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Mike the Foxhog vs. sreservoir


3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKOs, anything that may damage the arena
Arena: Dusky Bridge

A long, narrow, rickety old suspension bridge spanning the Eagle River, roughly long enough to take two actions to cross from one side to the other. The battle takes place in the middle of the bridge, with the trainers each positioned on opposing sides. A handrail will prevent Pokémon from falling or being knocked off. At the beginning of the third round, lightning will strikethe bridge, setting it on fire; Pokémon will have until the end of this round to escape the bridge to either end before it collapses, dumping any Pokémon still on it into the Eagle River. Anything that falls into the river cannot be reclaimed, so the Pokémon will be knocked out if this happens. The battle will then move to the cliffsides the bridge connected; if the Pokémon are on opposite sides, only projectile attacks will connect, and due to the distance they need to travel and the heavy snowfall obscuring the view across the canyon, these attacks' accuracy will be reduced by 25%. Alternatively, if they end up on the same side, obviously one will be very far away from their trainer and there is a 25% chance this Pokémon won't hear whatever commands it is given. On the sixth round, Godot and Detective Gumshoe will arrive to repair the bridge; anything that touches the bridge (accidentally or otherwise) between then and the time it is finished will cause Godot to throw a mug of scalding coffee at whoever touched it or used the attack that hit it, dealing 5% typeless damage, inflicting a burn, and reducing Defence by 1 level due to the cuts dealt by shattering china. By the ninth round, the bridge will be finished, and the events will repeat themselves from there onwards (lightning strike/bridge collapse on round 12, Godot and Gumshoe arrive on round 15, bridge is fixed on round 18, etc.)
Other notes: So as to not put undue strain on the already- unstable bridge, only Pokémon under 3 feet in height and 100lbs in weight may be used.

Mike the Foxhog's active squad:
- Hindenburg (Male Drifloon - Aftermath)
- Exabyte (Genderless Porygon - Download - Signature Move: Download Freeware - @Up-Grade)
- Godot (Male Shinx - Intimidate)
- Charlotte (Female Spinarak - Insomnia)
- Sho Minamimoto (Male Skelitten - Pressure - @Dusk Stone)
- Dalton (Male Nidoran - Poison Poin - @Moon Stone)
- Cruithne (Female Tsuki - Levitate - @Dawn Stone)
- Kay Faraday (Female Sneasel - Inner Focus - @Razor Claw)
- Phoenix Wright (Male Torchic - Blaze)
- Ema Skye (Female Eevee - Adaptability)

sreservoir's active squad:
- Vilya (Female Ralts - Synchronize - Signature Attribute: Envy of Birds)
- Nenya (Female Dratini - Shed Skin - Signature Attribute)
- Narya (Female Vulpix - Flash Fire)
- God (Genderless Porygon - Download)
- Star (Female Cleffa - Magic Guard)
- Pseudodino (Female Larvitar - Guts)

All but one Pokémon fit the restriction. The only one barred from participating is sreservoir's Aua the Myrid.

Seven R$1 coins have ordered me to make it this way:
- sreservoir sends out
- Mike the Foxhog sends out and issues commands
- sreservoir sends out
- I ref while trying to contain a desire to set Dusky Bridge on fire prematurely
Hm, Nenya only needs one more experience point to dragonair, so.


and can we drop meteors on the bridge? because that would be fun.
Yeah, sorry for that, it's a ridiculous rule :( But you can break out all the Draco Meteors you like after the bridge falls~

Well, if Nenya's getting an evolution so is one of my guys. Get out there, Kay :3
Ice Beam spam should do for now; swap to Ice Punch if it puts up a Light Screen and use Calm Mind if it protects or you can't attack it for any reason apart from a Substitute. (Lucky Dratini can't use any Fighting-type moves, they're not good for Sneasels.)

Ice Beam/Ice Punch/Calm Mind ~ Ice Beam/Ice Punch/Calm Mind ~ Ice Beam/Ice Punch/Calm Mind
ugh, ice moves. well. (what type does natural gift start as?)

