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Blastoise vs Crazy Linoone

Not Meowth

Cat, are you drilling?

3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Team Blastoise
Trapinch [Sceratio] (M) <Arena Trap>
Shedinja [Husk] (X) <Wonder Guard>
Ninjask [Shino] (M) <Speed Boost>
Slowpoke [Hippocampus] (M) <Own Tempo> @King's Rock
Bronzor [China] (X) <Levitate>
--> Signature Attribute:A Good Polishing
Signature Attribute: A Good Polishing

China is a bit... vain, or at least as vain as a genderless floating plate can be. In the wild, she rubbed up against cave walls, shining herself as best she could. After capture, she got ahold of a prefessional-grade sander, and it kind of snowballed from there... She's now reflective like a bronze mirror.

Effects: China has the reflective properties of a bronze mirror, and attacks on her are affected as such. Moves using light are intensified. Adversly speaking, China is much more visible than a normal Bronzor, especially in brightly lit arenas. Being so highly polished, China loses her ability to polish herself to increase her speed, and an attempt to do so would probably lead to a scratched face.

Move Modifications:
Moves gained: Mirror Shot
Moves lost: Rock Polish
Feebas [Pheobe] (F) <Swift Swim>
Electrike [Koutos] (F) <Static>
Mankey [Kergen] (F) <Vital Spirit>
Surskit [Kwan] (F) <Swift Swim>

Team Linoone
[Crunch]Croconaw(M) <Torrent>
[Zigzag]Zigzagoon(F) <Pickup>
[Riley] Riolu (M) Ability: Steadfast
[Death Cannon] Porygon (X) <Download> @Up-Grade
Body Mod: Broadband High-Speed Internet Connection
Porygon are known as the virtual pokemon -- besides being the first pokemon created by humans, they basically live their lives in electronic equipment and can even turn themselves into data. Because of their special ability to work in cyberspace, porygons are widely used to help write programs, fight viruses, and even hack into other computers. However, the most common usage for porygon is actually as a browser for the internet. A porygon can connect itself (provided that it has the permission to) to the internet and access the numerous data in many different servers around the world, obtaining information otherwise inaccessible, chat with people in the other side of the globe, or perhaps just play online flash games. However the cheaper or free connections are usually flooded with porygon, all trying to get to the internet without paying. This cause the information flow to slow down, causing most porygon to be extremely sluggish and slow.

However, Death Cannon's owner had decided to spend some cash and bought some broad band high-speed internet connection for its porygon. Death Cannon can now access the internet faster than ever, giving it an edge in battle as well as the ability to load The Cave of Dragonflies Forums in under a second. Death Cannon's owner isn't the only one who decided to buy broad band connection though; sometimes, too many people will decide to go on the internet at once and cause clogging, thus lowering Death Cannon's speed.

Effects: Death Cannon gains +2 Speed at the beginning of a battle, although, every round, there is a 15% chance of that its speed will go down by 1. The speed boost is not permanent, meaning that attacks such as Scary Face can lower it, although it still cannot reach past the +- 6 limit.
[Spazz] Rotom (X) <Levitate>
[Ragnarök] Rasqueon (M) <Anger Point>
[Heinkel] Gible (F) <Sand Veil>
[Kwak'wala] Natu (F) <Synchronize>

