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Kusarigamaitachi vs. Negrek


beep beep coming through
1 v 1
DQ Time: Two weeks
Damage Cap: None
Permitted moves: Metronome
Special rules: unlimited energy; attacks that damage opponent's energy instead take away health

Arena: The Jolliest Place in Kutho!

More footpaths than roads, the streets of Fleet Town are peaceful and well-maintained. The plant life is simple but beautiful. Local shops and restaurants line the road on either side, spilling warm yellow light onto the street. Between two of these is a nearby alleyway with a tipped-over trash can, where mangy rattata hide or gather food. The store signs are noticeable but not gaudy or flashy, except for the particularly bright, colourful ice cream parlour sign.

The sky is thick and dark with clouds, and it is raining. The pavement is soaked, and the water collects in the gutters on the side of the road. A few puddles remain to splash in, revealing the usually-unnoticeable imperfections in the pavement, although none are more than an inch deep.

A ways behind Negrek is the pokemon centre, which still receives the amount of traffic the streets of Fleet Town are usually subject to. However, due to the downpour, the battlefield is mostly devoid of other human life. More distantly, those who wander the streets can find themselves at the pokemart or the market, both of which have several patrons despite the rain.

As no one was able to procure a radio for this battle, the techno music will come from a loudred provided by some nearby dancing teens.
Kusari's active squad which totally doesn't matter so I'm truncating it:

[Ozzy] Ludicolo (M) <Swift Swim> - [Lodestone] Metang (X) @Exp Share

Negrek's active squad which is almost as irrelevant except she never said whether or not she was going to be historically accurate:

[Acheron] Sableye (M) <Stall> @Sitrus Berry - [Yoshiya] Cleffa (M) <Magic Guard> - Makuhita (M) Guts @Chesto Berry - [Aximili] Wooper (F) <Water Absorb> @Exp Share - [Silver] Togepi (M) <Serene Grace> @Soothe Bell

And because this is the most relevant bit of all:

Negrek sends out
Kusari sends and attacks
Negrek attacks
A reffing may or may not appear December 1st at the earliest
Last edited:
Silver's reign of terror? He didn't even manage to destroy a whole town. He's nothing compared to you, Ozzy!

Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome
Don't take that lying down, Silver. Counter with your devastating special technique!

Metronome x 3
Kusarigamaitachi vs. Negrek, Round One

Pre-Round Stats

Kusarigamaitachi (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Ozzy (M) [Swift Swim]
Health: 100%
Energy: ∞
Ozzy's Commands: Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Negrek (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Silver (M) [Serene Grace] @Soothe Bell
Health: 100%
Energy: ∞
Silver's Commands: Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Arena: The Jolliest Place in Kutho!

More footpaths than roads, the streets of Fleet Town are peaceful and well-maintained. The plant life is simple but beautiful. Local shops and restaurants line the road on either side, spilling warm yellow light onto the street. Between two of these is a nearby alleyway with a tipped-over trash can, where mangy rattata hide or gather food. The store signs are noticeable but not gaudy or flashy, except for the particularly bright, colourful ice cream parlour sign.

The sky is thick and dark with clouds, and it is raining. The pavement is soaked, and the water collects in the gutters on the side of the road. A few puddles remain to splash in, revealing the usually-unnoticeable imperfections in the pavement, although none are more than an inch deep.

A ways behind Negrek is the pokemon centre, which still receives the amount of traffic the streets of Fleet Town are usually subject to. However, due to the downpour, the battlefield is mostly devoid of other human life. More distantly, those who wander the streets can find themselves at the pokemart or the market, both of which have several patrons despite the rain.

As no one was able to procure a radio for this battle, the techno music will come from a loudred provided by some nearby dancing teens.

Round One: Begin

The citizens of Fleet Town have had a good day, if an uncomfortably rainy one. Sure, the weather required umbrellas and squeaky galoshes all around, but work was completed, purchases and visits were made and children got a chance to muck around in the puddles collecting in their yards. Now, as the last few stragglers make their way home or make last-minute stops at the town's businesses before getting out of the dark and wet, only a few teenagers are immediately apparent outside. Unperturbed by the water rolling off of their raincoats in rivulets--or causing their unprotected clothing to stick to their skin, if they're feeling bold enough to forgo a poncho--teenagers dance and strum air guitars to the beat of a nearby Loudred, which is blasting out a techno-inspired tune and totally oblivious to the rain it stomps around in. Aside from the Loudred's music, Fleet Town is relatively quiet and peaceful.

The Ludicolo and Togepi standing in the middle of the street find this entirely unacceptable.

Ozzy's webbed hands wag back and forth to the rapid beats of the catchy techno music, twitching this way and that as a thin, purple mist begins to twirl around his body. The eerie substance surrounds the dancing, humming Ludicolo, completely engulfing him seconds before he charges straight at Silver. He crosses the pavement in a series of erratic leaps and bounds and swings an ectoplasm-swathed fist right at the little Togepi's face.

Silver just kind of stares at him.

Ozzy blinks through the rain running down the brim of his lily-hat, surprised. Shouldn't... shouldn't something have happened? He wasn't expecting anything powerful, but... surely Silver was terrified by the sudden feint! Surely he should be reeling, too astonished to attack! But the little egg Pokémon has already dismissed Ozzy as a threat and has his own stubby hands in the air, jerking them rigidly back and forth in time with the thumping bass. Then he springs forward--his tiny legs can't carry him as far as quickly, but Ozzy is still right in front of him and an easy target. Without warning Silver opens his mouth, grabs a wet frond hanging on Ozzy's side and bites down, gnawing hard and trying to suck up a little of the juices inside. For all his consternation over the failed astonish Ozzy is less than impressed; the little nibble is hardly painful at all, and while he does think he can detect just a soupcon of irritating bug-type energy it is, on the whole, quite forgettable.

