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Psymon Vs. Crazy Linoone

Lars The Turtwig

Will probably not come back.
Arena Description:
1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: Scribble Field

Scribble Field is a plain green field that goes on forever. It's pretty normal, except for one thing. items can e summoned out of nowhere. Using small notepads, trainers con summon random items from nowhere.
Other: At the end of each post saying what moves pokemon are going to use, battlers type in an item. This item will appear on the field next round. These items, however, cannot be pokemon.

Crazy Linoone's active Squad:

Ability: Torrent

Ability: Pickup

Ability: Steadfast

[Death Cannon]Porygon(-)@Up-Grade
Ability: Download
Body Mod:Broadband High-Speed Internet Connection


Ability: Anger Point

Ability: Sand Veil

Ability: Synchronize

Psymon's active Squad:

Ability: overgrow

Ability: Damp
Signature Attribute:Psychic Power
Signature Move: Headache Burst

Ability: Early Bird

Ability: Pickup

Ability: Insomnia

Ability: Keen Eye

Ability: Chlorophyll

Ability: Own Tempo

A random number generator decided:
-Linoone sends out
-Psymon sends out and issues commands
-Linoone issues commands
-I reff
-My first reffing, so I hope I didn't forget something.
I send out Andy, my Blue male Hoppip.

Right, use Cotton Spore to start with, then Bullet Seed and finish off with another Bullet Seed

Cotton Spore ~ Bullet Seed ~ Bullet Seed

Oh, and using the field properties, i summon a Wall.
Let's do our best, Heinkel! Although this is your first battle, you can definitely beat that floating cotton weed!

First things first; I'll summon a sandstorm. Since you're part ground type, the sandstorm shouldn't affect you at all, and it'll cause the Hoppip no end of pain. It might even blow away the cotton spore, so double bonus. However, if a sandstorm is not considered an item and therefore cannot be summoned, I'll summon a propane tank full of propane.

Now, for your first action, dig down, cotton spore or not. This way, you can escape from the first round of bullet seeds. If there's a propane tank lying somewhere around the field, use your second action to drag that thing into your tunnel; to phrase it more clearly, slowly dig up next to the propane tank (but don't attack it!) and yank it down the tunnel. If there's no propane tank lying around, position yourself under the Hoppip without the Hoppip knowing. On your last action, if you have a propane tank, position yourself under the Hoppip without the Hoppip knowing if you haven't done so already; otherwise, Chill.

Dig (down) ~ position self under Hoppip/Grab propane tank ~ Chill/position self under Hoppip

Digging up to grab the propane tank shouldn't take as much energy as an actual Dig attack, since it doesn't require Heinkel to burst out of the dirt with a huge amount of power. I think it should just cost some small percent of energy, just because it costs energy to be digging around underground.

((This is reminding me so much of Scribblenauts...))
Arena Description:
1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: Scribble Field

Scribble Field is a plain green field that goes on forever. It's pretty normal, except for one thing. items can be summoned out of nowhere. Using small notepads, trainers can summon random items from nowhere.
Other: At the end of each post saying what moves pokemon are going to use, battlers type in an item. This item will appear on the field next round. These items, however, cannot be pokemon.

Today's arena, known as the scribble field, is an endless field of green colour, looking a little like a notebook page.
Seemingly out of nowhere, two trainers and a Turtwig, the referee, wearing a red baseball hat, accompanied by one of the ASB league's Abra, appear with a flash of red light.
Both trainers send out their pokemon, Crazy linoone sending out Heinkel, a female Gible, and Psymon sends out Andy, a blue coloured male Hoppip.
All of them position themselves, the referee taking a good distance before waiting for the trainers to issue their commands. Each of them scribbles something down on a small notebook, which starts glowing yellow and slowly releases what is scribbled on it....