- Blastoise sends out
- Crazy Linoone sends out and attacks
- Blastoise attacks

mike you are a god

Trapinch agogo

Trapinch [Sceratio] Male
~~~~Arena Trap~~~~

Edit: You posted this twice.

Did I mention that you're amazing?
I LOVE YOU MIKEY here, have some jello.

I'll send out Crunch the Croconaw because I have a nice type advantage and stuff.

[Crunch] Croconaw <Torrent>

Alright, Crunchy, let's start by firing some LAZO -- I mean, Water Pulses, because you might confuse that little ant thing with your awesome JELLO BEAM. Yes. If the thing protects or digs down and doesn't come up, Swords Dance and make yourself awesomer.

Water Pulse/Swords Dance ~ Water Pulse/Swords Dance ~ Water Pulse/Swords Dance
DQ warning for Blastoise, you have until tomorrow to post your commands.

aaaack this better not happen to me again
Sorry, sorry. I'm on vacation. :P

Dig at a forty-five degree angle. Follow with Metronome.


Gah, I have no time. The forums were out when I left... Sorry.
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

An enormous cube of Jello- just one of the more sensible food-based arenas battled on by the disturbed gourmet Crazy Linoone. Since reading of Linooney's adventures atop a ginormous blueberry pie, Mike has dreamt of being involved in one of these legendary giant food battles, and since the referee for his battle in a cup of tea seems to have fallen asleep or something, now's his chance. He strolls into the clearing to find a huge wibbly translucent cube of Jello, the size of a largeish building, and also spots a discarded, blue-stained pie tin in the shrubbery beyond. Tsk. Littering. The battlers, Blastoise and the aforementioned Crazy Linoone, arrive, and together the three struggle up the side of the slippery, quivering mass and eventually end up on top of it. Once there, the ref slips several times before giving up and telling the trainers to send out their Pokémon while laying flat on his face instead. Blastoise takes a Pokéball and throws it, releasing Sceratio the Trapinch. The little ant scuttles bemusedly on the quivering surface of the arena as his opponent throws a ball too, sending out Crunch the Croconaw. The referee sits up and waves his flag, starting off the battle.

Round One
Blastoise (OOO)
Sceratio (M) <Arena Trap>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: slightly disoriented.
Commands: Dig ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: "Hey! I remember this place!! ...where's the pie? :<"
Commands: Water Pulse/Swords Dance ~ Water Pulse/Swords Dance ~ Water Pulse/Swords Dance

Seeing the ref's flag waving, Crunch turns to face the enemy and gets ready to battle. He draws water up into his throat, frowning momentarily at the unusual taste- kind of bland, but not like water... more wobbly. He shrugs and opens his mouth, letting out a screech and firing sound waves at his opponent along with... Jello. Both Pokémon growl in surprise as the wave strikes Sceratio, who also lets out a squeak of pain as he is knocked over by the force of the sound waves. Growling at Crunch, the Trapinch flips to his feet and begins to claw through the Jello, digging his way deep under the soft, squishy dessert with great ease.

Crunch peers down through the semitransparent ground at Sceratio, who grins up at him smugly. He can't Jello Pulse through that... bouncing on the soft, springy ground, he begins to perform an intricate, energetic dance that rushes energy around his system, energising him and getting him ready to kick some Trapinch hindquarters. Realising it's his turn, Sceratio raises his front legs to use Metronome- then realises he has no fingers. Huh? Oh wait, he doesn't even know that move... what does Blastoise think he is, a Clefairy?

Crunch watches his opponent do nothing and frowns. What's he playing at? This is a battle for god's sake... grumbling, the Croconaw begins to warm up once more, performing another dance to work himself up even further. Sceratio is equally annoyed... yeah yeah, Metronome. Whatever. Suddenly, the Jello starts to glow; both Pokémon grunt in surprise as it changes into a brown colour, and all five of those on it start to hover just above the surface, Sceratio bumping his head on the roof of his tunnel with a soft squish. How... unorthodox. Never having tried root beer, the referee scoops a little into his mouth before declaring an end to the round. Mmm, fenugreek.

Blastoise (OOO)
Sceratio (M) <Arena Trap> 0/3 chills
Health: 90%
Energy: 97%
Status: disappointed he didn't get to attack.
Attacks used: Dig ~ none ~ none

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 90%
Status: thoroughly pumped for battle. +4 Attack
Attacks used: Jello Pulse ~ Swords Dance ~ Swords Dance

Terrain Notes