With a snort and a sweep of his wide hand Ozzy pushes the little nuisance away, returning his attention to the techno music and the fun, egg-smashing attacks he must surely be able to glean from it. Tick-tick, tick-tick, his hands go back and forth, and the music in him draws out a bright green aura that the grass-type is more than familiar with. The grass on a nearby curb shudders and then stretches, growing longer and longer as it snakes out toward his opponent. Several of the serpentine blades pull back and then snap forward, striking Silver hard across what legs he has and sending him sprawling onto the wet pavement face-first. The Togepi comes up with a very nasty bruise and a bit of a friction burn between his narrowed, angry eyes. Ozzy takes a few nervous steps back as Silver's fingers go to work, twitching and ticking twice as fast in the little Pokémon's anger. He doesn't back up far enough to stop Silver from charging forward and reaching him again, this time spinning around and landing two tiny kicks around Ozzy's knees. The leafduck grimaces slightly, but shrugs it off just as easily as Silver's previous attempt.

No, no, clearly this "Silver" character, for all of the hype about him around Willow Town, is a hack and a charlatan. No true master of the metronome would ever be satisfied with anything less than massive property damage and loss of life! His first two tries were just flukes, yes, that's it, but now, oh, now Fleet Town and this impudent eggamajigger will know the true wrath of the Random Number God that is Ozzy! His dancing fingers, now moving to their own beat instead of the Loudred's, glow a hot, brilliant white. Yes... yes... yes... he can feel it... he closes his eyes and lets out a low, rumbling laugh just in time to miss the pretty, if otherwise unspectacular, multicolored beam of light that does nothing but strike Silver square in the face.

When Ozzy lets his evil laugh fade away and looks around again, he is understandably quite disappointed to see that absolutely nothing of any consequence has happened. The rain is still falling over an intact and still peaceful Fleet Town, and his opponent doesn't even appear to be hurt. Silver's fingers begin their rapidfire retaliatory wagging, but then his eyes cross slightly as he watches them go. Back and forth, left and right, left and back and right and right and buggghhguhh... he sits down hard, quite dizzy and unable to distinguish his right from his forth and his two from his tangerine. Ozzy sighs. Massive property damage and loss of life it was not, but hey, at least the stupid little kid is seeing stars.

Round One: Close

Post-Round Stats

Kusarigamaitachi (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Ozzy (M) [Swift Swim]
Health: 97%
Energy: ∞
Status: CONFUSE RAY IS NOT MAGMA STORM but I'll take it :D hahaha dumb baby

Negrek (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Silver (M) [Serene Grace] @Soothe Bell
Health: 95%
Energy: ∞
Status: Confused (severe); DRACO... dray... dffrugg mummateer gmmmff... tangerine!!!

Arena Status: Rain falls steadily over the dusty streets. The loud techno music is still blaring down the street. Aside from a tangled clump of overgrown grass near Silver nothing has changed. This is unacceptable.

Rain: Indefinite

Ref's Notes
-Ozzy's metronomed attacks: Astonish ~ Grass Knot ~ Confuse Ray
-Silver's metronomed attacks: Leech Life ~ Double Kick ~ (fully confused)
-Grass Knot scored a critical hit. oh god look at poor Silver I think he's dying what cruel bastard decided to turn off damage caps ;-;
-Silver was fully confused on the third action and so did nothing.
-Fleet Town is still standing. Why is it still standing. Your so-called reigns of terror and special techniques, they fail.
-Negrek attacks first next round.
Okay, Silver, try to close your eyes and concentrate for a few seconds to clear your head a bit. Then METRONOME METRONOME HAVOC DEATH DESTRUCTION METEORS.

Clear Head ~ Metronome ~ Metronome
Clearing your head? A lost chance for attacks? How could you! Chill bans are there for that very reason! You're obviously not dedicated enough to the destruction of Fleet Town. I'm so ashamed of you.

And that goes for you too, Ozzy >| What was that, anyway? Someone else already managed to get a magma storm in the middle of a town. Are you going to let yourself get out-done by a happiny? Because if you don't get in something decent before the second round, that's exactly what will have happened!

Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome
Kusarigamaitachi vs. Negrek, Round Two

Pre-Round Stats

Kusarigamaitachi (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Ozzy (M) [Swift Swim]
Health: 97%
Energy: ∞
Status: CONFUSE RAY IS NOT MAGMA STORM but I'll take it :D hahaha dumb baby
Ozzy's Commands: Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Negrek (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Silver (M) [Serene Grace] @Soothe Bell
Health: 95%
Energy: ∞
Status: Confused (severe); DRACO... dray... dffrugg mummateer gmmmff... tangerine!!!
Silver's Commands: Clear Head ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Arena: The Jolliest Place in Kutho!

More footpaths than roads, the streets of Fleet Town are peaceful and well-maintained. The plant life is simple but beautiful. Local shops and restaurants line the road on either side, spilling warm yellow light onto the street. Between two of these is a nearby alleyway with a tipped-over trash can, where mangy rattata hide or gather food. The store signs are noticeable but not gaudy or flashy, except for the particularly bright, colourful ice cream parlour sign.

The sky is thick and dark with clouds, and it is raining. The pavement is soaked, and the water collects in the gutters on the side of the road. A few puddles remain to splash in, revealing the usually-unnoticeable imperfections in the pavement, although none are more than an inch deep.

A ways behind Negrek is the pokemon centre, which still receives the amount of traffic the streets of Fleet Town are usually subject to. However, due to the downpour, the battlefield is mostly devoid of other human life. More distantly, those who wander the streets can find themselves at the pokemart or the market, both of which have several patrons despite the rain.

