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Search results

  1. allitersonance

    Reffing Discussion

    Yes, actually doing it as a ref generally has the math being the ridiculously easy part, with writing taking much longer, but depending on how convoluted the round actually is, it could get complex. Something like the BFA would be a nightmare to coordinate between two people, and if the...
  2. allitersonance

    Reffing Discussion

    Keep in mind that, coming first, doing the math most likely won't be the easy bit where you use Negrek's handy calculator and subtracting from the pokémon's health/energy. It'd include all rolls for accuracy/effects, etc, as well as figuring out what actually happens, interpreting the commands...
  3. allitersonance

    Reffing Discussion

    But an EXP Share makes it easier to funnel some EXP to the pokémon who need it the most, and a lucky egg doubles the fun for the pokémon already ready to play. Buy one today! /advertisement Since it's treated as a standard battle other than not taking up a slot and a few differences on the...
  4. allitersonance

    Reffing Discussion

    If there is a prize involved, the tutor should be encouraged to try to win, because winning the prize should not be easy. If it's an easy battle, then the usual exp and money from winning would be enough. (Otherwise, it also runs into the problem of but what if they really suck and sometimes...
  5. allitersonance

    Reffing Discussion

    Encouraging strategic thinking is beneficial for both people who matter. The challenger gets a taste of doing things other than recognising STAB and type match-ups, while the referee has to deal with more varied situations than flamethrower x3. But a little bit of beating of faces should be...
  6. allitersonance

    Reffing Discussion

    The challenger is going to be subject to the damage caps too. The point is to not be cruel to them. Lower damage caps would encourage a bit more in the way of strategy, setting up things rather than going for the "I will beat in your face" route, gets the challenger and prospective ref both...
  7. allitersonance

    Reffing Discussion

    With how much rare candies are being sold for now, I think they might be too good a prize. (Was that seriously an offer to pay $132 on one, Windyragon? I have two.) I'm also in agreement with Mai re: rigged battles. The battles could canonically (we have a canon now, okay) be in the holo-deck...
  8. allitersonance

    Reffing Discussion

    Getting the round PMed to you ahead of time was sort of meant to be separate, if it's a mentor looking over but not participating in the battle; it wouldn't be as transparent or useful for others who'd want to look at how the mentoring goes, but it'd be potentially less messy if there are a lot...
  9. allitersonance

    Reffing Discussion

    If a blend of #1 and #3 was made - not a mock battle per se, but the prospective ref would take a short battle in which one or both battlers are advanced/elite referees - that could also be an option. They'd battle as normal and would be primed to pick up on mistakes, but it's not as intensive...
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