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Search results

  1. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    3vs3 single Style: Switch DQ: Standard week Damage Cap: 50% Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills limited to 5/pokémon Arena: World Thread The 'World Thread' is what keeps all dimensions, planes and worlds connected, all watched after by a gathering of Gods within a tower. They fight against those that...
  2. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take ya on
  3. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    Bring it
  4. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    Sweet. Sunflower said she's cool with it too (She's sitting right next to me...seriously. She's right there. I can poke her) So this is all set I guess I'm meaning the one where there are three trainers. Why do you ask.
  5. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    ....well that was fast. Would you guys be alright with it being Triples instead then?
  6. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    3vs3 single Style: Switch DQ: Standard week Damage Cap: 30% Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills limited to 5/pokémon Arena: Truffula Tree Forest Strange trees had started to grow rapidly on the outskirts of Asber, drawing all from their usual humdrum activities to see the beautiful oddity that has...
  7. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    A battle issue for Sunflower~ 5vs5 Single Style: Set DQ: 7 Days Damage Cap: None Banned Moves: N/A Arena: IMAGINAAAAAAAAAAAAATION It's just an empty box. An arena-sized empty cardboard box. As if by some magic of imagination, anything necessary for an attack will appear if needed. (Yes I'm...
  8. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    Hm...you know what. I'll take you on.
  9. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    Sup. Accepting challenge and all
  10. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

  11. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    I'll takeKusarigamaitachi vs Coloursfall's battle. Thread will be up in a moment.
  12. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    Battle get
  13. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    Derp derp taking it
  14. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    This is for Zora 2vs2 single Style: Switch DQ: Standard week Damage Cap: 30% Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills limited to 5/pokémon Arena: Endless Plains The Endless Plains is a mystery in itself, only appearing in the dreams of pokemon and humans alike that wish to have a nice peaceful place to...
  15. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    ...now you know I'm a glutton for punishment. I'll take ya on for a simple fight!
  16. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    I seem to hate free time. I'll ref 'Grate Aural Sects and Pathos vs OrngSumb and Sweet Silver Nightmare' *waves to her free time as it dies*
  17. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    Here we go, into the madness
  18. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    Challenge for Cherry. I think is time we had another round of fights...gotta keep our rival image alive, don't we~ 3vs3 single Style: Switch DQ: Standard week Damage Cap: 30% Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills limited to 5/pokémon Arena: Brightmoon Tor Brightmoon Tor is a mind-bendingly tall tower...
  19. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    I'm in, you knew I would be. In the name of the Moon...
  20. Sylph

    The Challenge Board

    A challenge for Dark Shocktail 1v1 Single Style: Set DQ: 7 days Damage Cap: 50% Banned moves: OHKO Arena: The Plains Where Nothing Happens In this arena, nothing really goes on. Peaceful and trapped in time, many have seen this place to be a fairly easy place for a relaxed battle between two...
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