Psymon's Stall(O)

Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Cotton Spore ~ Bullet Seed ~ Bullet Seed

Linoone's Pack(O)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Dig (down) ~ position self under Hoppip/Grab propane tank ~ Chill/position self under Hoppip

Both pokemon looked around in confusion, seeing that the area looks so...blank. And green. Andy looked towards Heinkel, expecting her to start acting. The blue
Hoppip sat on the ground silently, not hurrying anywhere. Heinkel, relealising her opponent didn't move, decided to start digging. A few moments before Heinkel was about to disappear, Andy quickly created a bunch of cotton around body, releasing a flurry of cotton towards Heinkel, but missing miserably. Andy groaned while waiting, knwoing he would have to wait until his opponent would come back to the surface.

Heinkel started listening, hearing the sound of Andy's breath and following it, positioning herself under him. Andy, on the other hand, started firing seeds towards the hole Heinkel entered, 2 in total, and the seeds that were supposed to be sued as bullets landed near the hole, starting to grow roots into the green ground.

Heinkel yawned and curled herself on the soft soil under the area, easily regaining the few energy she spent on digging.
Andy, once again, started shooting seeds towards the hole, this time shooting 3 seeds and shooting them into the hole presizely, not that it mattered.

After both pokemon did their actions, the notebooks in their trainer's hands started glowing yellow as a wall materialized to the left of Andy, and a sandstorm showed up in a matter of seconds, surprising everyone but Crazy Linoone and Heinkel.

Psymon's Stall(O)

Health: 94%
Energy: 88%
Status: Angry and disappointed.

Linoone's Pack(O)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Feeling like the battle has just started.​

Referee's notes:
-Andy missed on all 3 actions.
-Linoone attacks first.
-A sandstorm is traging and will do so for 5 more actions.
Nice one, Heinkel! Now that you're safe in your hole, we can get on and do some attacking!

But first, I'll summon that propane tank you've wanted. Pop your head out of the tunnel (don't use Dig as an attack; just pop your head out so you can aim) and fire some nice Flamethrowers at that ball of grass, and duck quickly back into the hole after each attack. Ducking back into the hole quickly after each attack should allow you to escape from whatever the cotton ball might be planning. If a propane tank appears during any action, go get it by digging under it and pulling it into the hole, then continue Flamethrowering.

Go go go~

Flamethrower/Grab propane tank ~ Flamethrower/Grab propane tank ~ Flamethrower/Grab propane tank

Right, let's see. Start off with Attract. Then, use Sunny Day, and finish off with Synthesis if you got it with attract. If you didn't, then use Solar Beam directly above the hole Heinkel dug.

Attract ~ Sunny Day ~ Synthesis / Solar Beam

Oh, and summon another Wall.
Arena Description:
1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: Scribble Field

Scribble Field is a plain green field that goes on forever. It's pretty normal, except for one thing. items can e summoned out of nowhere. Using small notepads, trainers con summon random items from nowhere.
Other: At the end of each post saying what moves pokemon are going to use, battlers type in an item. This item will appear on the field next round. These items, however, cannot be pokemon.

At the end of the first round, after everyone got ready, something more than just mysterious happened- the referee, previously being a Turtwig wearing a baseball cap, was replaced by a Chimchar wearing a blue scarf- temporary, that is. After both trainers gave their commands and scribled down the next thing to scribble, both pokemon went back to their old positions and got ready to battle.

Round 2

Psymon's Stall(O)

Health: 94%
Energy: 88%
Commands: Attract ~ Sunny Day ~ Synthesis / Solar Beam

Linoone's Pack(O)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Commands: Flamethrower/Grab propane tank ~ Flamethrower/Grab propane tank ~ Flamethrower/Grab propane tank

Andy , hearing Linoone's commands, started planning how he could make the dino come out of the hole and fall in love with him. He started whispering compliments, saying several things neither trainer could understand. Heinkel, however, being underground, didn't hear the Hoppip's whispering. Andy started creating a strange, yellow, and glowing heart shape between his tiny hands, watching as it grew larger and larger, and small, red heart shapes started floating around it. After it was about Andy's size, he shot it towards where he assumed Heinkel was, only to see it explode on the ground, becoming lots of small, red heart and bubbles that filled the air and seemed to stop the raging sandstorm for a few moments. However, it stopped shortly afterwards.

The sandstorm kept on raging, making it hard for Andy to breath, and making him swear so bad that if Heinkel would havd fallen for his attract, she would snap out of it after hearing them.

