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Mike vs. Flora


disaster pigeon
Mike the Foxhog said:
3v3 single
DQ: 604,800 seconds (1 week)
Damage cap: 33%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Abandoned Stone Factory

This arena is situated in the dilapidated warehouse of a factory employed at one time to make evolution stones. It was evacuated about 20 years ago- possibly after some sort of accident, nobody knows. All they do know is there's radiation from the stones they worked with everywhere and the place is in terrible shape. After a lot of inspection and research by guys with Geiger counters and space suits, the radiation was declared harmless to humans and Pokémon. People who insist on entering for whatever strange reason are now allowed to do so. However, the radiation, though harmless, has some... interesting effects on Pokémon. Due to its intensity it can randomly mutate Pokémon into an entirely different species. At the end of each round, both Pokémon will evolve at random into anything from Magikarp to Tyranitar- anything as long as it belongs to an evolutionary family. (Abilities, signature moves/attributes, status effects and stat increases/decreases remain after evolution, except where burned Pokémon evolve into Fire types or poisoned Pokémon evolve into Poison or Steel types.) There are also samples of the factory's erstwhile stock lying under the rubble, meaning that Pokémon have a 1% chance of discovering a random evolution stone each action (5% for Pokémon with Pickup). The dilapidated nature of the arena also means that vigorous attacks that upset the ground or structure will cause bricks to crumble away, and there is a 30% chance that the falling rocks will hit a battling Pokémon, dealing 5% Rock damage.

Other: No water, so fish Pokémon are not recommended; however there are many large chunks of brick gouged out of the floor that could be filled up.

Mike's Party
[Cait Sith]Meowth(M)
Ability: Pickup

Ability: Synchronise

Ability: Inner Focus

Ability: Sniper

Ability: Static

Ability: Sand Veil

Ability: Swift Swim

Flora's Party
Ability: Pickup

Ability: Water Absorb

Ability: Sand Veil

Ability: Quick Feet

Ability: Trace

Dice says-
-Flora sends out first
-Mike sends out and attacks
-Flora attacks
-Dragon refs

Also, Flora, Scythe can't have Quick Feet, so I'm guessing you copypasta'd Kumai's form. If you could tell me what ability he has, I'll edit him in.
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O.o yeah I think I did. Whoops.

But anyway his ability is Trace, but it doesn't matter since I'm not using him. Intead, I'll use Kumai.
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I just noticed how little it matters who I send out since it'll change after this turn XD
So, who wants experience... I'll go with Freya.

Right Freya, basically just spam Brick Break :3 If it tries to Counter or Protect, use Swords Dance.

Brick Break/Swords Dance ~ Brick Break/Swords Dance ~ Brick Break/Swords Dance
Okey-dokey, Kumai, let's fight!

Fury Swipes~Fake Tears~Faint Attack
Mike the Foxhog said:
3v3 single
DQ: 604,800 seconds (1 week)
Damage cap: 33%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Abandoned Stone Factory

This arena is situated in the dilapidated warehouse of a factory employed at one time to make evolution stones. It was evacuated about 20 years ago- possibly after some sort of accident, nobody knows. All they do know is there's radiation from the stones they worked with everywhere and the place is in terrible shape. After a lot of inspection and research by guys with Geiger counters and space suits, the radiation was declared harmless to humans and Pokémon. People who insist on entering for whatever strange reason are now allowed to do so. However, the radiation, though harmless, has some... interesting effects on Pokémon. Due to its intensity it can randomly mutate Pokémon into an entirely different species. At the end of each round, both Pokémon will evolve at random into anything from Magikarp to Tyranitar- anything as long as it belongs to an evolutionary family. (Abilities, signature moves/attributes, status effects and stat increases/decreases remain after evolution, except where burned Pokémon evolve into Fire types or poisoned Pokémon evolve into Poison or Steel types.) There are also samples of the factory's erstwhile stock lying under the rubble, meaning that Pokémon have a 1% chance of discovering a random evolution stone each action (5% for Pokémon with Pickup). The dilapidated nature of the arena also means that vigorous attacks that upset the ground or structure will cause bricks to crumble away, and there is a 30% chance that the falling rocks will hit a battling Pokémon, dealing 5% Rock damage.

Other: No water, so fish Pokémon are not recommended; however there are many large chunks of brick gouged out of the floor that could be filled up.