The Jello has changed to root-beer flavour (and yes I did have to Wiki "root beer" to find out what it was and in the process some of the stuff they put in it. I can't help being English), and there is a tunnel cutting through it at a 45-degree angle with a Trapinch in it.

Final Notes
- Henceforth the words "water", "hydro", "aqua" etc. from attack names will be replaced with "Jello". Because I'm weird like that.
- Dig's energy cost was reduced slightly, because Jello is much easier to dig through than earth.
- Both Sceratio's attacks on the last two actions failed, because nowhere I looked said that Trapinch could learn Metronome.
- I'm having surprisingly few problems remembering to call the stuff "Jello" and not "jelly".
- Just to clarify- does the watermelon Jello give an attack boost for projectile attacks from being eaten, or just from being there?
- Blastoise attacks first next round.


Earthquake, then Giga Drain. Sunny Day if he's not attacking, Earth Power if he does.

Earthquake~Giga Drain~Sunny Day/Earth Power

Just to clarify- does the watermelon Jello give an attack boost for projectile attacks from being eaten, or just from being there?
Just from being there, but you can write something in about them both sampling the new flavor at the start of the round, if you want.

And they don't have root beer in England? >:P
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Well, Jell-O is a humongous company that makes jelly, so USians just kinda think Jell-O and jelly are the same things and use them interchangeably. And since Jell-O is hard to type, people just call it jello. Something like that.

Seeing that our Trapinch buddy is still underground due to the dig, it probably won't be able to Giga Drain us, which is good. And since we're battling on jelly/jello/Jell-O, the Earthquake probably won't work too well either. The bad part is that you can't really hit the Trapinch... Well, let's just try to flood its tunnel then. Then freeze it. Because we're evil.

First, fire a Water Pulse down the tunnel because confusion is fun and awesome. Follow up with a nice Blizzard down the tunnel. There's no way the Trapinch will be able to escape, and even if it somehow dodged, it's going to be stuck in a ice-cold frozen jello hole. Finish it with an Ice Beam for good measure, since Sunny Day will be a pain.

Water Pulse ~ Blizzard ~ Ice Beam
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Two​
Blastoise (OOO)
Sceratio (M) <Arena Trap> 0/3 chills
Health: 90%
Energy: 97%
Status: disappointed he didn't get to attack.
Earthquake~Giga Drain~Sunny Day/Earth Power

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 90%
Status: thoroughly pumped for battle. +4 Attack
Jello Pulse ~ Blizzard ~ Ice Beam

Somewhat disoriented by his gravity deficiency, Crunch awkwardly floats himself through the air towards Sceratio's tunnel. Drawing Jello into his mouth, he lets out another screech, blasting sound waves down the tunnel. Since it's a perfectly straight corridor, the waves and blob of Jello hit the Trapinch directly, and he screeches as he is knocked back into the squishy wall of his tunnel. Floating back upright, Sceratio starts desperately trying to get his feet back to the ground; by bouncing off the ceiling, the Trapinch manages to bring his weight down on the floor of the tunnel, causing the whole Jello cube to shake intensely. However, what may otherwise have been a devastating attack was rendered harmless by the gravity-altering effect of the root beer flavouring.

Grinning at his opponent's failure, Crunch summons a powerful, bitterly cold wind. The freezing gale blows down the tunnel at intense speed, freezing the Jello and slamming Sceratio against the now-solid wall. Groaning in pain, Sceratio growls and glows with green energy. Verdant orbs of life energy ooze out of Crunch's skin and fly down the tunnel towards Sceratio, and diffuse into his body. The Trapinch sighs, his bruises feeling somewhat eased already.

Deciding that that ant hasn't been punished enough, Crunch opens his mouth to reveal an icy blue orb of energy. He aims it down the tunnel, and with a screech fires it as a freezing cold blast, hitting the poor, beaten-up Trapinch again. Struggling to his feet, Sceratio lets out a roar of frustration; however, his intended effect doesn't quite become realised, as since they're not standing on any earth, there's no power to call on. Suddenly, with a flash the Jello's colour changes again, to a light pinkish-red. Crunch, the battlers and the referee fall softly back to the bouncy surface of the Jello; poor Sceratio, however, collapses onto the rock-hard, icy floor of his tunnel. Aww.

Blastoise (OOO)
Sceratio (M) <Arena Trap> 0/3 chills
Health: 52%
Energy: 80%