Heinkel started climbing out of the hole, creating a new tunnel that went straight upwards, and, after coming out of the tunnel, looked for her opponent, hoping to find him, even although the sandstorm was still raging. Heinkel, unlike Andy, spotted her opponent quickly, and sighed in relief that she had her abillity. She started storing gases inside her body, and created a sphere of flames a few centimeters before her mouth. Then, she released the gases in the form of a burp that quickly reached the flame sphere, creating a stream of flames that flew towards the surprised andy, hitting him and throwing backwards, scorching him badly, but not leaving any major burns on him. Heinkel then went back into the hole, hiding some of her body, giving her some minor cover.

Andy stood up, muttering some more nasty swears after getting hit by the sandstorm, he put his tiny hand before his eyes, and started charging fire energy in his body, using his wings to create the needed energy type to change the damned sandstorm to something more suitable. After charging for a minute, Andy's 'wings' started glowing white, and a white, glowing sphere moved from them to the red ball between andy's hand, and he shot it upwards, towards the sky. The ball went trough the middle of the sandstorm, creating strong winds and blowing the sandstorm away, hitting the clouds above the battlefield, and, seconds later, making the sun appear and shine, much to Heinkel's dismay.

Heinkel, deciding to use the oppurinity to attack with some strong fire attack, popped her head out of the hole and strated charging another fire sphere, however, this time it was two times bigger than the previous time. Charging the flames for only a few moments, Heinkel released yet another storm of fire towards Andy, scorching his already black body again, throwing him backwards, racking up some extra damage to the already badly injuried Hoppip's account. Once again, Heinkel hid in the hole.

Andy hissed angrily, thinking about the two options he had- Synthesis and Solar Beam. Which one should he use again? Assuming he should get rid of his enemy as fast as possible, Andy started gathering sunlight into his leaves, making them glow in the proccess as they started growing, and a strange, glowing liquid started getting stored in his mouth, and he suddenly released it towards Heinkel in the form of a Solar Beam. Heinkel shrieked, being unable to move away from the beam's path, she prepared herself for the immense pain she was about to be in. However, it was faster than she thought- the pain was great, but only for a few seconds.

Heinkel looked at her opponent angrily, and quickly created another sphere of flames between her and Andy, who was located a few feet from her after coming closer to make sure the Solar Beam will hit her. The sphere became a ray of flames once again, scorching Andy again, and as always, not leaving any sign but his singed body.

After both pokemon were done fighting, another wall was created, this time located to the left of Heinkel and Andy, around 10 feet from them. In addition, a cane of porpane appeared behind Heinkel.
End Of Round 2

Psymon's Stall(O)

Health: 48%
Energy: 74%
Status: Angry and sore.

Linoone's Pack(O)
Health: 86%
Energy: 69%
Status: Angry and happy at once.

The sun is shining, and will do so for 8 more actions.​

Reff's notes:
-I might have forgot something, so please point out, but I doubt I did though.
-Long description is long.
-Psymon attacks first next round.
-The first flamethrower dealth normal damage, and the next two dealt 1.5 times as much damage, so maybe sunny day wasn't such a good idea.
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>:( Right, use Leech Seed until it woks, then Synthesis for the other actions.

Leech Seed ~ Leech Seed/Synthesis ~ Leech Seed/Synthesis

Summon a Oran Berry Tree
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Ah ha ha ha! Nice one, Heinkel! Since Leech Seed is a pain, just hide in your tunnel and Chill and watch that grass ball waste energy. Yeah~

I know there's a propane tank lying about already, but you don't want to risk getting Leech Seeded, so let's just leave that alone for now.

Meahwhile, I'll summon a tornado. Since you're safely underground, it won't do anything to you and might even uproot that Oran Berry tree as well as deal some nice damage to our grass ball friend here.

(stay underground)Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill
Arena Description:
1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: Scribble Field

Scribble Field is a plain green field that goes on forever. It's pretty normal, except for one thing. items can e summoned out of nowhere. Using small notepads, trainers con summon random items from nowhere.
Other: At the end of each post saying what moves pokemon are going to use, battlers type in an item. This item will appear on the field next round. These items, however, cannot be pokemon.