Freya (F) <Sand Veil>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Brick Break/Swords Dance x3
- Eyeing the walls around her nervously.
Kumai (F) <Quick Feet>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Fury Swipes~Fake Tears~Faint Attack
- Sucking on her paw calmly.​
The Abandoned Stone Factory! Once upon a time, this run down dump was a busy, bustling factory filled with assembly lines run by immigrants who couldn't find a better job, and heavy machinery that possibly could be life-threatening if one wasn't paying attention. Now, the dark, rather creepy place is open to the occasional Trainer and his or her Pokemon, who don't mind possibly shaving a few years off their life expectancy or increasing their chance of either gaining super powers or some obscure, mutated form of cancer. And the Factory is where we find ourselves today, for this quirky battle.

Damn you, Mike.

With the standard bang and pop of displaced air, the not very often visited factory is disturbed by the referee of the match, who is quickly displeased by the closeness of... everything. As soon as one of the Trainers, Mike, appears, she goes into a frenzy about how nothing can really battle here and how her life expectancy is going down just by thinking about this radioactive pit of toxic waste. Clearly, the Trainer's used to the referee's crazy rants by now, but after a while the referee calms down and the two work together to clear up broken machinery and piles of bricks before Flora arrives. For all the two know, she might have been waiting outside while they worked at clearing the Factory floor, though it doesn't matter now; Flora got out of helping.

Quickly taking their places (and stumbling over the various potholes in the ground where bricks once were), the humans nod to each other and the referee waves to them. At the flip of a coin, Flora ends up sending out first, deciding to lead with Kumai, a female Teddiursa. Mike narrows his eyes at Flora's choice for a moment, before making a comment on how it didn't really matter who sent out what and lead with Freya, a female Sandshrew. The referee smirks and waves once again, listening to the Trainers' commands excitedly. This match seemed like it would be the kind that would cause a lot of destruction, she hoped, and waved to the Pokemon, who nodded to their Trainers and took action. The match had begun!

Freya takes a moment to listen to her Trainer, and with a shout, runs the short distance towards Kumai. The little bear Pokemon looks up at Freya just as the Sandshrew raises a little paw and brings it down hard on her forehead. The Teddiursa cries out in pain as the shock of the blow rings through her, and she stumbles back as Freya backpedals towards her side of the little arena, cackling. That felt good.

Kumai frowns and looks carefully at Freya, taking in her size. She takes her paw out of her mouth, and just as Freya did, rushes towards her opponent. The Sandshrew, still rather smug in the face of her opponent who was caught off guard, yelps as she herself is caught off guard by the Teddiursa. Kumai grunts as she digs her claws into the Sandshrew, raking her sharp claws across Freya's chest once, twice, and two times more in succession. Freya lets a high-pitched screech escape from her mouth, and Kumai backs away, rather contented with herself.

Freya winces and looks down at her chest. Four lines of three claw marks form a zigzag on her chest, and theystung. Narrowing her eyes at the nearby Kumai, Freya leaps forwards again, raised paw at the ready. Kumai growls at the Sandshrew only steps away, and covers her face with a paw as Freya runs towards her and jumps, bringing a blow strong enough to shatter bricks into small, glass-like pieces down on Kumai's raised arm. Kumai howls, causing a smirk to appear on Freya's face. Heheh.

Kumai turns away as Freya retreats, poking at the sides of her eyes. She whips around and drops her paws to her sides, smirking inside, as Freya's balled fists loosen and a worried look takes their place. Was she.. crying? Freya frowns, narrowing her eyes. If she was going to cry in the middle of battle, she'd better do better, and try to impress guys instead. But still.. Freya couldn't help but wonder if she'd pushed herself a bit too hard, and right at the start, too. No one had really broke out into tears in front of her in battle, so it couldn't be a trick. Right? Narrowing her eyes and tilting her head, Freya inspects the now full-out bawling Kumai and wonders. Hmm.

Shrugging, the Sandshrew takes a hop and skip into the air, landing directly in front on Kumai. Tensing up the muscles in her legs, Freya leaps into the air so she can reach Kumai with a paw, and brings down the familiar harder than rock blow on Kumai. She'd give her something to cry about! Landing incredibly close to Kumai, Freya cackles and hops backwards, looking at the growing bruise on the Teddiursa's head. That'd be painful, after this battle.

Kumai blinks away the pain and reaches up the feel the bruise on her head, wincing. This sucked, and she had to do something to change it! Closing her black eyes, she reaches deep inside her for the small well of energy and pulls out a dark aura, willing it into the plane of existence. Wrapping the aura around her with her mind, Kumai disappears from Freya's now panicked view, and pads silently behind her, smirking the entire way. Raising a clawed paw, the Teddiursa slaps Freya as hard as she can, behind her head. The Sandshrew whirls around as Kumai comes back into view, and growls at her opponent. Cheap shots and tears, what was this battle coming to? Before Freya can say anything, Kumai jumps away with a snicker.