EVASIVE TACTICS time: first thunder wave Kay, then make a ridiculously large number of clones by combining agility and double team if possible; if not possible, just double team and dragon dance.

thunder wave ~ (agility + double team ~ nothing) / (double team ~ dragon dance)

could you generate the type for Nenya's natural gift? I want to see how long (and how much energy) it'll take to turn that into a fighting-type move.
3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKOs, anything that may damage the arena
Other notes: So as to not put undue strain on the already- unstable bridge, only Pokémon under 3 feet in height and 100lbs in weight may be used.

Round 1

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Stable
Condition: Ready to have everyone witness the true power of a real, modern-day Robin Hood.
Commands: Ice Beam/Ice Punch/Calm Mind ~ Ice Beam/Ice Punch/Calm Mind ~ Ice Beam/Ice Punch/Calm Mind

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Natural Gift type: Psychic.
Condition: Hoping to get to use Natural Gift soon.
Commands: Thunder Wave ~ (Agility + Double Team)/(Double Team ~ Dragon Dance)

Arena: Dusky Bridge
A long, narrow, rickety old suspension bridge spanning the Eagle River, roughly long enough to take two actions to cross from one side to the other. The battle takes place in the middle of the bridge, with the trainers each positioned on opposing sides. A handrail will prevent Pokémon from falling or being knocked off. At the beginning of the third round, lightning will strikethe bridge, setting it on fire; Pokémon will have until the end of this round to escape the bridge to either end before it collapses, dumping any Pokémon still on it into the Eagle River. Anything that falls into the river cannot be reclaimed, so the Pokémon will be knocked out if this happens. The battle will then move to the cliffsides the bridge connected; if the Pokémon are on opposite sides, only projectile attacks will connect, and due to the distance they need to travel and the heavy snowfall obscuring the view across the canyon, these attacks' accuracy will be reduced by 25%. Alternatively, if they end up on the same side, obviously one will be very far away from their trainer and there is a 25% chance this Pokémon won't hear whatever commands it is given. On the sixth round, Godot and Detective Gumshoe will arrive to repair the bridge; anything that touches the bridge (accidentally or otherwise) between then and the time it is finished will cause Godot to throw a mug of scalding coffee at whoever touched it or used the attack that hit it, dealing 5% typeless damage, inflicting a burn, and reducing Defence by 1 level due to the cuts dealt by shattering china. By the ninth round, the bridge will be finished, and the events will repeat themselves from there onwards (lightning strike/bridge collapse on round 12, Godot and Gumshoe arrive on round 15, bridge is fixed on round 18, etc.)
Arena status: Unchanged.


Away from the artifical lights of the big cities, the night sky shines brighter. The glow of the moon and a weak torch or two proved enough for the two people that stood on one of the cliffsides to see decently. A third one soon arrived, coming from the horizon and stopping on the opposite side of the chasm.

Metallica Fanboy sent out his Aerodactyl and rode on it, using a megaphone to communicate with the trainers on either side of the old Dusky Bridge. With a reminder to refrain from using attacks that could break the arena, he ordered the trainers to send out.

From sreservoir's end, a deep blue, serpentine Pokémon entered the battlefield, gracefully but quickly crawling her way toward the center. Her opponent, making a swift sprint from the other side, was barely visible in the night because of her dark fur -- nonetheless, the bright yellow markings on her forehead and chest, as well as her three red tails and a similar crimson crest on the left ear, made it possible to detect her.

To the sound of retarctable claws being revealed, the referee signaled for the battle to commence.

With a leap upwards, Kay Faraday made the first move, gathering forces as she rose through the air. Once she began to fall, she blasted a ray of ice, narrowly missing Nenya's face, instead striking her tail.

The Dratini winced. If there is one thing most species of dragon despice, that would be low temperatures, and she was no exception. The chilly winds that raced along the cliffs were annoying enough, but that was absurd. As her foe landed, she unleashed an angry counterstrike in the form of a wave of electricity. Unfortunately for the attacker, it didn't seem to cause any visible damage; fortunately for her, though, it did throw off the victim's balance.

The Sneasel tried to keep attacking, but her muscles seemed to not share the same resolve, surrendering to the disruption caused by the electric pulse. The situation worsened, though, when the bridge began to shake wildly. That was caused by her enemy, who had began to run and move around wildly, with such speed that her image had become a large blur. Could that be some sort way to taunt the inability to move that Mike the Foxhog's Pokémon found herself in?