The Referee's replacement seemed to have been replaced again,seeing that the blue scarf equipped Chimchar has been replaced by an Abra wearing a funny top hat.
The Abra raised his hand, pointing out both pokemon may fight again. Both trainers issued their commands and scribbled something down in thier notebooks, Linoone painting yet another storm shape.

Round 3

Psymon's Stall(O)

Health: 48%
Energy: 74%
Commands: Leech Seed ~ Leech Seed/Synthesis ~ Leech Seed/Synthesis

Linoone's Pack(O)

Health: 86%
Energy: 69%
Commands: (stay underground)Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill

Both pokemon got ready, Andy preparing to slaughter his energy for some health and Heinkel preparing to regain the former.

Before Heinkel got to crawl back into the hole, Andy started maknig strange gurgling sounds as seeds started coming out of his stomach. He got ready and preapred his mouth, making something that somewhat looked like a cannon's shape, and then started shooting gren seeds towards Heinkel in a fast rate, quickly geting rid of 3 of them. All of them were connected to Andy with a strange string which looked like a red, thick vine.

The seeds landed a few centimeters to the left of Heinkel, and the vine string quickly rotted away and disappeared, making Andy jump around angrily.

Heinkel simply chuckled to herself, and crawled into her hole, curling herself on the soft ground, yawning, and then snoring, quickly regaining Energy. Konwing she wouldn't have to move at all, she simply closed her eyes and started sleeping.

Andy generated another set of seeds in his mouth, shooting them towards the hole and hitting the Porpane tank, making it fall into the hole, rolling down a few feet, and staying there. Andy groaned again, and landed on the ground, sighing to himself.

Heinkel, on the other hand, kept on calming down, energy pulsing trough her body.

Another set of seeds, the last to be used in the particular round, was shot out of his mouth, landing 10 feet to the right of the hole, the vine rotting away again.

Heinkel stood up, expecting some more action in the next round, but feeling great nontheless.

A hurricane started getting creatd near Andy, flying towards him, grabbing him and whirling him around, throwing him on the ground and mildly wounding him, disappearing instantly afterwards, leaving a lot of dust in the air.

An Oran tree appeared a few moments afterwards, in the exact middle betweeen Deinkel and Andy, with a distance of 10 feet from each of them.

End Of Round 3

Psymon's Stall(O)

Health: 40%
Energy: 59%
Status: Extremly angry.

Linoone's Pack(O)

Health: 86%
Energy: 94%
Status: Relaxed.​

The sun is shining and will do so for 5 more actions.

Reff's note:
-Andy was hurt by the hurricane once, counting it as a STAB boosted gust attack.
-Heinkel got back 5% energy in the frist round, and 10% in the next rounds.
-I didn't mention the sunshine because there were no moves that would change using it.
-There is dust everywhere, lowering accuracy by 10%.
-Linoone attacks first next round.
-I did my best to make this round possibly Detailed.
Heinkel, you are doing great! Although it's kinda dusty outside, it's just like in a sandstorm, so it shouldn't affect you much. Anyway, let's take advantage of the sun and start torching. First, Substitute (15%) to get rid of the possibility of getting Leech Seeded. After that, poke your head out of the hole again and spam Flamethrowers; bonus points if you torch the Oran Berry tree on the way. Sweep the Flamethrower across the arena if you don't think you can aim properly due to the sand or Double Team or whatever. Go right back into your hole after you're done to avoid whatever the floating plant is planning. Either way, the Substitute should be able to take whatever' coming.

Oh, and I'm going to summon another tornado because tornadoes are cool.

Substitute (15%) ~ Flamethrower ~ Flamethrower

Right, first action,go grab an Oran Berry from the Tree and eat it. If you can't do that for some reason, just chill. Then, use Flash for the remaining actions. If you fall below 30% health at any time, try to grab an Oran Berry and eat it instead of flashing.