Freya growls once more, and looks up at her Trainer. The referee waves her flags and waits for the Trainers' commands, though to everyone's surprise (but probably not Mike's) the Pokemon yelp and take on a blinding white aura. The referee squints at the Pokemon, unable to see their features. Now what? This wasn't on- ohwhat. The white aura around Freya had started to change shape, Kumai following a few seconds behind. As the glow fades, it appears that the radiation in this place is more dangerous than it seems, and the Pokemon have 'evolved'. Standing where Freya once was is a very confused looking Dragonite, and in Kumai's spot, a slightly unnerved Salamence. The Trainers exchange glances, and the referee snickers under her breath. Dragons!

Freya (F) <Sand Veil>
Health: 87%
Energy: 85%
-1 SAtk
Kumai (F) <Quick Feet>
Health: 73%
Energy: 91%
- "How do these wings work?"​
Terrain Notes
-The factory is as creepy and run-down as ever, but really, nothing's changed.

Referee Notes
-Just out of curiosity, Flora, is Kumai's name in a different language?

-Fury Swipes hit four times.
-Flora attacks first next round.
(it's just Kuma (japanese for bear) with an i on the end for added cuteness)

...Oh god now she's a huge-as-heck dragon. o.o Okay just do this:

Dragon Claw~Thunder Fang~Crunch
Flora you lazy bugger D< C'mon Freya, let's teach her a lesson for not helping clean up.

Mmmkay, start off with a Safeguard to stop that Thunder Fang from paralysing you. Then pound it with ICE BEAMS~ If you manage to hit the damage cap or freeze it in one hit, Chill on the last action.

Safeguard ~ Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam/Chill
Cos in Tagalog, kamay (sp) means hand and Teddiursa.. never mind.

Mike the Foxhog said:
3v3 single
DQ: 604,800 seconds (1 week)
Damage cap: 33%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Abandoned Stone Factory

This arena is situated in the dilapidated warehouse of a factory employed at one time to make evolution stones. It was evacuated about 20 years ago- possibly after some sort of accident, nobody knows. All they do know is there's radiation from the stones they worked with everywhere and the place is in terrible shape. After a lot of inspection and research by guys with Geiger counters and space suits, the radiation was declared harmless to humans and Pokémon. People who insist on entering for whatever strange reason are now allowed to do so. However, the radiation, though harmless, has some... interesting effects on Pokémon. Due to its intensity it can randomly mutate Pokémon into an entirely different species. At the end of each round, both Pokémon will evolve at random into anything from Magikarp to Tyranitar- anything as long as it belongs to an evolutionary family. (Abilities, signature moves/attributes, status effects and stat increases/decreases remain after evolution, except where burned Pokémon evolve into Fire types or poisoned Pokémon evolve into Poison or Steel types.) There are also samples of the factory's erstwhile stock lying under the rubble, meaning that Pokémon have a 1% chance of discovering a random evolution stone each action (5% for Pokémon with Pickup). The dilapidated nature of the arena also means that vigorous attacks that upset the ground or structure will cause bricks to crumble away, and there is a 30% chance that the falling rocks will hit a battling Pokémon, dealing 5% Rock damage.

Other: No water, so fish Pokémon are not recommended; however there are many large chunks of brick gouged out of the floor that could be filled up.

Freya (F) <Sand Veil>
Health: 87%
Energy: 85%
Safeguard ~ Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam/Chill
-1 SAtk
Kumai (F) <Quick Feet>
Health: 73%
Energy: 91%
Dragon Claw~Thunder Fang~Crunch
- "How do these wings work?"​
The referee calms down and stares at the two fully evolved dragons on the field, smirking a bit as the two Trainers command their newly evolved Pokemon a bit uncertainly. How could anyone be uncertain? With the power of the two, they could easily bring this factory down around them in a cloud of hazardous waste, they could leave a two kilometre wide crater where they stand! Sighing and realizing that probably wouldn't happen, the referee waves to the two dragons on the field and awaits the destruction she hopes is coming.

Kumai, unused to being on all fours and having wings, finds the strength inside her to do what she thought was once impossible. Stumbling at top speed towards Freya, Kumai's instincts go into overdrive as she rears back and a blue-green aura coats her front claws. She overbalances and falls forwards, bringing her aura-coated claws across Freya's chest. The Sandshrew, erm, Dragonite, bellows in pain and jumps back, finding she's not as nimble and crashes into a large piece of broken machinery. The ground vibrates under her weight, and bricks fall from the ceiling and pass a few inches from the referee's head. Yikes.