As no one was able to procure a radio for this battle, the techno music will come from a loudred provided by some nearby dancing teens.

Round Two: Begin

Magma storm, ma-magma storm storm, magma storm, ma-magma storm! Ozzy runs the words through his head again and again, willing the next thing that springs from his dancing hands to be fire, heat, lava, earthquakes, devastation, death!--but the power that wells up within him is far from lethal and destructive. A bright light surrounds the Ludicolo, flashing for just a few seconds and cleaning up the few tiny bruises that Silver's kicking and nibbling left on his body. The light fades away, leaving Fleet Town slumbering peacefully and Ozzy in a very foul mood. Silver, eyes closed, is too busy trying not to think about anything at all to wonder why Ozzy hasn't accosted him yet.

A stream of vehement curses escapes Ozzy's mouth, followed by his magma storm chant at twice the tempo. Then, without warning, the chanting is replaced by a gurgling, rushing sound as a torrent of water rockets out of his bill at high speed. Silver's relaxation is cut short by the high-pressure blast; the hydro pump knocks him right off of his feet and throws him back toward the Pokémon Center, almost plastering him to its glass doors before depositing him on the muddy ground. Ozzy's beak clicks shut after a few seconds, shutting off the water. He can see that Silver is definitely starting to look worse for wear, but... but that wasn't magma storm either.

Silver's head is no longer swimming thanks to the shock of the cold water; the rest of him sure feels like he's swimming, however, and in the middle of a stormy sea at that. The waterlogged and battered Togepi slips in the mud as he tries to struggle to his feet, fingers flailing wildly back and forth; whether he is trying to pull off a metronome while regaining his footing or is simply fighting to maintain balance is unclear. Bright lights form at the tips of his paws all the same, however, rapidly shifting from white to gold to the same shade of brown that had engulfed them when he'd tried his double kick. Finally fully upright at last, Silver lifts his arms as high as they can reach and scurries forward...

The last few times Silver came after him Ozzy ended up with nothing more than a few mildly painful bumps; surely this was more of the same, then. The Ludicolo nods. At least he can count on the dumb little kid failing at the fine art of the metronome and calling one pansy attack after--

WHAM! Silver drives his tiny fists into Ozzy's stomach with one mighty downward swing, the disproportionate amount of force behind the blow driving the wind clean out of his foe's lungs. Ozzy staggers and falls back onto his bottom, beak wide open as he gasps for air. The wild momentum keeps Silver charging straight ahead until he stumbles, losing his balance.

Still sucking in air like a vacuum and massaging his stomach, Ozzy stands up and waves a finger on his free hand. His desperate wishes for a proper magma storm go unanswered, however; the same ghostly black energy that preceded the failed astonish surrounds him for a few seconds before drifting over to the wobbling Silver and slithering in through the side of his head. The Togepi shudders and shakes his head vigorously, nearly falling over once or twice as he attempts to dislodge the stuff. He need not worry so much, though. The presence of the ghost-type energy leaves a few unsettling thoughts in his head, but as he is wide awake and able to think clearly once again he has enough awareness to dismiss them.

Any dismay Ozzy feels at failing to cause massive property damage and loss of life yet again is mollified when he watches Silver start his fingers a-twitching again. The Togepi finds himself overcome by a sudden urge to dive into cool, deep blue water, but while there certainly is a lot of water on the ground none of it is deep enough for a swim. He tries hopping into a particularly large puddle, accomplishing nothing more than creating a hefty but wholly ineffectual splash.

Round Two: Close

Post-Round Stats

Kusarigamaitachi (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Ozzy (M) [Swift Swim]
Health: 91%
Energy: ∞
Status: But... but none of those were magma storm either... :( What fun is having the upper hand if there's no magma storm?

Negrek (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Silver (M) [Serene Grace] @Soothe Bell
Health: 73%
Energy: ∞
Status: Speed -1; FFFFFFFFFFFF

Arena Status: Rain falls steadily over the dusty streets, creating rather a lot of mud. The loud techno music is still blaring down the street. Aside from a tangled clump of overgrown grass near Silver nothing has changed. This is unacceptable.

Rain: Indefinite

Ref's Notes
-Ozzy's metronomed attacks: Recover ~ Hydro Pump ~ Nightmare
-Silver's metronomed attacks: (nothing) ~ Hammer Arm ~ Dive
-Clearing his head reduced Silver's confusion somewhat; the blast of cold water from Hydro Pump removed it entirely.
-Nightmare and Dive both failed.
-Kusarigamaitachi attacks first next round.

You know what? I have nothing to say to that. I am so ashamed that no coherent thoughts can form. Mrph. Grr.

...I'm sure this is just to build up tension and create a better appreciation for when you finally do get a magma storm, right, Ozzy? You wouldn't let me down. You have a name to live up to!

Just don't kill Silver so quickly that you don't get the chance!

Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome
Actually... I think it would be most hilarious if you ended this battle with a huge explosion, Silver.


Metronome x 3
Kusarigamaitachi vs. Negrek, Round Three

Pre-Round Stats

Kusarigamaitachi (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Ozzy (M) [Swift Swim]
Health: 91%
Energy: ∞
Status: But... but none of those were magma storm either... :( What fun is having the upper hand if there's no magma storm?
Ozzy's Commands: Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Negrek (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Silver (M) [Serene Grace] @Soothe Bell
Health: 73%
Energy: ∞
Status: Speed -1; FFFFFFFFFFFF
Silver's Commands: Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Arena: The Jolliest Place in Kutho!

More footpaths than roads, the streets of Fleet Town are peaceful and well-maintained. The plant life is simple but beautiful. Local shops and restaurants line the road on either side, spilling warm yellow light onto the street. Between two of these is a nearby alleyway with a tipped-over trash can, where mangy rattata hide or gather food. The store signs are noticeable but not gaudy or flashy, except for the particularly bright, colourful ice cream parlour sign.

