a Draco Meteor but couldn’t due to the banned moves, but Abra got owned by one anyway.
And you have no idea how much fun that last paragraph was to write.
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Bah, whatever I do Mike can counter me so.. who needs Exp.?

Well, go ahead, Freezefire *pssst call her Frozen*. You need to evolve, and our other battles going waaaay too slow >:/ and besides Storm has an Exp share so she'll be taken some of yoursssss but I think we can assume Riolu'll be coming out. Kekekekeh we can deal with that. [/rant] So anyways:

Ability: Keen Eye

Better go change her nickname blah.
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