Growling at the surprised Salamence, Freya (who is more used to standing on all fours and having a tail) raises her stubby arms and frowns. It would be better to call down death from the sky, as she feels she now can, though she was commanded otherwise.. With a reluctant glare at the flooring, Freya reaches into her vaster stores of energy and pulls a thin strand of green energy out of her mind and into the waking world. Reaching up, Freya waves an arm around herself and a green veil falls around her, mimicking her every movement. There we go.

Kumai, on the other hand, has taken the time to get used to her new body, a bit more. Fluttering her wings to get more used to them, she charges towards Freya and gathers energy in her mouth. With a little cry, she fastens her teeth in Freya's arm and releases sparks. The Dragonite roars and lifts her arms, Kumai sliding down on her arm a bit. The Salamence lets go and takes a few cautious steps back, smirking. What was she gonna do about it?

Freya glares and rubs her arm, before holding a claw up. She's not wasting any more time. Gathering some of the cool energy in the air, she draws it into a sphere in her palm and splays her fingers. A light blue orb forms in her claw and extends into a thin white beam, aiming for Kumai's chest. Kumai squeals as it hits, a bit anticlimatically. The cold energy seeps into her more vulnerable scales, and she mutters a few words under her breath. Freya smirks and looks incredibly pleased with herself, to Kumai's dismay.

Wordlessly, the Salamence bounds up to the taller Dragonite, and once more fastens her teeth in her opponent. Clamping on to her side, the Salamence lets a burst of dark energy loose and grinds her teeth, appearing to smirk as Freya screeches and bats at her with her paws. Kumai releases her grip and slinks away, smirking at the matching wounds on Freya's arm and side. Heheh. The wound looks incredibly painful, Kumai thinks, as Freya clutches her side and winces. Looks like it is.

Freya looks at her matching wounds and her eye twitches. The battle was moving a lot quicker than she wanted it to.. Better make it work to her advantage. Raising a paw and staunching her bleeding side with the other, Freya concentrates on the memory of a cold day that she's never actually experienced and watches as a pale blue and white orb forms in her claw. She splays her fingers, and the orb thins out as it races towards Kumai. The Salamence screeches as her scales freeze up, and with a glare, claws the ground in front of her. Seriously, taking advantage of other Pokemons' weaknesses was not cool.. Unless it was her doing the attacking. The referee raises her hands and a spark flies from her finger to Kumai. The Salamence blinks, and finds a very small corner of her wounds have sealed up. Well uh, thanks, referee?

The referee waves her flags to signal the end of the match, and once again, an odd white glow comes over both Pokemon. They yelp in confusion, though their cries are quickly muted as the light morphs their features. As the glow fades and the humans look expectantly at the Pokemon, it appears that Freya is now a Lombre and Kumai is an Prinplup. What? Both Pokemon and humans exchange glances, and the referee sighs. It looks like there won't be much destruction next round, though she furiously hopes the Trainers will prove her wrong.

Freya (F) <Sand Veil>
Health: 54%
Energy: 78%
- A bit unbalanced by the lily pad on her head. Protected by Safeguard (3 more rounds)
-1 SAtk
Kumai (F) <Quick Feet>
Health: 40%
Energy: 82%
- Trying to suck on her wing, but it's not working.​
Terrain Notes
-The factory is as creepy and run-down as ever, but really, nothing's changed.

Referee Notes
-The second Ice Beam hit the cap.
-Mike commands first next round~
I seem to be at advantage once again. Thanks, random evolvingness :D

Keep using Giga Drain, I guess. If it Protects, use Hydro Pump on the biggest crater you can find, just in case. And if it Bides, or uses Protect after you've already filled a pool, use Swords Dance.

Giga Drain (HP)/Hydro Pump into a crater/Swords Dance ~ Giga Drain (HP)/Hydro Pump into a crater/Swords Dance ~ Giga Drain (HP)/Hydro Pump into a crater/Swords Dance
Mike the Foxhog said:
3v3 single
DQ: 604,800 seconds (1 week)
Damage cap: 33%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Abandoned Stone Factory