The sky is thick and dark with clouds, and it is raining. The pavement is soaked, and the water collects in the gutters on the side of the road. A few puddles remain to splash in, revealing the usually-unnoticeable imperfections in the pavement, although none are more than an inch deep.

A ways behind Negrek is the pokemon centre, which still receives the amount of traffic the streets of Fleet Town are usually subject to. However, due to the downpour, the battlefield is mostly devoid of other human life. More distantly, those who wander the streets can find themselves at the pokemart or the market, both of which have several patrons despite the rain.

As no one was able to procure a radio for this battle, the techno music will come from a loudred provided by some nearby dancing teens.

Round Three: Begin

Ozzy is angry. Very, very angry. Despite his best efforts to subject Fleet Town to wanton destruction at the hands of flowing lava and falling space rocks, everything remains as dozy and as not in a million pieces as it was before. His mood is not improved when his next metronome has him reaching down for a few twigs and stones at his feet--the pokiest objects he can find nearby on short notice and the best he can do with nothing already on hand--and throwing them into Silver's damp face. The rocks and sticks are quite pokey, yes, but they do little more than scratch the Togepi; Silver rubs at his cheeks for a second or two before returning his attention to his own attack. His swaying fingers don't do much better, only glowing red for a moment before flinging a few dully-glowing embers in the Ludicolo's direction. Only one or two cross the gap between them without being doused by the rain, and Ozzy hardly feels it when they do touch him.

The second metronome of the round envelops Ozzy in a harsh yellow light. The sound of hissing and snapping fills the air as the leafduck builds up a charge. Raindrops evaporate with an audible sizzle as they make contact with the field of pent-up electricity. Ozzy releases the energy with an angry shout, and it shoots across the street in an erratic wave. The pulse strikes Silver square on, instantly flooding his nerves with electricity and knocking him onto his back.

As the Ludicolo rants and raves about yet another move that would've been much better if it were magma storm, Silver whimpers and tries to stand himself up. The best he can manage in his compromised state is a little futile wiggling of his arms, however, and so he settles for whatever boon--or, as is more likely, crappy move like splash--metronome grants him this time. The wind shifts as his fingers twitch, picking up and blowing down the street in Ozzy's face. Glittering particles of silver dust mingle with the falling raindrops, rushing down the street faster and faster until the wind finally bowls the seething Ludicolo over. Just a little of the sparkling dust sticks to Silver's soaked body, and as he finally gets his feet back underneath him he can feel a bit of its energy flowing through him.

Ozzy picks himself up from the wet asphalt, taking just a few moments off to vent his spleen before resuming his attempted offensive. His fury begins to dissipate when his dancing hands choose their next attack. A wave of calm washes over the Ludicolo, pushing his anger out of his mind. Ozzy sits and, for once, is able to relax. There's no need for him to blow up just because the town hasn't, really. It's not as though he can really control what metronome summons. Better he just sit here and empty his mind, yes. When magma storm does decide to come--and it will come--he'll be much better prepared to rain fiery hell down upon the denizens of Fleet Town at full force. He closes his eyes and continues his meditation, having reached a greater understanding of his fickle mistress and ready to roll with whatever she gives him.

Then, without warning, everything before Ozzy explodes. Or implodes. Or both at the same time. The air, the asphalt, the sidewalk, the two storefronts on either side of the street, everything in the immediate vicinity begins to warp and twist horribly, squeezing together and then bloating out as it swirls and stretches in an utterly incomprehensible manner. The townsfolk not caught in the roiling spatial distortion scream and flee the scene for the safety of distant buildings or their own homes, carrying Negrek, Kusarigamaitachi and the referee along in their wild stampede--not that any of them were keen on remaining anywhere near the terrible vortex. Ozzy scrabbles backward in a panicked rush, his tranquility shattered and replaced by abject terror.

Silver alone stands strong in the middle of the street, tiny hands held high as they sway back and forth. He spreads his arms, lowers them to his sides and then brings them together in a swift clap. As if echoing his movements the vortex crushes inward, condensing into something like a thin blade before shooting forward and slamming into the unfortunate Ludicolo. Ozzy survives the impact with nothing more than a great deal of pain radiating across the front of his body, but as the spatial anomaly settles back down it is clear that the pokémart and the shoe store opposite it were not as lucky. The shoe store has been crushed inward like a soda can, once straight walls now concave. The pokémart, by contrast, isn't even standing--the familiar cheery blue roof is in three pieces on the ground, surrounded by the shattered glass, splintered timbers and fragmented human bodies the building spat out as it exploded. The street between Ozzy and Silver is cracked, the black asphalt buckled and broken under the intense pressure; a few Rattata, or things that used to be Rattata, lay in muddied red and purple pieces at the Togepi's feet.

The rain resumes its normal course straight down to the ground as sirens begin to blare in the background, filling the silence left when the Loudred and its companions vacated the scene. Screams can still be heard in the distance, coupled with an agonized moan or two from someone trapped within the compacted shoe store. Silver smiles. Now that's more like it.

Round Three: Close

Post-Round Stats

Kusarigamaitachi (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Ozzy (M) [Swift Swim]
Health: 76%
Energy: ∞
Status: Attack +1; oh god ;-;

Negrek (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Silver (M) [Serene Grace] @Soothe Bell
Health: 63%
Energy: ∞
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; Paralyzed (moderate); :D :D :D! How's that for a charlatan, huh?

Arena Status: Rain falls steadily over the dusty streets, creating rather a lot of mud. The Loudred's music has been replaced with wailing sirens and screaming people. The pokémart and shoe store lie in ruins, surrounded by broken wood and glass and bits and pieces of human and Pokémon remains; the street and sidewalk between the two buildings is badly cracked.

