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  • Heeeeeeeey Hadro~

    Firstly, I think you posted a VM on your own account there - you click the link that says 'view conversation' first then post your message.

    Secondly: you're on ASB, yes? And you like battles, especially ones that are highly amusing, right? Then do I have a proposal for you.
    Now, I have this random-generation-script lying around that I can hardly ever use, since I don't often need to take a random move from a Pokémon's movepool. Also, I really like reffing these kinds of battles. So I propose the following:

    You post the following in the challenge board.

    "This is for Squornshellous Beta to ref.

    1v1 Single
    Style: Set
    DQ: 7 days
    Damage Cap: 50%
    Banned moves: Anything goes baby!
    Arena: Some dive in an indeterminate location

    Just some indeterminate bar in the city, this place smells heavily of alcohol, BO and piss. (Don't even -try- the bathrooms.) The patrons are at best drunkard bums and better described as imbibed apes, and the liquor they serve will set off radiological alarms. So what kind of battlefield is this?
    Well, apparently when two trainers get drunk they find it to be a good idea to get their Pokémon drunk, as well. Noone really knows why, but it's probably in a similar vein to beer goggles. Of course, neither trainer is in much of a state to issue commands, and their Pokémon will soon be in no state to listen.

    Upon being chosen each Pokémon is served gratuitous amounts of alcohol and set off on their way to have a go at each other.. if they can stay on their feet. The barkeep is about as apathetic to this, it seems, as to any other bar fight; and trust they're common.
    Moves are selected completely random, similar to Metronome, from the Pokémon's available move pool. Any move may be used, included OHKO's, however should they hit they cannot break the damage cap and will deal an instant 50% tops.
    Both Pokémon being lit off their arses will have an inflated ego and a boosted pain tolerance; essentially giving them both 150% HP and letting them go longer.
    The bar is full of rickety and amusingly destructible objects, as well; and arena damage will become apparent. Apparently, the barkeep doesn't take into consideration supernatural powers. Hopefully soon he will~

    Now, bar patrons will probably crowd around and chant a drunken Fight! chant; they may also throw things or get aggressive. Every action there is a 1% chance of a miffed patron trying to start a bar fight with one of the Pokémon, in which case they will lose their action that turn and take 5% untyped damage to knock the sucker out.
    Bottles may also find themselves flying at either competitor, and each action there is also a 1% chance of an errant flying object hurling into the ring. Of course, aim is questionable, as is the actual contents of the bottles. There is a 15% chance of is containing more drink that will restore 5% HP to the Pokémon who catches it (Whether with their hand or their face), a 15% chance of it restoring 5% Energy, and a 20% chance of it dealing 3% untyped damage. Finally, at a 50% chance it will miss outright.

    And finally, in this state the competitors will be less than capable of holding a steady battle. Every action there is a 5% chance of either Pokémon falling victim to temporary negative effects. There is an equal chance of one of four actions happened:

    Falling asleep: The Pokémon will completely nod out, lowering both its defences by 3 stages until awoken and waking up after either 3 actions or after being struck by an offensive move.

    Vomiting: The Pokémon will empty its stomach.. all over their opponent's face. This will totally gross their opponent out, and lower their defences by 3 stages for 3 actions.

    Falling over: The Pokémon will completely lose its balance and fall right on its arse, causing them to lose that action and be inflicted with mild confusion.

    Punchdrunk Swing: The Pokémon will forgo its supernatural powers in favour of slugging their opponent in the face. This will deal 5% untyped damage at 70% accuracy."

    And then we wait for someone to accept the challenge, and then I ref it. Does that sound like an okay proposal?
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