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Nova Blast

It's me, again, but my girlfriend will use my account to help explain some things about myself for me. So just read this until before you do ANYTHING. And she's right here.

Everything in this post below this line is her:

"So, y'all think you can ban my boyfriend for such a dumbass reason? Well I got a message for you motherfuckers! If you piss him off here ever again, I'll make you pay. Don't like it? Kiss my black ass! Kay? My boyfriend's a nice guy in real life, but if you get him angry, he's probably the kinda guy to hold a grudge. And he's sorry for all the shit he's done, and if you ban him right on the spot this time, I will hunt you down and hurt you so bad you'll wish you were dead. But I'm not the type of chick to kill anybody, so I'll make you suffer by letting you live. Got it?"
I'm slightly curious as to how this (clearly fake) threat will work. I mean how can one person hunt down a whole community of several hundred (thousand?) people - who live across several continents - based purely on a small piece of text detailing their country, maybe state or county? I probably shouldn't post this, but never mind.
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