...yay. :D

Rain: Indefinite

Ref's Notes
-Ozzy's metronomed attacks: Fling ~ Discharge ~ Meditate
-Silver's metronomed attacks: Ember ~ Silver Wind ~ Spacial Rend
-Discharge paralyzed Silver, and then Silver Wind raised his stats.
-Fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, f--oh wait no Spacial Rend yay :D THANK YOU METRONOME SANTA
-Negrek attacks first next round.
Yes, that's right! The screeching of sirens and screaming of victims is sweet nectar to nourish your ~soul~, Silver. Let them have it!

Metronome x3
Fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, f--oh wait no Spacial Rend--oh wait it wasn't you. Really, now, letting Silver have the first legendary signature move of the battle? How can you live with the shame?

Fix it!

Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome
Kusarigamaitachi vs. Negrek, Round Four

Pre-Round Stats

Kusarigamaitachi (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Ozzy (M) [Swift Swim]
Health: 76%
Energy: ∞
Status: Attack +1; oh god ;-;
Ozzy's Commands: Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Negrek (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Silver (M) [Serene Grace] @Soothe Bell
Health: 63%
Energy: ∞
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; Paralyzed (moderate); :D :D :D! How's that for a charlatan, huh?
Silver's Commands: Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Arena: The Jolliest Place in Kutho!

More footpaths than roads, the streets of Fleet Town are peaceful and well-maintained. The plant life is simple but beautiful. Local shops and restaurants line the road on either side, spilling warm yellow light onto the street. Between two of these is a nearby alleyway with a tipped-over trash can, where mangy rattata hide or gather food. The store signs are noticeable but not gaudy or flashy, except for the particularly bright, colourful ice cream parlour sign.

The sky is thick and dark with clouds, and it is raining. The pavement is soaked, and the water collects in the gutters on the side of the road. A few puddles remain to splash in, revealing the usually-unnoticeable imperfections in the pavement, although none are more than an inch deep.

A ways behind Negrek is the pokemon centre, which still receives the amount of traffic the streets of Fleet Town are usually subject to. However, due to the downpour, the battlefield is mostly devoid of other human life. More distantly, those who wander the streets can find themselves at the pokemart or the market, both of which have several patrons despite the rain.

As no one was able to procure a radio for this battle, the techno music will come from a loudred provided by some nearby dancing teens.

Round Four: Begin

"Really, now, letting Silver have the first legendary signature move of the battle? How can you live with the shame? Fix it!" Indeed, Ozzy finds that he is having a very difficult time living with his shame. He can feel blood rising in his face and tears welling up in his eyes--no. No, he isn't going to cry, he tells himself. He's going to blast that impudent little eggamathing to hell and back with an epic rain of legendary fiery death. And at last, at long, long last, his patience is rewarded when he can feel his temperature rising with every wave of his hands. Surely the uncomfortable sensation of his internal water supply starting to boil means that a magma storm is on its way!

It is not the ground that erupts after a few seconds have elapsed, however, but the Ludicolo himself. Flames burst out from beneath his leaves and his sombrero, shooting up and out and twisting around into a towering inferno stretching several hundred feet above the street and its ruined storefronts. A thick plume of steam rises from the column of flame as the rain hits it, creating a whitish mushroom cloud that stretches out overhead; more flames shoot out to the sides, setting the grass and the broken planks on it alight.

Silver cries out as another column of flame rushes out of the Ludicolo's mouth and completely engulfs him. Wave after wave of unfathomably intense heat bowls the little Togepi over and sets several of the shattered two-by-fours behind him on fire. The falling rain that rushes in after Ozzy closes his beak soothes the injuries before the burns can do any lasting damage to his nerves, but Silver is still in a great deal of pain as he starts to stand up.

Well, damn, Ozzy thinks as the attack burns out and he watches the fires hiss and shrink in the downpour. Not bad, but... should've been more specific in my request for epic legendary fiery death.

Silver's own fingers, now blackened and slightly cracked, rock back and forth, but all the Togepi can summon is a sheet of water energy. He tries rushing across the scorched street and throwing himself into his opponent, but even with the heavy rainfall the waterfall barely damages Ozzy. The Ludicolo simply brushes the baby away with another sneer--what, no more spacial rend, big shot?--and begins his next attack.

Now with a very clear and definite magma storm in his mind, Ozzy waggles his fingers and waits for things to start heating up again. But fangs spring from his beak instead of flames this time, long mandibles made of pale, greenish energy that buzzes and hums faintly. Pouting at his anticlimactic follow-up, Ozzy reluctantly leans down and drives the faux mandibles into Silver's tender chest. His voracious nipping and nibbling does little more than sting Silver, but it does prove to be the final straw for the soothe bell hung around the Togepi's neck--the brittle and burnt bell shatters after the repeated gnawing, breaking into pieces with a final, pitiful tinkle.

Ozzy lets Silver up at length, allowing the disheartened Togepi to roll a short distance away over the asphalt. First he follows his awesome spacial rend with a wimpy waterfall, and now his pretty soothe bell is ruined? That simply doesn't fly with Silver, and he quickly picks himself up and gets his fingers going again. He starts to move backward as they twitch back and forth, his burnt skin and stiff limbs making the going difficult; Ozzy thinks he looks quite ridiculous, tripping and stumbling as he goes, but he takes a few steps back himself anyway. He doesn't like the look of that harsh white light emanating from Silver's burnt shell...