This arena is situated in the dilapidated warehouse of a factory employed at one time to make evolution stones. It was evacuated about 20 years ago- possibly after some sort of accident, nobody knows. All they do know is there's radiation from the stones they worked with everywhere and the place is in terrible shape. After a lot of inspection and research by guys with Geiger counters and space suits, the radiation was declared harmless to humans and Pokémon. People who insist on entering for whatever strange reason are now allowed to do so. However, the radiation, though harmless, has some... interesting effects on Pokémon. Due to its intensity it can randomly mutate Pokémon into an entirely different species. At the end of each round, both Pokémon will evolve at random into anything from Magikarp to Tyranitar- anything as long as it belongs to an evolutionary family. (Abilities, signature moves/attributes, status effects and stat increases/decreases remain after evolution, except where burned Pokémon evolve into Fire types or poisoned Pokémon evolve into Poison or Steel types.) There are also samples of the factory's erstwhile stock lying under the rubble, meaning that Pokémon have a 1% chance of discovering a random evolution stone each action (5% for Pokémon with Pickup). The dilapidated nature of the arena also means that vigorous attacks that upset the ground or structure will cause bricks to crumble away, and there is a 30% chance that the falling rocks will hit a battling Pokémon, dealing 5% Rock damage.

Other: No water, so fish Pokémon are not recommended; however there are many large chunks of brick gouged out of the floor that could be filled up.

Freya (F) <Sand Veil>
Health: 54%
Energy: 78%
Giga Drain (HP)/Hydro Pump into a crater/Swords Dance x3
- A bit unbalanced by the lily pad on her head. Protected by Safeguard (2 more rounds)
-1 SAtk
Kumai (F) <Quick Feet>
Health: 40%
Energy: 82%
Drill Peck x3
- Trying to suck on her wing, but it's not working.​
The referee waves her flags as the Trainers command their Pokemon, not really listening. She's staring at a shining spot in the ground, light appearing to come from something. The Trainers exchange glances as the referee drops to her knees and digs at the ground, as she comes up with a Shiny Stone! She smirks at the Trainers, about to put her prize in her pocket as it crumbles to pieces in her hand. Ah, well. Man-made replicas of stuff is likely all crap, anyways, she decides, and nods to the Pokemon.

The Lombre and Prinplup on the field glare at each other, not sure what's going on with their new forms. Kumai snickers at Freya. What was she, a frog thing with a lily pad on her head? What was that? Freya frowns. Somewhere a family of Lombres are crying, she shoots back, and points to her opponent. And you're.. some ice penguin thing? Eew, you're so deformed nothing would even look at you. Don't hold a fin thing up too high, you might get stuck like that. Kumai screeches and charges her, leaping up high into the air. She points her beak forwards and twists, spiralling towards Freya in a oddly dangerous manoeuvre. Her beak corkscrews into the delicate lily pad that's the butt of everyone's jokes, and Freya screams. Kumai leaps backwards, a bit awkward in her new body. With a smirk, she wipes her beak with a flipper.

Freya totters about for a moment, before regaining her footing and glaring at the Prinplup, well, glaring the best a Lombre can without looking comical. How did Lombres do anything without seeming completely ridiculous? Grumbling something about frog lily pad ducks, Freya calls upon her newly gained instincts and raises her arms to the sky. Kumai lets loose a rough, warbling cry as a green aura forms around her. Looking incredibly uncomfortable, Kumai blinks and twitches as some of the green aura is drawn off from her and towards Freya, who absorbs the energy greedily. Cutting off the stream with a limb before it can drain too much of her energy, Freya smirks at the Prinplup. Who was a stupid useless thing now?

Kumai shoots a glare at Freya and shakes herself off. What, that supposed to be an attack? So she countered a more powerful attack with a weaker one? Really. Taking a few steps and a hop, Kumai propels herself off the ground and into the air, before shooting towards Freya once more. Halfway to her mark, she starts to spin in a corkscrew, drilling into Freya's lily pad once more. Kumai kicks off the stunned Freya, chuckling. This was actually pretty funny, she decides, stepping back to the spot just in front of a hole in the ground that's been warmed up by her feet.

Freya shakes her head and swears as she is forced to hop about to keep her balance. This was getting annoying! Glaring at the laughing Kumai, the Lombre raises her arms to the sky once again, reaching out to Kumai with her mind. The Prinplup twitches as a green aura takes shape around her, and a stream of it runs off from her to Freya, smiling as the energy dissolves into her. Tiny sparks leap from her to the ground, quickly running off and fading away.

Kumai slashes the air in front of her with a flipper, pretty annoyed now. Why was she looking more energized, even in the slightest bit? That was unfair; she had to step up and do some work, and Freya just took some of her energy? With a shrill cry, Kumai launches off the ground and into the air, higher than a Pokemon of her weight would seem able to jump. Leaning forwards, Kumai begins to spin and finds herself spinning at an alarming speed towards Freya, who looks up in mild surprise. Kumai finds her beak planted in Freya's chest, and winces as Freya screeches and throws herself about. Kumai loosens herself and slinks away. Ugh. Now there's a weird taste in her mouth.