Status: getting increasingly annoyed with all his failed attacks.
Earthquake~Giga Drain~Earth Power

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 0/3 chills
Health: 91%
Energy: 66%
Status: feeling hugely confident. +4 Attack
Jello Pulse ~ Blizzard ~ Ice Beam

Terrain Notes
The Jello's flavour has changed to strawberry; eating it will boost Special Attack by 1 level. Sceratio's hole is now frozen solid, and will fully thaw back to normal Jello in 9 actions without sunlight, fire, more ice etc. Digging deeper will be difficult, if not impossible, for at least another round or two. Sceratio is at the bottom of this tunnel and Crunch is standing outside, facing down it.

Final Notes
- Crunch took a little extra energy to get over to the tunnel before attacking.
- Since the tunnel is a straight 45° slope, attacks were able to travel down it perfectly well.
- Due to the root beer making everyone float, I interpreted that Earthquake would miss this round; also the Attacks and Abilities Guide implies that Earth Power requires its target to be in contact with the actual ground, so I don't think it'll be possible to use it on top of a storeys-high Jello cube. Also, the floating thing.
- Linooney attacks first next turn.
- And I just noticed, there are 11 possible flavours "each with a 10% chance of occuring" :p
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Mike is super fast at reffing... It usually takes me two to three days to do one ref, since I ramble a lot and get distracted in the middle.

Go Crunch go! Awesome job there. Since the hole is now more or less frozen, we can finish this by sealing the opening of the hole with another Ice Beam. If you can't seal the tunnel for whatever reason, just settle with hitting the Trapinch. After that, you can just eat some Jello, chill, and laugh evilly at the Trapinch trying very hard but failing to get out of the frozen Jello hole. Oh, before you start chilling though, move away from the opening of the tunnel in case the Trapinch tries to fire some beams or something.

Ice Beam (seal the tunnel)/Ice Beam (hit Trapinch) ~ Move away from tunnel opening and Eat Jello (Chill) ~ Eat Jello (Chill)
Use Giga Drain as the Croconaw approaches the hole, but let it freeze you in. Then Rock Smash the ice until it breaks, and then Dig your way to under wherever you think the opponent is if you have an action left.

Giga Drain~Rock Smash~Dig/Rock Smash

3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Three​
Blastoise (OOO)
Sceratio (M) <Arena Trap> 0/3 chills
Health: 52%
Energy: 80%
Status: getting increasingly annoyed with all his failed attacks.
Giga Drain~Rock Smash~Dig/Rock Smash

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 0/3 chills
Health: 91%
Energy: 66%
Status: feeling hugely confident. +4 Attack
Ice Beam (seal the tunnel)/Ice Beam (hit Trapinch) ~ Move away from tunnel opening and Eat Jello (Chill) ~ Eat Jello (Chill)

Sceratio shivers in the solid, frozen base of the tunnel, Crunch grinning down at him from the surface of the now-pink Jello cube. The Croconaw charges an orb of blue energy between his jaws, and shoots it down the tunnel in a freezing, ice-blue beam. Sceratio cries out as the beam strikes his side, leaving a thin layer of frost and blasting him into the wall of the tunnel. Growling, Sceratio scuttles to his feet, and the same green aura as before appears around Crunch. The croconaw grunts as the aura leaks off him into droplets, sapping his life energy and carrying it down the tunnel, where it drains into the Trapinch, healing some of his cuts.

Crunch grimaces; that didn't feel too good. He decides to make himself feel better by having a rest and a snack. He wanders away from the hole and takes a seat on the Jello, then sinks his fangs into the ground, gouging out a hunk of the sweet, wobbly arena. Not only does it taste pretty good, he feels a bit stronger and healthier for eating it. He takes a couple more bites before wiping his face and sitting down to wait for the next turn. Sceratio, meanwhile, decides to do something about this ice. He taps it with his head a few times, then takes a couple of practise swings before smacking it with his skull as hard as he could. Large cracks appear across the surface of the icy crust, widening and deepening until the ice crumbles onto the tunnel floor, revealing the soft, jiggly Jello walls again.