Grab Oran Berry and eat it / Chill ~ Flash / Grab Oran Berry and eat it ~ Flash / Grab Oran Berry and eat it
Bah, what? Sorry, so tired from this flipping flu. Summon an Earthquake if possible. If not, summon a Boulder over the dig hole.
Arena Description:
1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: Scribble Field

Scribble Field is a plain green field that goes on forever. It's pretty normal, except for one thing. items can e summoned out of nowhere. Using small notepads, trainers con summon random items from nowhere.
Other: At the end of each post saying what moves pokemon are going to use, battlers type in an item. This item will appear on the field next round. These items, however, cannot be pokemon.

Round four was about to begin when both trainers started wondering why the referee was constantly replaced by his pokemon and why the next replacement was't coming. This time, however, it was still the same pokemon as before....a chimchar. Both trainers issued their commands, as they did in each round, and scribbled something on their notepads. A minute afterwards, the chmichar held his hand up while holding a green flag. Round 4 is on!

Round 4

Psymon's Stall(O)

Health: 40%
Energy: 59%
Commands: Grab Oran Berry and eat it / Chill ~ Flash / Grab Oran Berry and eat it ~ Flash / Grab Oran Berry and eat it

Linoone's Pack(O)

Health: 86%
Energy: 94%
Commands: Substitute (15%) ~ Flamethrower ~ Flamethrower

Heinkel yawned, becoming extremly bored by the battle. However, she had to end it, and she was pretty fucking sure she would win, seeing how wounded her opponent was. She spat some blood on the ground, released a stream of sand out of her mouth at the blood, and then mixed the strange mixture with some draconic energy, quickly shaping it into herself. She looked at the sculpture that she made- it looked exactly like her, only that it was unable to move. It was nothing but a sculpture. Heinkel closed her eyes, and felt as her life force started moving towards the Substitute, giving it life. Satifised by her work, Heinkel moved the substitute towards the exit of the tunnel, pushed it out of it, and then sat down behind the puppet.

Andy didn't bother about his opponent, althuogh he surely was confused that she came out of her hole. He started flapping his 'wings', and floated towards the Oran berry tree, plucked one of the berries, and then pushed it into his mouth greedily, not bothering much to chew the berry. Seconds afterwards, the berry was in his mouth, and his whoel body was full with blue spots of juice.

A few moments after eating the berry, Andy reminded himself that he was supposed to use Flash. Indeed, the dust, together with a few flashy effects, would lower Andy's chances of getting scroched again. He loaded solar energy in his leaves, releasing it in the form of a blinding flash of light.

Heinkel shouted in pain, her eyes being temporaly blinded. She created a sphere of fire in her mouth, or, rather, her Substitute did, and released it towards where she assumed that Andy would be. And, to her luck, she hit the poor plant again, making him cry in agony as the flames scorched him once again.

Andy muttered himself how he would kill that bitch, and charged solar energy in his leaves again, releasing another blast of blinding light.

This time, Heinkel didn't shout, but she surely was angry. She loaded another sphere of fire in her mouth, releasing a gigantic stream of flames towards Andy, the sun maknig the atack even stronger. However, it failed, flying a few centimeters to the left of Andy. Heinkel grabbed her substitute, jumpnig into the hole and flattening herself on the ground together with the substitute.

The ground stated shaking, creating cracks in the ground almost everywhere, and maknig the tunnel in which Heinkel was let out strange noises. A crack formed under Heinkel, swallowing the substitute into it, saving Heinkel quite some damage, but almost completely destroying the substitute.

A hurricane formed somewhere far from the battlefield, and quickly made its way towards Andy, hitting him again and throwing him on the ground, and ripping 3 berries out of the Oran tree, and finally leaving.

End Of Round 4

Psymon's Stall(O)

Health: 20%
Energy: 50%
Status: Owowowowowowow!

Linoone's Pack(O)

Health: 71%
Energy: 66%
Status: ARGH!


Substitute (5% Hp)​

The sun is shining and will do so for 2 more actions.
There is dust everywhere, lowering accuracy by 10% for 4 more actions.

Reff's notes:
-The earthquake counted as a not-stab attack used by a fully evolved, burned pokemon.
-The reason is the earthquake attack counts as noe strong attack and the hurricane counts as several small attacks.
-Psymon attacks first next round.
-The substitute is stuck in a crack.
-It costed Heinkel extra energy to enter the hole again.
-The dust made Heinkel's last attack miss.
-The hurricane rested the dust.
-Late reffnig is late.
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FFF... >:( Dammit Crazy Linoone, why must you be so smart and lucky!