Freya pats the new hole in her chest tenderly, which is slowly oozing blood. Blood.. If Kumai wasn't bleeding in the next few seconds, she swore, someone was going to.. bleed. For a third time Freya raises her arms, pulling the spark of energy that fuels all her attacks up from inside her. The familiar green aura takes shape around Kumai, who grunts in surprise and braces herself. It's completely useless. The penguin flinches as a thick green stream flows from her to Freya, who cackles as little sparks dance around her. Great!

The referee waves her flags to signify the end of the round, a bit disappointed. There hadn't really been any destruction this round... though here was something interesting. Letting out small cries, a white glow completely obscures the Pokemons' features. Had they forgotten? Both Pokemon writhe around for a moment, before shuddering and shrinking. As the glow fades away, the Trainers exchange glances and the referee's eye twitches as two Magikarp are left where Freya and Kumai were before. Magikarp? Magikarp? With a hiss, the referee glares at Mike. This is probably all his fault, somehow.

Freya (F) <Sand Veil>
Health: 39%
Energy: 66%
- Karp karp karp karp kaaarp? D: Protected by Safeguard (2 more rounds)
-1 SAtk
Kumai (F) <Quick Feet>
Health: 10%
Energy: 64%
- Karp karp karp! >:[​
Terrain Notes
-The factory is as creepy and run-down as ever, but really, nothing's changed.

Referee Notes
-BWAHAHAHA HA HA i just had to

-Flora commands first next round, nyas~
Hey I had a bet darnit D: (you just made sick Flora sad D:)


A million squillion pounds please Flora >:D

Right Freya, start off by Bouncing up to avoid one of those Flails, then come down on the second turn. Finish it off with a nice Flail.

Bounce ~ Land ~ Flail

(aaaahhhhh sorry if I failed I've no idea how to command two-stage attacks in ASB)
Mike the Foxhog said:
3v3 single
DQ: 604,800 seconds (1 week)
Damage cap: 33%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Abandoned Stone Factory

This arena is situated in the dilapidated warehouse of a factory employed at one time to make evolution stones. It was evacuated about 20 years ago- possibly after some sort of accident, nobody knows. All they do know is there's radiation from the stones they worked with everywhere and the place is in terrible shape. After a lot of inspection and research by guys with Geiger counters and space suits, the radiation was declared harmless to humans and Pokémon. People who insist on entering for whatever strange reason are now allowed to do so. However, the radiation, though harmless, has some... interesting effects on Pokémon. Due to its intensity it can randomly mutate Pokémon into an entirely different species. At the end of each round, both Pokémon will evolve at random into anything from Magikarp to Tyranitar- anything as long as it belongs to an evolutionary family. (Abilities, signature moves/attributes, status effects and stat increases/decreases remain after evolution, except where burned Pokémon evolve into Fire types or poisoned Pokémon evolve into Poison or Steel types.) There are also samples of the factory's erstwhile stock lying under the rubble, meaning that Pokémon have a 1% chance of discovering a random evolution stone each action (5% for Pokémon with Pickup). The dilapidated nature of the arena also means that vigorous attacks that upset the ground or structure will cause bricks to crumble away, and there is a 30% chance that the falling rocks will hit a battling Pokémon, dealing 5% Rock damage.

Other: No water, so fish Pokémon are not recommended; however there are many large chunks of brick gouged out of the floor that could be filled up.

Freya (F) <Sand Veil>
Health: 39%
Energy: 66%
- Karp karp karp karp kaaarp? D: Protected by Safeguard (1 more round)
-1 SAtk
Kumai (F) <Quick Feet>
Health: 10%
Energy: 64%
Flail x3
- Karp karp karp! >:[​
Snickering at the two flopping, lame fish on the field, the referee attempts to wave her flags with a straight face and fails. With a glare at the factory around them, the two Trainers command their fish! The referee eagerly awaits the destruction she knows is coming this round- aw, who is she kidding? With a sigh, she waves her flags and waits for the Magikarp to stop flopping about and move.

It doesn't come. The fish flop about for a few minutes longer, and as the Freya-karp flips over the Trainers inhale sharply, just to exhale just as sharply as nothing happens. Both Trainers yell their commands out, and something seems to click in the fishes' brains.

Holding still for a moment, the Freya-karp slams her tail against the ground and with way more force than is natural, rockets into the sky and through the roof of the rickety building, leaving a distinctly fish-shaped hole in the ceiling. With a little shake of the ground, a brick falls from the sky and inches away from Mike's face. The referee mutters something about bricks always missing her on purpose, and looks into the sky. Someone wouldn't be coming down for a bit.