By the time the dragon pup was finished zooming around the battlefield, she no longer seemed to be a single dragon pup; rather, she became a legion, composed of eight blue serpents. Each one of them had no further orders to deal with, and thus, were left to emptily stare at the still unmoving foe.

Snow had been falling previously, but only lightly; now, it started to grow stronger. Strange noises came from sreservoir's side of the chasm -- a struggle, perhaps?

Round 1 – End

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 100%
Energy: 96%
Status: Paralyzed (Severe).
Condition: Struggling against her condition, but failing at it miserably.

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 83%
Energy: 87%
Status: Natural Gift type: Psychic. Speed 2+. Seven Double Team clones remain.
Condition: Wondering what's next.​

Arena status: Snow is falling on the battlefield (which has no effect whatsoever, outside maybe light increases or decreases to energy costs and damage caused).

Additional notes:
- Kay Faraday was fully paralyzed for the second and third actions.
- The Agility + Double Team combo was successful.
- I need more Kay Faraday quotes.
- sreservoir attacks first next round.
Last edited:
and I end up with a completely ineffective natural gift?

dragon dance, changing natural gift to fighting (NVE to psychic) as soon as possible, and natural gift the rest of the round.

if Kay tries any status moves, raise safguard (at normal priority).

dragon dance (NG -> fighting) / safeguard ~ dragon dance (NG -> fighting) / natural gift / safeguard x 2
Damn you RNG Gods.

Use Swift as soon as possible to clear those clones. Then wait to get hit with Natural Gift and use Avalanche. If you're fully paralysed just chill to try to clear it.

Swift/wait, then Avalanche/chill ~ Swift/wait, then Avalanche/chill ~ Swift/wait, then Avalanche/chill
3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKOs, anything that may damage the arena
Other notes: So as to not put undue strain on the already- unstable bridge, only Pokémon under 3 feet in height and 100lbs in weight may be used.

Round 2

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 100%
Energy: 96%
Status: Paralyzed (Severe).
Condition: Struggling against her condition, but failing at it miserably.
Commands: Swift/Avalanche/Chill ~ Swift/Avalanche/Chill ~ Swift/Avalanche/Chill

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 83%
Energy: 87%
Status: Natural Gift type: Psychic. Seven Double Team clones remain.
Condition: Wondering what's next.
Commands: Dragon Dance (Activate Signature Attribute; change Natural Gift to Fighting-type)/Safeguard ~ Natural Gift/Dragon Dance (Activate Signature Attribute; change Natural Gift to Fighting-type)/Safeguard ~ Natural Gift/Dragon Dance (Activate Signature Attribute; change Natural Gift to Fighting-type)/Safeguard

Arena: Dusky Bridge
A long, narrow, rickety old suspension bridge spanning the Eagle River, roughly long enough to take two actions to cross from one side to the other. The battle takes place in the middle of the bridge, with the trainers each positioned on opposing sides. A handrail will prevent Pokémon from falling or being knocked off. At the beginning of the third round, lightning will strikethe bridge, setting it on fire; Pokémon will have until the end of this round to escape the bridge to either end before it collapses, dumping any Pokémon still on it into the Eagle River. Anything that falls into the river cannot be reclaimed, so the Pokémon will be knocked out if this happens. The battle will then move to the cliffsides the bridge connected; if the Pokémon are on opposite sides, only projectile attacks will connect, and due to the distance they need to travel and the heavy snowfall obscuring the view across the canyon, these attacks' accuracy will be reduced by 25%. Alternatively, if they end up on the same side, obviously one will be very far away from their trainer and there is a 25% chance this Pokémon won't hear whatever commands it is given. On the sixth round, Godot and Detective Gumshoe will arrive to repair the bridge; anything that touches the bridge (accidentally or otherwise) between then and the time it is finished will cause Godot to throw a mug of scalding coffee at whoever touched it or used the attack that hit it, dealing 5% typeless damage, inflicting a burn, and reducing Defence by 1 level due to the cuts dealt by shattering china. By the ninth round, the bridge will be finished, and the events will repeat themselves from there onwards (lightning strike/bridge collapse on round 12, Godot and Gumshoe arrive on round 15, bridge is fixed on round 18, etc.)
Arena status: Snow is falling on the battlefield (which has no effect whatsoever, outside maybe light increases or decreases to energy costs and damage caused).