Right, get into that hole! First action get into that hole. If you can do another thing that action, use Flash again.

If you couldn't use Flash last action, use it now. If you did use flash last action, use Toxic on that stupid dragon thingy. If Heinkel is not in the hole use chill.

Finally, get as close as you can and use Bullet Seed. If Heinkel is not in the hole again, use chill.

Get into Hole/Get into Hole and Flash ~ Flash/Toxic/Chill ~ Bullet Seed/Chill

Summon a Tornado.

You're almost done~ Stay in the tunnel, close your eyes and wait for the grass thingie use flash. If you close your eyes, you should be fine~ Since the grass thingie is in the tunnel and right in front of you, just Flamethrower it with your eyes closed. It shouldn't be that hard to hit. Follow up with another Flamethrower. If the grass thingie is still not dead after that, Flamethrower again. The Substitute should protect you from the Toxic, so ALL IS WELL. And you're about to win anyway so who cares.

I'll summon an, uh... bowl of ramen. Because I'm hungry and want to eat lunch right now.

Flamethrower ~ Flamethrower ~ Flamethrower
Arena Description:
1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: Scribble Field

Scribble Field is a plain green field that goes on forever. It's pretty normal, except for one thing. items can e summoned out of nowhere. Using small notepads, trainers con summon random items from nowhere.
Other: At the end of each post saying what moves pokemon are going to use, battlers type in an item. This item will appear on the field next round. These items, however, cannot be pokemon.

The chimchar referee jumps around lazily, waving with a red flag that the next, probably last, round of the battle will now begin.

Round 5

Psymon's Stall(O)

Health: 20%
Energy: 50%
Status: Owowowowowowow!
Commands: Get into Hole/Get into Hole and Flash ~ Flash/Toxic/Chill ~ Bullet Seed/Chill

Linoone's Pack(O)

Health: 71%
Energy: 66%
Status: ARGH!
Commands: Flamethrower ~ Flamethrower ~ Flamethrower


Substitute (5% Hp)​

Andy, at the edge of fainting, glided into the tunnel Heinkel was in. After entering it, he looked around, spotting Heinkel quickly. He stored energy in his body, and then released a flash of light into the hole.

Heinkel, on the other hand, was ready- she closed her eyes, almost totally negating the light's effects on her.

Seconds afterwards, Heinkel started storing fire energy in her body, creating a sphere before her mouth. Then, flames covered it, and a storm of fire flew towards Andy, scorching him and badly hurting him, even if it only hit his left side.

Andy groaned, but had other worries. He started storing toxins in his body, his body slowly becoming a little purple, and then spat it on his hands. Then, he zoomed towards Heinkel, smearing the purple goo on her face... Only to find out it was the subtitute.

Heinkel let out an evil chuckle, and ran towards Andy, another sphere of fire ready, this time inside her mouth, smoke coming out of it and out of her nostrils.
Then, she released a flurry of flames towards Andy, scorching him again. His body was covered in ashes, and he collapsed on the ground, his leaves letting out smoke. He closed his eyes, and let himself fall asleep.

Heinkel let out a vitory roar, and started jumping around happily, dancing together with the substitute. Then, she grabbed Heinkel, dragging him out of the cave, showing him to the referee, who declared her as the winner.

Strangely enough, after the battle was done, a bowl of ramen appeared in the referee's hands, only to be thrown into the hole a great deal of the battle took part in.

End Of Round 4

Psymon's Stall(O)

Health: 0%
Energy: 35%
Status: KOed!

Linoone's Pack(O)

Health: 71%
Energy: 49%


Substitute (5% Hp)​

Linoone wins totally overkill. I made this reffing short because I was in a hurry, it was kind of late, and it was the last round.
Short battle, but I hope you had fun!

8$ for Linoone+2 Xp for Heinkel, 5$ for me, and 3$ for Psymon+1 Xp for Andy.
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