The Kumai-karp pauses in her mad rush of flopping about to consider her commands. Flail.. and flail and flail? That was simple enough. With a flop forwards, she flips onto her side and thrashes her tail, imagining herself hitting the other Magikarp with all her strength- huh? Kumai looks up, a bit surprised. There wasn't anyone there.. What was she attacking? With a mutter, Kumai flops back to her side of the arena and looks up.

What's that? A faint rushing noise can be heard, and as everyone listens in to hear what's happening, the Freya-karp falls from the sky, aiming itself head first towards Kumai. There's a whistling sound as Freya slices through the air, and tackles Kumai backwards, into a brick hole. The Magikarp cries out for a moment, and is still. Everyone looks at it closely, as Freya flops out of the hole in a mad attempt to escape the insane Kumai.

Kumai slams her tail against the side of the hole and flops out, flipping onto her side and towards Freya. It's actually pretty amusing; the two Magikarps chasing each other around in a circle. The referee is actually tempted to go on the battlefield and kick the two fish, though as she watches, Kumai slams her tail down on Freya and slaps her about. Freya gurgles, completely helpless as she is battered around and tossed into a hole in the ground. She lays there panting for a second, as Kumai looks down and begins to flop about.

Oooh. Rubbing her rather painful side with a fin, Freya glares, more of a glance, up at Kumai. Gurgling quietly, she flies out of the ground and slams into Kumai with the force of a.. backpack being swung into someone's stomach. Kumai gasps for breath and flails about, before she is still. Freya stops as well and drops to the ground, twitching and flopping every now and then.

The referee nods. Kumai's out cold, she announces, just as a white glow comes over both Pokemon, obscuring all their features. Completely used to this by now, not a word or glance is exchanged as the Magikarps shudder, and are pulled around like clay. The glow fades, and where the two Magikarps once were stand a Sandslash and unconscious Teddiursa. Kumai is recalled as Freya looks at herself in surprise. So this is what she's going to be when she evolves? Nice. She suspects this is a reward for beating her opponent, but who can tell?

Freya (F) <Sand Veil>
Health: 20%
Energy: 60%
- "Ooh, heheheh." Protected by Safeguard (1 more round)
-1 SAtk
Kumai (F) <Quick Feet>
Health: 0%
Energy: 49%
- Knocked Out!​
Terrain Notes
-The factory is as creepy and run-down as ever, but really, nothing's changed.

Referee Notes
-Flora sends out
-Mike commands
-Flora commands
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I definitely looked at this and thought "Hey wait, when do I send out?"

Okay, Scythe, killl it...
You're still doing pretty well, Freya, so let's see if we can at least rough this... little helmeted elf up a bit before you go down~

Protect if it uses any attack you're weak against. By default, spam Shadow Claw, unless you need to Protect; if you hit the damage cap or otherwise can't hit it with Shadow Claw, use Swords Dance.

Shadow Claw/Protect/Swords Dance ~ Shadow Claw/Protect/Swords Dance ~ Shadow Claw/Protect/Swords Dance
Okey-dokey, let's do this:

Magical Leaf on the first turn; if it worked, then Calm Mind twice; if not, use it again, then Calm Mind.

Magical Leaf~Calm Mind/Magical Leaf~Calm Mind
Mike the Foxhog said:
3v3 single
DQ: 604,800 seconds (1 week)
Damage cap: 33%
Banned moves: OHKOs
Arena: Abandoned Stone Factory

This arena is situated in the dilapidated warehouse of a factory employed at one time to make evolution stones. It was evacuated about 20 years ago- possibly after some sort of accident, nobody knows. All they do know is there's radiation from the stones they worked with everywhere and the place is in terrible shape. After a lot of inspection and research by guys with Geiger counters and space suits, the radiation was declared harmless to humans and Pokémon. People who insist on entering for whatever strange reason are now allowed to do so. However, the radiation, though harmless, has some... interesting effects on Pokémon. Due to its intensity it can randomly mutate Pokémon into an entirely different species. At the end of each round, both Pokémon will evolve at random into anything from Magikarp to Tyranitar- anything as long as it belongs to an evolutionary family. (Abilities, signature moves/attributes, status effects and stat increases/decreases remain after evolution, except where burned Pokémon evolve into Fire types or poisoned Pokémon evolve into Poison or Steel types.) There are also samples of the factory's erstwhile stock lying under the rubble, meaning that Pokémon have a 1% chance of discovering a random evolution stone each action (5% for Pokémon with Pickup). The dilapidated nature of the arena also means that vigorous attacks that upset the ground or structure will cause bricks to crumble away, and there is a 30% chance that the falling rocks will hit a battling Pokémon, dealing 5% Rock damage.

