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  1. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    6.5/10 - I did enjoy the percussion, as well as the ethereal synths, if not the folk-y elements and sometimes squealy vocal delivery- which is odd because I listen to MGMT. hm. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Moya
  2. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    Yeah, stuff like this isn't really... my thing... 3/10 Florence and the Machine - Girl With One Eye
  3. Aletheia

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    7/10 That was... surprisingly good. Amboog-a-Lard - Disease
  4. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    8/10 Slipknot's usually a bit heavy for my tastes, but this one's alright. We need some ska up in here. Streetlight Manifesto - Here's to Life
  5. Aletheia

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    8/10 Great beat and elating singing. the lyrics are pretty cool too Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids - Chalkboard Girl
  6. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    10/10 I dind't even have to click that link. Amazing song, though it's more journey than song at times. Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box
  7. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    6/10 It's okay, but a bit monotone. Pleasantly uplifting. She Wants Revenge - Maybe She's Right (oh my god I can't stop listening to this album *looks around frantically for more MM live shows*)
  8. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    It's... nice. Nothing special, but I like it. Rushing guitars and stuff. 7/10 (I'm the best music critic ever) Some of you may remember this one.
  9. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    Adore that beat. Swaggery. Iunno. Good stuff. 7.5/10 (and oh god piano :D) Skrillex - Rock N Roll (Will Take You to the Mountain)
  10. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    Whee Disturbed~ 8/10 Hey, let's play a game called "Rate the song in Star's user title." Ready? Go.
  11. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    I do love those guitars. 7.5/10 She Wants Revenge - Take the World
  12. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    You keep serving up these musical journeys that go from smooth silky little melodies to a descending spiral of glory. Or something I dunno man but I like it. 9/10 Goldfrapp - Felt Mountain
  13. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    10/10 Oh. My. Lord. That was amazing. I... don't think I'll be able to do that justice. But I can try. Pink Floyd - The Great Gig in the Sky
  14. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    Mm. I like the feeling of it. Nice and loungy. 8/10 The Black Eyed Peas - Sexy
  15. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    Read the title and went, "Hey, this isn't that song, is it?" But it was. And I liked it. 7/10 Marilyn Manson - Obsequey (The Death of Art) That's emo too, methinks. EXCEPT WE DON'T LABEL OURSELVES >:( >:( *Star cuts himself and commences writing awful poetry*
  16. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    Mm. Pleasantly rocking. 8/10 Hey, how do you guys like emo? :D Dashboard Confessional - Stolen
  17. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    what are you kidding that's the best part I'm too offended to rate.
  18. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    Oh man. Super Ponybeat is always amazing- this just happens to not be one of his favorite songs. Vocals are nice though. 7/10 I'll just go ahead and post what I was listening to before I rated that song because I'm too lazy. Marilyn Manson - Use Your Fist and Not Your Mouth
  19. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    Manson's cover isn't too bad either. Not too shabby- it's a nice little rock song, but nothing all that notable about it. 6/10 Foster the People - Warrant
  20. Aletheia

    Rate the song above you

    <3 Right, uh! Not a particularly big fan of The Guess Who but this had some nice guitar parts- or maybe I'm just a sucker for anything that involves acoustic guitars- and I absolutely love the vocalist. 8/10. She Wants Revenge - Take the World (music video is bess thing) Scratch that, let's...
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