Crunch sits up and looks towards the tunnel, surprised by the sudden noise. He wonders what it was, but shrugs it off when his eyes catch the delicious Jello again. Maybe just one more bite couldn't hurt... opening his jaws wide he bites out another chunk. He feels even stronger and less tired, but all this Jello is starting to make him feel a little ill... prodding the wall of the burrow, Sceratio decides the ice is no longer a problem, and he's through to the diggable Jello again. He heads off to the side, keeping his eyes on the silhouette of Crunch, which he can just about make out through the see-through Jello. As he arrives underneath his opponent, the arena flashes once more; it takes on an interesting hue; the first three inches turn a dark green, with bright red in the middle and small black spots throughout. All concerned murmur, impressed- the cube looks pretty snazzy this round.

Blastoise (OOO)
Sceratio (M) <Arena Trap> 0/3 chills
Health: 44%
Energy: 71%
Status: experiencing something between headache and brainfreeze.
Giga Drain~Rock Smash~Dig

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 2/3 chills
Health: 82%
Energy: 90%
Status: "mmm, Jello-ey". +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk
Ice Beam (hit Trapinch) ~ Move away from tunnel opening and Eat Jello (Chill) ~ Eat Jello (Chill)

Terrain Notes
The Jello is now Watermelon-flavoured, giving a 1.5x boost to projectiles. There is a 45° tunnel descending from one side of the cube; at the bottom it turns 115° to the left and ends directly underneath Crunch. There are many largeish chips of ice at the bottom of the slope.

Final Notes
- Ice Beam couldn't freeze up the tunnel because there was no Jello to freeze between Sceratio and the tunnel opening. Though I may have frozen it up with regular ice if I'd rolled 10 or under and Sceratio had been frozen.
- That reffing wasn't so quick D: I meant to do it the same night commands were posted but my procrastination wouldn't let me.
- Blastoise attacks first next round.
No, that was still supersonically fast.

We've got him were we want him, Scer. Charge up a Solar Beam if there's enough sunlight, otherwise Crunch straight up. Then get out of the hole if you haven't already; if you have, use Faint Attack. End with an Earthquake.

Solar Beam/Crunch~Out of Hole/Faint Attack~Earthquake

I absolutely refuse to use 'SolarBeam'.
Well, Solar Beam is going to be a problem, so let's just Rain Dance, seeing that you're way faster than that trapinch. I know the Crunch attack is going to hurt if it hits, but take it like a man and Water Pulse the trapinch to high heaven. Make sure you can hit the trapinch (aka it's out of its tunnel) before you start attacking though! Rain + STAB + Watermelon + chance of confusion = Awesome.

And that Earthquake isn't going to do anything because we're battling on Jello.

Rain Dance ~ (wait for trapinch to come out of tunnel, then) Water Pulse ~ Water Pulse
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Four​
Blastoise (OOO)
Sceratio (M) <Arena Trap> 0/3 chills
Health: 44%
Energy: 71%
Status: experiencing something between headache and brainfreeze.
Solar Beam/Crunch~Out of Hole/Faint Attack~Earthquake

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 2/3 chills
Health: 82%
Energy: 90%
Status: "mmm, Jello-ey". +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk
Rain Dance ~ (wait for trapinch to come out of tunnel, then) Jello Pulse ~ Jello Pulse

Bouncing on the new, snazzy-looking Jello, Crunch begins to perform an elaborate dance not unlike his earlier Swords Dances; hopping from foot to foot, throwing himself into the air and humming a melody to himself. As he "dances", dark clouds gather in the sky, covering the sun, and droplets of liquid Jello start to pour to the earth, melting into the Jello as they hit its surface. Sceratio grumbles at the clouds; he'll never charge up a Solarbeam with that amount of light. Jumping up and down on the Jello, he opens his jaws skyward and launches himself up through the ceiling. His jaws slice through the confection with ease, and he burrows high up enough to sink his jaws around Crunch's foot. Yelling in surprise and pain, the Croconaw waves his leg wildly until the Trapinch loses his grip and bounces away across the arena.

Drawing Jello into his mouth, Crunch savours the fruity taste before screeching at Sceratio once more. The Jello launches along with the sound waves at the Trapinch, who cries out as the Jello washes over him and the screech nearly bursts his eardrums. He's unsure whether it's the rain or somehow the arena itself, or maybe both, but the attack hurt far more than it should have. Shaking it off, Sceratio covers himself in a film of dark energy, which suddenly renders him completely individual. The Jello ripples as he creeps towards a freaked-out Crunch, who is oblivious to his whereabouts. The Trapinch goes right up behind him and nips his tail hard, and Crunch roars in pain again as the dark energy dissipates and Sceratio scuttles back to his own side of the field.