Other: No water, so fish Pokémon are not recommended; however there are many large chunks of brick gouged out of the floor that could be filled up.

Freya (F) <Sand Veil>
Health: 20%
Energy: 60%
Shadow Claw/Protect/Swords Dance x3
- "Ooh, heheheh." Protected by Safeguard (last round)
-1 SAtk
Scythe (M) <Trace>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Magical Leaf~Calm Mind/Magical Leaf~Calm Mind
- Well, this is creepy.​
Recalling the fainted Kumai, Flora appears to think for a moment, and picks a Pokeball from her decently sized collection of Pokemon. She takes a moment to make sure it's the right one, before tossing it forwards, the flash of light illuminating the arena briefly. Red light pours from the orb, quickly forming and taking shape. What appears to be a green-helmeted Pokemon in a white dress, a Ralts, appears, and he looks around. Scythe nods to his Trainer before twitching slightly. This was not a very nice looking place. The referee waves her flags and the Trainers command their Pokemon as usual. Once again, the battle carries on..

Freya tilts her head, looking back at Mike for a second. Scythe hadn't attacked yet.. though from listening in to his Trainer's orders he'd be attacking soon. Heheh. Lifting her claws, she draws them through the air in odd patterns as a transparent shield begins to faintly form in the air.

Scythe looks at his opponent a bit nervously. She was an evolved form, right? And he was just first stage, would he actually beat her? Pushing his negative thoughts aside, Scythe draws spirals and swirls in the air, smiling slightly as little leaves appear in the air. He suddenly throws his arms forwards, and the leaves rush towards Freya. Freya appears to smirk as the leaves slash towards her, bouncing harmlessly off the green shield and dissolving into the air. Scythe frowns. Really? She'd use such.. low tactics? Well, there wasn't anything he could do about it, so.

With a frown, Scythe raises his arms and tries again. The glittering, sparkling leaves appear in front of, behind and around Scythe, and he points forwards. They cluster above him for a moment and rush forwards, heading straight for Freya. She's waving her claws frantically, though it's completely useless as the sparks are clearly not coming. The leaves cut into her belly, and Freya curls up, trying to ignore the slashes she can feel though her spines. And it's over. She slowly begins to uncurl, watching sparks of energy flutter down from above her.

Freya stands fully upright now, twitching a bit. She's on her last leg, and it won't take long to knock her down now.. Raising both claws, Freya concentrates on the pool of energy deep inside her, and blinks as black fire flares up on her claws. It seems to be hovering just above her, and isn't burning her.. She smirks. The Sandslash runs across the scarred brick floor and leaps, before coming down on Scythe and giving him a good strong slash across the helmet with a claw. The Ralts falls back with a cry, as Freya turns and runs away, cackling.

Scythe pulls himself to his feet, rubbing his new wound tenderly. Ack. As strongly as he wanted to attack Freya, it was against his orders.. so with a resigned sigh, he sits back down. Scythe pulls a spark of energy up from inside him and uses it to help close his mind to the sound of breathing, to distractions, and really, everything else. He relaxes, and faintly appears to glow for a moment. There. Now completely relaxed, Scythe ignores the look Freya's giving him, and looks to his Trainer for commands.

Surprise! A white glow comes over both Pokemon, Freya completely unfazed by this. Scythe, who is new to the arena, momentarily panics, and thrashes around for a bit. The white aura begins to fade, leaving two completely different Pokemon where Freya and Scythe were. In the Sandslash's place is an Ampharos, and in Scythe's spot, a Grovyle. Scythe looks around, trying to find the cause for this, and getting no answer. Fffff. There's a faint flash, and the green aura around Freya begins to fade away. She stretches a limb out to touch it, watching it go. With a huff, both Pokemon turn to their Trainers, waiting for commands.

Freya (F) <Sand Veil>
Health: 14%
Energy: 48%
- On her last leg.
-1 SAtk
Scythe (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 90%
Energy: 85%
- A bit unnerved by her sudden evolution.
+1 SAtk, +1 SDef​
Terrain Notes
-The factory is as creepy and run-down as ever, but really, nothing's changed.

Referee Notes
-Flora commands nao
Sorry, the forum died on me when I tried to post this:

False Swipe~Leaf Blade~Chill

Signal Beam cos he's weak, Protect because Leaf Blade is nasty and then Attract just to drag this out >D

Signal Beam ~ Protect ~ Attract
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