Yelled commands from both sides echoed over the chasm and into it; had someone been standing at the bottom, they would have been able to barely hear them. Then again, had someone been standing at the bottom, the powerful currents of the Eagle River would have swept them away effortlessly.

Still unable to escape the tight grip of paralysis, Kay Faraday sighed as the bridge began to rumble once more. It was tough to just relax when you feel like you're about to fall over because your opponent thinks it's funny or something to bounce and coil all over the place while seven illusions copy her movements.

Something was off about Nenya while she performed her own commands, though. Usually, when performing Dragon Dance, Pokémon don't gain brown auras, nor do their eyes release red light.

Still in the air, the Dratini legion began to charge an attack. Arranging themselves so as to form a semicircle, they unleashed eight bright brown beams. They all converged toward the target's chest, throwing the Sneasel backwards.

As the dark weasel rose back to her feet, once again mobile, she began wondering what the heck was that just now. It was like someone punched her. Hard. Nonetheless, now finally able to move once more, she gathered her energy and fired a wide-ranged flurry of star-shaped beams that flew through the clones until a real Nenya was struck, thus making every illusion left vanish.

Now, sreservoir's Pokémon could no longer rely on surprise, nor could she use her clones to throw the enemy's defences off, but she unleashed the brown beam once more. The great thief leapt around the guardrails in a desperate attempt to dodge, while for some reason allowing snow to gather over herself; nonetheless, the blast followed her, even taking sharp turns or flips as necessary.

Seeing no other option, she leapt above her foe and began using her ice-type powers to make the snow on her shoulders into a clump of icy rocks. The Natural Gift landed square, and thus, the stones furiously dropped from Kay Faraday to crash upon the dragon pup, giving her the displeasure of a terrible shivering sensation.

As both battlers laid down on the wildly shaking bridge, it started to rain. From a light drizzle quickly rose a downpour. A thunder strike narrowly missed the referee's Aerodactly, crashing down upon the river below instead.

Suddenly, Metallica Fanboy's cell phone rung.

"... What? A murder?"

Round 2 – End

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 86%
Energy: 96%
Status: Paralyzed (Severe).

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 64%
Energy: 74%
Status: Natural Gift type: Fighting. Attack 1+, Speed 3+.

Arena status: Snow is falling on the battlefield (which has no effect whatsoever, outside maybe light increases or decreases to energy costs and damage caused). Rain is also falling.

Additional notes:
- Kay Faraday was fully paralyzed on the first action.
- Mike the Foxhog steals the truth attacks first next round.
That round went an awful lot better than I expected.
Anyway, time to take advantage of those stat increases- start hitting her with Punishments. If she uses Natural Gift again, Spite it. If she protects/is unavailable for any reason except Substitutes, then get off the bridge. Then on the second action, get the hell off that bridge already- use Agility to get yourself back over to me if needs be. Then on the last action use Calm Mind, or if your paralysis is being a bitch you REALLY need to be getting back over here.

Punishment/Spite/get off the bridge (my side) ~ Agility (get off the bridge (my side)) ~ Calm Mind/Agility (get off the bridge (my side))
hm, let's take advantage of instruction gaps!

first, get of the bridge. since you should be around the middle, it should only take a single action; try to be "unavailable" to Kay; it shouldn't be hard, considering she's paralyzed. take an extra action if you need to. after that, shoot Natural Gifts at Kay.

get off the bridge (my side) ~ get off the bridge (my side) / natural gift ~ natural gift
3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKOs, anything that may damage the arena
Other notes: So as to not put undue strain on the already- unstable bridge, only Pokémon under 3 feet in height and 100lbs in weight may be used.

Round 3

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 86%
Energy: 96%
Status: Paralyzed (Severe).
Condition: Lying down, facing upwards.
Commands: Punishment/Spite/Leave bridge (Mike's side) ~ Agility (Leave bridge)(Mike's side) ~ Calm Mind/Agility (Leave bridge)(Mike's side)

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 64%
Energy: 74%
Status: Natural Gift type: Fighting. Attack 1+, Speed 3+.
Condition: Lying down, facing downards.
Commands: Leave bridge (sreservoir's side)(Evade Punishment) ~ Leave bridge (sreservoir's side)/Natural Gift ~ Natural Gift