And he is quite right to be wary. For when Silver charges forward and barrels into Ozzy's stomach this time it is with a level of force that the Ludicolo never could have expected, even after the earlier surprise hammer arm. Both Pokémon fly backward down the street for several yards, passing the last sputters of a few fires Ozzy had started, before Ozzy lands hard on his back and has the last of his breath driven completely out of his body. He stares blankly up at his attacker, hyperventilating as he tries to draw breath. Where the heck did that come from?

Silver pushes himself off of the larger Pokémon and drops to the ground, panting slightly and starting to feel the stiffness in his limbs again now that the rush of adrenaline from the giga impact is wearing off. At least Ozzy took the hit pretty hard and seems to be stunned for now, but... the attack took a lot out of the little Togepi, that was for sure. He stops for just a moment to catch his own breath, confident that Ozzy will be down for quite a while.

Unfortunately for him, the next move Ozzy's metronome calls requires almost no movement on the water-type's part. A loud sizzling and crackling fills the air as electricity builds up in Ozzy's body and around his weakly-wagging fingers, and then another surge of energy flows out of him; this one is not quite as forceful as his previous discharge, but it sweeps out in a wide radius around him and gives Silver a painful jolt.

A sideways glance from his supine position on the asphalt tells Ozzy that Silver is running at him again, and he flinches and tries to roll to the side so that his bruised stomach might be spared a second blow. This time, however, Silver's attack lands with a lot less momentum and nowhere near as much pain. It doesn't even feel any worse than the waterfall, in fact. Ozzy lets his tense muscles relax as he continues to wheeze, allowing himself a raspy chuckle at the disappointed expression he's sure Silver is wearing.

Round Four: Close

Post-Round Stats

Kusarigamaitachi (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Ozzy (M) [Swift Swim]
Health: 42%
Energy: ∞
Status: Attack +1; winded and starting to give up hope of ever seeing his beloved magma storm again

Negrek (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Silver (M) [Serene Grace] @Soothe Bell
Health: 47%
Energy: ∞
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; Paralyzed (moderate); singed, crispy, and really missing spacial rend after that tackle

Arena Status: Rain falls steadily over the dusty streets, creating rather a lot of mud. The Loudred's music has been replaced with wailing sirens and screaming people. The pokémart and shoe store lie in ruins, surrounded by broken wood and glass and bits and pieces of human and Pokémon remains; the street and sidewalk between the two buildings is badly cracked. The street in a wide radius around Ozzy is scorched and blackened, and the grass and sidewalks on the street's sides are smoldering.

Rain: Indefinite

Ref's Notes
-Ozzy's metronomed attacks: Sacred Fire ~ Bug Bite ~ Shock Wave
-Silver's metronomed attacks: Waterfall ~ Giga Impact ~ Tackle
-Giga Impact scored a critical hit.
-So I'm assuming that Silver can no longer use the soothe bell to speed his evolution along... correct?
-Kusarigamaitachi attacks first next round.

Is that all you can manage? And now you're even losing!

... It's probably better than nothing. But we can't settle for anything less than a magma storm!

Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome
(( I think the soothe bell's effect should still apply, if it's going to regenerate at the end of the battle anyway. Although it is sort of interesting... even if you didn't thief/knock off your opponent's leftovers, for example, could you render them unusable for the rest of the battle by attacking them somehow? I think that might get a little silly, thus the ruling. ))

Giga impact, huh? Not too shabby. But look what he did you your pretty bell omfg. You can't let that go, can you?


Metronome x 3
Kusarigamaitachi vs. Negrek, Round Five

Pre-Round Stats

Kusarigamaitachi (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Ozzy (M) [Swift Swim]
Health: 42%
Energy: ∞
Status: Attack +1; winded and starting to give up hope of ever seeing his beloved magma storm again
Ozzy's Commands: Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Negrek (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Silver (M) [Serene Grace] @Soothe Bell
Health: 47%
Energy: ∞
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; Paralyzed (moderate); singed, crispy, and really missing spacial rend after that tackle
Silver's Commands: Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Arena: The Jolliest Place in Kutho!

More footpaths than roads, the streets of Fleet Town are peaceful and well-maintained. The plant life is simple but beautiful. Local shops and restaurants line the road on either side, spilling warm yellow light onto the street. Between two of these is a nearby alleyway with a tipped-over trash can, where mangy rattata hide or gather food. The store signs are noticeable but not gaudy or flashy, except for the particularly bright, colourful ice cream parlour sign.

The sky is thick and dark with clouds, and it is raining. The pavement is soaked, and the water collects in the gutters on the side of the road. A few puddles remain to splash in, revealing the usually-unnoticeable imperfections in the pavement, although none are more than an inch deep.

A ways behind Negrek is the pokemon centre, which still receives the amount of traffic the streets of Fleet Town are usually subject to. However, due to the downpour, the battlefield is mostly devoid of other human life. More distantly, those who wander the streets can find themselves at the pokemart or the market, both of which have several patrons despite the rain.

As no one was able to procure a radio for this battle, the techno music will come from a loudred provided by some nearby dancing teens.

Round Five: Begin

A few seconds of grunting and flailing sees Ozzy back on his feet, still panting a little and now looking more than a little desperate. The Ludicolo's face falls when his waving fingers don't seem to do anything at first, the only light and sound coming from the ambulances and fire trucks parked at either end of the scorched, debris-cluttered streets. But after a few more seconds another sound fills the air, a high-pitched buzzing that starts out faint but grows louder and louder as a moderate-sized swarm of tiny insects hums over the ruins of the pokémart. Ozzy watches in mild surprise as the black cloud of bees darts between the falling raindrops and surrounds him. Then, without warning, the buzzing stops and the bees drop to the ground almost as one, giving up their energy in the form of a greenish haze and transferring it to the water-type.

