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Search results

  1. Luxcario

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take this.
  2. Luxcario

    The Challenge Board

    Sorry ILS, our battle is so old and I really wanted to put up this challenge so I'm dropping it. (ILS = I liek Squirtles) 3vs3 Style: Set Damage Cap: 33% DQ: 6 days Banned Moves: OHKOs Arena: Mushroom World A strange place full of huge mushrooms that people and Pokemon can stand on with ease...
  3. Luxcario

    The Challenge Board

    After dropping vs. Aethelstan, I have vs. Cubone (in progress) and vs. ILS (awaiting a ref) so I have a slot for this. 3vs3 single Style: set DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: 5% Banned moves: OHKOs, Flying-type moves, Ground-type moves Arena: Distortion World At the Spear Pillar of Mt. Coronet, a great...
  4. Luxcario

    The Challenge Board

    Actually, dropped.
  5. Luxcario

    The Challenge Board

    Reserved for ILS 5vs5 DQ: 5 days Damage Cap: 10% Banned Moves: OHKOs (I figured ILS would be okay if I did the arena) Arena: The Sky MOOF! Yes, that's right. The battle is...up in the clouds. There are several mountains dotted around, connected by bridges of ice, but if a Fire move is used on a...
  6. Luxcario

    The Challenge Board

    I'll accept this!
  7. Luxcario

    The Challenge Board

    2vs2 single Style: set DQ: 7 days Damage cap: 35% Banned moves: OHKOs Arena: Cold Storage Driftveil City's very own Cold Storage. The floor is iced over and crates are stacked high up in piles, some touching the roof. Some crates are even iced over. I will probably lose, seeing as this is the...
  8. Luxcario

    The Challenge Board

    Original? (Think that must mean Negrek's post.)
  9. Luxcario

    The Challenge Board

    What a surprise - I'm new at ASB too. Let's see if we can get a battle fixed up.
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