Arena: Dusky Bridge
A long, narrow, rickety old suspension bridge spanning the Eagle River, roughly long enough to take two actions to cross from one side to the other. The battle takes place in the middle of the bridge, with the trainers each positioned on opposing sides. A handrail will prevent Pokémon from falling or being knocked off. At the beginning of the third round, lightning will strikethe bridge, setting it on fire; Pokémon will have until the end of this round to escape the bridge to either end before it collapses, dumping any Pokémon still on it into the Eagle River. Anything that falls into the river cannot be reclaimed, so the Pokémon will be knocked out if this happens. The battle will then move to the cliffsides the bridge connected; if the Pokémon are on opposite sides, only projectile attacks will connect, and due to the distance they need to travel and the heavy snowfall obscuring the view across the canyon, these attacks' accuracy will be reduced by 25%. Alternatively, if they end up on the same side, obviously one will be very far away from their trainer and there is a 25% chance this Pokémon won't hear whatever commands it is given. On the sixth round, Godot and Detective Gumshoe will arrive to repair the bridge; anything that touches the bridge (accidentally or otherwise) between then and the time it is finished will cause Godot to throw a mug of scalding coffee at whoever touched it or used the attack that hit it, dealing 5% typeless damage, inflicting a burn, and reducing Defence by 1 level due to the cuts dealt by shattering china. By the ninth round, the bridge will be finished, and the events will repeat themselves from there onwards (lightning strike/bridge collapse on round 12, Godot and Gumshoe arrive on round 15, bridge is fixed on round 18, etc.)
Arena status: Snow is falling on the battlefield (which has no effect whatsoever, outside maybe light increases or decreases to energy costs and damage caused). Rain is also falling.


Both trainers opened their mouthes, but something spoke louder than what they were about to say... Something that kept their mouthes open.

A thunder strike.

Metallica Fanboy initially thought to call sreservoir out on the grounds of having attacks used prematurely, but it actually seemed as though it was a natural bolt of lightning that set the bridge on fire -- specially because Nenya didn't seem to have been making the effort Thunder takes.

If Dusky Bridge looked like it was about to collapse before, now it sounded as though it was definetly going to collapse. Both trainers probably had better get their Pokémon out of there immediately.

Nonetheless, great trainers can keep their cool in tough situations. While the two battlers on the cliffs did seem slightly shaken up, they still focused on trying to keep or seize the upper hand in the ongoing duel.

Nenya immediately crawled her way toward her trainer's side of the bridge; Kay Faraday doggedly fought through her paralysis to give chase. Eventually, when they were standing on solid (albeit snow-covered) ground, the Sneasel began to launch wild, wide slashes, with a speech about the low, almost criminal strategies her opponent had been employing. Gleefully ignoring the lecture, though, the Punishment's target would merely keep on dodging and leaping backwards... Until a miscalculated duck got her hit on the backside.

The flames that ate the bridge away, though, said it was now time for Mike the Foxhog's Pokémon to return to him. She immediately began to sprint at top speed across the bridge. At one point, though, one of the frail wooden boards cracked... And a hole gapped the way. Seeing no other choice, the dark-furred weasel took a couple of steps back, then made a large leap.

Had she landed, another board would have been broken, leading to her fall; however, ironically, she was saved by her foe, because she was sent flying over the bridge upon being hit by a light brown beam of energy -- the infamous Natural Gift.

There was no time for judging how well the attack went, though, because it was being unleashed again. The blast's homing nature allowed it to cross the chasm effortlessly without missing the target across.

The constant heavy assault made it hard for Kay to calm down, but, fortunately, she ultimately managed to enter a state of deep thought, ignoring the world around her.

The rain and the blazes struggled against each other as much as the two creatures on the battlefield; a thin veil of steam made their clash clear. The fire came out as the victor, though, as the downpour subsided.

Mike the Foxhog's attention was caught by two spiky-haired young men having a discussion that ended with one of them, sporting a deep blue suit, making a run for the bridge. However, as soon as he stepped on it, it finally gave in. His fall into the waters of the Eagle River were a true statement of what would happen to the Pokémon should they have a similar fate; the trainers were relieved that this was not the case.

The other individual tried stretching out his hand down the gorge, but it was to no avail.


Round 3 – End

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 60%
Energy: 78%
Status: Speed 2+, Special Attack 1+, Special Defense 1+. Paralyzed (Moderate).
Condition: Wondering what's with the screams that keep disrupting her meditation.