Growling at this deception, Crunch lets out another horrid, Jello-infused screech, which washes over Sceratio just as painfully as before. However, an odd numbness kicks in before the attack finishes, and Sceratio feels no more hurt. He does, however, feel all the pain up to that point, which is so intense he almost blacks out... barely able to see and too painful to move, he tries his best to thrash at the Jello, shaking and wobbling the ground with extreme force. The tremendous force of the Jello shaking manages to knock Crunch clean off his feet and hurl him all around the arena. Luckily the softness of the Jello stops him getting too hurt. Sceratio stops thrashing, sighs in exhaustion, and lies on the floor pathetically as the rain patters down on him, fighting for consciousness. He makes out a bright glow through his half-closed eyes and blurry vision; the Jello turns a bright neon green colour, as does the rain along with it. It looks very appetising but horribly, horribly sour.

Blastoise (OOO)
Sceratio (M) <Arena Trap> 0/3 chills
Health: 4% (CAPPED)
Energy: 48%
Status: so very, very tired.
Crunch~Faint Attack~Earthquake

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 2/3 chills
Health: 61%
Energy: 75%
Status: "not long now >:3". +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk
Rain Dance ~ (wait for trapinch to come out of tunnel, then) Jello Pulse ~ Jello Pulse

Terrain Notes
The Jello is now Lime flavoured, giving a Sp. Def boost of 1 level to anyone who eats it. There is a 45° tunnel descending from one side of the cube; at the bottom it turns 115° to the left, and then forms a vertical tunnel to the surface at the centre. There are many small chips of ice at the bottom of the slope. It is raining (2 more actions).

Final Notes
- That definitely wasn't a quick reffing >.<
- With all the modifiers in play, Jello Pulse did a whopping 25% damage, so Sceratio hit the damage cap.
- Earthquake still worked because the target wasn't floating and it only requires the user to shake the surface they're standing on, not to call the attack up from the Earth itself. However due to the soft, springy nature of Jello it dealt reduced damage.
- Linooney attacks first next turn.
Whoooo you're almost done, Crunch! Just spam Jello Guns until the Trapich dies. If you can't hit the trapinch due to any reason (like protect, detect, or dig), just Chill and wait for your chance.

Water Gun/Chill ~ Water Gun/Chill ~ Water Gun/Chill

(By the way, I have finals next week, so I'll be pulling the plug on the internet and staying off the cod until the 18th at the very least, so I won't be here. Just a heads up... Sorry about this, guys!)
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Five
Blastoise (OOO)
Sceratio (M) <Arena Trap> 0/3 chills
Health: 4% (CAPPED)
Energy: 48%
Status: so very, very tired.
Quick Attack~Quick Attack~Quick Attack

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 2/3 chills
Health: 61%
Energy: 75%
Status: "not long now >:3". +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk
Jello Gun/Chill ~ Jello Gun/Chill ~ Jello Gun/Chill

Panting heavily and swaying from side to side, Sceratio lets out a grunt of pain and frustration as the ominous green rain patters down on him. He can barely even stay conscious and his trainer wants him to run? Wish a gasp, he forces himself to charge as fast as his weary legs can carry him across the jello and headbutts Crunch in the stomach with what little force he can muster. Crunch groans from the impact as Sceratio lets himself collapse onto the jello. Crunch grins and spits a tiny stream of bright green water over him. The damage from the Jello Gun, negligible as it was, is too much for the wounded Trapinch (especially aggravated by the Jello rain), who struggles for a moment before losing consciousness. Crunch grins victoriously as the jello flashes again, turning pale pink once again.

Blastoise (XOO)
Sceratio (M) <Arena Trap> 0/3 chills
Health: 0%
Energy: 45%
Status: Knocked out!
Quick Attack

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 2/3 chills
Health: 58%
Energy: 72%
Status: "did I win yet?". +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk
Jello Gun

Terrain Notes

The jello is now strawberry flavour again- +1 Sp Atk when eaten. There is a 45° tunnel descending from one side of the cube; at the bottom it turns 115° to the left, and then forms a vertical tunnel to the surface at the centre. There is a shallow pool of liquid jello at the bottom of the slope. It is raining (1 more action).

Final Notes

- putting the HP and energy values in colour is goddamn stupid I am never doing it for another battle ever again.
- Blastoise sends out and then attacks first next round.
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