Silver gapes as he sees all of Ozzy's bruises vanish through the green haze, all of his handiwork--and his beautiful spacial rend!--disappearing in a matter of seconds after he fought tooth, nail and wiggling finger to put it there. His angry wishes that his next metronome put those injuries right back where they belong go unanswered, but his furious finger-wagging does summon a ball of light that stretches and solidifies into an egg that settles on the ground before him. Still pouting, the Togepi stumbles a few steps forward and bites into the softboiled egg, grumbling as he chews. His own scrapes and bruises fade away with each mouthful, leaving him still a little stiff but overall feeling quite refreshed.

But what good is feeling better if Ozzy isn't miserable? Silver leaves the last few bits of egg on the road at his feet and raises his arms for another metronome, but Ozzy is quicker on the draw. His fingers dance back and forth, his narrowed eyes glow purple, and all of a sudden Silver feels an odd tugging in the back of his mind. The tugging has no effect aside from the momentary discomfort, however, and so the Togepi returns his attention to his own attack. Dark, shadowy energy oozes from his eyes and darts across the street, surrounding Ozzy and giving him a little shock. The night shade dissipates quickly, however, leaving Ozzy more or less unscathed.

With the desperate look still in his eyes Ozzy rushes forward and snatches a surprised Silver up off of the ground, hefting his little body into the air with ease. A scowl crosses Ozzy's beak (where is magma storm) and he heaves Silver across the street, sending the Togepi a fair few yards before he crashes painfully into the ground. Silver struggles upright after bouncing to a halt, one or two new small cracks running along his shell after the old ones had closed, and waves his hands furiously. An ominous whirring sound makes itself heard over the blaring sirens, and as Silver takes a few purposeful steps forward Ozzy can see the falling rain scattering in the air right above one of the prongs on Silver's head. A long, thin horn of whitish energy grows out from the Togepi's forehead and spins faster and faster with each deliberate step toward the Ludicolo. The spinning horn looks dangerously solid, the drilling motion dangerously vicious... indeed, Ozzy thinks as he scuttles aside right as Silver charges, if the horn drill had actually hit him it probably would've torn his innards apart. As it is, however, his insides remain inside where he belong, and both he and Silver are left feeling sorry for themselves as they stand in the rain.

This stupid town is never going to blow up, is it?

Round Five: Close

Post-Round Stats

Kusarigamaitachi (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Ozzy (M) [Swift Swim]
Health: 90%
Energy: ∞
Status: Attack +1; relieved, but still rather depressed

Negrek (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Silver (M) [Serene Grace] @Soothe Bell
Health: 90%
Energy: ∞
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; Miracle Eye-locked (3 more actions) Paralyzed (mild); wtf I missed?! >|

Arena Status: Rain falls steadily over the dusty streets, creating rather a lot of mud. The Loudred's music has been replaced with wailing sirens and screaming people. The pokémart and shoe store lie in ruins, surrounded by broken wood and glass and bits and pieces of human and Pokémon remains; the street and sidewalk between the two buildings is badly cracked. The street in a wide radius around Ozzy is scorched and blackened, and the grass and sidewalks on the street's sides are smoldering.

Rain: Indefinite

Ref's Notes
-Ozzy's metronomed attacks: Heal Order ~ Miracle Eye ~ Seismic Toss
-Silver's metronomed attacks: Softboiled ~ Night Shade ~ Horn Drill
-Horn drill missed.
-Negrek attacks first next round.
-Next time on The Jolliest Place in Kutho: Disappointment follows disappointment as the battlers' hard work is erased and they fail to do anything of note to one another or to Fleet Town. Try as they might Ozzy and Silver simply cannot manage any more than a few small fires and two tiny ruined shops--such paltry destruction and minimal loss of life is negligible at best, and both egg and leafduck are spiraling into despair. But unbeknownst to the weary Pokémon, the long lost evil twin of the mild-mannered Negrek's Metronome Generator, Negrek's Shiny New Metronome Generator, has murdered its sibling and moved in to assume its identity! Will the referee be seduced by its newness and shininess and let it have its wicked way with the citizens of Fleet Town? Will its reign of terror see Ozzy reunited with his beloved Magma Storm? How many more crappy moves must the beleaguered battlers endure before one of them explodes with frustration? Tune in next year week for the next surprising episode of The Jolliest Place in Kutho!
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(( Hmmm... maybe infinite energy wasn't such a good idea... ))

Well, Silver, it's a bummer your horn drill missed (you didn't mention there would have been innards!) but it was a good try. Keep it up!

Metronome x3
Good. Now we have more chances to make something happen! (But if you can't, then show me Silver's innards. We can sacrifice them to the Willow spirits.)

You know the drill though fortunately not as well as Negrek would like.

Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome.
Kusarigamaitachi vs. Negrek, Round Six

Pre-Round Stats

Kusarigamaitachi (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Ozzy (M) [Swift Swim]
Health: 90%
Energy: ∞
Status: Attack +1; relieved, but still rather depressed
Ozzy's Commands: Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Negrek (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Silver (M) [Serene Grace] @Soothe Bell
Health: 90%
Energy: ∞
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; Miracle Eye-locked (3 more actions) Paralyzed (mild); wtf I missed?! >|
Silver's Commands: Metronome ~ Metronome ~ Metronome

Arena: The Jolliest Place in Kutho!

More footpaths than roads, the streets of Fleet Town are peaceful and well-maintained. The plant life is simple but beautiful. Local shops and restaurants line the road on either side, spilling warm yellow light onto the street. Between two of these is a nearby alleyway with a tipped-over trash can, where mangy rattata hide or gather food. The store signs are noticeable but not gaudy or flashy, except for the particularly bright, colourful ice cream parlour sign.