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 46%
Energy: 64%
Status: Natural Gift type: Fighting. Attack 1+, Speed 3+.
Condition: Pitying the bloke in the blue suit who took the fall.​

Arena status: Snow is falling on the battlefield (which has no effect whatsoever, outside maybe light increases or decreases to energy costs and damage caused). The bridge has burned out and collapsed; thus, Pokémon must attack each other with projectiles.

Additional notes:
- Nenya didn't manage to altogether evade Punishment, but the energy cost did increase a good bit because of the additional required movement.
- sreservoir attacks first next round.
raise light screen if any swifts come; otherwise just chill.

chill / light screen x 3

incidentally, would dropping meteors on godot and detective qualigfy as arena destruction?
Dropping meteors on Godot would probably qualify as face destruction. As in, your own. (In seriousness I only meant "arena destruction" to include the completed bridge. While being built it's magically not weaker and more likely to collapse, so any surfaces, structures and people are fair game til we go back on there.)

...argh why is new Veekun being such a bitch and not saying Sneasel learns Moonlight any more :/ Ah well. Just work on buffing up your Special Attack, Kay.

Calm Mind ~ Calm Mind ~ Calm Mind
3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKOs, anything that may damage the arena
Other notes: So as to not put undue strain on the already- unstable bridge, only Pokémon under 3 feet in height and 100lbs in weight may be used.

Round 4

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 60%
Energy: 78%
Status: Speed 2+, Special Attack 1+, Special Defense 1+. Paralyzed (Moderate).
Condition: Wondering what's with the screams that keep disrupting her meditation.
Commands: Calm Mind ~ Calm Mind ~ Calm Mind

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 46%
Energy: 64%
Status: Natural Gift type: Fighting. Attack 1+, Speed 3+.
Condition: Pitying the bloke in the blue suit who took the fall.
Commands: Light Screen/Chill ~ Light Screen/Chill ~ Light Screen/Chill

Arena: Dusky Bridge
A long, narrow, rickety old suspension bridge spanning the Eagle River, roughly long enough to take two actions to cross from one side to the other. The battle takes place in the middle of the bridge, with the trainers each positioned on opposing sides. A handrail will prevent Pokémon from falling or being knocked off. At the beginning of the third round, lightning will strikethe bridge, setting it on fire; Pokémon will have until the end of this round to escape the bridge to either end before it collapses, dumping any Pokémon still on it into the Eagle River. Anything that falls into the river cannot be reclaimed, so the Pokémon will be knocked out if this happens. The battle will then move to the cliffsides the bridge connected; if the Pokémon are on opposite sides, only projectile attacks will connect, and due to the distance they need to travel and the heavy snowfall obscuring the view across the canyon, these attacks' accuracy will be reduced by 25%. Alternatively, if they end up on the same side, obviously one will be very far away from their trainer and there is a 25% chance this Pokémon won't hear whatever commands it is given. On the sixth round, Godot and Detective Gumshoe will arrive to repair the bridge; anything that touches the bridge (accidentally or otherwise) between then and the time it is finished will cause Godot to throw a mug of scalding coffee at whoever touched it or used the attack that hit it, dealing 5% typeless damage, inflicting a burn, and reducing Defence by 1 level due to the cuts dealt by shattering china. By the ninth round, the bridge will be finished, and the events will repeat themselves from there onwards (lightning strike/bridge collapse on round 12, Godot and Gumshoe arrive on round 15, bridge is fixed on round 18, etc.)
Arena status: Snow is falling on the battlefield (which has no effect whatsoever, outside maybe light increases or decreases to energy costs and damage caused). The bridge has burned out and collapsed; thus, Pokémon must attack each other with projectiles.


Metallica Fanboy answered one further call. Good news -- they sent over a detective to look for the murderer that still roamed free, and to maybe fix the bridge while they're at it.

It then hit the referee that he never did warn the trainers about what he was told earlier. He made the announcement: shortly before the bridge caught on fire, a prosecutor called him to report that someone had been found dead. No other details were disclosed, which is quite logical, since the investigation had yet to start, and this sort of detail is not meant to be leaked anyway.

The thought that a killer was on the loose was rather disturbing. The trainers were clearly taken aback, but, nonetheless, they refused to neglect the battle and issued their commands as per usual.