The sky is thick and dark with clouds, and it is raining. The pavement is soaked, and the water collects in the gutters on the side of the road. A few puddles remain to splash in, revealing the usually-unnoticeable imperfections in the pavement, although none are more than an inch deep.

A ways behind Negrek is the pokemon centre, which still receives the amount of traffic the streets of Fleet Town are usually subject to. However, due to the downpour, the battlefield is mostly devoid of other human life. More distantly, those who wander the streets can find themselves at the pokemart or the market, both of which have several patrons despite the rain.

As no one was able to procure a radio for this battle, the techno music will come from a loudred provided by some nearby dancing teens.

Round Six: Begin

The greenish glow around Ozzy's waving hands quickly spreads to his open beak and stretches out into a stream of emerald flames. Steam rises from the dragonbreath as the raindrops hit it, but they fail to extinguish the blaze before it washes over Silver and leaves him lightly singed all over again. Silver responds by stumbling forward and waving his arms wildly in front of him; Ozzy backs up just in case another unreasonably powerful fist comes his way, but all Silver does is brush his foe with the tips of his fingers. Ozzy snickers and snorts at the light tickles, momentarily letting his guard down. Ordinarily he'd try and keep a stonier face, but really, why not laugh? It's not as though Silver will really be able to do anything else worthwhile, even if he himself can't call on that magma storm he's being longing for.

Still chuckling even as Silver backs away with a dour expression on his face, Ozzy gives his fingers a little twirl and then holds them up to his mouth. He lets a thin stream of air pass out of his beak and through a tiny gap between his hands, producing a high-pitched whistle. The wailing of sirens still prevalent in the background makes the grasswhistle quite difficult for Silver to hear, though.

So does the rumbling of the streets beneath Ozzy's feet.

Silver's arms are up in the air, surrounded by a harsh red light. The ground continues to roar and shake for a few more seconds before the asphalt around Ozzy erupts violently. The screaming ludicolo disappears in a towering geyser of lava, and seconds later additional geysers burst free from the earth up and down the street. What was left of the compacted shoe store is incinerated in the blink of an eye. A few shrieking EMTs desert their ambulance mere moments before a plume of lava punches a hole through it and the unfortunate victim inside, the techs only making it few feet before another eruption consumes them as well. Fissure after fissure tears open the ground and allows more magma and fire to seep out into the open air. Water mains burst and send clouds of superheated steam skyward while gas lines explode sporadically. Silver's manic laughter joins the sound of explosions and renewed siren wails as Fleet Town disintegrates all around him.

The initial eruption relinquishes Ozzy and drops him onto the shattered pavement after dying down. Ozzy's tears of pain and sadness evaporate in the heat before they have a chance to well up and fall. No... no... my magma storm... my beautiful magma storm... The leafduck can barely bring himself to wave his fingers, and for a few moments it appears that his metronome has fizzled out ineffectually. But choked out by rising black smoke as they are, the rainclouds above are in fact darkening and growing heavier. A bolt of lightning hisses through sky and smog and strikes Silver dead-on, cutting his deranged howling short and riddling his body with electricity.

Even the vicious thunder does not spoil Silver's wonderful mood, however. A few seconds of laughing and erratic hand-waving tears more holes in the distressed ground, ripping out chunks of asphalt and buried stone and depositing them roughly on top of Ozzy. The rocks pin Ozzy to the remains of the street just in time to prevent him from escaping another smaller blast of lava. The blast dislodges most of the rocks holding the ludicolo down, but this is little consolation when the love of his life is still setting him on fire.

Round Six: Close

Post-Round Stats

Kusarigamaitachi (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Ozzy (M) [Swift Swim]
Health: 71%
Energy: ∞
Status: Defense -1, Speed-1; Trapped by Magma Storm (2 more actions); heartbroken, and also on fire

Negrek (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Silver (M) [Serene Grace] @Soothe Bell
Health: 76%
Energy: ∞
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; Paralyzed (mild); BURN BURN BURN BURN aaaahahahaHAHAHAHAAAAA

Arena Status: Silver's magma storm has torn right through Fleet Town. Fissures riddle the streets, issuing streams of molten rock and flame. Both sides of the street are now a blazing ruin, every single building completely decimated by the attack. Those few people not reduced to charcoal are screaming and fleeing the scene, trying (and sometimes failing) to dodge the bursts of fire and magma that still erupt sporadically here and there. Ozzy, still in the epicenter of the devastation, is surrounded by a constantly erupting ring of flame. The rain is still falling, but the intense heat coming from below is causing most of it to evaporate before it reaches the ground.

Rain: Indefinite

Ref's Notes
-Ozzy's metronomed attacks: Dragonbreath ~ Grasswhistle ~ Thunder
-Silver's metronomed attacks: Tickle ~ Magma Storm ~ Rock Tomb
-Grasswhistle missed (thank god). Now it's a party!
-dammit why couldn't Silver have not-parafailed like this on the last round of our battle fffff
-Kusarigamaitachi attacks first next round.
-Next time on The Jolliest Place in Kutho: The air in what's left of Fleet Town is thick with tension and smoke as Magma Storm makes her dramatic return... but in the arms of Silver, spurning her old flame Ozzy without a second thought. The dastardly Negrek's Shiny New Metronome Generator sits back and laughs, reveling in poor Ozzy's grief and the part it has played in causing his dreams to blow up in his face... and it isn't done yet! Will Magma Storm see the error of her ways and end her wild fling with Silver, and will Ozzy be able to bounce back from this betrayal? What of Silver's former lover, Draco Meteor, currently believed to be in a scandalous threesome with Aldonza and Judgment? What other horrors will the loose cannon Negrek's Shiny New Metronome Generator visit upon the battle, and how will Silver and Ozzy's fortunes shift? Tune in next year week for the next surprising episode of The Jolliest Place in Kutho!
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