Not much happened. For several minutes, Nenya simply stood by resting, while Kay Faraday once more tapped into a state of deep focus, this time without being disturbed.

Sirens could be heard from afar. It seemed as though the precint had reacted with amazing speed. Or perhaps they simply took a while to send the news over, and the detective was already on the way.

The announcement about the roaming criminal heightened the attention of everyone to the area. Suddenly, the three involved in the duel took notice of a severed support cable from the bridge and a bloodstained jewel not too far away from Mike the Foxhog, as well as tire tracks on the snow which were slowly hidden by the still falling, aforementioned snow. They preferred to leave the evidence undisturbed for the time being.

Round 4 – End

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 60%
Energy: 69%
Status: Speed 2+, Special Attack 4+, Special Defense 4+. Paralyzed (Moderate).
Condition: Deeply focused.

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 46%
Energy: 94%
Status: Natural Gift type: Fighting. Attack 1+, Speed 3+.
Condition: Enjoying the break.​

Arena status: Snow is falling on the battlefield (which has no effect whatsoever, outside maybe light increases or decreases to energy costs and damage caused). The bridge has burned out and collapsed; thus, Pokémon must attack each other with projectiles.

Additional notes:
- With commands like these, you were definetly in for a short reffing.
- Mike the Foxhog attacks first next round.
Well, time to put those Sp-Atk increases to good use. Start with Hail, then start throwing Blizzards across the canyon. If Nenya is ordered to do anything to change the weather, forget that and use Ice Beams instead. And if she Protects altogether, use Swords Dance I guess.
And aim carefully!

Hail/Ice Beam/Swords Dance ~ Blizzard/Ice Beam/Swords Dance ~ Blizzard/Ice Beam/Swords Dance
since getting hit by blizzards kind of sucks as a dragon, set up light screen, changing natural gift to steel. don't let Kay use those spa increases - haze them away. you'll lose your dragon dances, too, but. then natural gift for the secondary type.

light screen ~ haze ~ natural gift

somebody really needs to check sig attributes for balance concerns. ideally 1/2 damage from a normally-super-effective attack ftw.
3v3 single
Style: Set
DQ: standard week
Damage cap: 30%
Banned moves: OHKOs, anything that may damage the arena
Other notes: So as to not put undue strain on the already- unstable bridge, only Pokémon under 3 feet in height and 100lbs in weight may be used.

Round 5

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 60%
Energy: 69%
Status: Speed 2+, Special Attack 4+, Special Defense 4+. Paralyzed (Moderate).
Condition: Deeply focused.
Commands: Hail/Ice Beam/Swords Dance ~ Blizzard/Ice Beam/Swords Dance ~ Blizzard/Ice Beam/Swords Dance

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 46%
Energy: 94%
Status: Natural Gift type: Fighting. Attack 1+, Speed 3+.
Condition: Enjoying the break.
Commands: Light Screen (Activate Signature Attribute; change Natural Gift to Steel-type) ~ Haze ~ Natural Gift

Arena: Dusky Bridge
A long, narrow, rickety old suspension bridge spanning the Eagle River, roughly long enough to take two actions to cross from one side to the other. The battle takes place in the middle of the bridge, with the trainers each positioned on opposing sides. A handrail will prevent Pokémon from falling or being knocked off. At the beginning of the third round, lightning will strikethe bridge, setting it on fire; Pokémon will have until the end of this round to escape the bridge to either end before it collapses, dumping any Pokémon still on it into the Eagle River. Anything that falls into the river cannot be reclaimed, so the Pokémon will be knocked out if this happens. The battle will then move to the cliffsides the bridge connected; if the Pokémon are on opposite sides, only projectile attacks will connect, and due to the distance they need to travel and the heavy snowfall obscuring the view across the canyon, these attacks' accuracy will be reduced by 25%. Alternatively, if they end up on the same side, obviously one will be very far away from their trainer and there is a 25% chance this Pokémon won't hear whatever commands it is given. On the sixth round, Godot and Detective Gumshoe will arrive to repair the bridge; anything that touches the bridge (accidentally or otherwise) between then and the time it is finished will cause Godot to throw a mug of scalding coffee at whoever touched it or used the attack that hit it, dealing 5% typeless damage, inflicting a burn, and reducing Defence by 1 level due to the cuts dealt by shattering china. By the ninth round, the bridge will be finished, and the events will repeat themselves from there onwards (lightning strike/bridge collapse on round 12, Godot and Gumshoe arrive on round 15, bridge is fixed on round 18, etc.)
Arena status: Snow is falling on the battlefield (which has no effect whatsoever, outside maybe light increases or decreases to energy costs and damage caused). The bridge has burned out and collapsed; thus, Pokémon must attack each other with projectiles.


A good omen was perhaps signaled by two coincidental good events occouring in immediate sequence. Just as soon as the snowstorm finally stopped, the police's envoy arrived. Dressed in a deeply soiled coat, the broad bodied detective asked for the battlers' testimony. The three corroborated that they may have heard signs of a struggle but it was unlikely, and that, when the bridge caught on fire, everyone was too focused on the safety of the Pokémon that they would probably not notice anyhting else occour until it collapsed.

Before parting back -- to the crime scene, perhaps -- he emphatically asked that the trainers not "mess with the evidence, pal." One way or the other, it was a great relief to know that there would soon be no killer running free around the mountain... Wouldn't it? Regardless, the commands were made.

Just when the snow stopped -- maybe just because that would be in total violation of the scruffy officer's request -- new debris from the sky came along. Kay Faraday had used her ice-type powers to summon a hailstorm.

Meanwhile, on the other side, surrounded by a metallic gray aura that almost looked solid, Nenya used her mind's powers to erect a dome-shaped barrier around herself. As the glow faded away, she took a deep breath from the chilly air of the mountains to spew a dark fog. Covering the enormous battlefield took a lot of effort, but once it was done, she felt herself purified, albeit with a lower pace.

The haze reached even Mike the Foxhog's side, ennervating his Pokémon into losing the focus she had spent the entire previous round building. Taking careful aim, she sucked in a great amount of the cold winds, and spit them back at full speed across the chasm. The hailstorm only helped the freezing blast's range increase; there was no dodging it, even though about half of the air current was blown off by the Light Screen.

Speaking of freezing, that was the fate dealt upon the Dratini's entire body save for the head. She struggled against the frost, but it had relentlessly clung to her skin. Deeply frustrated, she angrily fired a gray beam back at her opponent.

The counterstrike led to a counter counterstrike, though, as the Sneasel across blew one more massive storm of snow and cold gales. Like before, some petered out upon reaching the aphysical barrier, but the remainder struck the target on the head, finishing the job of turning the blue, serpetine Pokémon into a draconic popsicle.

While one trainer celebrated and other one cursed, the third man involved in the match flew over to the cliff's edge, intending to talk somebody who had just arrived -- once more, it was the detective. With a grin over his stubble, he announced that there was an arrest. At last, a fight could be held peacefully. According to the police officer, though, it seems that people other than sreservoir have been trapped across the Eagle River, and thus, it was time for the bridge to see itself fixed.

Round 5 – End

Mike the Foxhog (OOO)
Currently out: Kay Faraday

Female Sneasel
Ability: Inner Focus
Holding: Razor Claw
Health: 51%
Energy: 51%
Status: Paralyzed (Moderate).
Condition: Having a break from trying to aim through the haze.

sreservoir (OOO)
Currently out: Nenya
Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin
Signature Attribute
Health: 23%
Energy: 75%
Status: Natural Gift type: Steel. Completely frozen. Light Screen up (12 more actions).
Condition: Well, she must be cold.​

Arena status: Hail is falling on the battlefield (12 more actions); the snowing is over. A thick fog is hanging over both cliffsides (6 more actions). The bridge has burned out and collapsed; thus, Pokémon must attack each other with projectiles.

Additional notes:
- Both Blizzards successfully froze Nenya. What the hell, RNG.
- sreservoir attacks first next round.
:/ that is all.

if you can possibly rest in the ice, do so. otherwise, do it at the end of the round. activate shed skin.

rest / active use of shed skin ~ active use of shed skin / (continuation of shed skin) ~ (continuation of shed skin) / rest
*seizes Gummy to use as a good luck charm*

Keep it up, 'kay, Kay? :) Calm Mind until she uses Rest, then start throwing Blizzards again.

Calm Mind/Blizzard ~ Calm Mind/Blizzard ~ Calm Mind/Blizzard
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